# # image.py - Install method for disk image installs (CD & NFS) # # Copyright 1999-2007 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # from installmethod import InstallMethod import shutil import os import sys import isys import time import stat import kudzu import string import shutil import product import rhpl import sets from constants import * from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # this sucks, but we want to consider s390x as s390x in here but generally # don't. *sigh* if os.uname()[4] == "s390x": _arch = "s390x" else: _arch = rhpl.getArch() # given groupset containing information about selected packages, use # the disc number info in the headers to come up with message describing # the required CDs # # dialog returns a value of 0 if user selected to abort install def presentRequiredMediaMessage(anaconda): reqcds = anaconda.backend.getRequiredMedia() # if only one CD required no need to pop up a message if len(reqcds) < 2: return # check what discs our currently mounted one provides if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK): discNums = [] try: f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo") stamp = f.readline().strip() descr = f.readline().strip() arch = f.readline().strip() discNums = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip()) f.close() except Exception, e: log.critical("Exception reading discinfo: %s" %(e,)) log.info("discNums is %s" %(discNums,)) haveall = 0 s = sets.Set(reqcds) t = sets.Set(discNums) if s.issubset(t): haveall = 1 if haveall == 1: return reqcds.sort() reqcdstr = "" for cdnum in reqcds: if cdnum == -99: # non-CD bits continue reqcdstr += "\t\t%s %s disc #%d\n" % (product.productName, product.productVersion, cdnum,) return anaconda.intf.messageWindow( _("Required Install Media"), _("The software you have selected to " "install will require the following discs:\n\n" "%s\nPlease " "have these ready before proceeding with " "the installation. If you need to abort " "the installation and exit please " "select \"Reboot\".") % (reqcdstr,), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Reboot"), _("_Back"), _("_Continue")]) class ImageInstallMethod(InstallMethod): def switchMedia(self, mediano, filename=""): pass def getFilename(self, filename, callback=None, destdir=None, retry=1): return self.tree + "/" + filename def getMethodUri(self): return "file://%s" % (self.tree,) def copyFileToTemp(self, filename): tmppath = self.getTempPath() path = tmppath + os.path.basename(filename) shutil.copy(self.tree + "/" + filename, path) return path def __init__(self, tree, rootPath, intf): InstallMethod.__init__(self, tree, rootPath, intf) self.tree = tree self.isoPath = tree class CdromInstallMethod(ImageInstallMethod): def unmountCD(self): done = 0 while done == 0: try: isys.umount("/mnt/source") self.currentMedia = [] break except Exception, e: log.error("exception in unmountCD: %s" %(e,)) self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("An error occurred unmounting the disc. " "Please make sure you're not accessing " "%s from the shell on tty2 " "and then click OK to retry.") % ("/mnt/source",)) def ejectCD(self): isys.ejectCdrom(self.device, makeDevice=1) def systemUnmounted(self): if self.loopbackFile: isys.lochangefd("/dev/loop0", "%s/images/stage2.img" % (self.tree,)) self.loopbackFile = None def systemMounted(self, fsset, chroot): if not os.path.exists("%s/images/stage2.img" %(self.tree,)): log.debug("Not copying non-existent stage2.img") return self.loopbackFile = "%s%s%s" % (chroot, fsset.filesystemSpace(chroot)[0][0], "/rhinstall-stage2.img") try: win = self.waitWindow (_("Copying File"), _("Transferring install image to hard drive...")) shutil.copyfile("%s/images/stage2.img" % (self.tree,), self.loopbackFile) win.pop() except Exception, e: if win: win.pop() log.critical("error transferring stage2.img: %s" %(e,)) if isinstance(e, IOError) and e.errno == 5: msg = _("An error occurred transferring the install image " "to your hard drive. This is probably due to " "bad media.") else: msg = _("An error occurred transferring the install image " "to your hard drive. You are probably out of disk " "space.") self.messageWindow(_("Error"), msg) os.unlink(self.loopbackFile) return 1 isys.lochangefd("/dev/loop0", self.loopbackFile) def