# # isys.py - installer utility functions and glue for C module # # Matt Wilson # Erik Troan # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001 - 2004 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import _isys import string import os import os.path import posix import sys import kudzu import iutil import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") mountCount = {} raidCount = {} MIN_RAM = _isys.MIN_RAM MIN_GUI_RAM = _isys.MIN_GUI_RAM EARLY_SWAP_RAM = _isys.EARLY_SWAP_RAM def pathSpaceAvailable(path, fsystem = "ext2"): return _isys.devSpaceFree(path) def spaceAvailable(device, fsystem = "ext2"): mount(device, "/mnt/space", fstype = fsystem) space = _isys.devSpaceFree("/mnt/space/.") umount("/mnt/space") return space def fsSpaceAvailable(fsystem): return _isys.devSpaceFree(fsystem) def raidstop(mdDevice): if raidCount.has_key (mdDevice): if raidCount[mdDevice] > 1: raidCount[mdDevice] = raidCount[mdDevice] - 1 return del raidCount[mdDevice] makeDevInode(mdDevice, "/tmp/md") fd = os.open("/tmp/md", os.O_RDONLY) os.remove("/tmp/md") try: _isys.raidstop(fd) except: pass os.close(fd) def raidstart(mdDevice, aMember): if raidCount.has_key(mdDevice) and raidCount[mdDevice]: raidCount[mdDevice] = raidCount[mdDevice] + 1 return raidCount[mdDevice] = 1 makeDevInode(mdDevice, "/tmp/md") makeDevInode(aMember, "/tmp/member") fd = os.open("/tmp/md", os.O_RDONLY) os.remove("/tmp/md") try: _isys.raidstart(fd, "/tmp/member") except: pass os.close(fd) os.remove("/tmp/member") def wipeRaidSB(device): try: fd = os.open(device, os.O_WRONLY) except OSError, e: log.critical("error wiping raid device superblock for %s: %s", device, e) return try: _isys.wiperaidsb(fd) finally: os.close(fd) return def raidsb(mdDevice): makeDevInode(mdDevice, "/tmp/md") return raidsbFromDevice("/tmp/md") def raidsbFromDevice(device): fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) rc = 0 try: rc = _isys.getraidsb(fd) finally: os.close(fd) return rc def getRaidChunkFromDevice(device): fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) rc = 64 try: rc = _isys.getraidchunk(fd) finally: os.close(fd) return rc def losetup(device, file, readOnly = 0): if readOnly: mode = os.O_RDONLY else: mode = os.O_RDWR targ = os.open(file, mode) loop = os.open(device, mode) try: _isys.losetup(loop, targ, file) finally: os.close(loop) os.close(targ) def lochangefd(device, file): loop = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) targ = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY) try: _isys.lochangefd(loop, targ) finally: os.close(loop) os.close(targ) def unlosetup(device): loop = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) try: _isys.unlosetup(loop) finally: os.close(loop) def ddfile(file, megs, pw = None): buf = '\x00' * (1024 * 256) fd = os.open(file, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) total = megs * 4 # we write out 1/4 of a meg each time through if pw: (fn, title, text) = pw win = fn(title, text, total - 1) for n in range(total): os.write(fd, buf) if pw: win.set(n) if pw: win.pop() os.close(fd) def mount(device, location, fstype = "ext2", readOnly = 0, bindMount = 0, remount = 0): location = os.path.normpath(location) # We don't need to create device nodes for devices that start with '/' # (like '/usbdevfs') and also some special fake devices like 'proc'. # First try to make a device node and if that fails, assume we can # mount without making a device node. If that still fails, the caller # will have to deal with the exception. # We note whether or not we created a node so we can clean up later. createdNode = 0 if device and device != "none" and device[0] != "/": devName = "/tmp/%s" % device try: makeDevInode (device, devName) device = devName createdNode = 1 except SystemError: pass if mountCount.has_key(location) and mountCount[location] > 0: mountCount[location] = mountCount[location] + 1 return log.info("isys.py:mount()- going to mount %s on %s" %(device, location)) rc = _isys.mount(fstype, device, location, readOnly, bindMount, remount) if not rc: mountCount[location] = 1 # did we create a node, if so remove if createdNode: os.unlink(device) return rc def umount(what, removeDir = 1): what = os.path.normpath(what) if not os.path.isdir(what): raise ValueError, "isys.umount() can