# # autopart.py - auto partitioning logic # # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import parted import math import copy import string, sys import fsset from partitioning import * import partedUtils import partRequests from constants import * from partErrors import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_ from rhpl.log import log PARTITION_FAIL = -1 PARTITION_SUCCESS = 0 BOOT_ABOVE_1024 = -1 BOOTEFI_NOT_VFAT = -2 # check that our "boot" partition meets necessary constraints unless # the request has its ignore flag set def bootRequestCheck(requests, diskset): dev = requests.getBootableRequest() if not dev or not dev.device or dev.ignoreBootConstraints: return PARTITION_SUCCESS part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, dev.device) if not part: return PARTITION_SUCCESS if iutil.getArch() == "ia64": if part.fs_type.name != "FAT": return BOOTEFI_NOT_VFAT pass elif iutil.getArch() == "i386": if partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.disk.dev, part.geom.end) >= 1024: return BOOT_ABOVE_1024 return PARTITION_SUCCESS def printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest): for req in newRequest.requests: if req.type != REQUEST_NEW: continue part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, req.device) print req print "Start Cyl:%s End Cyl: %s" % (partedUtils.start_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.disk.dev, part.geom.start), partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.disk.dev, part.geom.end)) def printFreespaceitem(part): return partedUtils.get_partition_name(part), part.geom.start, part.geom.end, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part) def printFreespace(free): print "Free Space Summary:" for drive in free.keys(): print "On drive ",drive for part in free[drive]: print "Freespace:", printFreespaceitem(part) def findFreespace(diskset): free = {} for drive in diskset.disks.keys(): disk = diskset.disks[drive] free[drive] = [] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: free[drive].append(part) part = disk.next_partition(part) return free def bestPartType(disk, request): numPrimary = len(partedUtils.get_primary_partitions(disk)) maxPrimary = disk.max_primary_partition_count if numPrimary == maxPrimary: raise PartitioningError, "Unable to create additional primary partitions on /dev/%s" % (disk.dev.path[5:]) if request.primary: return parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY if (numPrimary == (maxPrimary - 1)) and not disk.extended_partition: return parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED return parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY class partlist: def __init__(self): self.parts = [] def __str__(self): retval = "" for p in self.parts: retval = retval + "\t%s %s %s\n" % (partedUtils.get_partition_name(p), partedUtils.get_partition_file_system_type(p), partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(p)) return retval def reset(self): dellist = [] for part in self.parts: dellist.append(part) for part in dellist: self.parts.remove(part) del part self.parts = [] # first step of partitioning voodoo # partitions with a specific start and end cylinder requested are # placed where they were asked to go def fitConstrained(diskset, requests, primOnly=0, newParts = None): bootreq = requests.getBootableRequest() for request in requests.requests: if request.type != REQUEST_NEW: continue if request.device: continue if primOnly and not request.primary and request != bootreq: continue if request.drive and (request.start != None): if not request.end and not request.size: raise PartitioningError, "Tried to create constrained partition without size or end" fsType = request.fstype.getPartedFileSystemType() disk = diskset.disks[request.drive[0]] if not disk: # this shouldn't happen raise PartitioningError, "Selected to put partition on non-existent disk!" startSec = partedUtils.start_cyl_to_sector(disk.dev, request.start) if request.end: endCyl = request.end elif request.size: endCyl = partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(disk.dev, ((1024L * 1024L * request.size) / disk.dev.sector_size) + startSec) endSec = partedUtils.end_cyl_to_sector(disk.dev, endCyl) if endSec > disk.dev.length: raise PartitioningError, "Unable to create partition which extends beyond the end of the disk." # XXX need to check overlaps properly here if startSec < 0: startSec = 0L if disk.type.check_feature(parted.DISK_TYPE_EXTENDED) and