# # floppy.py - floppy drive probe and bootdisk creation # # Erik Troan # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import isys import errno import iutil import re import os, stat import rpm import kudzu from constants import * from flags import flags from rhpl.log import log from rhpl.translate import _ def probeFloppyDevice(): fdDevice = "fd0" # we now have nifty kudzu code that does all of the heavy lifting # and properly detects detached floppy drives, ide floppies, and # even usb floppies devices = kudzu.probe(kudzu.CLASS_FLOPPY, kudzu.BUS_IDE | kudzu.BUS_MISC | kudzu.BUS_SCSI, kudzu.PROBE_ALL) if not devices: log("no floppy devices found but we'll try fd0 anyway") return fdDevice for device in devices: if device.detached: continue log("anaconda floppy device %s" % (device.device)) return device.device log("anaconda floppy device is %s", fdDevice) return fdDevice def makeBootdisk (intf, dir, floppyDevice, hdList, instPath, bootloader): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP if flags.test: return DISPATCH_NOOP kernel = hdList['kernel'] kernelTag = "-%s-%s" % (kernel[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], kernel[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) # FIXME: if other arches had working boot disks, we wouldn't be able # to hardcode /boot kernel = "%s/boot/vmlinuz%s" %(instPath, kernelTag) size = 0 if os.access(kernel, os.R_OK): try: kernelsize = os.stat(kernel)[stat.ST_SIZE] log("kernelsize is %s" %(kernelsize,)) except: kernelsize = 0 size = size + kernelsize initrd = "%s/boot/initrd%s.img" %(instPath, kernelTag) if os.access(initrd, os.R_OK): try: initrdsize = os.stat(initrd)[stat.ST_SIZE] log("initrdsize is %s" %(initrdsize,) ) except: initrdsize = 0 size = size + initrdsize log("boot floppy size is %s" %(size,)) # go within 10 K of the size of the boot disk to have a tad # bit of safety. if this fails, we're no worse off than we used # to be. if size >= 1416 * 1024 * 1024: intf.messageWindow(_("Unable to make boot floppy"), _("The size of the kernel modules needed " "for your machine make it impossible to " "create a boot disk that will fit on a " "floppy diskette."), type = "warning") return DISPATCH_NOOP rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Insert a floppy disk"), _("Please remove any diskettes from the floppy " "drive, and insert the floppy diskette that " "is to contain the boot disk.\n\nAll data will " "be ERASED during creation of the boot disk."), type="custom", custom_buttons=[_("_Cancel"), _("_Make boot disk")]) if not rc: return DISPATCH_NOOP # this is faster then waiting on mkbootdisk to fail device = floppyDevice file = "/tmp/floppy" isys.makeDevInode(device, file) try: fd = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY) except: intf.messageWindow( _("Error"), _("An error occurred while making the boot disk. " "Please make sure that there is a floppy " "in the first floppy drive.")) return DISPATCH_BACK os.close(fd) if bootloader.args.get(): args = bootloader.args.get() else: args = "" w = intf.waitWindow (_("Creating"), _("Creating boot disk...")) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/mkbootdisk", [ "/sbin/mkbootdisk", "--kernelargs", args, "--noprompt", "--device", "/dev/" + floppyDevice, kernelTag[1:] ], stdout = '/dev/tty5', stderr = '/dev/tty5', searchPath = 1, root = instPath) w.pop() if rc: intf.messageWindow( _("Error"), _("An error occurred while making the boot disk. " "Please make sure that there is a floppy " "in the first floppy drive.")) return DISPATCH_BACK return DISPATCH_FORWARD