# # iutil.py - generic install utility functions # # Erik Troan # # Copyright 1999-2003 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import types, os, sys, isys, select, string, stat, signal import os.path from flags import flags import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") def getArch (): arch = os.uname ()[4] if (len (arch) == 4 and arch[0] == 'i' and arch[2:4] == "86"): arch = "i386" if arch == "sparc64": arch = "sparc" if arch == "ppc64": arch = "ppc" if arch == "s390x": arch = "s390" return arch def getfd(filespec, readOnly = 0): if type(filespec) == types.IntType: return filespec if filespec == None: filespec = "/dev/null" flags = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT if (readOnly): flags = os.O_RDONLY return os.open(filespec, flags) def execWithRedirect(command, argv, stdin = 0, stdout = 1, stderr = 2, searchPath = 0, root = '/', newPgrp = 0, ignoreTermSigs = 0): if not searchPath and not os.access (root + command, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run" childpid = os.fork() if (not childpid): if (root and root != '/'): os.chroot (root) os.chdir("/") if ignoreTermSigs: signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) stdin = getfd(stdin) if stdout == stderr: stdout = getfd(stdout) stderr = stdout else: stdout = getfd(stdout) stderr = getfd(stderr) if stdin != 0: os.dup2(stdin, 0) os.close(stdin) if stdout != 1: os.dup2(stdout, 1) if stdout != stderr: os.close(stdout) if stderr != 2: os.dup2(stderr, 2) os.close(stderr) try: if (searchPath): os.execvp(command, argv) else: os.execv(command, argv) except OSError: # let the caller deal with the exit code of 1. pass os._exit(1) if newPgrp: os.setpgid(childpid, childpid) oldPgrp = os.tcgetpgrp(0) os.tcsetpgrp(0, childpid) status = -1 try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError, (errno, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg if newPgrp: os.tcsetpgrp(0, oldPgrp) return status def execWithCapture(command, argv, searchPath = 0, root = '/', stdin = 0, stderr = 2, catchfd = 1, closefd = -1): if not searchPath and not os.access (root + command, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run" (read, write) = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if (not childpid): if (root and root != '/'): os.chroot (root) os.dup2(write, catchfd) os.close(write) os.close(read) if closefd != -1: os.close(closefd) if stdin: os.dup2(stdin, 0) os.close(stdin) if stderr == sys.stdout: stderr = sys.stdout.fileno() else: stderr = getfd(stderr) if stderr != 2: os.dup2(stderr, 2) os.close(stderr) if (searchPath): os.execvp(command, argv) else: os.execv(command, argv) os._exit(1) os.close(write) rc = "" s = "1" while (s): select.select([read], [], []) s = os.read(read, 1000) rc = rc + s os.close(read) try: os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError, (errno, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg return rc def copyFile(source, to, pw = None): f = os.open(source, os.O_RDONLY) t = os.open(to, os.O_RDWR | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT) if pw: (fn, title, text) = pw total = os.path.getsize(source) win = fn(title, text, total) try: count = os.read(f, 262144) total = 0 while (count): os.write(t, count) total = total + len(count) if pw: win.set(total) count = os.read(f, 16384) finally: os.close(f) os.close(t) if pw: win.pop() # return size of directory (and subdirs) in kilobytes def getDirSize(dir): def getSubdirSize(dir): # returns size in bytes mydev = os.lstat(dir)[stat.ST_DEV] dsize = 0 for f in os.listdir(dir): curpath = '%s/%s' % (dir, f) sinfo = os.lstat(curpath) if stat.S_ISDIR(sinfo[stat.ST_MODE]): if mydev == sinfo[stat.ST_DEV]: dsize += getSubdirSize(curpath) elif stat.S_ISREG(sinfo[stat.ST_MODE]): dsize += sinfo[stat.ST_SIZE] else: pass return dsize return getSubdirSize(dir)/1024 # this is in kilobytes - returns amount of RAM not used by /tmp def memAvailable(): tram = memInstalled() ramused = getDirSize("/tmp") if os.path.isdir("/tmp/ramfs"): ramused += getDirSize("/tmp/ramfs") return tram - ramused # this is in kilobytes def memInstalled(): if not os.access('/proc/e820info', os.R_OK): f = open("/proc/meminfo", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: if l.startswith("MemTotal:"): fields = string.split(l) mem = fields[1] break else: f = open("/proc/e820info", "r") lines = f.readlines() mem = 0 for line in lines: fields = string.split(line) if fields[3] == "(usable)": mem = mem + (string.atol(fields[0], 16) / 1024) return int(mem) # try to keep 2.4 kernel swapper happy! def swapSuggestion(quiet=0): mem = memInstalled()/1024 mem = ((mem/16)+1)*16 if not quiet: log.info("Detected %sM of memory", mem) if mem < 128: minswap = 96 maxswap = 192 else: if mem > 1000: minswap = 1000 maxswap = 2000 else: minswap = mem maxswap = 2*mem if not quiet: log.info("Swap attempt of %sM to %sM", minswap, maxswap) return (minswap, maxswap) # this is a mkdir that won't fail if a directory already exists and will # happily make all of the directories leading up to it. def mkdirChain(dir): if (os.path.isdir(dir)): return elements = string.splitfields(dir, "/") if (len(elements[0])): which = 1 path = elements[0] else: which = 2 path = "/" + elements[1] if (not os.path.isdir(path)): os.mkdir(path, 0755) while (which < len(elements)): path = path + "/" + elements[which] which = which + 1 if (not os.path.isdir(path)): os.mkdir(path, 0755) def makerelname(relpath, filename): if relpath != '': return relpath+'/'+filename else: return filename def findtz(basepath, relpath): tzdata = [] for n in os.listdir(basepath+'/'+relpath): timezone = makerelname(relpath, n) if relpath != '': timezone = relpath+'/'+n else: timezone = n filestat = os.lstat(basepath+'/'+timezone) [filemode] = filestat[:1] if (not (stat.S_ISLNK(filemode) or stat.S_ISREG(filemode) or stat.S_ISDIR(filemode))): continue elif n[:1] >= 'A' and n[:1] <= 'Z': if stat.S_ISDIR(filemode): tzdata.extend(findtz(basepath, timezone)) else: tzdata.append(timezone) tzdata.sort() return tzdata def rmrf (path): # this is only the very simple case. # NOTE THAT THIS IS RACY IF USED ON AN INSTALLED SYSTEM # IT IS ONLY SAFE FOR ANACONDA AS A CONTAINED ENVIRONMENT if os.path.isdir(path): files = os.listdir (path) else: os.unlink(path) return for file in files: if (not os.path.islink(path + '/' + file) and os.path.isdir(path + '/' + file)): rmrf (path + '/' + file) else: os.unlink (path + '/' + file) os.rmdir (path) def validUser (user): if not user[0] in string.letters: return 0 for letter in user: if (letter == ':' or letter == ',' or letter == '\n' or ord (letter) < 33): return 0 return 1 def setClock (root): # eeeeew, inline shell. ;) args = ("bash", "-c", """ if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/clock ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/clock # convert old style clock config to new values if [ "${CLOCKMODE}" = "GMT" ]; then UTC=true elif [ "${CLOCKMODE}" = "ARC" ]; then ARC=true fi fi CLOCKFLAGS="--hctosys" case "$UTC" in yes|true) CLOCKFLAGS="$CLOCKFLAGS -u"; ;; esac case "$ARC" in yes|true) CLOCKFLAGS="$CLOCKFLAGS -A"; ;; esac case "$SRM" in yes|true) CLOCKFLAGS="$CLOCKFLAGS -S"; ;; esac /sbin/hwclock $CLOCKFLAGS """) try: execWithRedirect('/bin/bash', args, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, root = root) except RuntimeError: log.error("Failed to set clock properly. Going to try to continue anyway.") def swapAmount(): f = open("/proc/meminfo", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: if l.startswith("SwapTotal:"): fields = string.split(l) return int(fields[1]) return 0 def copyDeviceNode(src, dest): """Copies the device node at src to dest by looking at the type of device, major, and minor of src and doing a new mknod at dest""" filestat = os.lstat(src) mode = filestat[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISBLK(mode): type = stat.S_IFBLK elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode): type = stat.S_IFCHR else: # XXX should we just fallback to copying normally? raise RuntimeError, "Tried to copy %s which isn't a device node" % (src,) isys.mknod(dest, mode | type, filestat.st_rdev) # make the device-mapper control node def makeDMNode(root="/"): major = minor = None for (fn, devname, val) in ( ("/proc/devices", "misc", "major"), ("/proc/misc", "device-mapper", "minor") ): f = open(fn) lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: try: (num, dev) = line.strip().split(" ") except: continue if dev == devname: s = "%s = int(num)" %(val,) exec s break # print "major is %s, minor is %s" %(major, minor) if major is None or minor is None: return mkdirChain(root + "/dev/mapper") isys.mknod(root + "/dev/mapper/control", stat.S_IFCHR | 0600, isys.makedev(major, minor)) # make some miscellaneous character device nodes def makeCharDeviceNodes(): for dev in ["input/event0", "input/event1", "input/event2", "input/event3"]: isys.makeDevInode(dev, "/dev/%s" % (dev,)) # make the device nodes for all of the drives on the system def makeDriveDeviceNodes(): import raid hardDrives = isys.hardDriveDict() for drive in hardDrives.keys(): isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/%s" % (drive,)) if drive.startswith("hd"): num = 32 elif drive.startswith("dasd"): num = 4 else: num = 15 if (drive.startswith("cciss") or drive.startswith("ida") or