List of GUI classes and sgml help tag associated with that screen. iw/ AccountWindow "accts" iw/ AuthWindow "authconf" iw/ BootdiskWindow "bootdisk" iw/ ConfirmWindow "aboutupgrade" or "aboutinstall" iw/ CongratulationWindow NA ReconfigCongratulationWindow NA iw/ UnresolvedDependenciesWindow "depend" iw/ UpgradeExamineWindow "upgrade" iw/ FDiskWindow "fdisk" and "fdiskpart" # FormatWindow tag="format" # InstallPathWindow tag="instpath" iw/ KeyboardWindow "kybd" iw/ LanguageWindow "lang" iw/ LiloWindow "lilo" iw/ MouseWindow "mouse" iw/ NetworkWindow "netconf" iw/ IndividualPackageSelectionWindow "sel-indiv" PackageSelectionWindow "sel-group" iw/ InstallProgressWindow "installing" iw/ PartitionWindow "partition" LoopSizeWindow "loopback" AutoPartitionWindow "wkst" or "svr" iw/ SiloWindow "silo" TimezoneWindow "timezone" iw/ WelcomeWindow "wel" ReconfigWelcomeWindow "welreconfig" iw/ XCustomWindow "xcustom" MonitorWindow "monitor" XConfigWindow "xconf" iw/ UpgradeBootloaderWindow "bl-upgrade"