import gettext cat = gettext.Catalog ("anaconda", "/usr/share/locale") _ = cat.gettext from gtk import * from gtk import _root_window from GDK import * from gnome.ui import * from gnome.xmhtml import * from iw.language import * from iw.welcome import * from iw.progress import * from iw.package import * from import * from iw.account import * from iw.rootpartition import * from iw.auth import * from iw.mouse import * from iw.keyboard import * from iw.format import * from iw.congrats import * from iw.dependencies import * from iw.lilo import * from iw.installpath import * import sys import GdkImlib import isys import sys import thread import rpm from thread import * from threading import * import time class WaitWindow: def __init__(self, title, text): threads_enter () self.window = GtkWindow (WINDOW_POPUP) self.window.set_title (title) self.window.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER) self.window.set_modal (TRUE) label = GtkLabel (text) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) box = GtkFrame () box.set_border_width (10) box.add (label) box.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_NONE) frame = GtkFrame () frame.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_OUT) frame.add (box) self.window.add (frame) self.window.show_all () gdk_flush () while events_pending (): mainiteration () threads_leave () def pop(self): threads_enter () self.window.destroy () threads_leave () class GtkMainThread (Thread): def run (self): threads_enter () mainloop () threads_leave () class InstallInterface: def setPackageProgressWindow (self, ppw): self.ppw = ppw def waitWindow (self, title, text): return WaitWindow (title, text) def packageProgressWindow (self, total, totalSize): self.ppw.setSizes (total, totalSize) return self.ppw def messageWindow(self, title, text): print text # dialog = GnomeOkDialog (text) # dialog.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER) def exceptionWindow(self, title, text): print text return 1 def getBootdisk (): return None def getCongratulation (): return CongratulationWindow def run (self, todo, test = 0): gtkThread = GtkMainThread () gtkThread.start () # This is the same as the file commonSteps = [ ( LanguageWindow, "language" ), ( KeyboardWindow, "keyboard" ), ( MouseWindow, "mouse" ), ( WelcomeWindow, "welcome" ), ( InstallPathWindow, "installtype" ), ] self.finishedTODO = Event () self.icw = InstallControlWindow (self, commonSteps, todo) self.icw.start () self.finishedTODO.wait () class InstallControlWindow (Thread): def instantiateWindow (self, windowClass): ics = InstallControlState (self, self.ii, self.todo) self.buildingWindows = 1 window = windowClass (ics) self.buildingWindows = 0 self.windowList.append (window) return window def setStateList (self, list, pos): self.stateList = [] self.stateTagByWindow = {} for x in list: if type(x) == type((1,)): (x, tag) = x else: tag = None instantiated = 0 for y in self.windowList: if isinstance (y, x): self.stateList.append (y) self.stateTagByWindow[y] = tag instantiated = 1 break if not instantiated: instance = self.instantiateWindow (x) self.stateList.append (instance) self.stateTagByWindow[instance] = tag self.stateListIndex = pos def prevClicked (self, *args): prev = self.currentScreen.getPrev () if prev: instantiated = 0 for x in self.windowList: if isinstance (x, prev): self.currentScreen = x instantiated = 1 break if not instantiated: self.currentScreen = self.instantiateWindow (prev) else: self.stateListIndex = self.stateListIndex - 1 self.currentScreen = self.stateList[self.stateListIndex] self.setScreen (self.currentScreen, self.prevClicked) def nextClicked (self, *args): next = self.currentScreen.getNext () if next: instantiated = 0 for x in self.windowList: if isinstance (x, next): self.currentScreen = x instantiated = 1 break if not instantiated: self.currentScreen = self.instantiateWindow (next) else: self.stateListIndex = self.stateListIndex + 1 if self.stateListIndex < len (self.stateList): self.currentScreen = self.stateList[self.stateListIndex] else: self.ii.finishedTODO.set () sys.exit (0) self.setScreen (self.currentScreen, self.nextClicked) def helpClicked (self, widget, simulated = 0): if not simulated: self.helpState = (widget == self.showHelpButton) self.hbox.remove (widget) if widget == self.hideHelpButton: self.bin.remove (self.table) self.installFrame.reparent (self.bin) () self.showHelpButton.set_state (STATE_NORMAL) self.hbox.pack_start (self.showHelpButton, FALSE) self.hbox.reorder_child (self.showHelpButton, 0) self.displayHelp = FALSE else: self.bin.remove (self.installFrame) self.table.attach (self.installFrame, 1, 3, 0, 1) self.bin.add (self.table) self.html.source (self.currentScreen.getICS ().getHTML ()) () self.showHelpButton.set_state (STATE_NORMAL) self.hbox.pack_start (self.hideHelpButton, FALSE) self.hbox.reorder_child (self.hideHelpButton, 0) self.displayHelp = TRUE def setScreen (self, screen, direction): # if getScreen returns None, or we're supposed to skip this screen # entirely, we continue advancing in direction given if (self.stateTagByWindow.has_key(screen) and self.todo.instClass.skipStep(self.stateTagByWindow[screen])): direction () return new_screen = screen.getScreen () if not new_screen: direction () return # if we're the initial screen (because of kickstart), make sure we can't go back. if not self.initialScreenShown: self.initialScreenShown = 1 screen.getICS ().setPrevEnabled (FALSE) if self.helpState != self.displayHelp: if self.displayHelp: self.helpClicked (self.hideHelpButton, 1) else: self.helpClicked (self.showHelpButton, 1) self.update (screen.getICS ()) children = self.installFrame.children () if children: child = children[0] self.installFrame.remove (child) child.destroy () self.installFrame.add (new_screen) self.installFrame.show_all () # get everything shown, then call fixUp so screens can do # things like moveto # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! GTK Deadlock ## while events_pending (): ## mainiteration () # screen.fixUp () def update (self, ics): if self.buildingWindows or ics != self.currentScreen.getICS (): return self.installFrame.set_label (ics.getTitle ()) buttons = { "prev" : ics.getPrevButton (), "next" : ics.getNextButton () } for (name, button) in buttons.items (): if button["pixmap"] == STOCK_BUTTON_PREV and not button["label"]: buttons[name] = self.prevButtonStock elif button["pixmap"] == STOCK_BUTTON_NEXT and not button["label"]: buttons[name] = self.nextButtonStock else: buttons[name] = GnomePixmapButton (GnomeStock (button["pixmap"]), button["label"]) if name == "prev": buttons[name].connect ("clicked", self.prevClicked) elif name == "next": buttons[name].connect ("clicked", self.nextClicked) buttons[name].show () children = self.buttonBox.children () if not buttons["prev"] in children: self.buttonBox.remove (children[0]) self.buttonBox.pack_start (buttons["prev"]) if not buttons["next"] in children: self.buttonBox.remove (children[1]) self.buttonBox.pack_end (buttons["next"]) buttons["prev"].set_sensitive (ics.getPrevEnabled ()) buttons["next"].set_sensitive (ics.getNextEnabled ()) if ics.getHelpEnabled () == FALSE: if self.displayHelp: self.helpClicked (self.hideHelpButton, 1) elif ics.getHelpEnabled () == TRUE: if not self.displayHelp: self.helpClicked (self.showHelpButton, 1) if self.displayHelp: self.html.source (ics.getHTML ()) def __init__ (self, ii, steps, todo): Thread.__init__ (self) self.ii = ii self.todo = todo self.steps = steps def run (self): threads_enter () self.window = GtkWindow () self.window.set_default_size (640, 480) cursor = cursor_new (LEFT_PTR) _root_window ().set_cursor (cursor) self.window.set_border_width (10) self.window.set_title (_("Red Hat Linux Installer")) self.window.