disk.extended_partition: if (disk.extended_partition.geom.start < startSec) and (disk.extended_partition.geom.end > endSec): partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL if request.primary: # they've required a primary and we can't do it return PARTITION_FAIL else: partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY else: # XXX need a better way to do primary vs logical stuff ret = bestPartType(disk, request) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return ret if ret == parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY: partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY elif ret == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: newp = disk.partition_new(parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED, None, startSec, endSec) constraint = disk.constraint_any() disk.add_partition(newp, constraint) disk.maximize_partition (newp, constraint) newParts.parts.append(newp) requests.nextUniqueID = requests.nextUniqueID + 1 partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL else: # shouldn't get here raise PartitioningError, "Impossible partition type to create" newp = disk.partition_new (partType, fsType, startSec, endSec) constraint = disk.constraint_any () try: disk.add_partition (newp, constraint) except parted.error, msg: return PARTITION_FAIL # raise PartitioningError, msg for flag in request.fstype.getPartedPartitionFlags(): if not newp.is_flag_available(flag): disk.delete_partition(newp) raise PartitioningError, ("requested FileSystemType needs " "a flag that is not available.") newp.set_flag(flag, 1) request.device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(newp).getDevice() request.currentDrive = request.drive[0] newParts.parts.append(newp) return PARTITION_SUCCESS # get the list of the "best" drives to try to use... # if currentdrive is set, use that, else use the drive list, or use # all the drives def getDriveList(request, diskset): if request.currentDrive: drives = request.currentDrive elif request.drive: drives = request.drive else: drives = diskset.disks.keys() if not type(drives) == type([]): drives = [ drives ] drives.sort() return drives # fit partitions of a specific size with or without a specific disk # into the freespace def fitSized(diskset, requests, primOnly = 0, newParts = None): todo = {} bootreq = requests.getBootableRequest() for request in requests.requests: if request.type != REQUEST_NEW: continue if request.device: continue if primOnly and not request.primary and request != bootreq: continue if request == bootreq: drives = getDriveList(request, diskset) numDrives = 0 # allocate bootable requests first else: drives = getDriveList(request, diskset) numDrives = len(drives) if not todo.has_key(numDrives): todo[numDrives] = [ request ] else: todo[numDrives].append(request) number = todo.keys() number.sort() free = findFreespace(diskset) for num in number: for request in todo[num]: # print "\nInserting ->",request if requests.isBootable(request): isBoot = 1 else: isBoot = 0 largestPart = (0, None) drives = getDriveList(request, diskset) # log("Trying drives to find best free space out of", free) for drive in drives: # this request is bootable and we've found a large enough # partition already, so we don't need to keep trying other # drives. this keeps us on the first possible drive if isBoot and largestPart[1]: break # print "Trying drive", drive disk = diskset.disks[drive] numPrimary = len(partedUtils.get_primary_partitions(disk)) # if there is an extended partition add it in if disk.extended_partition: numPrimary = numPrimary + 1 maxPrimary = disk.max_primary_partition_count for part in free[drive]: # if this is a free space outside extended partition # make sure we have free primary partition slots if not part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: if numPrimary == maxPrimary: continue # log( "Trying partition %s" % (printFreespaceitem(part),)) partSize = partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part) # log("partSize %s request %s" % (partSize, request.requestSize)) if partSize >= request.requestSize and partSize > largestPart[0]: if not request.primary or (not part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL): largestPart = (partSize, part) if isBoot: break if not largestPart[1]: return PARTITION_FAIL # raise PartitioningError, "Can't fulfill request for partition: \n%s" %(request) # log( "largestPart is %s" % (largestPart,)) freespace = largestPart[1] freeStartSec = freespace.geom.start freeEndSec = freespace.geom.end disk = freespace.geom.disk startSec = freeStartSec endSec = startSec + long(((request.requestSize * 1024L * 1024L) / disk.dev.sector_size)) - 1 if endSec > freeEndSec: endSec = freeEndSec if startSec < freeStartSec: startSec = freeStartSec if freespace.