getFilename(self, filename, callback=None, destdir=None, retry=1): return self.tree + "/" + filename def switchMedia(self, mediano, filename=""): log.info("switching from CD %s to %s for %s" %(self.currentMedia, mediano, filename)) if mediano in self.currentMedia: return if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK): f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo") timestamp = f.readline().strip() f.close() else: timestamp = self.timestamp if self.timestamp is None: self.timestamp = timestamp needed = mediano # if self.currentMedia is empty, then we shouldn't have anything # mounted. double-check by trying to unmount, but we don't want # to get into a loop of trying to unmount forever. if # self.currentMedia is set, then it should still be mounted and # we want to loop until it unmounts successfully if not self.currentMedia: try: isys.umount("/mnt/source") except: pass else: self.unmountCD() done = 0 cdlist = [] for (dev, something, descript) in \ kudzu.probe(kudzu.CLASS_CDROM, kudzu.BUS_UNSPEC, 0): cdlist.append(dev) for dev in cdlist: try: if not isys.mount(dev, "/mnt/source", fstype = "iso9660", readOnly = 1): if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK): f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo") newStamp = f.readline().strip() try: descr = f.readline().strip() except: descr = None try: arch = f.readline().strip() except: arch = None try: discNum = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip()) except: discNum = [ 0 ] f.close() if (newStamp == timestamp and arch == _arch and needed in discNum): done = 1 self.currentMedia = discNum if not done: isys.umount("/mnt/source") except: pass if done: break if not done: isys.ejectCdrom(self.device) while not done: if self.intf is not None: self.intf.beep() self.messageWindow(_("Change Disc"), _("Please insert %s disc %d to continue.") % (productName, needed)) try: if isys.mount(self.device, "/mnt/source", fstype = "iso9660", readOnly = 1): time.sleep(3) isys.mount(self.device, "/mnt/source", fstype = "iso9660", readOnly = 1) if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK): f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo") newStamp = f.readline().strip() try: descr = f.readline().strip() except: descr = None try: arch = f.readline().strip() except: arch = None try: discNum = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip()) except: discNum = [ 0 ] f.close() if (newStamp == timestamp and arch == _arch and needed in discNum): done = 1 self.currentMedia = discNum # make /tmp/cdrom again so cd gets ejected isys.makeDevInode(self.device, "/tmp/cdrom") if not done: self.messageWindow(_("Wrong Disc"), _("That's not the correct %s disc.") % (productName,)) isys.umount("/mnt/source") isys.ejectCdrom(self.device) except: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Unable to access the disc.")) def filesDone(self): # we're trying to unmount the CD here. if it fails, oh well, # they'll reboot soon enough I guess :) try: isys.umount("/mnt/source") except Exception, e: log.error("unable to unmount source in filesDone: %s" %(e,)) if not self.loopbackFile: return try: # this isn't the exact right place, but it's close enough os.unlink(self.loopbackFile) except SystemError: pass def __init__(self, method, rootPath, intf): """@param method cdrom://device:/path""" url = method[8:] (self.device, tree) = string.split(url, ":", 1) if not tree.startswith("/"): tree = "/%s" %(tree,) self.messageWindow = intf.messageWindow self.progressWindow = intf.progressWindow self.waitWindow = intf.waitWindow self.loopbackFile = None # figure out which disc is in. if we fail for any reason, # assume it's just disc1. if os.access("/mnt/source/.discinfo", os.R_OK): f = open("/mnt/source/.discinfo") try: self.timestamp = f.readline().strip() f.readline() # descr f.readline() # arch except: self.timestamp = None try: self.currentMedia = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip()) except: self.currentMedia = [ 1 ] f.close() else: self.currentMedia = [ 1 ] ImageInstallMethod.__init__(self, tree, rootPath, intf) class NfsInstallMethod(ImageInstallMethod): def __init__(self, method, rootPath, intf): """@param method: nfs:/mnt/source""" tree = method[5:] ImageInstallMethod.