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER) vbox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 10) self.buttonBox = GtkHButtonBox () self.buttonBox.set_layout (BUTTONBOX_END) self.prevButtonStock = GnomePixmapButton (GnomeStock (STOCK_BUTTON_PREV), _("Back")) self.nextButtonStock = GnomeStockButton (STOCK_BUTTON_NEXT) self.finishButton = GnomePixmapButton (GnomeStock (STOCK_BUTTON_APPLY), _("Finish")) self.hideHelpButton = GnomePixmapButton (GnomeStock (STOCK_BUTTON_HELP), _("Hide Help")) self.showHelpButton = GnomePixmapButton (GnomeStock (STOCK_BUTTON_HELP), _("Show Help")) self.hideHelpButton.connect ("clicked", self.helpClicked) self.showHelpButton.connect ("clicked", self.helpClicked) self.prevButtonStock.connect ("clicked", self.prevClicked) self.nextButtonStock.connect ("clicked", self.nextClicked) self.buttonBox.add (self.prevButtonStock) self.buttonBox.add (self.nextButtonStock) self.hbox = GtkHBox () self.hbox.pack_start (self.hideHelpButton, FALSE) self.hbox.pack_start (self.buttonBox) vbox.pack_end (self.hbox, FALSE) self.html = GtkXmHTML() # html.set_dithering(FALSE) # this forces creation of CC self.html.set_allow_body_colors(TRUE) self.html.source ("HTML Help Window") self.displayHelp = TRUE self.helpState = TRUE self.helpFrame = GtkFrame (_("Online Help")) box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 0) box.pack_start (GtkHSeparator (), FALSE) box.pack_start (self.html, TRUE) self.helpFrame.add (box) table = GtkTable (1, 3, TRUE) table.attach (self.helpFrame, 0, 1, 0, 1) self.installFrame = GtkFrame () # self.installFrame.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_NONE) self.windowList = [] self.setStateList (self.steps, 0) self.currentScreen = self.stateList[self.stateListIndex] self.initialScreenShown = 0 self.setScreen (self.currentScreen, self.nextClicked) table.attach (self.installFrame, 1, 3, 0, 1) table.set_col_spacing (0, 5) self.bin = GtkFrame () self.bin.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_NONE) self.bin.add (table) vbox.pack_end (self.bin, TRUE, TRUE) self.table = table self.window.add (vbox) threads_leave () # let her rip... self.mutex = allocate_lock () self.mutex.acquire () # Popup the ICW and wait for it to wake us back up threads_enter () self.window.show_all () threads_leave () self.mutex.acquire () class InstallControlState: def __init__ (self, cw, ii, todo, title = "Install Window", prevEnabled = 1, nextEnabled = 0, html = ""): self.searchPath = [ "/usr/share/anaconda/", "./" ] self.locale = 'C' self.ii = ii = cw self.todo = todo self.prevEnabled = prevEnabled self.nextEnabled = nextEnabled self.title = title self.html = html self.nextButton = STOCK_BUTTON_NEXT self.prevButton = STOCK_BUTTON_PREV self.nextButtonLabel = None self.prevButtonLabel = None self.helpEnabled = 3 # Values other than TRUE or FALSE don't change the help setting def getState (self): return (self.title, prevEnabled, nextEnabled, prevText, nextTest) def setTitle (self, title): self.title = title (self) def getTitle (self): return self.title def setPrevEnabled (self, value): if value == self.prevEnabled: return self.prevEnabled = value (self) def getPrevEnabled (self): if (self.prevEnabled != 0): return TRUE return FALSE def setNextEnabled (self, value): if value == self.nextEnabled: return self.nextEnabled = value (self) def getNextEnabled (self): if (self.nextEnabled != 0): return TRUE return FALSE def readPixmap (self, file): try: im = GdkImlib.Image ("/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/" + file) except: try: im = GdkImlib.Image ("pixmaps/" + file) except: print "Unable to load", file return None return im def readHTML (self, file): text = None for path in self.searchPath: try: text = open("%s/help/%s/s1-help-screens-%s.html" % (path, self.locale, file)).read () except IOError: try: text = open("%s/help/C/s1-help-screens-%s.html" % (path, file)).read () except IOError: continue if text: break if text: self.html = text (self) else: print "Unable to read %s help text" % (file,) def setHTML (self, text): self.html = text (self) def getHTML (self): return self.html def getToDo (self): return self.todo def setNextButton (self, button, label=None): self.nextButton = button self.nextButtonLabel = label def getNextButton (self): return { "pixmap" : self.nextButton, "label" : self.nextButtonLabel } def setPrevButton (self, button, label=None): self.prevButton = button self.prevButtonLabel = label def getPrevButton (self): return { "pixmap" : self.prevButton, "label" : self.prevButtonLabel } def setScreenPrev (self): () def setScreenNext (self): () def getInstallInterface (self): return self.ii def setHelpEnabled (self, value): self.helpEnabled = value (self) def getHelpEnabled (self): return self.helpEnabled def getICW (self): return