drive.startswith("rd") or drive.startswith("sx8")): sep = "p" else: sep = "" for i in range(1, num): dev = "%s%s%d" % (drive, sep, i) isys.makeDevInode(dev, "/dev/%s" % (dev,)) cdroms = isys.cdromList() for drive in cdroms: isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/%s" % (drive,)) for mdMinor in range(0, 32): md = "md%d" %(mdMinor,) isys.makeDevInode(md, "/dev/%s" %(md,)) # make the node for the device mapper makeDMNode() def needsEnterpriseKernel(): rc = 0 try: f = open("/proc/e820info", "r") except IOError: return 0 for l in f.readlines(): l = string.split(l) if l[3] == '(reserved)': continue regionEnd = (string.atol(l[0], 16) - 1) + string.atol(l[2], 16) if regionEnd > 0xffffffffL: rc = 1 return rc # # scan /proc/mounts to see if we've already have USB mounted # # kernel can fall over if we mount it twice on some hw (bug #71554) # def isUSBDevFSMounted(): try: f = open("/proc/mounts", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: if string.find(l, "usbfs") != -1: return 1 if string.find(l, "usbdevfs") != -1: return 1 except: log.error("In isUSBMounted, failed to open /proc/mounts") return 0 return 0 # this is disgusting and I feel very dirty def hasiSeriesNativeStorage(): if getArch() != "ppc": return f = open("/proc/modules", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith("ibmsis"): return 1 if line.startswith("ipr"): return 1 return 0 # return the ppc machine variety type def getPPCMachine(): machine = None # ppc machine hash ppcType = { 'Mac' : 'PMac', 'Book' : 'PMac', 'CHRP IBM' : 'pSeries', 'Pegasos' : 'Pegasos', 'iSeries' : 'iSeries', 'PReP' : 'PReP', 'CHRP' : 'pSeries', 'Amiga' : 'APUS', 'Gemini' : 'Gemini', 'Shiner' : 'ANS', 'BRIQ' : 'BRIQ', 'Teron' : 'Teron', 'AmigaOne' : 'Teron' } if getArch() != "ppc": return 0 f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if line.find('machine') != -1: machine = line.split(':')[1] break if machine is None: log.warning("Unable to find PowerPC machine type") return for type in ppcType.items(): if machine.find(type[0]) != -1: return type[1] log.warning("Unknown PowerPC machine type: %s" %(machine,)) return 0 # return the pmac machine id def getPPCMacID(): machine = None if getArch() != "ppc": return 0 if getPPCMachine() != "PMac": return 0 f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if line.find('machine') != -1: machine = line.split(':')[1] machine = machine.strip() return machine log.warning("No Power Mac machine id") return 0 # return the pmac generation def getPPCMacGen(): # XXX: should NuBus be here? pmacGen = ['OldWorld', 'NewWorld', 'NuBus'] if getArch() != "ppc": return 0 if getPPCMachine() != "PMac": return 0 f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() gen = None for line in lines: if line.find('pmac-generation') != -1: gen = line.split(':')[1] break if gen is None: log.warning("Unable to find pmac-generation") for type in pmacGen: if gen.find(type) != -1: return type log.warning("Unknown Power Mac generation: %s" %(gen,)) return 0 # return if pmac machine is it an iBook/PowerBook def getPPCMacBook(): if getArch() != "ppc": return 0 if getPPCMachine() != "PMac": return 0 f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if not string.find(string.lower(line), 'book') == -1: return 1 return 0 def hasNX(): """Convenience function to see if a machine supports the nx bit. We want to install an smp kernel if NX is present since NX requires PAE (#173245)""" if getArch() not in ("i386", "x86_64"): return False f = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if not line.startswith("flags"): continue # get the actual flags flags = line[:-1].split(":", 1)[1] # and split them flst = flags.split(" ") if "nx" in flst: return True return False def writeRpmPlatform(root="/"): import rhpl.arch if flags.test: return if os.access("%s/etc/rpm/platform" %(root,), os.R_OK): return if not os.access("%s/etc/rpm" %(root,), os.X_OK): os.mkdir("%s/etc/rpm" %(root,)) myarch = rhpl.arch.canonArch # now allow an override with rpmarch=i586 on the command line (#101971) f = open("/proc/cmdline", "r") buf = f.read() f.close() args = buf.split() for arg in args: if arg.startswith("rpmarch="): myarch = arg[8:] # now make the current install believe it, too rhpl.arch.canonArch = myarch f = open("%s/etc/rpm/platform" %(root,), 'w+') f.write("%s-redhat-linux\n" %(myarch,)) f.close() # FIXME: writing /etc/rpm/macros feels wrong somehow # temporary workaround for #92285 if os.access("%s/etc/rpm/macros" %(root,), os.R_OK): return if not (myarch.startswith("ppc64") or myarch in ("s390x", "sparc64", "x86_64", "ia64")): return f = open("%s/etc/rpm/macros" %(root,), 'w+') f.write("%_transaction_color 3\n") f.close()