# # exception.py - general exception formatting and saving # # Matt Wilson # Erik Troan # # Copyright 2000-2005 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import isys import sys import os import signal import traceback import iutil import types import rpm import bdb from string import joinfields from cPickle import Pickler from rhpl.translate import _ from flags import flags import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") dumpHash = {} # XXX do length limits on obj dumps. def dumpClass(instance, fd, level=0, parentkey=""): keySkipList = [ "id.accounts", "id.bootloader.password", "id.comps", "id.dispatch", "id.hdList", "id.keyboard.modelDict", "intf.icw.buff", "intf.icw.releaseNotesContents", "intf.icw.id.keyboard._mods._modelDict", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.releaseNotesContents", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.backend.dlpkgs", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.bootloader.password", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instClass.handlers.handlers", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instClass.ksparser.handler.ksdata.bootloader", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instClass.ksparser.handler.ksdata.rootpw", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instClass.ksparser.handler.ksdata.vnc", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instClass.ksparser.handler", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instLanguage.localeInfo", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.instLanguage.nativeLangNames", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.keyboard._mods._modelDict", "intf.ppw.ics.cw.id.rootPassword", "intf.icw.stockButtons", "intf.icw.id.bootloader.password", "intf.icw.id.instLanguage.langInfoByName", "intf.icw.id.instLanguage.nativeLangNames", "intf.instLanguage.nativeLangNames", "intf.instLanguage.langInfo", "id.instLanguage.font", "id.instLanguage.kbd", "id.instLanguage.tz", "id.rootPassword", "id.tmpData", "id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor.monlist", "id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor.monids", "backend.ayum", "backend.dlpkgs", "intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.dlpkgs", "intf.icw.currentWindow.backend.ayum", "sack.excludes" ] # protect from loops try: if not dumpHash.has_key(instance): dumpHash[instance] = None else: fd.write("Already dumped\n") return except TypeError: fd.write("Cannot dump object\n") return if (instance.__class__.__dict__.has_key("__str__") or instance.__class__.__dict__.has_key("__repr__")): fd.write("%s\n" % (instance,)) return fd.write("%s instance, containing members:\n" % (instance.__class__.__name__)) pad = ' ' * ((level) * 2) for key, value in instance.__dict__.items(): if parentkey != "": curkey = parentkey + "." + key else: curkey = key if curkey in keySkipList: continue if type(value) == types.ListType: fd.write("%s%s: [" % (pad, curkey)) first = 1 for item in value: if not first: fd.write(", ") else: first = 0 if type(item) == types.InstanceType: dumpClass(item, fd, level + 1) else: fd.write("%s" % (item,)) fd.write("]\n") elif type(value) == types.DictType: fd.write("%s%s: {" % (pad, curkey)) first = 1 for k, v in value.items(): newkey = curkey+"."+str(k) if newkey in keySkipList: continue if not first: fd.write(", ") else: first = 0 if type(k) == types.StringType: fd.write("'%s': " % (k,)) else: fd.write("%s: " % (k,)) if type(v) == types.InstanceType: dumpClass(v, fd, level + 1, parentkey = curkey) else: fd.write("%s" % (v,)) fd.write("}\n") elif type(value) == types.InstanceType: fd.write("%s%s: " % (pad, curkey)) dumpClass(value, fd, level + 1, parentkey=curkey) else: fd.write("%s%s: %s\n" % (pad, curkey, value)) def dumpException(out, text, tb, dispatch): p = Pickler(out) out.write(text) trace = tb while trace.tb_next: trace = trace.tb_next frame = trace.tb_frame out.write ("\nLocal variables in innermost frame:\n") try: for (key, value) in frame.f_locals.items(): out.write ("%s: %s\n" % (key, value)) except: pass if dispatch.id.grpset: out.write("\n\nPackage Group selection status:\n") for comp in dispatch.id.grpset.groups.values(): out.write("%s: %s\n" % (comp.name, comp.isSelected(justManual = 1))) if dispatch.id.grpset and dispatch.id.grpset.hdrlist: out.write("\n\nIndividual package selection status:\n") pkgList = dispatch.id.grpset.hdrlist.pkgs.keys() pkgList.sort() for pkg in pkgList: p = dispatch.id.grpset.hdrlist.pkgs[pkg] out.write("%s: %s, " % (p[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], p.isSelected())) out.write("\n") # we don't need to know passwords # dispatch.id.rootPassword = None # dispatch.id.accounts = None # dispatch.intf = None # dispatch.dispatch = None # try: # if dispatch.id.xsetup and dispatch.id.xsetup.xhwstate and dispatch.id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor: # dispatch.id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor.monlist = None # dispatch.id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor.monids = None # dispatch.id.instLanguage.langNicks = None # dispatch.id.instLanguage.langList = None # dispatch.intf.icw.buff = None # except: # pass try: out.write("\n\n") dumpClass(dispatch, out) except: out.write("\nException occurred during state dump:\n") traceback.print_exc(None, out) for file in ("/tmp/syslog", "/tmp/anaconda.log", "/tmp/netinfo", "/tmp/lvmout", dispatch.instPath + "/root/install.log", dispatch.instPath + "/root/upgrade.log"): try: f = open(file, 'r') line = "\n\n%s:\n" % (file,) while line: out.write(line) line = f.readline() f.close() except IOError: pass except: out.write("\nException