import sys import rpm import os from string import * import types import iutil import urllib XFreeServerPackages = { 'XFree86-3DLabs' : 1, 'XFree86-8514' : 1, 'XFree86-AGX' : 1, 'XFree86-I128' : 1, 'XFree86-Mach32' : 1, 'XFree86-Mach64' : 1, 'XFree86-Mach8' : 1, 'XFree86-Mono' : 1, 'XFree86-P9000' : 1, 'XFree86-S3' : 1, 'XFree86-S3V' : 1, 'XFree86-SVGA' : 1, 'XFree86-W32' : 1, 'XFree86-Sun' : 1, 'XFree86-SunMono' : 1, 'XFree86-Sun24' : 1 } class Package: def __getitem__(self, item): return self.h[item] def __repr__(self): return def __init__(self, header): self.h = header = header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] self.selected = 0 class HeaderList: def selected(self): l = [] keys = self.packages.keys() keys.sort() for name in keys: if self.packages[name].selected: l.append(self.packages[name]) return l def has_key(self, item): return self.packages.has_key(item) def keys(self): return self.packages.keys() def __getitem__(self, item): return self.packages[item] def list(self): return self.packages.values() def __init__(self, hdlist): self.hdlist = hdlist self.packages = {} for h in hdlist: name = h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] score1 = rpm.archscore(h['arch']) if (score1): if self.packages.has_key(name): score2 = rpm.archscore(self.packages[name].h['arch']) if (score1 < score2): self.packages[name] = Package(h) else: self.packages[name] = Package(h) class HeaderListFromFile (HeaderList): def __init__(self, path): hdlist = rpm.readHeaderListFromFile(path) HeaderList.__init__(self, hdlist) class HeaderListFD (HeaderList): def __init__(self, fd): hdlist = rpm.readHeaderListFromFD (fd) HeaderList.__init__(self, hdlist) class Component: def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.items[key] def __repr__(self): return "comp %s" % ( def addPackage(self, package): self.items[package] = package def addConditional (self, condition, package): if self.conditional.has_key (condition): self.conditional[condition].append (package) else: self.conditional[condition] = [ package ] def addInclude(self, component): self.includes.append(component) def addRequires(self, component): self.requires = component def conditionalSelect (self, key): for pkg in self.conditional[key]: pkg.selected = 1 def conditionalUnselect (self, key): for pkg in self.conditional[key]: pkg.selected = 0 def select(self, recurse = 1): self.selected = 1 for pkg in self.items.keys (): self.items[pkg].selected = 1 # turn on any conditional packages for (condition, pkgs) in self.conditional.items (): if condition.selected: for pkg in pkgs: pkg.selected = 1 # components that have conditional packages keyed on this # component AND are currently selected have those conditional # packages turned turned on when this component is turned on. if self.dependents: for dep in self.dependents: if dep.selected: dep.conditionalSelect (self) if recurse: for n in self.includes: if n.requires: if n.requires.selected: else: if n.requires: if n.requires.selected: else: def unselect(self, recurse = 1): self.selected = 0 for n in self.items.keys (): self.items[n].selected = 0 # always turn off conditional packages, regardless # if the condition is met or not. for (condition, pkgs) in self.conditional.items (): for pkg in pkgs: pkg.selected = 0 # now we must turn off conditional packages in components that # are keyed on this package if self.dependents: for dep in self.dependents: dep.conditionalUnselect (self) if recurse: for n in self.includes: n.unselect(recurse) def __init__(self, name, selected, hidden = 0): = name self.hidden = hidden self.selected = selected self.items = {} self.conditional = {} self.dependents = [] self.requires = None self.includes = [] class ComponentSet: def __len__(self): return len(self.comps) def __getitem__(self, key): if (type(key) == types.IntType): return self.comps[key] return self.compsDict[key] def getSelectionState(self): compsSelected = [] pkgsSelected = [] for comp in self.comps: if comp.selected: compsSelected.append(comp) for pkg in self.packages.list(): if