# # cryptodev.py # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Dave Lehman # import os import iutil import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") def isLuks(device): if not device.startswith("/"): device = "/dev/" + device rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("cryptsetup", ["isLuks", device], stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/null", searchPath = 1) if rc: return False else: return True def luksUUID(device): if not device.startswith("/"): device = "/dev/" + device if not isLuks(device): return None uuid = iutil.execWithCapture("cryptsetup", ["luksUUID", device]) uuid = uuid.strip() return uuid class LUKSDevice: """LUKSDevice represents an encrypted block device using LUKS/dm-crypt. It requires an underlying block device and a passphrase to become functional.""" def __init__(self, device=None, passphrase=None, format=0): self._device = None self.passphrase = "" self.name = "" self.uuid = None self.nameLocked = False self.format = format self.preexist = not format self.packages = ["cryptsetup-luks"] self.scheme = "LUKS" self.setDevice(device) self.setPassphrase(passphrase) def getScheme(self): """Returns the name of the encryption scheme used by the device.""" return self.scheme def setDevice(self, device): if self._device == device: return self._device = device if device is not None: name = "%s-%s" % (self.scheme.lower(), os.path.basename(device)) self.setName(name) def getDevice(self, encrypted=0): if encrypted: dev = self._device else: dev = "mapper/%s" % (self.name,) return dev def getUUID(self): if self.format: # self.format means we're going to reformat but haven't yet # so we shouldn't act like there's anything worth seeing there return if not self.uuid: self.uuid = luksUUID(self.getDevice(encrypted=1)) return self.uuid def setName(self, name, lock=False): """Set the name of the mapped device, eg: 'dmcrypt-sda3'""" if self.name == name: return if self.name and not self.getStatus(): raise RuntimeError, "Cannot rename an active mapping." if self.nameLocked: log.debug("Failed to change locked mapping name: %s" % (self.name,)) return self.name = name if lock and name: # don't allow anyone to lock the name as "" or None self.nameLocked = True def setPassphrase(self, passphrase): """Set the (plaintext) passphrase used to access the device.""" self.passphrase = passphrase def crypttab(self): """Return a crypttab formatted line describing this mapping.""" format = "%-23s %-15s %s\n" line = format % (self.name, "/dev/%s" % (self.getDevice(encrypted=1),), "none") return line def getStatus(self): """0 means active, 1 means inactive (or non-existent)""" if not self.name: return 1 rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("cryptsetup", ["status", self.name], stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/null", searchPath = 1) return rc def formatDevice(self): """Write a LUKS header onto the device.""" if not self.format: return if not self.getStatus(): log.debug("refusing to format active mapping %s" % (self.name,)) return 1 if not self.passphrase: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot create mapping without a passphrase." device = self.getDevice(encrypted=1) if not device: raise ValueError, "Cannot open mapping without a device." log.info("formatting %s as %s" % (device, self.getScheme())) p = os.pipe() os.write(p[1], "%s\n" % (self.passphrase,)) os.close(p[1]) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("cryptsetup", ["-q", "luksFormat", "/dev/%s" % (device,)], stdin = p[0], stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/tty5", searchPath = 1) self.format = 0 return rc def openDevice(self): if not self.getStatus(): # already mapped return 0 if not self.passphrase: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot create mapping without a passphrase." device = self.getDevice(encrypted=1) if not device: raise ValueError, "Cannot open mapping without a device." log.info("mapping %s device %s to %s" % (self.getScheme(), device, self.name)) p = os.pipe() os.write(p[1], "%s\n" % (self.passphrase,)) os.close(p[1]) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("cryptsetup", ["luksOpen", "/dev/%s" % (device,), self.name], stdin = p[0], stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/tty5", searchPath = 1) return rc def closeDevice(self): if self.getStatus(): # not mapped return 0 log.info("unmapping %s device %s" % (self.getScheme(), self.name)) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("cryptsetup", ["luksClose", self.name], stdout = "/dev/null", stderr = "/dev/tty5", searchPath = 1) return rc