occurred during %s file copy:\n" % (file,)) traceback.print_exc(None, out) def scpAuthenticate(master, childpid, password): while 1: # Read up to password prompt. Propagate OSError exceptions, which # can occur for anything that causes scp to immediately die (bad # hostname, host down, etc.) buf = os.read(master, 4096) if buf.find("'s password: ") != -1: os.write(master, password+"\n") # read the space and newline that get echoed back os.read(master, 2) break while 1: buf = "" try: buf = os.read(master, 4096) except (OSError, EOFError): break (pid, childstatus) = os.waitpid (childpid, 0) return childstatus # Returns 0 on success, 1 on cancel, 2 on error. def copyExceptionToRemote(intf): import pty scpWin = intf.scpWindow() while 1: # Bail if they hit the cancel button. scpWin.run() scpInfo = scpWin.getrc() if scpInfo == None: scpWin.pop() return 1 (host, path, user, password) = scpInfo # Thanks to Will Woods for the scp control # here and in scpAuthenticate. # Fork ssh into its own pty (childpid, master) = pty.fork() if childpid < 0: log.critical("Could not fork process to run scp") scpWin.pop() return 2 elif childpid == 0: # child process - run scp args = ["scp", "-oNumberOfPasswordPrompts=1", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "/tmp/anacdump.txt", "%s@%s:%s" % (user, host, path)] os.execvp("scp", args) # parent process try: childstatus = scpAuthenticate(master, childpid, password) except OSError: scpWin.pop() return 2 os.close(master) if os.WIFEXITED(childstatus) and os.WEXITSTATUS(childstatus) == 0: return 0 else: scpWin.pop() return 2 def copyExceptionToFloppy (intf, dispatch): # in test mode have save to floppy option just copy to new name if not flags.setupFilesystems: try: iutil.copyFile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/tmp/test-anacdump.txt") except: log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to /tmp/test-anacdump.txt") pass intf.__del__ () return 2 while 1: # Bail if they hit the cancel button. rc = intf.dumpWindow() if rc: return 1 device = dispatch.id.floppyDevice file = "/tmp/floppy" try: isys.makeDevInode(device, file) except SystemError: pass try: fd = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY) except: continue os.close(fd) if iutil.getArch() != "ia64": args = [ 'mkdosfs', '/tmp/floppy' ] cmd = "/usr/sbin/mkdosfs" if os.access("/sbin/mkdosfs", os.X_OK): cmd = "/sbin/mkdosfs" iutil.execWithRedirect (cmd, args, stdout = '/dev/tty5', stderr = '/dev/tty5') try: isys.mount(device, "/tmp/crash", fstype = "vfat") except SystemError: continue # copy trace dump we wrote to local storage to floppy try: iutil.copyFile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/tmp/crash/anacdump.txt") except: log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to floppy") return 2 isys.umount("/tmp/crash") return 0 def handleException(dispatch, intf, (type, value, tb)): if isinstance(value, bdb.BdbQuit): sys.exit(1) # restore original exception handler sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ # get traceback information list = traceback.format_exception (type, value, tb) text = joinfields (list, "") # save to local storage first out = open("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "w") dumpException (out, text, tb, dispatch) out.close() # see if /mnt/sysimage is present and put exception there as well if os.access("/mnt/sysimage/root", os.X_OK): try: iutil.copyFile("/tmp/anacdump.txt", "/mnt/sysimage/root/anacdump.txt") except: log.error("Failed to copy anacdump.txt to /mnt/sysimage/root") pass # run kickstart traceback scripts (if necessary) try: if dispatch.id.instClass.name and dispatch.id.instClass.name == "kickstart": dispatch.id.instClass.runTracebackScripts() except: pass win = intf.exceptionWindow(text, "/tmp/anacdump.txt") while 1: win.run() rc = win.getrc() if rc == 0: intf.__del__ () os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) elif rc == 1: intf.__del__ () print text pidfl = "/tmp/vncshell.pid" if os.path.exists(pidfl) and os.path.isfile(pidfl): pf = open(pidfl, "r") for pid in pf.readlines(): if not int(pid) == os.getpid(): os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) pf.close() os.open("/dev/console", os.O_RDWR) # reclaim stdin os.dup2(0, 1) # reclaim stdout os.dup2(0, 2) # reclaim stderr # ^ # | # +------ dup2 is magic, I tells ya! # bring back the echo import termios si = sys.stdin.fileno() attr = termios.tcgetattr(si) attr[3] = attr[3] & termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(si, termios.TCSADRAIN, attr) print "\nEntering debugger..." import pdb pdb.post_mortem (tb) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) elif rc == 2: floppyRc = copyExceptionToFloppy(intf, dispatch) if floppyRc == 0: intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Written"), _("Your system's state has been successfully written to " "the floppy. Your system will now be rebooted."), type="custom", custom_icon="info", custom_buttons=[_("_Reboot")]) sys.exit(0) elif floppyRc == 1: continue elif floppyRc == 2: intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Not Written"), _("There was a problem writing the system state to the " "floppy.")) continue elif rc == 3: scpRc = copyExceptionToRemote(intf) if scpRc == 0: intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Written"), _("Your system's state has been successfully written to " "the remote host.\nYour system will now be reset."), type="custom", custom_icon="info", custom_buttons=[_("_Reboot")]) sys.exit(0) elif scpRc == 1: continue elif scpRc == 2: intf.messageWindow(_("Dump Not Written"), _("There was a problem writing the system state to the " "remote host.")) continue