pkg.selected: pkgsSelected.append(pkg) return (compsSelected, pkgsSelected) def setSelectionState(self, pickle): (compsSelected, pkgsSelected) = pickle for comp in self.comps: if not comp.hidden: comp.unselect(0) for comp in compsSelected: self['Base'].select(1) for pkg in self.packages.list(): pkg.selected = 0 for pkg in pkgsSelected: pkg.selected = 1 def sizeStr(self): megs = self.size() / 1024 / 1024 if (megs >= 1000): big = megs / 1000 little = megs % 1000 return "%d,%dM" % (big, little) return "%dM" % (megs) def totalSize(self): total = 0 for pkg in self.packages.list(): total = total + pkg['size'] return total def size(self): total = 0 for pkg in self.packages.list(): if pkg.selected: total = total + pkg['size'] return total def keys(self): return self.compsDict.keys() def exprMatch(self, expr, arch1, arch2): if os.environ.has_key('LANG'): lang = os.environ['LANG'] else: lang = None if expr[0] != '(': raise ValueError, "leading ( expected" expr = expr[1:] if expr[len(expr) - 1] != ')': raise ValueError, "bad kickstart file [missing )]" expr = expr[:len(expr) - 1] exprList = split(expr, 'and') truth = 1 for expr in exprList: l = split(expr) if l[0] == "lang": if len(l) != 2: raise ValueError, "too many arguments for lang" if l[1] != lang: newTruth = 0 else: newTruth = 1 elif l[0] == "arch": if len(l) != 2: raise ValueError, "too many arguments for arch" newTruth = self.archMatch(l[1], arch1, arch2) else: s = "unknown condition type %s" % (l[0],) raise ValueError, s truth = truth and newTruth return truth # this checks to see if "item" is one of the archs def archMatch(self, item, arch1, arch2): if item == arch1 or (arch2 and item == arch2): return 1 return 0 def readCompsFile(self, filename, packages): arch = iutil.getArch() arch2 = None if arch == "sparc" and os.uname ()[4] == "sparc64": arch2 = "sparc64" file = urllib.urlopen(filename) lines = file.readlines() file.close() top = lines[0] lines = lines[1:] if (top != "3\n" and top != "4\n"): raise TypeError, "comp file version 3 or 4 expected" comp = None conditional = None self.comps = [] self.compsDict = {} for l in lines: l = strip (l) if (not l): continue if (find(l, ":") > -1): (archList, l) = split(l, ":", 1) if archList[0] == '(': l = strip(l) if not self.exprMatch(archList, arch, arch2): continue else: while (l[0] == " "): l = l[1:] skipIfFound = 0 if (archList[0] == '!'): skipIfFound = 1 archList = archList[1:] archList = split(archList) found = 0 for n in archList: if self.archMatch(n, arch, arch2): found = 1 break if ((found and skipIfFound) or (not found and not skipIfFound)): continue if (find(l, "?") > -1): (trash, cond) = split (l, '?', 1) (cond, trash) = split (cond, '{', 1) conditional = self.compsDict[strip (cond)] continue if (comp == None): (default, l) = split(l, None, 1) hidden = 0 if (l[0:6] == "--hide"): hidden = 1 (foo, l) = split(l, None, 1) (l, trash) = split(l, '{', 1) l = strip (l) if l == "Base": hidden = 1 comp = Component(l, default == '1', hidden) elif (l == "}"): if conditional: if comp.conditional.has_key (conditional): conditional.dependents.append (comp) conditional = None else: self.comps.append(comp) self.compsDict[] = comp comp = None else: if (l[0] == "@"): (at, l) = split(l, None, 1) comp.addInclude(self.compsDict[l]) else: if conditional: comp.addConditional (conditional, packages[l]) else: comp.addPackage(packages[l]) everything = Component("Everything", 0, 0) for package in packages.keys (): if (packages[package]['name'] != 'kernel' and packages[package]['name'] != 'kernel-BOOT' and packages[package]['name'] != 'kernel-smp' and not XFreeServerPackages.has_key(packages[package]['name'])): everything.addPackage (packages[package]) self.comps.append (everything) self.compsDict["Everything"] = everything def __repr__(self): s = "" for n in self.comps: s = s + "{ " + + " ["; for include in n.includes: s = s + " @" + for package in n: s = s + " " + package s = s + " ] } " return s def __init__(self, file, hdlist): self.packages = hdlist self.readCompsFile(file, self.packages)