# # dmraid.py - dmraid probing control # # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Peter Jones # """DMRaid probing control.""" # XXX dmraid and md raid should be abstracted from the same thing. -pj # XXX dmraid and lvm should use a common control mechanism (such as block.dm) # for device-mapper. -pj import sys import string _bdModulePath = "/tmp/updates/bdevid/:" import block oldPath = block.getBdevidPath() if not _bdModulePath in oldPath: block.setBdevidPath(_bdModulePath + oldPath) del oldPath import partedUtils import raid from flags import flags import logging from anaconda_log import logger, logFile logger.addLogger ("anaconda.dmraid", minLevel=logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger("anaconda.dmraid") logger.addFileHandler (logFile, log) import isys # these arches can have their /boot on DMRAID and not have their # boot loader blow up # XXX This needs to be functional so it can test if drives sit on particular # controlers. -pj dmraidBootArches = [ "i386", "x86_64" ] dmNameUpdates = {} class DmDriveCache: def __init__(self): self.cache = {} def _addMapDevs(self, name, devs, obj): isys.cachedDrives["mapper/" + name] = obj log.debug("adding %s to isys cache" % ("mapper/" + name,)) for dev in devs: disk = dev.split('/')[-1] if isys.cachedDrives.has_key(disk): self.cache.setdefault(obj.name, {}) self.cache[obj.name][obj.name] = obj log.debug("adding %s to dm cache" % (disk,)) self.cache[obj.name][disk] = isys.cachedDrives[disk] log.debug("removing %s from isys cache" % (disk,)) del isys.cachedDrives[disk] def add(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, block.MultiPath): return self._addMapDevs(obj.name, obj.bdevs, obj) else: members = [] for m in obj.members: if isinstance(m, block.RaidDev): members.append(m.rd.device.path) return self._addMapDevs(obj.name, members, obj) def remove(self, name): objname = "mapper/" + name if isys.cachedDrives.has_key(objname): obj = isys.cachedDrives[objname] log.debug("removing %s from isys cache" % (objname,)) del isys.cachedDrives[objname] if self.cache.has_key(obj.name): del self.cache[obj.name][obj.name] for k,v in self.cache[obj.name].items(): log.debug("adding %s to isys cache" % (name,)) isys.cachedDrives[k] = v log.debug("removing %s from dm cache" % (obj,)) del self.cache[obj.name] def rename(self, obj, newname): oldname = 'mapper/' + obj.name if isys.cachedDrives.has_key(oldname): dmNameUpdates[obj.name] = newname self.remove(oldname) # XXX why doesn't setting the property work? obj.set_name(newname) self.add(obj) def __contains__(self, name): return self.cache.has_key(name) cacheDrives = DmDriveCache() class DegradedRaidWarning(Warning): def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args def __str__(self): return self.args and ('%s' % self.args[0]) or repr(self) def scanForRaid(drives, degradedOk=False): """Scans for dmraid devices on drives. drives is a list of device names. Returns a list of (raidSet, parentRaidSet, devices, level, totalDisks) tuples. """ log.debug("scanning for dmraid on drives %s" % (drives,)) probeDrives = [] for d in drives: probeDrives.append("/dev/%s" % (d,)) dmsets = [] def nonDegraded(rs): log.debug("got raidset %s (%s)" % (rs, string.join(rs.member_devpaths))) log.debug(" valid: %s found_devs: %s total_devs: %s" % (rs.valid, rs.rs.found_devs, rs.rs.total_devs)) if not rs.valid and not degradedOk: log.warning("raid %s (%s) is degraded" % (rs, rs.name)) #raise DegradedRaidWarning, rs return False return True raidsets = filter(nonDegraded, block.getRaidSets(probeDrives) or []) def updateName(rs): if dmNameUpdates.has_key(rs.name): rs.set_name(dmNameUpdates[rs.name]) cacheDrives.add(rs) return rs return reduce(lambda x,y: x + [updateName(y),], raidsets, []) def renameRaidSet(rs, name): cacheDrives.rename(rs, name) def