only umount by mount point" if mountCount.has_key(what) and mountCount[what] > 1: mountCount[what] = mountCount[what] - 1 return rc = _isys.umount(what) if removeDir and os.path.isdir(what): os.rmdir(what) if not rc and mountCount.has_key(what): del mountCount[what] return rc def smpAvailable(): return _isys.smpavailable() htavailable = _isys.htavailable def summitavailable(): try: f = open("/proc/cmdline") line = f.readline() if string.find(line, " summit") != -1: return 1 del f except: pass return _isys.summitavailable() def chroot (path): return os.chroot (path) def checkBoot (path): return _isys.checkBoot (path) def swapoff (path): return _isys.swapoff (path) def swapon (path): return _isys.swapon (path) def fbconProbe(path): return _isys.fbconprobe (path) def loadFont(): return _isys.loadFont () def loadKeymap(keymap): return _isys.loadKeymap (keymap) classMap = { "disk": kudzu.CLASS_HD, "cdrom": kudzu.CLASS_CDROM, "floppy": kudzu.CLASS_FLOPPY } cachedDrives = None def flushDriveDict(): global cachedDrives cachedDrives = None def driveDict(klassArg): global cachedDrives if cachedDrives is not None: return cachedDrives ret = {} # FIXME: need to add dasd probing to kudzu devs = kudzu.probe(kudzu.CLASS_HD | kudzu.CLASS_CDROM | kudzu.CLASS_FLOPPY, kudzu.BUS_UNSPEC, kudzu.PROBE_SAFE) for dev in devs: if dev.device is None: # none devices make no sense continue if dev.deviceclass == classMap[klassArg]: ret[dev.device] = dev.desc cachedDrives = ret return ret def hardDriveDict(): import parted dict = driveDict("disk") # this is kind of ugly, but it's much easier to do this from python for (dev, descr) in dict.items(): # blacklist *STMF on power5 iSeries boxes if iutil.getArch() == "ppc" and dev.startswith("sd"): try: devName = "/tmp/%s" % dev makeDevInode(dev, devName) peddev = parted.PedDevice.get(devName) if peddev.model.find("IBM *STMF KERNEL") != -1: log.warning("%s looks like STMF, ignoring" %(dev,)) del dict[dev] del peddev os.unlink(devName) except Exception, e: log.critical("exception looking for STMF on %s: %s" %(dev, e)) # the only raid devs like this are ide, so only worry about them if not dev.startswith("hd"): continue ret = _isys.hasIdeRaidMagic(dev) if ret is None: continue found = 0 try: devName = "/tmp/%s" % dev makeDevInode(dev, devName) # ugh, this is basically copy&paste of other anaconda code, but # it kind of needs to be here and isys should stay isolated peddev = parted.PedDevice.get(devName) disk = parted.PedDisk.new(peddev) part = disk.next_partition() while part: if (part.fs_type and part.fs_type.name in ("FAT", "fat16", "fat32", "ntfs", "hpfs")): # this disk has a fat partition on it, we have to use # it as an ataraid device found = 1 part = disk.next_partition(part) del disk del peddev os.unlink(devName) except Exception, e: print e # what can I really do here? pass if found == 1: log.info("%s has a %s raid signature and windows parts" %(dev, ret)) del dict[dev] else: log.info("%s has a %s raid signature but no windows parts" %(dev, ret)) return driveDict("disk") def floppyDriveDict(): return driveDict("floppy") def cdromList(): list = driveDict("cdrom").keys() list.sort() return list def getDasdPorts(): return _isys.getDasdPorts() def isUsableDasd(device): return _isys.isUsableDasd(device) def isLdlDasd(device): return _isys.isLdlDasd(device) # read /proc/dasd/devices and get a mapping between devs and the dasdnum def getDasdDevPort(): ret = {} f = open("/proc/dasd/devices", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: index = line.index("(") dasdnum = line[:index] start = line[index:].find("dasd") end = line[index + start:].find(":") dev = line[index + start:end + start + index].strip() ret[dev] = dasdnum return ret # get active/ready state of a dasd device # returns 0 if we're fine, 1 if not def getDasdState(dev): devs = getDasdDevPort() if not devs.has_key(dev): log.error("don't have %s in /dev/dasd/devices!" %(dev,)) return 0 f = open("/proc/dasd/devices", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if not line.startswith(devs[dev]): continue # 2.6 seems to return basic if line.find(" basic") != -1: return 1 return 0 def makeDevInode(name, fn=None): if fn: _isys.mkdevinode(name, fn) return fn path = '/dev/%s' % (name,) try: os.stat(path) except OSError: path = '/tmp/%s' % (name,) _isys.mkdevinode(name, path) return path def makedev(major, minor): if posix.