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL else: # XXX need a better way to do primary vs logical stuff ret = bestPartType(disk, request) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return ret if ret == parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY: partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY elif ret == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: newp = disk.partition_new(parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED, None, startSec, endSec) constraint = disk.constraint_any() disk.add_partition(newp, constraint) disk.maximize_partition (newp, constraint) newParts.parts.append(newp) requests.nextUniqueID = requests.nextUniqueID + 1 partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL # now need to update freespace since adding extended # took some space found = 0 part = disk.next_partition() while part: if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: if part.geom.start > freeStartSec and part.geom.end <= freeEndSec: found = 1 freeStartSec = part.geom.start freeEndSec = part.geom.end break part = disk.next_partition(part) if not found: raise PartitioningError, "Could not find free space after making new extended partition" startSec = freeStartSec endSec = startSec + long(((request.requestSize * 1024L * 1024L) / disk.dev.sector_size)) - 1 if endSec > freeEndSec: endSec = freeEndSec if startSec < freeStartSec: startSec = freeStartSec else: # shouldn't get here raise PartitioningError, "Impossible partition to create" fsType = request.fstype.getPartedFileSystemType() # log("creating newp with start=%s, end=%s, len=%s" % (startSec, endSec, endSec - startSec)) newp = disk.partition_new (partType, fsType, startSec, endSec) constraint = disk.constraint_any () try: disk.add_partition (newp, constraint) except parted.error, msg: return PARTITION_FAIL # raise PartitioningError, msg for flag in request.fstype.getPartedPartitionFlags(): if not newp.is_flag_available(flag): disk.delete_partition(newp) raise PartitioningError, ("requested FileSystemType needs " "a flag that is not available.") newp.set_flag(flag, 1) request.device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(newp).getDevice() drive = newp.geom.disk.dev.path[5:] request.currentDrive = drive newParts.parts.append(newp) free = findFreespace(diskset) return PARTITION_SUCCESS # grow partitions def growParts(diskset, requests, newParts): # returns free space segments for each drive IN SECTORS def getFreeSpace(diskset): free = findFreespace(diskset) freeSize = {} # find out the amount of free space on each drive for key in free.keys(): if len(free[key]) == 0: del free[key] continue freeSize[key] = 0 for part in free[key]: freeSize[key] = freeSize[key] + partedUtils.getPartSize(part) return (free, freeSize) #### # start of growParts #### newRequest = requests.copy() # print "new requests" # printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, requests) # print "orig requests" # printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest) # print "\n\n\n" (free, freeSize) = getFreeSpace(diskset) # find growable partitions growable = {} growSize = {} origSize = {} for request in newRequest.requests: if request.type != REQUEST_NEW or not request.grow: continue origSize[request.uniqueID] = request.requestSize if not growable.has_key(request.currentDrive): growable[request.currentDrive] = [ request ] else: growable[request.currentDrive].append(request) # there aren't any drives with growable partitions, this is easy! if not growable.keys(): return PARTITION_SUCCESS # print "new requests before looping" # printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, requests) # print "\n\n\n" # loop over all drives, grow all growable partitions one at a time grownList = [] for drive in growable.keys(): # no free space on this drive, so can't grow any of its parts if not free.has_key(drive): continue # process each request # grow all growable partitions on this drive until all can grow no more donegrowing = 0 outer_iter = 0 lastFreeSize = None while not donegrowing and outer_iter < 20: # if less than one sector left, we're done # if drive not in freeSize.keys() or freeSize[drive] == lastFreeSize: if drive not in freeSize.keys(): # print "leaving outer loop because no more space on %s\n\n" % drive break ## print "\nAt start:" ## print drive,freeSize.keys() ## print freeSize[drive], lastFreeSize ## print "\n" ## print diskset.diskState() outer_iter = outer_iter + 1 donegrowing = 1 # pull out list of requests we want to grow on this drive growList = growable[drive] sector_size = diskset.disks[drive].dev.sector_size cylsectors = diskset.disks[drive].dev.sectors*diskset.disks[drive].dev.heads # sort in order of request size, consider biggest first n = 0 while n < len(growList): for request in growList: if request.size < growList[n].size: tmp = growList[n] index = growList.index(request) growList[n] = request growList[index] = tmp n = n + 1 # recalculate the total size of growable requests for this drive # NOTE - we add up the ORIGINAL requested sizes, not grown sizes growSize[drive] = 0 for request in growList: if request.uniqueID in grownList: continue growSize[drive] = growSize[drive] + origSize[request.uniqueID] thisFreeSize = getFreeSpace(diskset)[1] # loop over requests for this drive for request in growList: # skip if we've finished growing this request if request.uniqueID in grownList: continue if drive not in freeSize.keys(): donegrowing = 1 # print "leaving inner loop because no more space on %s\n\n" % drive break # print "\nprocessing ID",request.uniqueID, request.mountpoint # print "growSize, freeSize = ",growSize[drive], freeSize[drive] donegrowing = 0 # get amount of space actually used by current allocation part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, request.device) startSize = partedUtils.getPartSize(part) # compute fraction of freespace which to give to this # request. Weight by original request size percent = origSize[request.uniqueID] / (growSize[drive] * 1.0) growby = long(percent * thisFreeSize[drive]) if growby < cylsectors: growby = cylsectors; maxsect = startSize + growby # print request # print "percent, growby, maxsect, free", percent, growby, maxsect,freeSize[drive], startSize, lastFreeSize # print "max is ",maxsect imposedMax = 0 if request.maxSizeMB: # round down a cylinder, see comment below tmpint = request.maxSizeMB*1024.0*1024.0/sector_size tmpint = long(tmpint / cylsectors) maxUserSize = tmpint * cylsectors if maxsect > maxUserSize: maxsect = long(maxUserSize) imposedMax = 1 # round max fs limit down a cylinder, helps when growing # so we don't end up with a free cylinder at end if # maxlimit fell between cylinder boundaries tmpint = request.fstype.getMaxSizeMB()*1024.0*1024.0/sector_size tmpint = long(tmpint / cylsectors) maxFSSize = tmpint * cylsectors if maxsect > maxFSSize: maxsect = long(maxFSSize) imposedMax = 1 # print "freesize, max = ",freeSize[drive],maxsect # print "startsize = ",startSize min = startSize max = maxsect diff = max - min cur = max - (diff / 2) lastDiff = 0 # binary search # print "start min, max, cur, diffs = ",min,max,cur,diff,lastDiff inner_iter = 0 ret = PARTITION_SUCCESS # request succeeded with initial size while (max != min) and (lastDiff != diff) and (inner_iter < 2000): # printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest) # XXX need to request in sectors preferably, more accurate # print "trying cur=%s" % cur request.requestSize = (cur*sector_size)/1024.0/1024.0 # try adding (ret, msg) = processPartitioning(diskset, newRequest, newParts) # if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: # print "!!!!!!!!!!! processPartitioning failed - %s" % msg if ret == PARTITION_SUCCESS: min = cur else: max = cur lastDiff = diff diff = max - min # print min, max, diff, cylsectors # print diskset.diskState() cur = max - (diff / 2) inner_iter = inner_iter + 1 # print "sizes at end of loop - cur: %s min:%s max:%s diff:%s lastDiff:%s" % (cur,min,max,diff,lastDiff) # freeSize[drive] = freeSize[drive] - (min - startSize) # print "shrinking freeSize to ",freeSize[drive], lastFreeSize # if freeSize[drive] < 0: # print "freesize < 0!" # freeSize[drive] = 0 # we could have failed on the last try, in which case we # should go back to the smaller size if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: # print "growing finally failed at size", min request.requestSize = min*sector_size/1024.0/1024.0 # XXX this can't fail (?) (retxxx, msgxxx) = processPartitioning(diskset, newRequest, newParts) # print "end min, max, cur, diffs = ",min,max,cur,diff,lastDiff # print "%s took %s loops" % (request.mountpoint, inner_iter) lastFreeSize = freeSize[drive] (free, freeSize) = getFreeSpace(diskset) # printFreespace(free) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL or (max == maxsect and imposedMax): # print "putting ",request.uniqueID,request.mountpoint," in grownList" grownList.append(request.uniqueID) growSize[drive] = growSize[drive] - origSize[request.uniqueID] if growSize[drive] < 0: # print "growsize < 0!" growSize[drive] = 0 return PARTITION_SUCCESS def setPreexistParts(diskset, requests, newParts): for request in requests: if request.type != REQUEST_PREEXIST: continue disk = diskset.disks[request.drive] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if part.geom.start == request.start and part.geom.end == request.end: request.device = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part) if request.fstype: if request.fstype.getName() != request.origfstype.getName(): if request.fstype.getName() == "software RAID": part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 1) else: part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 0) if request.fstype.getName() == "physical volume (LVM)": part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM, 1) else: part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM, 0) partedUtils.set_partition_file_system_type(part, request.fstype) break part = disk.next_partition(part) def deletePart(diskset, delete): disk = diskset.disks[delete.drive] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if part.geom.start == delete.start and part.geom.end == delete.end: disk.delete_partition(part) return part = disk.next_partition(part) def processPartitioning(diskset, requests, newParts): # collect a hash of all the devices that we have created extended # partitions on. When we remove these extended partitions the logicals # (all of which we created) will be destroyed along with it. extendeds = {} for part in newParts.parts: if part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: extendeds[part.geom.disk.dev.path] = None # Go through the list again and check for each logical partition we have. # If we created the extended partition on the same device as the logical # partition, remove it from out list, as it will be cleaned up for us # when the extended partition gets removed. dellist = [] for part in newParts.parts: if (part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL and extendeds.has_key(part.geom.disk.dev.path)): dellist.append(part) for part in dellist: newParts.parts.remove(part) # Finally, remove all of the partitions we added in the last try from # the disks. We'll start again from there. for part in newParts.parts: disk = part.geom.disk # disk = diskset.disks[partedUtils.get_partition_drive(part)] disk.delete_partition(part) newParts.reset() for request in requests.requests: if request.type == REQUEST_NEW: request.device = None setPreexistParts(diskset, requests.requests, newParts) # sort requests by size requests.sortRequests() # partitioning algorithm in simplistic terms # # we want to allocate partitions such that the most specifically # spelled out partitions get what they want first in order to ensure # they don't get preempted. first conflict found returns an error # which must be handled by the caller by saying that the partition # add is impossible (XXX can we get an impossible situation after delete?) # # potentially confusing terms # type == primary vs logical # # order to allocate: # start and end cylinders given (note that start + size & !grow is equivalent) # drive, partnum # drive, type # drive # priority partition (/boot or /) # size # run through with primary only constraints first ret = fitConstrained(diskset, requests, 1, newParts) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return (ret, _("Could not allocate cylinder-based partitions as primary partitions")) ret = fitSized(diskset, requests, 1, newParts) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return (ret, _("Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions")) ret = fitConstrained(diskset, requests, 0, newParts) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return (ret, _("Could not allocate cylinder-based partitions")) ret = fitSized(diskset, requests, 0, newParts) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: return (ret, _("Could not allocate partitions")) for request in requests.requests: # set the unique identifier for raid and lvm devices if request.type == REQUEST_RAID and not request.device: request.device = str(request.uniqueID) if request.type == REQUEST_VG and not request.device: request.device = str(request.uniqueID) # anything better we can use for the logical volume? if request.type == REQUEST_LV and not request.device: request.device = str(request.uniqueID) if not request.device: # return PARTITION_FAIL raise PartitioningError, "Unsatisfied partition request\n%s" %(request) # get the sizes for raid devices, vgs, and logical volumes for request in requests.requests: if request.type == REQUEST_RAID: request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset) if request.type == REQUEST_VG: request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset) if request.type == REQUEST_LV and request.percent: request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset) vgreq = requests.getRequestByID(request.volumeGroup) return (PARTITION_SUCCESS, "success") ## print "disk layout after everything is done" ## print diskset.diskState() def doPartitioning(diskset, requests, doRefresh = 1): for request in requests.requests: request.requestSize = request.size request.currentDrive = None if doRefresh: diskset.refreshDevices() # XXX - handle delete requests for delete in requests.deletes: if isinstance(delete, partRequests.DeleteSpec): deletePart(diskset, delete) # FIXME: do we need to do anything with other types of deletes?? newParts = partlist() (ret, msg) = processPartitioning(diskset, requests, newParts) if ret == PARTITION_FAIL: raise PartitioningError, "Partitioning failed: %s" %(msg) ret = growParts(diskset, requests, newParts) newParts.reset() if ret != PARTITION_SUCCESS: raise PartitioningError, "Growing partitions failed" ret = bootRequestCheck(requests, diskset) if ret == PARTITION_SUCCESS: return # more specific message? raise PartitioningWarning, _("Boot partition %s may not meet booting constraints for your architecture. Creation of a boot disk is highly encouraged.") %(requests.getBootableRequest().mountpoint) # remove metadevices (lvm and raid) from partitions which depend on # the request which had the given id. to be called from within clearpart # NOTE: I am called recursively to handle LVM on top of RAID and LVs in VGs def doClearDependentDevices(partitions, id): toRemove = [] for req in partitions.requests: if isinstance(req, partRequests.RaidRequestSpec): if id in req.raidmembers: toRemove.append(req) elif isinstance(req, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec): if id in req.physicalVolumes: toRemove.append(req) delete = partRequests.DeleteVolumeGroupSpec(req.volumeGroupName) partitions.addDelete(delete) elif isinstance(req, partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec): if id == req.volumeGroup: toRemove.append(req) tmp = partitions.getRequestByID(req.volumeGroup) if not tmp: log("Unable to find the vg for %s" (req.logicalVolumeName,)) vgname = req.volumeGroup else: vgname = tmp.volumeGroupName delete = partRequests.DeleteLogicalVolumeSpec(req.logicalVolumeName, vgname) partitions.addDelete(delete) for request in toRemove: doClearDependentDevices(partitions, request.uniqueID) partitions.removeRequest(request) # given clearpart specification execute it # probably want to reset diskset and partition request lists before calling # this the first time def doClearPartAction(partitions, diskset): type = partitions.autoClearPartType cleardrives = partitions.autoClearPartDrives if type == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX: linuxOnly = 1 elif type == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL: linuxOnly = 0 elif type == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE: return else: raise ValueError, "Invalid clear part type in doClearPartAction" drives = diskset.disks.keys() drives.sort() for drive in drives: # skip drives not in clear drive list if cleardrives and len(cleardrives) > 0 and not drive in cleardrives: continue disk = diskset.disks[drive] part = disk.next_partition() while part: if not part.is_active() or (part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue if part.fs_type: ptype = partedUtils.get_partition_file_system_type(part) else: ptype = None if ((linuxOnly == 0) or (ptype and ptype.isLinuxNativeFS()) or (not ptype and partedUtils.isLinuxNativeByNumtype(part.native_type))): old = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)) if old.getProtected(): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue doClearDependentDevices(partitions, old.uniqueID) partitions.removeRequest(old) drive = partedUtils.get_partition_drive(part) delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, part.geom.start, part.geom.end) partitions.addDelete(delete) # ia64 autopartitioning is strange as /boot/efi is vfat -- # if linuxonly and have an msdos partition and it has the # bootable flag set, do not delete it and make it our # /boot/efi as it could contain system utils. # doesn't apply on kickstart installs or if no boot flag if ((iutil.getArch() == "ia64") and (linuxOnly == 1) and (not partitions.isKickstart) and part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_BOOT)): if part.fs_type and part.fs_type.name == "FAT": if part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT): req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)) req.mountpoint = "/boot/efi" req.format = 0 request = None for req in partitions.autoPartitionRequests: if req.mountpoint == "/boot/efi": request = req break if request: partitions.autoPartitionRequests.remove(request) part = disk.next_partition(part) # set the diskset up doPartitioning(diskset, partitions, doRefresh = 1) for drive in drives: if cleardrives and len(cleardrives) > 0 and not drive in cleardrives: continue disk = diskset.disks[drive] ext = disk.extended_partition # if the extended is empty, blow it away if ext and len(partedUtils.get_logical_partitions(disk)) == 0: delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, ext.geom.start, ext.geom.end) old = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(ext)) partitions.removeRequest(old) partitions.addDelete(delete) deletePart(diskset, delete) continue def doAutoPartition(dir, diskset, partitions, intf, instClass, dispatch): if instClass.name and instClass.name == "kickstart": isKickstart = 1 # XXX hack partitions.setProtected(dispatch) else: isKickstart = 0 if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: diskset.refreshDevices() partitions.setFromDisk(diskset) partitions.setProtected(dispatch) return # if no auto partition info in instclass we bail if len(partitions.autoPartitionRequests) < 1: #return DISPATCH_NOOP # XXX if we noop, then we fail later steps... let's just make it # the workstation default. should instead just never get here # if no autopart info autorequests = [ ("/", None, 1100, None, 1, 1) ] bootreq = getAutopartitionBoot() if bootreq: autorequests.append(bootreq) (minswap, maxswap) = iutil.swapSuggestion() autorequests.append((None, "swap", minswap, maxswap, 1, 1)) partitions.autoPartitionRequests = autoCreatePartitionRequests(autorequests) # reset drive and request info to original state # XXX only do this if we're dirty ## id.diskset.refreshDevices() ## id.partrequests = PartitionRequests(id.diskset) doClearPartAction(partitions, diskset) # XXX clearpartdrives is overloaded as drives we want to use for linux drives = partitions.autoClearPartDrives for request in partitions.autoPartitionRequests: if request.device: # get the preexisting partition they want to use req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(request.device) if not req or not req.type or req.type != REQUEST_PREEXIST: intf.messageWindow(_("Requested Partition Does Not Exist"), _("Unable to locate partition %s to use " "for %s.\n\n" "Press OK to reboot your system.") % (request.device, request.mountpoint)) sys.exit(0) # now go through and set things from the request to the # preexisting partition's request... ladeda if request.mountpoint: req.mountpoint = request.mountpoint if request.badblocks: req.badblocks = request.badblocks if request.uniqueID: # for raid to work req.uniqueID = request.uniqueID if not request.format: req.format = 0 else: req.format = 1 req.fstype = request.fstype else: req = copy.copy(request) if req.type == REQUEST_NEW and not req.drive: req.drive = drives partitions.addRequest(req) # sanity checks for the auto partitioning requests; mostly only useful # for kickstart as our installclass defaults SHOULD be sane for req in partitions.requests: errors = req.sanityCheckRequest(partitions) if errors: intf.messageWindow(_("Partition Request Sanity Check Errors"), _("The following errors occurred with your " "partitioning:\n\n%s\n\n" "Press OK to reboot your system.") % (errors)) try: doPartitioning(diskset, partitions, doRefresh = 0) except PartitioningWarning, msg: if not isKickstart: intf.messageWindow(_("Warnings During Automatic Partitioning"), _("Following warnings occurred during automatic " "partitioning:\n\n%s") % (msg.value)) else: log("WARNING: %s" % (msg.value)) except PartitioningError, msg: # restore drives to original state diskset.refreshDevices() partitions.setFromDisk(diskset) if not isKickstart: extra = "" dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 0) else: extra = "\n\nPress OK to reboot your system." intf.messageWindow(_("Error Partitioning"), _("Could not allocate requested partitions: \n\n" "%s.