startAllRaid(driveList): """Do a raid start on raid devices.""" if not flags.dmraid: return [] log.debug("starting all dmraids on drives %s" % (driveList,)) try: dmList = scanForRaid(driveList) except Exception, e: log.error("error scanning dmraid, disabling: %s" %(e,)) flags.dmraid = 0 dmList = [] newDmList = [] for rs in dmList: rs.prefix = '/dev/mapper/' log.debug("starting raid %s with mknod=True" % (rs,)) try: rs.activate(mknod=True) newDmList.append(rs) except Exception, e: log.error("Activating raid %s failed: " % (rs.rs,)) log.error(" table: %s" % (rs.rs.table,)) log.error(" exception: %s" % (e,)) try: rs.deactivate() del rs except: pass return newDmList def stopAllRaid(dmList): """Do a raid stop on each of the raid device tuples given.""" if not flags.dmraid: return log.debug("stopping all dmraids") for rs in dmList: log.debug("stopping raid %s" % (rs,)) if rs.name in cacheDrives: cacheDrives.remove(rs.name) rs.deactivate() #block.removeDeviceMap(map) def isRaid6(raidlevel): """Return whether raidlevel is a valid descriptor of RAID6.""" return False def isRaid5(raidlevel): """Return whether raidlevel is a valid descriptor of RAID5.""" return False def isRaid1(raidlevel): """Return whether raidlevel is a valid descriptor of RAID1.""" return raid.isRaid1(raidlevel) def isRaid0(raidlevel): """Return whether raidlevel is a valid descriptor of RAID1.""" return raid.isRaid0(raidlevel) def get_raid_min_members(raidlevel): """Return the minimum number of raid members required for raid level""" return raid.get_raid_min_members(raidlevel) def get_raid_max_spares(raidlevel, nummembers): """Return the maximum number of raid spares for raidlevel.""" return raid.get_raid_max_spares(raidlevel, nummembers) def register_raid_device(dmname, newdevices, newlevel, newnumActive): """Register a new RAID device in the dmlist.""" raise NotImplementedError def lookup_raid_device(dmname): """Return the requested RAID device information.""" for rs, parent, devices, level, nrDisks, totalDisks in \ partedUtils.DiskSet.dmList: if dmname == rs.name: return (rs.name, devices, level, totalDisks) raise KeyError, "dm device not found" def scanForMPath(drives): log.debug("scanning for multipath on drives %s" % (drives,)) mpaths = [] probeDrives = [] for d in drives: probeDrives.append("/dev/%s" % (d,)) import block as _block oldPath = _block.getBdevidPath() if not _bdModulePath in oldPath: _block.setBdevidPath(_bdModulePath + oldPath) del oldPath log.debug("loading bdevid modules from: '%s'" % (_block.getBdevidPath(),)) _block.load("scsi") mpaths = _block.getMPaths(probeDrives) log.debug("mpaths: %s" % (mpaths,)) def updateName(mp): if dmNameUpdates.has_key(mp.name): mp.set_name(dmNameUpdates[mp.name]) cacheDrives.add(mp) return mp return reduce(lambda x,y: x + [updateName(y),], mpaths, []) def renameMPath(mpath, name): cacheDrives.rename(rs, name) def startMPath(mpath): if flags.mpath == 0: return mpath.prefix = '/dev/mapper/' log.debug("starting mpath %s with mknod=True" % (mpath,)) mpath.activate(mknod=True) def startAllMPath(driveList): """Start all of the MPaths of the specified drives.""" if not flags.mpath: return [] log.debug("starting all mpaths on drives %s" % (driveList,)) try: mpList = scanForMPath(driveList) except Exception, e: log.error("error scanning mpaths, disabling: %s" %(e,)) flags.mpath = 0 mpList = [] for mp in mpList: startMPath(mp) return mpList def stopMPath(mp): if flags.mpath == 0: return log.debug("stopping mpath %s" % (mp,)) if mp.name in cacheDrives: cacheDrives.remove(mp.name) mp.deactivate() #block.removeDeviceMap(map) def stopAllMPath(mpList): """Do a mpath stop on each of the mpath device tuples given.""" if not flags.mpath: return log.debug("stopping all mpaths") for mp in mpList: stopMPath(mp)