__dict__.has_key("makedev"): return posix.makedev(major, minor) else: return _isys.makedev(major, minor) def mknod(pathname, mode, dev): return _isys.mknod(pathname, mode, dev) def inet_ntoa (addr): return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((addr >> 24) & 0x000000ffL, (addr >> 16) & 0x000000ffL, (addr >> 8) & 0x000000ffL, addr & 0x000000ffL) def inet_aton (addr): quad = string.splitfields (addr, ".") try: rc = ((long (quad[0]) << 24) + (long (quad[1]) << 16) + (long (quad[2]) << 8) + long (quad[3])) except IndexError: raise ValueError return rc def inet_calcNetmask (ip): if isinstance (ip, type (0)): addr = inet_ntoa (ip) else: addr = ip quad = string.splitfields (addr, ".") if len (quad) > 0: klass = string.atoi (quad[0]) if klass <= 127: mask = ""; elif klass <= 191: mask = ""; else: mask = ""; return mask def inet_calcNetBroad (ip, nm): if isinstance (ip, type ("")): ipaddr = inet_aton (ip) else: ipaddr = ip if isinstance (nm, type ("")): nmaddr = inet_aton (nm) else: nmaddr = nm netaddr = ipaddr & nmaddr bcaddr = netaddr | (~nmaddr); return (inet_ntoa (netaddr), inet_ntoa (bcaddr)) def inet_calcGateway (bc): if isinstance (bc, type ("")): bcaddr = inet_aton (bc) else: bcaddr = bc return inet_ntoa (bcaddr - 1) def inet_calcNS (net): if isinstance (net, type ("")): netaddr = inet_aton (net) else: netaddr = net return inet_ntoa (netaddr + 1) def parseArgv(str): return _isys.poptParseArgv(str) def getopt(*args): return apply(_isys.getopt, args) def doProbeBiosDisks(): return _isys.biosDiskProbe() def doGetBiosDisk(mbrSig): return _isys.getbiosdisk(mbrSig) biosdisks = {} for d in range(80, 80 + 15): disk = doGetBiosDisk("%d" %(d,)) #print "biosdisk of %s is %s" %(d, disk) if disk is not None: biosdisks[disk] = d def compareDrives(first, second): type1 = first[0:2] type2 = second[0:2] if biosdisks.has_key(first) and biosdisks.has_key(second): one = biosdisks[first] two = biosdisks[second] if (one < two): return -1 elif (one > two): return 1 if type1 == "hd": type1 = 0 elif type1 == "sd": type1 = 1 else: type1 = 2 if type2 == "hd": type2 = 0 elif type2 == "sd": type2 = 1 else: type2 = 2 if (type1 < type2): return -1 elif (type1 > type2): return 1 else: len1 = len(first) len2 = len(second) if (len1 < len2): return -1 elif (len1 > len2): return 1 else: if (first < second): return -1 elif (first > second): return 1 return 0 def configNetDevice(device, ip, netmask, gw): return _isys.confignetdevice(device, ip, netmask, gw) def resetResolv(): return _isys.resetresolv() def setResolvRetry(count): return _isys.setresretry(count) def pumpNetDevice(device, klass = None): # returns None on failure, "" if no nameserver is found, nameserver IP # otherwise if klass is not None: return _isys.pumpnetdevice(device, klass) else: return _isys.pumpnetdevice(device) def readXFSLabel_int(device): try: fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) except: return None try: buf = os.read(fd, 128) os.close(fd) except OSError, e: log.error("error reading xfs label on %s: %s" %(device, e)) try: os.close(fd) except: pass return None xfslabel = None if len(buf) == 128 and buf[0:4] == "XFSB": xfslabel = string.rstrip(buf[108:120],"\0x00") return xfslabel def readXFSLabel(device, makeDevNode = 1): if makeDevNode: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") label = readXFSLabel_int("/tmp/disk") os.unlink("/tmp/disk") else: label = readXFSLabel_int(device) return label def readJFSLabel_int(device): jfslabel = None try: fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) except: return jfslabel try: os.lseek(fd, 32768, 0) buf = os.read(fd, 180) os.close(fd) except OSError, e: log.error("error reading jfs label on %s: %s" %(device, e)) try: os.close(fd) except: pass return jfslabel if (len(buf) == 180 and buf[0:4] == "JFS1"): jfslabel = string.rstrip(buf[152:168],"\0x00") return jfslabel def readJFSLabel(device, makeDevNode = 1): if makeDevNode: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") label = readJFSLabel_int("/tmp/disk") os.unlink("/tmp/disk") else: label = readJFSLabel_int(device) return label def readSwapLabel_int(device): label = None try: fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY) except: