# # fstab.py: filesystem management # # Matt Wilson # # Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import string import isys import iutil import os import parted import sys import struct import partitioning from log import log from translate import _, N_ defaultMountPoints = ('/', '/boot', '/home', '/tmp', '/usr', '/var') fileSystemTypes = {} availRaidLevels = ['RAID0', 'RAID1', 'RAID5'] def fileSystemTypeGetDefault(): if fileSystemTypeGet('ext3').isSupported(): return fileSystemTypeGet('ext3') elif fileSystemTypeGet('ext2').isSupported(): return fileSystemTypeGet('ext2') else: raise ValueError, "You have neither ext3 or ext2 support in your kernel!" def fileSystemTypeGet(key): return fileSystemTypes[key] def fileSystemTypeRegister(klass): fileSystemTypes[klass.getName()] = klass def fileSystemTypeGetTypes(): return fileSystemTypes.copy() def mountCompare(a, b): one = a.mountpoint two = b.mountpoint if one < two: return -1 elif two > one: return 1 return 0 def devify(device): if device != "none" and device[0] != '/': return "/dev/" + device return device class LabelFactory: def __init__(self): self.labels = None def createLabel(self, mountpoint): if self.labels == None: self.labels = {} diskset = partitioning.DiskSet() diskset.openDevices() labels = diskset.getLabels() del diskset self.reserveLabels(labels) if len(mountpoint) > 16: mountpoint = mountpoint[0:16] count = 0 while self.labels.has_key(mountpoint): count = count + 1 s = "%s" % count if (len(mountpoint) + len(s)) <= 16: mountpoint = mountpoint + s else: strip = len(mountpoint) + len(s) - 16 mountpoint = mountpoint[0:len(mountpoint) - strip] + s self.labels[mountpoint] = 1 return mountpoint def reserveLabels(self, labels): if self.labels == None: self.labels = {} for device, label in labels.items(): self.labels[label] = 1 labelFactory = LabelFactory() class FileSystemType: kernelFilesystems = {} def __init__(self): self.deviceArguments = {} self.formattable = 0 self.checked = 0 self.name = "" self.linuxnativefs = 0 self.partedFileSystemType = None self.partedPartitionFlags = [] self.maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 self.supported = -1 self.defaultOptions = "defaults" self.migratetofs = None def mount(self, device, mountpoint, readOnly=0): if not self.isMountable(): return iutil.mkdirChain(mountpoint) isys.mount(device, mountpoint, fstype = self.getName(), readOnly = readOnly) def umount(self, device, path): isys.umount(path, removeDir = 0) def getName(self): return self.name def registerDeviceArgumentFunction(self, klass, function): self.deviceArguments[klass] = function def formatDevice(self, devicePath, device, progress, chroot='/'): if self.isFormattable(): raise RuntimeError, "formatDevice method not defined" def migrateFileSystem(self, device): if self.isMigratable(): raise RuntimeError, "migrateFileSystem method not defined" def isFormattable(self): return self.formattable def isLinuxNativeFS(self): return self.linuxnativefs def readProcFilesystems(self): f = open("/proc/filesystems", 'r') if not f: pass lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: fields = string.split(line) if fields[0] == "nodev": fsystem = fields[1] else: fsystem = fields[0] FileSystemType.kernelFilesystems[fsystem] = None def isMountable(self): if not FileSystemType.kernelFilesystems: self.readProcFilesystems() return FileSystemType.kernelFilesystems.has_key(self.getName()) def isSupported(self): if self.supported == -1: return self.isMountable() return self.supported def isChecked(self): return self.checked def getDeviceArgs(self, device): deviceArgsFunction = self.deviceArguments.get(device.