import os import string from bootloaderInfo import * import checkbootloader import fsset import iutil import rhpl class x86BootloaderInfo(efiBootloaderInfo): def setPassword(self, val, isCrypted = 1): if not val: self.password = val self.pure = val return if isCrypted and self.useGrubVal == 0: self.pure = None return elif isCrypted: self.password = val self.pure = None else: salt = "$1$" saltLen = 8 saltchars = string.letters + string.digits + './' for i in range(saltLen): salt += random.choice(saltchars) self.password = crypt.crypt(val, salt) self.pure = val def getPassword (self): return self.pure def setForceLBA(self, val): self.forceLBA32 = val def setUseGrub(self, val): self.useGrubVal = val def getPhysicalDevices(self, device): # This finds a list of devices on which the given device name resides. # Accepted values for "device" are raid1 md devices (i.e. "md0"), # physical disks ("hda"), and real partitions on physical disks # ("hda1"). Volume groups/logical volumes are not accepted. # # XXX this has internal anaconda-ish knowledge. ick. import isys import lvm if string.split(device, '/', 1)[0] in map (lambda vg: vg[0], lvm.vglist()): return [] if device.startswith("mapper/luks-"): return [] if device.startswith('md'): bootable = 0 parts = checkbootloader.getRaidDisks(device, 1, stripPart=0) parts.sort() return parts return [device] def runGrubInstall(self, instRoot, bootDev, cmds, cfPath): if cfPath == "/": syncDataToDisk(bootDev, "/boot", instRoot) else: syncDataToDisk(bootDev, "/", instRoot) # copy the stage files over into /boot iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/grub-install", ["/sbin/grub-install", "--just-copy"], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5", root = instRoot) # really install the bootloader for cmd in cmds: p = os.pipe() os.write(p[1], cmd + '\n') os.close(p[1]) # FIXME: hack to try to make sure everything is written # to the disk if cfPath == "/": syncDataToDisk(bootDev, "/boot", instRoot) else: syncDataToDisk(bootDev, "/", instRoot) iutil.execWithRedirect('/sbin/grub' , [ "grub", "--batch", "--no-floppy", "--device-map=/boot/grub/" ], stdin = p[0], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5", root = instRoot) os.close(p[0]) def installGrub(self, instRoot, bootDevs, grubTarget, grubPath, target, cfPath): if iutil.isEfi(): efiBootloaderInfo.installGrub(self, instRoot, bootDevs, grubTarget, grubPath, target, cfPath) return args = "--stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 " if self.forceLBA32: args = "%s--force-lba " % (args,) cmds = [] for bootDev in bootDevs: gtPart = self.getMatchingPart(bootDev, grubTarget) gtDisk = self.grubbyPartitionName(fsset.getDiskPart(gtPart)[0]) bPart = self.grubbyPartitionName(bootDev) cmd = "root %s\n" % (bPart,) stage1Target = gtDisk if target == "partition": stage1Target = self.grubbyPartitionName(gtPart) cmd += "install %s%s/stage1 d %s %s/stage2 p %s%s/grub.conf" % \ (args, grubPath, stage1Target, grubPath, bPart, grubPath) cmds.append(cmd) self.runGrubInstall(instRoot, bootDev, cmds, cfPath) def writeGrub(self, instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev, justConfigFile): images = bl.images.getImages() rootDev = # XXX old config file should be read here for upgrade cf = "%s%s" % (instRoot, self.configfile) self.perms = 0600 if os.access (cf, os.R_OK): self.perms = os.stat(cf)[0] & 0777 os.rename(cf, cf + '.rpmsave') grubTarget = bl.getDevice() target = "mbr" if (grubTarget.startswith('rd/') or grubTarget.startswith('ida/') or grubTarget.startswith('cciss/') or grubTarget.startswith('sx8/') or grubTarget.startswith('mapper/')): if grubTarget[-1].isdigit(): if grubTarget[-2] == 'p' or \ (grubTarget[-2].isdigit() and grubTarget[-3] == 'p'): target = "partition" elif grubTarget[-1].isdigit() and not grubTarget.startswith('md'): target = "partition" f = open(cf, "w+") f.write("# grub.conf generated by anaconda\n") f.write("#\n") f.write("# Note that you do not have to rerun grub " "after making changes to this file\n") try: bootDev =["/boot"] grubPath = "/grub" cfPath = "/" f.write("# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means " "that\n") f.write("# all kernel and initrd paths are relative " "to /boot/, eg.