return label pagesize = getpagesize() try: buf = os.read(fd, pagesize) os.close(fd) except OSError, e: log.error("error reading swap label on %s: %s" %(device, e)) try: os.close(fd) except: pass return label if ((len(buf) == pagesize) and (buf[pagesize - 10:] == "SWAPSPACE2")): label = string.rstrip(buf[1052:1068], "\0x00") return label def readSwapLabel(device, makeDevNode = 1): if makeDevNode: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") label = readSwapLabel_int("/tmp/disk") os.unlink("/tmp/disk") else: label = readSwapLabel_int(device) return label def readExt2Label(device, makeDevNode = 1): if makeDevNode: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") label = _isys.e2fslabel("/tmp/disk"); os.unlink("/tmp/disk") else: label = _isys.e2fslabel(device) return label def readFSLabel(device, makeDevNode = 1): label = readExt2Label(device, makeDevNode) if label is None: label = readSwapLabel(device, makeDevNode) if label is None: label = readXFSLabel(device, makeDevNode) if label is None: label = readJFSLabel(device, makeDevNode) return label def ext2Clobber(device, makeDevNode = 1): _isys.e2fsclobber(device) def ext2IsDirty(device): makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") label = _isys.e2dirty("/tmp/disk"); os.unlink("/tmp/disk") return label def ext2HasJournal(device, makeDevNode = 1): if makeDevNode: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") hasjournal = _isys.e2hasjournal("/tmp/disk"); os.unlink("/tmp/disk") else: hasjournal = _isys.e2hasjournal(device); return hasjournal def ejectCdrom(device, makeDevice = 1): if makeDevice: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/cdrom") fd = os.open("/tmp/cdrom", os.O_RDONLY|os.O_NONBLOCK) else: fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY|os.O_NONBLOCK) # this is a best effort try: _isys.ejectcdrom(fd) except SystemError, e: log.error("error ejecting cdrom (%s): %s" %(device, e)) pass os.close(fd) if makeDevice: os.unlink("/tmp/cdrom") def driveIsRemovable(device): # assume ide if starts with 'hd', and we don't have to create # device beforehand since it just reads /proc/ide if device[:2] == "hd": rc = (_isys.isIdeRemovable("/dev/"+device) == 1) else: makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") rc = (_isys.isScsiRemovable("/tmp/disk") == 1) # need to test if its USB or IEEE1394 even if it doesnt look removable if not rc: if os.access("/tmp/scsidisks", os.R_OK): sdlist=open("/tmp/scsidisks", "r") sdlines = sdlist.readlines() sdlist.close() for l in sdlines: try: # each line has format of: (sddev, sdmod) = string.split(l) if sddev == device: if sdmod in ['sbp2', 'usb-storage']: rc = 1 else: rc = 0 break except: pass os.unlink("/tmp/disk") return rc def vtActivate (num): _isys.vtActivate (num) def isPsudoTTY (fd): return _isys.isPsudoTTY (fd) def sync (): return _isys.sync () def isIsoImage(file): return _isys.isisoimage(file) def fbinfo(): return _isys.fbinfo() def cdRwList(): if not os.access("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info", os.R_OK): return [] f = open("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() driveList = [] finalDict = {} for line in lines: line = string.split(line, ':', 1) if (line and line[0] == "drive name"): line = string.split(line[1]) # no CDROM drives if not line: return [] for device in line: if device[0:2] == 'sr': device = "scd" + device[2:] driveList.append(device) elif ((line and line[0] == "Can write CD-R") or (line and line[0] == "Can write CD-RW")): line = string.split(line[1]) field = 0 for ability in line: if ability == "1": finalDict[driveList[field]] = 1 field = field + 1 l = finalDict.keys() l.sort() return l def ideCdRwList(): newList = [] for dev in cdRwList(): if dev[0:2] == 'hd': newList.append(dev) return newList def getpagesize(): return _isys.getpagesize() def getLinkStatus(dev): return _isys.getLinkStatus(dev) def getMacAddress(dev): return _isys.getMacAddress(dev) def isWireless(dev): return _isys.isWireless(dev) def getIPAddress(dev): return _isys.getIPAddress(dev) def resetFileContext(fn): return _isys.resetFileContext(fn) def startBterm(): return _isys.startBterm() printObject = _isys.printObject bind_textdomain_codeset = _isys.bind_textdomain_codeset isVioConsole = _isys.isVioConsole