__class__) if not deviceArgsFunction: return [] return deviceArgsFunction(device) def getPartedFileSystemType(self): return self.partedFileSystemType def getPartedPartitionFlags(self): return self.partedPartitionFlags # note that this returns the maximum size of a filesystem in megabytes def getMaxSize(self): return self.maxSize def getDefaultOptions(self, mountpoint): return self.defaultOptions def getMigratableFSTargets(self): retval = [] if not self.migratetofs: return retval for fs in self.migratetofs: if fileSystemTypeGet(fs).isSupported(): retval.append(fs) return retval def isMigratable(self): if len(self.getMigratableFSTargets()) > 0: return 1 else: return 0 class reiserfsFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("reiserfs") self.formattable = 1 self.checked = 1 self.linuxnativefs = 1 self.name = "reiserfs" self.maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): devicePath = entry.device.setupDevice(chroot) p = os.pipe() os.write(p[1], "y\n") os.close(p[1]) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/mkreiserfs", ["mkreiserfs", devicePath ], stdin = p[0], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5") if rc: raise SystemError fileSystemTypeRegister(reiserfsFileSystem()) class extFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.partedFileSystemType = None self.formattable = 1 self.checked = 1 self.linuxnativefs = 1 self.maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 self.extraFormatArgs = [] def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): devicePath = entry.device.setupDevice(chroot) devArgs = self.getDeviceArgs(entry.device) label = labelFactory.createLabel(entry.mountpoint) entry.setLabel(label) args = [ "/usr/sbin/mke2fs", devicePath, '-L', label ] args.extend(devArgs) args.extend(self.extraFormatArgs) rc = ext2FormatFilesystem(args, "/dev/tty5", progress, entry.mountpoint) if rc: raise SystemError class ext2FileSystem(extFileSystem): def __init__(self): extFileSystem.__init__(self) self.name = "ext2" self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("ext2") self.migratetofs = ['ext3'] def migrateFileSystem(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): devicePath = entry.device.setupDevice(chroot) if not entry.fsystem or not entry.origfsystem: raise RuntimeError, ("Trying to migrate fs w/o fsystem or " "origfsystem set") if entry.fsystem.getName() != "ext3": raise RuntimeError, ("Trying to migrate ext2 to something other " "than ext3") rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/tune2fs", ["tunefs", "-j", devicePath ], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5") if rc: raise SystemError fileSystemTypeRegister(ext2FileSystem()) class ext3FileSystem(extFileSystem): def __init__(self): extFileSystem.__init__(self) self.name = "ext3" self.extraFormatArgs = [ "-j" ] self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("ext3") def mount(self, device, mountpoint, readOnly=0): if not self.isMountable(): return iutil.mkdirChain(mountpoint) # tricky - mount the filesystem as ext2, it makes the install # faster try: isys.mount(device, mountpoint, fstype = "ext2", readOnly = readOnly) except OSError: isys.mount(device, mountpoint, fstype = "ext3", readOnly = readOnly) fileSystemTypeRegister(ext3FileSystem()) class raidMemberDummyFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("ext2") self.partedPartitionFlags = [ parted.PARTITION_RAID ] self.formattable = 1 self.checked = 0 self.linuxnativefs = 1 self.name = "software RAID" self.maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 self.supported = 1 def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): # mkraid did all we need to format this partition... pass fileSystemTypeRegister(raidMemberDummyFileSystem()) class swapFileSystem(FileSystemType): enabledSwaps = {} def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("linux-swap") self.formattable = 1 self.name = "swap" self.maxSize = 2 * 1024 self.linuxnativefs = 1 self.supported = 1 def mount(self, device, mountpoint): isys.swapon (device) def umount(self, device, path): # unfortunately, turning off swap is bad. pass def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): file = entry.device.setupDevice(chroot) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/mkswap", [ "mkswap", '-v1', file ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise SystemError fileSystemTypeRegister(swapFileSystem()) class FATFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.partedFileSystemType = parted.file_system_type_get("FAT") self.formattable = 1 self.checked = 0 self.name = "vfat" def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): devicePath = entry.device.setupDevice(chroot) devArgs = self.getDeviceArgs(entry.device) args = [ "mkdosfs", devicePath ] args.extend(devArgs) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/sbin/mkdosfs", args, stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5") if rc: raise SystemError fileSystemTypeRegister(FATFileSystem()) class ForeignFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.formattable = 0 self.checked = 0 self.name = "foreign" def formatDevice(self, entry, progress, chroot='/'): return fileSystemTypeRegister(ForeignFileSystem()) class PsudoFileSystem(FileSystemType): def __init__(self, name): FileSystemType.__init__(self) self.formattable = 0 self.checked = 0 self.name = name self.supported = 0 class ProcFileSystem(PsudoFileSystem): def __init__(self): PsudoFileSystem.__init__(self, "proc") fileSystemTypeRegister(ProcFileSystem()) class DevptsFileSystem(PsudoFileSystem): def __init__(self): PsudoFileSystem.__init__(self, "devpts") self.defaultOptions = "gid=5,mode=620" fileSystemTypeRegister(DevptsFileSystem()) class AutoFileSystem(PsudoFileSystem): def __init__(self): PsudoFileSystem.__init__(self, "auto") fileSystemTypeRegister(AutoFileSystem()) class FileSystemSet: def __init__(self): self.messageWindow = None self.progressWindow = None self.reset() def registerMessageWindow(self, method): self.messageWindow = method def registerProgressWindow(self, method): self.progressWindow = method def reset (self): self.entries = [] proc = FileSystemSetEntry(Device(), '/proc', fileSystemTypeGet("proc")) self.add(proc) pts = FileSystemSetEntry(Device(), '/dev/pts', fileSystemTypeGet("devpts"), "gid=5,mode=620") self.add(pts) def verify (self): for entry in self.entries: if type(entry.__dict__) != type({}): raise RuntimeError, "fsset internals inconsistent" def add (self, entry): # remove any existing duplicate entries for existing in self.entries: if (existing.device.getDevice() == entry.device.getDevice() and existing.mountpoint == entry.mountpoint): self.remove(existing) # XXX debuggin' ## log ("fsset at %s\n" ## "adding entry for %s\n" ## "entry object %s, class __dict__ is %s", ## self, entry.mountpoint, entry, ## isys.printObject(entry.__dict__)) self.entries.append(entry) self.entries.sort (mountCompare) def remove (self, entry): self.entries.remove(entry) def getEntryByMountPoint(self, mount): for entry in self.entries: if entry.mountpoint == mount: return entry return None def getEntryByDeviceName(self, dev): for entry in self.entries: if entry.device.getDevice() == dev: return entry return None def copy (self): new = FileSystemSet() for entry in self.entries: new.add (entry) return new def fstab (self): format = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; fstab = "" for entry in self.entries: if entry.mountpoint: if entry.getLabel(): device = "LABEL=%s" % (entry.getLabel(),) else: device = devify(entry.device.getDevice()) fstab = fstab + entry.device.getComment() fstab = fstab + format % (device, entry.mountpoint, entry.fsystem.getName(), entry.options, entry.fsck, entry.order) return fstab def raidtab(self): # set up raidtab... raidtab = "" for entry in self.entries: if entry.device.getName() == "RAIDDevice": raidtab = raidtab + entry.device.raidTab() return raidtab def write (self, prefix): f = open (prefix + "/etc/fstab", "w") f.write (self.fstab()) f.close () raidtab = self.raidtab() if raidtab: f = open (prefix + "/etc/raidtab", "w") f.write (raidtab) f.close () # touch mtab open (prefix + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close () def rootOnLoop (self): for entry in self.entries: if (entry.mountpoint == '/' and entry.device.getName() == "LoopbackDevice"): return 1 return 0 def bootloaderChoices(self, diskSet): mntDict = {} for entry in self.entries: mntDict[entry.mountpoint] = entry.device if iutil.getArch() == "ia64" and mntDict.has_key("/boot/efi"): bootDev = mntDict['/boot/efi'] elif mntDict.has_key("/boot"): bootDev = mntDict['/boot'] else: bootDev = mntDict['/'] if bootDev.getName() == "LoopbackDevice": return None elif bootDev.getName() == "RAIDDevice": return [ ( bootDev.device, "RAID