__init__(self, tree, rootPath, intf) self.currentMedia = [] def getDiscNums(line): # get the disc numbers for this disc nums = line.split(",") discNums = [] for num in nums: discNums.append(int(num)) return discNums def findIsoImages(path, messageWindow): flush = os.stat(path) files = os.listdir(path) arch = _arch discImages = {} for file in files: what = path + '/' + file if not isys.isIsoImage(what): continue try: isys.losetup("/dev/loop2", what, readOnly = 1) except SystemError: continue try: isys.mount("/dev/loop2", "/mnt/cdimage", fstype = "iso9660", readOnly = 1) for num in range(1, 10): if os.access("/mnt/cdimage/.discinfo", os.R_OK): f = open("/mnt/cdimage/.discinfo") try: f.readline() # skip timestamp f.readline() # skip release description discArch = string.strip(f.readline()) # read architecture discNum = getDiscNums(f.readline().strip()) except: discArch = None discNum = [ 0 ] f.close() if num not in discNum or discArch != arch: continue # if it's disc1, it needs to have images/stage2.img if (num == 1 and not os.access("/mnt/cdimage/images/stage2.img", os.R_OK)): log.warning("%s doesn't have a stage2.img, skipping" %(what,)) continue # we only install binary packages, so let's look for a # product/ dir and hope that this avoids getting # discs from the src.rpm set if not os.path.isdir("/mnt/cdimage/%s" %(productPath,)): log.warning("%s doesn't have binary RPMS, skipping" %(what,)) continue # warn user if images appears to be wrong size if os.stat(what)[stat.ST_SIZE] % 2048: rc = messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("The ISO image %s has a size which is not " "a multiple of 2048 bytes. This may mean " "it was corrupted on transfer to this computer." "\n\n" "It is recommended that you exit and abort your " "installation, but you can choose to continue if " "you think this is in error.") % (file,), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons= [_("_Exit installer"), _("_Continue")]) if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) discImages[num] = file isys.umount("/mnt/cdimage") except SystemError: pass isys.unlosetup("/dev/loop2") return discImages class NfsIsoInstallMethod(NfsInstallMethod): def getMethodUri(self): return "file:///tmp/isomedia/" def getFilename(self, filename, callback=None, destdir=None, retry=1): return self.mntPoint + "/" + filename def switchMedia(self, mediano, filename=""): if mediano not in self.currentMedia: log.info("switching from iso %s to %s for %s" %(self.currentMedia, mediano, filename)) self.umountImage() self.mountImage(mediano) def umountImage(self): if self.currentMedia: isys.umount(self.mntPoint) isys.unlosetup("/dev/loop3") self.mntPoint = None self.currentMedia = [] def mountImage(self, cdNum): if (self.currentMedia): raise SystemError, "trying to mount already-mounted iso image!" retrymount = True while retrymount: try: isoImage = self.isoPath + '/' + self.discImages[cdNum] isys.losetup("/dev/loop3", isoImage, readOnly = 1) isys.mount("/dev/loop3", "/tmp/isomedia", fstype = 'iso9660', readOnly = 1); self.mntPoint = "/tmp/isomedia/" self.currentMedia = [ cdNum ] retrymount = False except: ans = self.messageWindow( _("Missing ISO 9660 Image"), _("The installer has tried to mount " "image #%s, but cannot find it on " "the server.\n\n" "Please copy this image to the " "remote server's share path and " "click Retry. Click Exit to " "abort the installation.") % (cdNum,), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"), _("_Retry")]) if ans == 0: sys.exit(0) elif ans == 1: self.discImages = findIsoImages(self.isoPath, self.messageWindow) def filesDone(self): # if we can't unmount the cd image, we really don't care much # let them go along and don't complain try: self.umountImage() except Exception, e: log.error("unable to unmount image in filesDone: %s" %(e,)) pass def __init__(self, method, rootPath, intf): """@param method: nfsiso:/mnt/source""" tree = method[8:] ImageInstallMethod.__init__(self, "/%s" % tree, rootPath, intf) self.messageWindow = intf.messageWindow # the tree points to the directory that holds the iso images # even though we already have the main one mounted once, it's # easiest to just mount it again so that we can treat all of the # images the same way -- we use loop3 for everything self.currentMedia = [] self.discImages = findIsoImages(tree, self.messageWindow) self.mountImage(1)