# # dispatch.py: install/upgrade master flow control # # Erik Troan # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import string from types import * from constants import * from packages import readPackages, checkDependencies, doInstall from packages import handleX11Packages, writeConfiguration, writeXConfiguration from packages import checkMonitorOK, setSaneXSettings from packages import writeKSConfiguration, turnOnFilesystems from packages import doMigrateFilesystems from packages import queryUpgradeContinue from packages import doPreInstall, doPostInstall, doPostAction from autopart import doAutoPartition from packages import firstbootConfiguration from packages import betaNagScreen from packages import selectLanguageSupportGroups from packages import setupTimezone from packages import setFileCons from partitioning import partitionMethodSetup, partitionObjectsInitialize from partitioning import partitioningComplete from floppy import makeBootdisk from bootloader import writeBootloader, bootloaderSetupChoices from flags import flags from upgrade import upgradeFindPackages, upgradeMountFilesystems from upgrade import upgradeSwapSuggestion, upgradeMigrateFind from upgrade import findRootParts from network import networkDeviceCheck from installmethod import doMethodComplete from rhpl.log import log # These are all of the install steps, in order. Note that upgrade and # install steps are the same thing! Upgrades skip install steps, while # installs skip upgrade steps. # # items are one of # # ( name, tuple) # ( name, Function, tuple) # # in the second case, the function is called directly from the dispatcher installSteps = [ ("welcome", ("id.configFileData",)), ("betanag", betaNagScreen, ("intf", "dir")), ("language", ("intf", "id.instLanguage")), ("keyboard", ("id.instLanguage.getDefaultKeyboard()", "id.keyboard")), ("checkmonitorok", checkMonitorOK, ("id.monitor", "dispatch")), ("monitor", ("id.xsetup", "id.monitor", "intf")), ("setsanex", setSaneXSettings, ("id.xsetup",)), ("findrootparts", findRootParts, ("intf", "id", "dispatch", "dir", "instPath")), ("findinstall", ("dispatch", "intf", "id", "instPath")), ("installtype", ("dispatch", "id", "method", "intf")), ("zfcpconfig", ("id.zfcp", "id.diskset", "intf")), ("partitionmethod", ("id.partitions", "id.instClass")), ("partitionobjinit", partitionObjectsInitialize, ("id.diskset", "id.partitions", "dir", "intf")), ("partitionmethodsetup", partitionMethodSetup, ("id.partitions", "dispatch")), ("autopartition", ("id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf", "dispatch")), ("autopartitionexecute", doAutoPartition, ("dir", "id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf", "id.instClass", "dispatch")), ("fdisk", ("id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf")), ("fdasd", ("id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf")), ("partition", ("id.fsset", "id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf")), ("upgrademount", upgradeMountFilesystems, ("intf", "id.upgradeRoot", "id.fsset", "instPath")), ("upgradecontinue", queryUpgradeContinue, ("intf", "dir")), ("upgradeswapsuggestion", upgradeSwapSuggestion, ("dispatch", "id", "instPath")), ("addswap", ("intf", "id.fsset", "instPath", "id.upgradeSwapInfo", "dispatch")), ("partitiondone", partitioningComplete, ("id.bootloader", "id.fsset", "id.diskset", "id.partitions", "intf", "instPath", "dir")), ("upgrademigfind", upgradeMigrateFind, ("dispatch", "id.fsset")), ("upgrademigratefs", ("id.fsset",)), ("upgbootloader", ("dispatch", "id.bootloader")), ("bootloadersetup", bootloaderSetupChoices, ("dispatch", "id.bootloader", "id.fsset", "id.diskset", "dir")), ("bootloader", ("dispatch", "id.bootloader", "id.fsset", "id.diskset")), ("bootloaderadvanced", ("dispatch", "id.bootloader", "id.fsset", "id.diskset")), ("networkdevicecheck", networkDeviceCheck, ("id.network", "dispatch")), ("network", ("id.network", "dir", "intf")), ("firewall", ("intf", "id.network", "id.firewall", "id.security")), ("languagesupport", ("id.langSupport",)), ("timezone", ("id.instLanguage", "id.timezone")), ("accounts", ("intf", "id.rootPassword")), ("authentication", ("id.auth",)), ("readcomps", readPackages, ("intf", "method", "id")), ("desktopchoice", ("intf", "id.instClass", "dispatch")), ("findpackages", upgradeFindPackages, ("intf", "method", "id", "instPath", "dir")), ("selectlangpackages", selectLanguageSupportGroups, ("id.grpset","id.langSupport")), ("package-selection", ("id.grpset", "id.langSupport", "id.instClass", "dispatch")), ("indivpackage", ("id.grpset",)), ("handleX11pkgs", handleX11Packages, ("dir", "intf", "dispatch", "id", "instPath")), ("checkdeps", checkDependencies, ("dir", "intf", "dispatch", "id", "instPath")), ("dependencies", ("id.grpset", "id.dependencies")), ("confirminstall", ("intf", "id",)), ("confirmupgrade", ("intf", "id",)), ("install", ("dir", "intf", "id")), ("enablefilesystems", turnOnFilesystems, ("dir", "id.fsset", "id.diskset", "id.partitions", "id.upgrade", "instPath")), ("migratefilesystems", doMigrateFilesystems, ("dir", "id.fsset", "id.diskset", "id.upgrade", "instPath")), ("setuptime", setupTimezone, ("id.timezone", "id.upgrade", "instPath", "dir")), ("preinstallconfig", doPreInstall, ("method", "id", "intf", "instPath", "dir")), ("installpackages", doInstall, ("method", "id", "intf", "instPath")), ("postinstallconfig", doPostInstall, ("method", "id", "intf", "instPath")), ("writeconfig", writeConfiguration, ("id", "instPath")), ("firstboot", firstbootConfiguration, ("id", "instPath")), ("instbootloader", writeBootloader, ("intf", "instPath", "id.fsset", "id.bootloader", "id.langSupport", "id.grpset")), ("bootdisk", ("dir", "dispatch", "id.fsset")), ("makebootdisk", makeBootdisk, ("intf", "dir", "id.floppyDevice", "id.grpset", "instPath", "id.bootloader")), # # we dont use videocard and xcustom currently, they are still listed as # steps but are not listed in the list of install steps in installclass.py # ("videocard", ("dispatch", "id.xsetup", "id.videocard", "intf")), # # this got moved up to just after mouse config, only runs if monitor probe # failed. Needs to be here if we enable videocard and xcustom again. # ("monitor", ("id.xsetup", "id.monitor", "intf")), ("xcustom", ("id.xsetup", "id.monitor", "id.videocard", "id.desktop", "id.grpset", "id.instClass", "instPath")), ("writexconfig", writeXConfiguration, ("id", "instPath")), ("writeksconfig", writeKSConfiguration, ("id", "instPath")), ("setfilecon", setFileCons, ("instPath","id.partitions")), ("dopostaction", doPostAction, ("id", "instPath")), ("methodcomplete", doMethodComplete, ("method",)), ("complete", ()), ] class Dispatcher: def gotoPrev(self): self.dir = -1 self.moveStep() def gotoNext(self): self.dir = 1 self.moveStep() def canGoBack(self): # begin with the step before this one. If all steps are skipped, # we can not go backwards from this screen i = self.step - 1 while i >= self.firstStep: if not self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[i][0]): return 1 i = i - 1 return 0 def setStepList(self, *steps): # only remove non-permanently skipped steps from our skip list for step, state in self.skipSteps.items(): if state == 1: del self.skipSteps[step] stepExists = {} for step in installSteps: name = step[0] if not name in steps: self.skipSteps[name] = 1 stepExists[name] = 1 for name in steps: if not stepExists.has_key(name): raise KeyError, ("step %s does not exist" % name) def stepInSkipList(self, step): return self.skipSteps.has_key(step) def skipStep(self, stepToSkip, skip = 1, permanent = 0): for step in installSteps: name = step[0] if name == stepToSkip: if skip: if permanent: self.skipSteps[name] = 2 elif not self.skipSteps.has_key(name): self.skipSteps[name] = 1 elif self.skipSteps.has_key(name): # if marked as permanent then dont change if self.skipSteps[name] != 2: del self.skipSteps[name] return raise KeyError, ("unknown step %s" % stepToSkip) def moveStep(self): if self.step == None: self.step = self.firstStep else: self.step = self.step + self.dir if self.step >= len(installSteps): return None while ((self.step >= self.firstStep and self.step < len(installSteps)) and (self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[self.step][0]) or (type(installSteps[self.step][1]) == FunctionType))): info = installSteps[self.step] if ((type(info[1]) == FunctionType) and (not self.skipSteps.has_key(info[0]))): log("moving (%d) to step %s" %(self.dir, info[0])) (func, args) = info[1:] rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(args)) if rc == DISPATCH_BACK: self.dir = -1 elif rc == DISPATCH_FORWARD: self.dir = 1 # if anything else, leave self.dir alone self.step = self.step + self.dir if self.step == len(installSteps): return None if (self.step < 0): # pick the first step not in the skip list self.step = 0 while self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[self.step][0]): self.step = self.step + 1 elif self.step >= len(installSteps): self.step = len(installSteps) - 1 while self.skipSteps.has_key(installSteps[self.step][0]): self.step = self.step - 1 log("moving (%d) to step %s" %(self.dir, installSteps[self.step][0])) def bindArgs(self, args): newArgs = () for arg in args: obj = self for item in string.split(arg, '.'): if not obj.__dict__.has_key(item): exec "obj = self.%s" %(arg,) break obj = obj.__dict__[item] newArgs = newArgs + (obj,) return newArgs def currentStep(self): if self.step == None: self.gotoNext() elif self.step >= len(installSteps): return (None, None) stepInfo = installSteps[self.step] step = stepInfo[0] args = self.bindArgs(stepInfo[1]) return (step, args) def __init__(self, intf, id, method, instPath): self.dir = DISPATCH_FORWARD self.step = None self.skipSteps = {} self.id = id self.flags = flags self.intf = intf self.method = method self.dispatch = self self.instPath = instPath self.firstStep = 0