%s") % (msg.value, extra)) if isKickstart: sys.exit(0) # now do a full check of the requests (errors, warnings) = partitions.sanityCheckAllRequests(diskset) if warnings: for warning in warnings: log("WARNING: %s" % (warning)) if errors: errortxt = string.join(errors, '\n') intf.messageWindow(_("Partition Request Sanity Check Errors"), _("The following errors occurred with your " "partitioning:\n\n%s\n\n" "Press OK to reboot your system.") % (errortxt)) sys.exit(0) def autoCreatePartitionRequests(autoreq): """Return a list of requests created with a shorthand notation. Mainly used by installclasses; make a list of tuples of the form (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format) mntpt = None for non-mountable, otherwise is mount point fstype = None to use default, otherwise a string minsize = smallest size maxsize = max size, or None means no max grow = 0 or 1, should partition be grown format = 0 or 1, whether to format """ requests = [] for (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format) in autoreq: if fstype: ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet(fstype) else: ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGetDefault() newrequest = partRequests.PartitionSpec(ptype, mountpoint = mntpt, size = minsize, maxSizeMB = maxsize, grow = grow, format = format) requests.append(newrequest) return requests def getAutopartitionBoot(): """Return the proper shorthand for the boot dir (arch dependent).""" if iutil.getArch() == "ia64": return ("/boot/efi", "vfat", 100, None, 0, 1) else: return ("/boot", None, 100, None, 0, 1) def queryAutoPartitionOK(intf, diskset, partitions): type = partitions.autoClearPartType drives = partitions.autoClearPartDrives if type == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX: msg = CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX_WARNING_MSG elif type == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL: msg = CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL_WARNING_MSG elif type == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE: return 1 else: raise ValueError, "Invalid clear part type in doClearPartAction" drvstr = "\n\n" if drives == None: drives = diskset.disks.keys() drives.sort() i = 0 for drive in drives: drvstr = drvstr + "%-10s" % ("/dev/"+drive) # i = i + 1 # if i > 3: # drvstr = drvstr + "\n " # i = 0 drvstr = drvstr +"\n" rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _(msg) % drvstr, type="yesno", default="no") return rc # XXX hack but these are common strings to TUI and GUI PARTMETHOD_TYPE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Automatic Partitioning sets up your " "partitioning based on your installation type. " "You also " "can customize the resulting partitions " "to meet your needs.\n\n" "The manual disk partitioning tool, Disk Druid, " "allows you " "to set up your partitions in an interactive " "environment. You can set the filesystem " "types, mount points, size and more in this " "easy to use, powerful interface.\n\n" "fdisk is the traditional, text-based " "partitioning tool offered by Red Hat. " "Although it is not as easy to use, there are " "cases where fdisk is preferred.") AUTOPART_DISK_CHOICE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Before automatic partitioning can be " "set up by the installation program, you " "must choose how to use the space on " "hard drives.") CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Remove all partitions on this system") CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Remove all Linux Partitions on this system") CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Keep all partitions and use existing free space") CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL_WARNING_MSG = N_("WARNING!!\tWARNING!!\n\n" "You have selected to remove " "all partitions (ALL DATA) on the " "following drives:%s\nAre you sure you " "want to do this?") CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX_WARNING_MSG = N_("WARNING!!\tWARNING!!\n\n" "You have selected to " "remove all Linux partitions " "(and ALL DATA on them) on the " "following drives:%s\n" "Are you sure you want to do this?")