# # instdata.py - central store for all configuration data needed to install # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Erik Troan # import os import stat import string import language import network import firewall import security import timezone import desktop import fsset import bootloader import partitions import partedUtils import iscsi import zfcp import urllib import iutil import users import rhpl import shlex from flags import * from constants import * from rhpl.simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile import rhpl.keyboard as keyboard import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # Collector class for all data related to an install/upgrade. class InstallData: def reset(self): # Reset everything except: # # - The mouse # - The install language # - The keyboard self.instClass = None self.network = network.Network() self.iscsi = iscsi.iscsi() self.zfcp = zfcp.ZFCP() self.firewall = firewall.Firewall() self.security = security.Security() self.timezone = timezone.Timezone() self.timezone.setTimezoneInfo(self.instLanguage.getDefaultTimeZone()) self.users = None self.rootPassword = { "isCrypted": False, "password": "", "lock": False } self.auth = "--enableshadow --enablemd5" self.desktop = desktop.Desktop() self.upgrade = None if flags.cmdline.has_key("doupgrade"): self.upgrade = True # XXX move fsset and/or diskset into Partitions object? self.fsset.reset() self.diskset = partedUtils.DiskSet(self.anaconda) self.partitions = partitions.Partitions(self.anaconda) self.bootloader = bootloader.getBootloader() self.upgradeRoot = None self.rootParts = None self.upgradeSwapInfo = None if rhpl.getArch() == "s390" or self.anaconda.isKickstart: self.firstboot = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP else: self.firstboot = FIRSTBOOT_DEFAULT # XXX I still expect this to die when kickstart is the data store. self.ksdata = None # We don't have install methods anymore, but put things that depend on # the methodstr here. if os.path.exists("/dev/live") and \ stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat("/dev/live")[stat.ST_MODE]): target = os.readlink("/dev/live") self.partitions.protected = [target] elif self.methodstr.startswith("hd://"): method = self.methodstr[5:] device = method.split(":", 3)[0] self.partitions.protected = [device] def setInstallProgressClass(self, c): self.instProgress = c def setDisplayMode(self, display_mode): self.displayMode = display_mode # expects a Keyboard object def setKeyboard(self, keyboard): self.keyboard = keyboard # expects a Mouse object def setMouse(self, mouse): self.mouse = mouse # expects a VideoCardInfo object def setVideoCard(self, video): self.videocard = video # expects a Monitor object def setMonitor(self, monitor): self.monitor = monitor # expects an XSetup object def setXSetup(self, xsetup): self.xsetup = xsetup # expects 0/1 def setHeadless(self, isHeadless): self.isHeadless = isHeadless def setKsdata(self, ksdata): self.ksdata = ksdata # if upgrade is None, it really means False. we use None to help the # installer ui figure out if it's the first time the user has entered # the examine_gui screen. --dcantrell def getUpgrade (self): if self.upgrade == None: return False else: return self.upgrade def setUpgrade (self, bool): self.upgrade = bool def write(self): if self.auth.find("--enablemd5"): useMD5 = True else: useMD5 = False self.instLanguage.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) if not self.isHeadless: self.keyboard.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) self.timezone.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) args = ["--update", "--nostart"] + shlex.split(self.auth) try: if not flags.test: iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/authconfig", args, stdout = None, stderr = None, root = self.anaconda.rootPath) else: log.error("Would have run: %s", args) except RuntimeError, msg: log.error("Error running %s: %s", args, msg) self.network.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) self.firewall.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) self.security.write (self.anaconda.rootPath) self.users = users.Users() # User should already exist, just without a password. self.users.setRootPassword(self.rootPassword["password"], self.rootPassword["isCrypted"], useMD5, self.rootPassword["lock"]) if self.anaconda.isKickstart: for svc in self.ksdata.services.disabled: iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/chkconfig", [svc, "off"], stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5", root=self.anaconda.rootPath) for svc in self.ksdata.services.enabled: iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/chkconfig", [svc, "on"], stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5", root=self.anaconda.rootPath) for ud in self.ksdata.user.userList: if self.users.createUser(ud.name, ud.password, ud.isCrypted, ud.groups, ud.homedir, ud.shell, ud.uid, ud.lock, root=self.anaconda.rootPath) == None: log.error("User %s already exists, not creating." % ud.name) def writeKS(self, filename): if self.auth.find("--enablemd5"): useMD5 = True else: useMD5 = False f = open(filename, "w") f.write("# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.\n\n") if self.upgrade: f.write("upgrade\n"); else: f.write("install\n"); # figure out the install method and write out a line self.anaconda.writeMethodstr(f) if self.instClass.skipkey: f.write("key --skip\n") elif self.instClass.installkey: f.write("key %s\n" %(self.instClass.installkey,)) self.instLanguage.writeKS(f) if not self.isHeadless: self.keyboard.writeKS(f) self.xsetup.writeKS(f, self.desktop, self.ksdata) self.network.writeKS(f) self.zfcp.writeKS(f) if self.rootPassword["isCrypted"]: args = " --iscrypted %s" % self.rootPassword["password"] else: args = " --iscrypted %s" % users.cryptPassword(self.rootPassword["password"], useMD5) if self.rootPassword["lock"]: args += " --lock" f.write("rootpw %s\n" % args) # Some kickstart commands do not correspond to any anaconda UI # component. If this is a kickstart install, we need to make sure # the information from the input file ends up in the output file. if self.anaconda.isKickstart: f.write(self.ksdata.user.__str__()) f.write(self.ksdata.services.__str__()) f.write(self.ksdata.reboot.__str__()) self.firewall.writeKS(f) if self.auth.strip() != "": f.write("authconfig %s\n" % self.auth) self.security.writeKS(f) self.timezone.writeKS(f) self.bootloader.writeKS(f) self.partitions.writeKS(f) if self.backend is not None: self.backend.writeKS(f) self.backend.writePackagesKS(f, self.anaconda) # Also write out any scripts from the input ksfile. if self.anaconda.isKickstart: for s in self.ksdata.scripts: f.write(s.__str__()) # make it so only root can read, could have password os.chmod(filename, 0600) def __init__(self, anaconda, extraModules, methodstr, displayMode, backend = None): self.displayMode = displayMode self.instLanguage = language.Language(self.displayMode) self.keyboard = keyboard.Keyboard() self.backend = backend self.anaconda = anaconda self.mouse = None self.monitor = None self.videocard = None self.xsetup = None self.isHeadless = 0 self.extraModules = extraModules self.fsset = fsset.FileSystemSet() self.methodstr = methodstr self.reset()