\n") except KeyError: bootDev = grubPath = "/boot/grub" cfPath = "/boot/" f.write("# NOTICE: You do not have a /boot partition. " "This means that\n") f.write("# all kernel and initrd paths are relative " "to /, eg.\n") bootDevs = self.getPhysicalDevices(bootDev) f.write('# root %s\n' % self.grubbyPartitionName(bootDevs[0])) f.write("# kernel %svmlinuz-version ro root=%s\n" % (cfPath, rootDev.path)) f.write("# initrd %sinitrd-version.img\n" % (cfPath)) f.write("#boot=/dev/%s\n" % (grubTarget)) # get the default image to boot... we have to walk and find it # since grub indexes by where it is in the config file if defaultDev == rootDev: default = 0 else: # if the default isn't linux, it's the first thing in the # chain list default = len(kernelList) # keep track of which devices are used for the usedDevs = {} f.write('default=%s\n' % (default)) f.write('timeout=%d\n' % (self.timeout or 0)) if self.serial == 1: # grub the 0-based number of the serial console device unit = self.serialDevice[-1] # and we want to set the speed too speedend = 0 for char in self.serialOptions: if char not in string.digits: break speedend = speedend + 1 if speedend != 0: speed = self.serialOptions[:speedend] else: # reasonable default speed = "9600" f.write("serial --unit=%s --speed=%s\n" %(unit, speed)) f.write("terminal --timeout=%s serial console\n" % (self.timeout or 5)) else: # we only want splashimage if they're not using a serial console if os.access("%s/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz" %(instRoot,), os.R_OK): f.write('splashimage=%s%sgrub/splash.xpm.gz\n' % (self.grubbyPartitionName(bootDevs[0]), cfPath)) f.write("hiddenmenu\n") for dev in self.getPhysicalDevices(grubTarget): usedDevs[dev] = 1 if self.password: f.write('password --md5 %s\n' %(self.password)) for (label, longlabel, version) in kernelList: kernelTag = "-" + version kernelFile = "%svmlinuz%s" % (cfPath, kernelTag) initrd = self.makeInitrd(kernelTag) f.write('title %s (%s)\n' % (longlabel, version)) f.write('\troot %s\n' % self.grubbyPartitionName(bootDevs[0])) realroot = getRootDevName(instRoot+initrd, rootDev.path) realroot = " root=%s" %(realroot,) if version.endswith("xen0") or (version.endswith("xen") and not os.path.exists("/proc/xen")): # hypervisor case sermap = { "ttyS0": "com1", "ttyS1": "com2", "ttyS2": "com3", "ttyS3": "com4" } if self.serial and sermap.has_key(self.serialDevice) and \ self.serialOptions: hvs = "%s=%s" %(sermap[self.serialDevice], self.serialOptions) else: hvs = "" if version.endswith("xen0"): hvFile = "%sxen.gz-%s %s" %(cfPath, version.replace("xen0", ""), hvs) else: hvFile = "%sxen.gz-%s %s" %(cfPath, version.replace("xen", ""), hvs) f.write('\tkernel %s\n' %(hvFile,)) f.write('\tmodule %s ro%s' %(kernelFile, realroot)) if self.args.get(): f.write(' %s' % self.args.get()) f.write('\n') if os.access (instRoot + initrd, os.R_OK): f.write('\tmodule %sinitrd%s.img\n' % (cfPath, kernelTag)) else: # normal kernel f.write('\tkernel %s ro%s' % (kernelFile, realroot)) if self.args.get(): f.write(' %s' % self.args.get()) f.write('\n') if os.access (instRoot + initrd, os.R_OK): f.write('\tinitrd %sinitrd%s.img\n' % (cfPath, kernelTag)) for (label, longlabel, device) in chainList: if ((not longlabel) or (longlabel == "")): continue f.write('title %s\n' % (longlabel)) f.write('\trootnoverify %s\n' % self.grubbyPartitionName(device)) # f.write('\tmakeactive\n') f.write('\tchainloader +1') f.write('\n') usedDevs[device] = 1 f.close() if not "/efi/" in cf: os.chmod(cf, self.perms) try: # make symlink for menu.lst (default config file name) menulst = "%s%s/menu.lst" % (instRoot, self.configdir) if os.access (menulst, os.R_OK): os.rename(menulst, menulst + ".rpmsave") os.symlink("./grub.conf", menulst) except: pass try: # make symlink for /etc/grub.conf (config files belong in /etc) etcgrub = "%s%s" % (instRoot, "/etc/grub.conf") if os.access (etcgrub, os.R_OK): os.rename(etcgrub, etcgrub + ".rpmsave") os.symlink(".." + self.configfile, etcgrub) except: pass for dev in self.getPhysicalDevices(rootDev) + bootDevs: usedDevs[dev] = 1 if os.access(instRoot + "/boot/grub/", os.R_OK): os.rename(instRoot + "/boot/grub/", instRoot + "/boot/grub/") if 1: # not os.access(instRoot + "/boot/grub/", os.R_OK): f = open(instRoot + "/boot/grub/", "w+") f.write("# this device map was generated by anaconda\n") devs = usedDevs.keys() usedDevs = {} for dev in devs: drive = fsset.getDiskPart(dev)[0] if usedDevs.has_key(drive): continue usedDevs[drive] = 1 devs = usedDevs.keys() devs.sort() for drive in devs: # XXX hack city. If they're not the sort of thing that'll # be in the device map, they shouldn't still be in the list. if not drive.startswith('md'): f.write("(%s) /dev/%s\n" % (self.grubbyDiskName(drive), drive)) f.close() sysconf = '/etc/sysconfig/grub' if os.access (instRoot + sysconf, os.R_OK): self.perms = os.stat(instRoot + sysconf)[0] & 0777 os.rename(instRoot + sysconf, instRoot + sysconf + '.rpmsave') # if it's an absolute symlink, just get it out of our way elif (os.path.islink(instRoot + sysconf) and os.readlink(instRoot + sysconf)[0] == '/'): os.rename(instRoot + sysconf, instRoot + sysconf + '.rpmsave') f = open(instRoot + sysconf, 'w+') f.write("boot=/dev/%s\n" %(grubTarget,)) # XXX forcelba never gets read back... if self.forceLBA32: f.write("forcelba=1\n") else: f.write("forcelba=0\n") f.close() if not justConfigFile: self.installGrub(instRoot, bootDevs, grubTarget, grubPath, \ target, cfPath) return "" def getMatchingPart(self, bootDev, target): bootName, bootPartNum = fsset.getDiskPart(bootDev) devices = self.getPhysicalDevices(target) for device in devices: name, partNum = fsset.getDiskPart(device) if name == bootName: return device return devices[0] def grubbyDiskName(self, name): return "hd%d" % self.drivelist.index(name) def grubbyPartitionName(self, dev): (name, partNum) = fsset.getDiskPart(dev) if partNum != None: return "(%s,%d)" % (self.grubbyDiskName(name), partNum) else: return "(%s)" %(self.grubbyDiskName(name)) def getBootloaderConfig(self, instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev): config = bootloaderInfo.getBootloaderConfig(self, instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev) liloTarget = bl.getDevice() config.addEntry("boot", '/dev/' + liloTarget, replace = 0) config.addEntry("map", "/boot/map", replace = 0) config.addEntry("install", "/boot/boot.b", replace = 0) message = "/boot/message" if self.pure is not None and not self.useGrubVal: config.addEntry("restricted", replace = 0) config.addEntry("password", self.pure, replace = 0) if self.serial == 1: # grab the 0-based number of the serial console device unit = self.serialDevice[-1] # FIXME: we should probably put some options, but lilo # only supports up to 9600 baud so just use the defaults # it's better than nothing :( config.addEntry("serial=%s" %(unit,)) else: # message screws up serial console if os.access(instRoot + message, os.R_OK): config.addEntry("message", message, replace = 0) if not config.testEntry('lba32'): if self.forceLBA32 or (bl.above1024 and rhpl.getArch() != "x86_64"): config.addEntry("lba32", replace = 0) return config # this is a hackish function that depends on the way anaconda writes # out the grub.conf with a #boot= comment # XXX this falls into the category of self.doUpgradeOnly def upgradeGrub(self, instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev, justConfigFile): if justConfigFile: return "" theDev = None for (fn, stanza) in [ ("/etc/sysconfig/grub", "boot="), ("/boot/grub/grub.conf", "#boot=") ]: try: f = open(instRoot + fn, "r") except: continue # the following bits of code are straight from lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if line.startswith(stanza): theDev = checkbootloader.getBootDevString(line) break if theDev is not None: break if theDev is None: # we could find the dev before, but can't now... cry about it return "" # migrate info to /etc/sysconfig/grub self.writeSysconfig(instRoot, theDev) # more suckage. grub-install can't work without a valid /etc/mtab # so we have to do shenanigans to get updated grub installed... # steal some more code above try: bootDev =["/boot"] grubPath = "/grub" cfPath = "/" except KeyError: bootDev = grubPath = "/boot/grub" cfPath = "/boot/" masterBootDev = bootDev if masterBootDev[0:2] == 'md': rootDevs = checkbootloader.getRaidDisks(masterBootDev, raidLevel=1, stripPart = 0) else: rootDevs = [masterBootDev] if theDev[5:7] == 'md': stage1Devs = checkbootloader.getRaidDisks(theDev[5:], raidLevel=1) else: stage1Devs = [theDev[5:]] for stage1Dev in stage1Devs: # cross fingers; if we can't find a root device on the same # hardware as this boot device, we just blindly hope the first # thing in the list works. grubbyStage1Dev = self.grubbyPartitionName(stage1Dev) grubbyRootPart = self.grubbyPartitionName(rootDevs[0]) for rootDev in rootDevs: testGrubbyRootDev = fsset.getDiskPart(rootDev)[0] testGrubbyRootDev = self.grubbyPartitionName(testGrubbyRootDev) if grubbyStage1Dev == testGrubbyRootDev: grubbyRootPart = self.grubbyPartitionName(rootDev) break args = "--stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 " cmd ="root %s" % (grubbyRootPart,) cmds = [ cmd ] cmd = "install %s%s/stage1 d %s %s/stage2 p %s%s/grub.conf" \ % (args, grubPath, grubbyStage1Dev, grubPath, grubbyRootPart, grubPath) cmds.append(cmd) if not justConfigFile: self.runGrubInstall(instRoot, bootDev, cmds, cfPath) return "" def writeSysconfig(self, instRoot, installDev): sysconf = '/etc/sysconfig/grub' if not os.access(instRoot + sysconf, os.R_OK): f = open(instRoot + sysconf, "w+") f.write("boot=%s\n" %(installDev,)) # XXX forcelba never gets read back at all... if self.forceLBA32: f.write("forcelba=1\n") else: f.write("forcelba=0\n") f.close() def write(self, instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev, justConfig, intf): if self.timeout is None and chainList: self.timeout = 5 # XXX HACK ALERT - see declaration above if self.doUpgradeOnly: if self.useGrubVal: self.upgradeGrub(instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev, justConfig) return if len(kernelList) < 1: self.noKernelsWarn(intf) out = self.writeGrub(instRoot, bl, kernelList, chainList, defaultDev, justConfig | (not self.useGrubVal)) # XXX move the lilo.conf out of the way if they're using GRUB # so that /sbin/installkernel does a more correct thing if self.useGrubVal and os.access(instRoot + '/etc/lilo.conf', os.R_OK): os.rename(instRoot + "/etc/lilo.conf", instRoot + "/etc/lilo.conf.anaconda") def getArgList(self): args = bootloaderInfo.getArgList(self) if self.forceLBA32: args.append("--lba32") if self.password: args.append("--md5pass=%s" %(self.password)) return args def __init__(self, storage): bootloaderInfo.__init__(self, storage) efiBootloaderInfo.__init__(self, storage, initialize=False) self._configdir = "/boot/grub" self._configname = "grub.conf" # XXX use checkbootloader to determine what to default to self.useGrubVal = 1 self.kernelLocation = "/boot/" self.password = None self.pure = None