Device" ) ] return [ (diskSet.driveList()[0], N_("Master Boot Record (MBR)") ), (bootDev.device, N_("First sector of boot partition")) ] # set active partition on disks # if an active partition is set, leave it alone; if none set # set either our boot partition or the first partition on the drive active def setActive(self, diskset): bootDev = self.bootloaderChoices(diskset)[1][0] for drive in diskset.disks.keys(): foundActive = 0 bootPart = None disk = diskset.disks[drive] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if not part.is_active(): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue if not part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_BOOT): foundActive = 1 part = None continue if part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT): foundActive = 1 part = None continue if not bootPart: bootPart = part if partitioning.get_partition_name(part) == bootDev: bootPart = part part = disk.next_partition(part) if bootPart and not foundActive: bootPart.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT, 1) if bootPart: del bootPart def formatSwap (self, chroot): for entry in self.entries: if (not entry.fsystem or not entry.fsystem.getName() == "swap" or not entry.getFormat() or entry.isMounted()): continue try: self.formatEntry(entry, chroot) except SystemError: if self.messageWindow: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("An error occurred trying to " "initialize swap on device %s. This " "problem is serious, and the install " "cannot continue.\n\n" "Press Enter to reboot your system.") % (entry.device.getDevice(),)) sys.exit(0) def turnOnSwap (self, chroot): for entry in self.entries: if (entry.fsystem and entry.fsystem.getName() == "swap" and not entry.isMounted()): try: entry.mount(chroot) except SystemError, (errno, msg): if self.messageWindow: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Error enabling swap device %s: " "%s\n\n" "This most likely means this " "swap partition has not been " "initialized." "\n\n" "Press OK to reboot your " "system.") % (entry.device.getDevice(), msg)) sys.exit(0) def formatEntry(self, entry, chroot): entry.fsystem.formatDevice(entry, self.progressWindow, chroot) def formattablePartitions(self): list = [] for entry in self.entries: if entry.fsystem.isFormattable(): list.append (entry) return list def makeFilesystems (self, chroot='/'): for entry in self.entries: if (not entry.fsystem.isFormattable() or not entry.getFormat() or entry.isMounted()): continue try: self.formatEntry(entry, chroot) except SystemError: if self.messageWindow: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("An error occurred trying to " "format %s. This problem is " "serious, and the install cannot " "continue.\n\n" "Press Enter to reboot your system.") % (entry.device.getDevice(),)) sys.exit(0) def migrateFilesystems (self, chroot='/'): for entry in self.entries: if not entry.origfsystem: continue if (not entry.origfsystem.isMigratable() or not entry.getMigrate() or entry.isMounted()): continue try: entry.origfsystem.migrateFileSystem(entry, self.progressWindow, chroot) except SystemError: if self.messageWindow: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("An error occurred trying to " "migrate %s. This problem is " "serious, and the install cannot " "continue.\n\n" "Press Enter to reboot your system.") % (entry.device.getDevice(),)) sys.exit(0) def mountFilesystems(self, instPath = '/', raiseErrors = 0, readOnly = 0): for entry in self.entries: if not entry.fsystem.isMountable(): continue try: entry.mount(instPath) except SystemError, (errno, msg): if raiseErrors: raise SystemError, (errno, msg) if self.messageWindow: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Error mounting device %s as %s: " "%s\n\n" "This most likely means this " "partition has not been formatted." "\n\n" "Press OK to reboot your system.") % (entry.device.getDevice(), entry.mountpoint, msg)) sys.exit(0) def filesystemSpace(self, chroot='/'): space = [] # XXX limit to ext[23] etc? for entry in self.entries: if not entry.isMounted(): continue path = "%s/%s" % (chroot, entry.mountpoint) try: space.append((entry.mountpoint, isys.fsSpaceAvailable(path))) except SystemError: pass def spaceSort(a, b): (m1, s1) = a (m2, s2) = b if (s1 > s2): return -1 elif s1 < s2: return 1 return 0 space.sort(spaceSort) return space def hasDirtyFilesystems(self): if self.rootOnLoop(): entry = self.getEntryByMountPoint('/') mountLoopbackRoot(entry.device.host, skipMount = 1) dirty = isys.ext2IsDirty("loop1") unmountLoopbackRoot(skipMount = 1) if dirty: return 1 for entry in self.entries: # XXX - multifsify, virtualize isdirty per fstype if entry.fsystem.getName() != "ext2": continue if entry.getFormat(): continue if isys.ext2IsDirty(entry.device.getDevice()): return 1 return 0 def umountFilesystems(self, instPath, ignoreErrors = 0): # XXX remove special case try: isys.umount(instPath + '/proc/bus/usb', removeDir = 0) log("Umount USB OK") except: # log("Umount USB Fail") pass reverse = self.entries reverse.reverse() for entry in reverse: entry.umount(instPath) class FileSystemSetEntry: def __init__ (self, device, mountpoint, fsystem=None, options=None, origfsystem=None, migrate=0, order=-1, fsck=-1, format=0): if not fsystem: fsystem = fileSystemTypeGet("ext2") self.device = device self.mountpoint = mountpoint self.fsystem = fsystem self.origfsystem = origfsystem self.migrate = migrate if options: self.options = options else: self.options = fsystem.getDefaultOptions(mountpoint) self.mountcount = 0 self.label = None if fsck == -1: self.fsck = fsystem.isChecked() else: self.fsck = fsck if order == -1: if mountpoint == '/': self.order = 1 elif self.fsck: self.order = 2 else: self.order = 0 else: self.order = order if format and not fsystem.isFormattable(): raise RuntimeError, ("file system type %s is not formattable, " "but has been added to fsset with format " "flag on" % fsystem.getName()) self.format = format def mount(self, chroot='/', devPrefix='/tmp'): device = self.device.setupDevice(chroot, devPrefix=devPrefix) self.fsystem.mount(device, "%s/%s" % (chroot, self.mountpoint)) self.mountcount = self.mountcount + 1 def umount(self, chroot='/'): if self.mountcount > 0: self.fsystem.umount(self.device, "%s/%s" % (chroot, self.mountpoint)) self.mountcount = self.mountcount - 1 def setFormat (self, state): if self.migrate: raise ValueError, "Trying to set format bit on when migrate is set!" self.format = state def getFormat (self): return self.format def setMigrate (self, state): if self.format: raise ValueError, "Trying to set migrate bit on when format is set!" self.migrate = state def getMigrate (self): return self.migrate def isMounted (self): return self.mountcount > 0 def getLabel (self): return self.label def setLabel (self, label): self.label = label class Device: def __init__(self): self.device = "none" self.fsoptions = {} self.label = None self.isSetup = 0 def getComment (self): return "" def getDevice (self): return self.device def setupDevice (self, chroot='/', devPrefix='/tmp'): return self.device def cleanupDevice (self, chroot, devPrefix='/tmp'): pass def solidify (self): pass def getName(self): return self.__class__.__name__ class RAIDDevice(Device): usedMajors = {} # members is a list of Device based instances that will be # a part of this raid device def __init__(self, level, members, minor=-1, spares=0, existing=0): Device.__init__(self) self.level = level self.members = members self.spares = spares self.numDisks = len(members) - spares self.isSetup = existing if len(members) < spares: raise RuntimeError, ("you requiested more spare devices " "than online devices!") if level == 5: if self.numDisks < 3: raise RuntimeError, "RAID 5 requires at least 3 online members" # there are 32 major md devices, 0...31 if minor == -1: for I in range(32): if not RAIDDevice.usedMajors.has_key(I): minor = I break if minor == -1: raise RuntimeError, ("Unable to allocate minor number for " "raid device") RAIDDevice.usedMajors[minor] = None self.device = "md" + str(minor) self.minor = minor def __del__ (self): RAIDDevice.usedMajors.remove(self.minor) def ext2Args (self): if self.level == 5: return [ '-R', 'stride=%d' % ((self.numDisks - 1) * 16) ] elif self.level == 0: return [ '-R', 'stride=%d' % (self.numDisks * 16) ] return [] def raidTab (self, devPrefix='/dev'): entry = "" entry = entry + "raiddev %s/%s\n" % (devPrefix, self.device,) entry = entry + "raid-level %d\n" % (self.level,) entry = entry + "nr-raid-disks %d\n" % (self.numDisks,) entry = entry + "chunk-size 64k\n" entry = entry + "persistent-superblock 1\n" entry = entry + "nr-spare-disks %d\n" % (self.spares,) i = 0 for device in self.members[:self.numDisks]: entry = entry + " device %s/%s\n" % (devPrefix, device) entry = entry + " raid-disk %d\n" % (i,) i = i + 1 i = 0 for device in self.members[self.numDisks:]: entry = entry + " device %s/%s\n" % (devPrefix, device) entry = entry + " spare-disk %d\n" % (i,) i = i + 1 return entry def setupDevice (self, chroot, devPrefix='/tmp'): node = "%s/%s" % (devPrefix, self.device) isys.makeDevInode(self.device, node) if not self.isSetup: raidtab = '/tmp/raidtab.%s' % (self.device,) f = open(raidtab, 'w') f.write(self.raidTab('/tmp')) f.close() for device in self.members: PartitionDevice(device).setupDevice(chroot, devPrefix=devPrefix) iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/mkraid", ( 'mkraid', '--really-force', '--configfile', raidtab, node ), stderr = "/dev/tty5", stdout = "/dev/tty5") self.isSetup = 1 return node def solidify(self): return ext2 = fileSystemTypeGet("ext2") ext2.registerDeviceArgumentFunction(RAIDDevice, RAIDDevice.ext2Args) class LVMDevice(Device): def __init__(self): Device.__init__(self) class PartitionDevice(Device): def __init__(self, partition): Device.__init__(self) self.device = partition def setupDevice(self, chroot, devPrefix='/tmp'): path = '%s/%s' % (devPrefix, self.getDevice(),) isys.makeDevInode(self.getDevice(), path) return path class PartedPartitionDevice(PartitionDevice): def __init__(self, partition): PartitionDevice.__init__(self, None) self.partition = partition def getDevice(self): if not self.partition: return self.device if (self.partition.geom.disk.dev.type == parted.DEVICE_DAC960 or self.partition.geom.disk.dev.type == parted.DEVICE_CPQARRAY): return "%sp%d" % (self.partition.geom.disk.dev.path[5:], self.partition.num) return "%s%d" % (self.partition.geom.disk.dev.path[5:], self.partition.num) def solidify(self): # drop reference on the parted partition object and note # the current minor number allocation self.device = self.getDevice() self.partition = None class SwapFileDevice(Device): def __init__(self, file): Device.__init__(self) self.device = file self.size = 0 def setSize (self, size): self.size = size def setupDevice (self, chroot, devPrefix='/tmp'): file = os.path.normpath(chroot + self.getDevice()) if not os.access(file, os.R_OK): if self.size: isys.ddfile(file, self.size, None) else: raise SystemError, (0, "swap file creation necessary, but " "required size is unknown.") return file class LoopbackDevice(Device): def __init__(self, hostPartition, hostFs): Device.__init__(self) self.host = "/dev/" + hostPartition self.hostfs = hostFs self.device = "loop1" def getComment (self): return "# LOOP1: %s %s /redhat.img\n" % (self.host, self.hostfs) # XXX fix RAID # XXX don't reserve labels on filesystems that are going to be # reformatted def readFstab (path): fsset = FileSystemSet() # first, we look at all the disks on the systems and get any ext2/3 # labels off of the filesystem. # temporary, to get the labels diskset = partitioning.DiskSet() diskset.openDevices() labels = diskset.getLabels() labelToDevice = {} for device, label in labels.items(): labelToDevice[label] = device # mark these labels found on the system as used so the factory # doesn't give them to another device labelFactory.reserveLabels(labels) loopIndex = {} f = open (path, "r") lines = f.readlines () f.close for line in lines: fields = string.split (line) if not fields: continue # pick up the magic comment in fstab that tells us which # device is the loop host in a partionless upgrade if fields[0] == "#" and len(fields) > 4 and fields[1][:4] == "LOOP": device = string.lower(fields[1]) if device[len(device) - 1] == ":": device = device[:len(device) - 1] realDevice = fields[2] if realDevice[:5] == "/dev/": realDevice = realDevice[5:] loopIndex[device] = (realDevice, fields[3]) if line[0] == "#": # skip all comments continue # all valid fstab entries have 6 fields if len (fields) < 4 or len (fields) > 6: continue # if we don't support mounting the filesystem, continue if not fileSystemTypes.has_key(fields[2]): continue if string.find(fields[3], "noauto") != -1: continue fsystem = fileSystemTypeGet(fields[2]) label = None if fields[0] == "none": device = Device() elif len(fields) >= 6 and fields[0][:6] == "LABEL=": label = fields[0][6:] if labelToDevice.has_key(label): device = PartitionDevice(labelToDevice[label]) else: log ("Warning: fstab file has LABEL=%s, but this label " "could not be found on any filesystem", label) # bad luck, skip this entry. continue elif (fields[2] == "swap" and fields[0][:5] != "/dev/"): # swap files file = fields[0] # the loophost looks like /mnt/loophost to the install, not # like /initrd/loopfs if file[:15] == "/initrd/loopfs/": file = "/mnt/loophost/" + file[14:] device = SwapFileDevice(file) elif fields[0][:9] == "/dev/loop": # look up this loop device in the index to find the # partition that houses the filesystem image # XXX currently we assume /dev/loop1 if loopIndex.has_key(device): (dev, fs) = loopIndex[device] device = LoopbackDevice(dev, fs) elif fields[0][:5] == "/dev/": device = PartitionDevice(fields[0][5:]) else: continue entry = FileSystemSetEntry(device, fields[1], fsystem, fields[3]) if label: entry.setLabel(label) fsset.add(entry) return fsset def isValidExt2(device): file = '/tmp/' + device isys.makeDevInode(device, file) try: fd = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY) except: return 0 buf = os.read(fd, 2048) os.close(fd) if len(buf) != 2048: return 0 if struct.unpack("H", buf[1080:1082]) == (0xef53,): return 1 return 0 def mountLoopbackRoot(device, skipMount = 0): isys.mount(device, '/mnt/loophost', fstype = "vfat") isys.makeDevInode("loop1", '/tmp/' + "loop1") isys.losetup("/tmp/loop1", "/mnt/loophost/redhat.img") if not skipMount: isys.mount("loop1", '/mnt/sysimage') def unmountLoopbackRoot(skipMount = 0): if not skipMount: isys.umount('/mnt/sysimage') isys.makeDevInode("loop1", '/tmp/' + "loop1") isys.unlosetup("/tmp/loop1") isys.umount('/mnt/loophost') def ext2FormatFilesystem(argList, messageFile, windowCreator, mntpoint): if windowCreator: w = windowCreator(_("Formatting"), _("Formatting %s filesystem...") % (mntpoint,), 100) else: w = None fd = os.open(messageFile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND) p = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: os.close(p[0]) os.dup2(p[1], 1) os.dup2(fd, 2) os.close(p[1]) os.close(fd) os.execv(argList[0], argList) log("failed to exec %s", argList) sys.exit(1) os.close(p[1]) # ignoring SIGCHLD would be cleaner then ignoring EINTR, but # we can't use signal() in this thread? s = 'a' while s and s != '\b': try: s = os.read(p[0], 1) except OSError, args: (num, str) = args if (num != 4): raise IOError, args os.write(fd, s) num = '' sync = 0 while s: try: s = os.read(p[0], 1) os.write(fd, s) if s != '\b': try: num = num + s except: pass else: if num: l = string.split(num, '/') val = (int(l[0]) * 100) / int(l[1]) w and w.set(val) # sync every 10% if sync + 10 < val: isys.sync() sync = val num = '' except OSError, args: (num, str) = args if (num != 4): raise IOError, args try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError, (errno, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg os.close(fd) w and w.pop() if os.WIFEXITED(status) and (os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0): return 0 return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": log.open("foo") fsset = readFstab("fstab") print fsset.fstab() print fsset.rootOnLoop() sys.exit(0) fsset = FileSystemSet() proc = FileSystemSetEntry(Device(), '/proc', 'proc') fsset.add(proc) devpts = FileSystemSetEntry(Device(), '/dev/pts', 'devpts') fsset.add(devpts) device = LoopbackDevice("hda1", "vfat") mountpoint = FileSystemSetEntry (device, '/') fsset.add(mountpoint) device = SwapFileDevice("/SWAP") mountpoint = FileSystemSetEntry (device, "swap", "swap") fsset.add(mountpoint) print fsset.fstab()