#!/usr/bin/python # # anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program # # (in alphabetical order...) # # Brent Fox # Mike Fulbright # Jakub Jelinek # Jeremy Katz # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # # ... And a many others # # Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # This toplevel file is a little messy at the moment... import sys, os # For anaconda in test mode if (os.path.exists('isys')): sys.path.append('edd') sys.path.append('libfdisk') sys.path.append('balkan') sys.path.append('gnome-map') sys.path.append('isys') sys.path.append('textw') sys.path.append('iw') sys.path.append('installclasses') sys.path.append('edd') else: sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda') sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/textw') sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/iw') sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/installclasses') # do this early to keep our import footprint as small as possible # Python passed my path as argv[0]! # if sys.argv[0][-7:] == "syslogd": if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "--syslogd": from syslogd import Syslogd root = sys.argv[2] output = sys.argv[3] syslog = Syslogd (root, open (output, "a")) # this never returns import signal, traceback, string, isys, iutil, time from log import log from translate import _ from exception import handleException import dispatch from flags import flags # reset python's default SIGINT handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Silly GNOME stuff if os.environ.has_key('HOME'): os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority' os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp' os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C' if os.environ.has_key ("ANACONDAARGS"): theargs = string.split (os.environ["ANACONDAARGS"]) else: theargs = sys.argv[1:] try: (args, extra) = isys.getopt(theargs, 'GTRxtdr:fm:', [ 'text', 'reconfig', 'xmode', 'test', 'debug', 'nofallback', 'method=', 'rootpath=', 'pcic=', "overhead=", 'testpath=', 'mountfs', 'traceonly', 'kickstart=', 'lang=', 'keymap=', 'module=', 'class=', 'expert', 'serial', 'lowres', 'nofb', 'rescue', 'nomount']) except TypeError, msg: sys.stderr.write("Error %s\n:" % msg) sys.exit(-1) if extra: sys.stderr.write("Unexpected arguments: %s\n" % extra) sys.exit(-1) # Save the arguments in case we need to reexec anaconda for kon os.environ["ANACONDAARGS"] = string.join(sys.argv[1:]) # remove the arguments - gnome_init doesn't understand them savedargs = sys.argv[1:] sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] sys.argc = 1 # Parameters for the main anaconda routine # rootPath = '/mnt/sysimage' # where to instal packages extraModules = [] # kernel modules to use display_mode = 'g' # try GUI by default xmode = 0 # bring up text mode in a remote xterm? debug = 0 # start up pdb immediately traceOnly = 0 # don't run, just list modules we use nofallback = 0 # if GUI mode fails, exit rescue = 0 # run in rescue mode rescue_nomount = 0 # don't automatically mount device in rescue overhead = 0 # kilobytes of memory used already runres = '800x600' # resolution to run the GUI install in nofbmode = 0 # don't use framebuffer X, no matter what instClass = None # the install class to use progmode = 'install' # 'reconfig', 'rescue', or 'install' method = None # URL representation of install method logFile = None # may be a file object or a file name # # xcfg - xserver info (?) # mousehw - mouseinfo info # videohw - videocard info # monitorhw - monitor info # lang - language to use for install/machine default # keymap - kbd map # xcfg = None monitorhw = None videohw = None mousehw = None lang = None method = None keymap = None kbdtpye = None progmode = None customClass = None # # parse off command line arguments # for n in args: (str, arg) = n if (str == '--class'): customClass = arg elif (str == '-d' or str == '--debug'): debug = 1 elif (str == '--expert'): flags.expert = 1 elif (str == '--keymap'): keymap = arg elif (str == '--kickstart'): from kickstart import Kickstart instClass = Kickstart(arg, flags.serial) elif (str == '--lang'): lang = arg elif (str == '--lowres'): runres = '640x480' elif (str == '-m' or str == '--method'): method = arg if method[0] == '@': # ftp installs pass the password via a file in /tmp so # ps doesn't show it filename = method[1:] method = open(filename, "r").readline() method = method[:len(method) - 1] os.unlink(filename) elif (str == '--module'): (path, subdir, name) = string.split(arg, ":") extraModules.append((path, subdir, name)) elif (str == '--nofallback'): nofallback = 1 elif (str == '--nofb'): nofbmode = 1 elif (str == "--nomount"): rescue_nomount = 1 elif (str == '--overhead'): overhead = int(arg) elif (str == '-R' or str == '--reconfig'): progmode = 'reconfig' rootPath = '/' logFile = "/var/log/reconfig.log" flags.setupFilesystems = 0 flags.reconfig = 1 customClass = 'reconfig' elif (str == '--rescue'): progmode = 'rescue' elif (str == '-r' or str == '--rootpath'): rootPath = arg flags.setupFilesystems = 0 logFile = sys.stderr elif (str == '--traceonly'): traceOnly = 1 elif (str == '--serial'): logFile = "/tmp/install.log" flags.serial = 1 elif (str == '-t' or str == '--test'): flags.test = 1 flags.setupFilesystems = 0 logFile = "/tmp/anaconda-debug.log" elif (str == '-T' or str == '--text'): display_mode = 't' elif (str == '-x' or str == '--xmode'): xmode = 1 # # must specify install, rescue or reconfig mode # if (progmode == 'rescue'): if (not method): sys.stderr.write('--method required for rescue mode\n') sys.exit(1) import rescue, instdata, configFileData log.open (logFile) configFile = configFileData.configFileData() configFileData = configFile.getConfigData() id = instdata.InstallData([], "fd0", configFileData) rescue.runRescue("/mnt/sysimage", not rescue_nomount, id) # shouldn't get back here sys.exit(1) elif (progmode == 'reconfig'): pass else: if (not method): sys.stderr.write('no install method specified\n') sys.exit(1) log.open (logFile) if (debug): import pdb pdb.set_trace() # don't let folks do anything stupid if (not flags.test and os.getpid() > 90 and flags.setupFilesystems): sys.stderr.write( "You're running me on a live system! that's incredibly stupid.\n") sys.exit(1) import isys import instdata import videocard import monitor import mouse import floppy # handle traceonly and exit if traceOnly: if display_mode == 'g': sys.stderr.write("traceonly is only supported for text mode\n") sys.exit(0) # prints a list of all the modules imported from text import InstallInterface from text import stepToClasses import pdb import image import harddrive import urlinstall import mimetools import mimetypes import syslogd import installclass import re import rescue import xserver import configFileData import kickstart installclass.availableClasses() if iutil.getArch() == "i386": import edd if display_mode == 't': for step in stepToClasses.keys(): if stepToClasses[step]: (mod, klass) = stepToClasses[step] exec "import %s" % mod for module in sys.__dict__['modules'].keys (): if module not in [ "__builtin__", "__main__" ]: foo = repr (sys.__dict__['modules'][module]) bar = string.split (foo, "'") if len (bar) > 3: print bar[3] sys.exit(0) iutil.setMemoryOverhead(overhead) # # override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X # if (not flags.test): if (iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM): print _("You do not have enough RAM to use the graphical installer. " "Starting text mode.") display_mode = 't' time.sleep(2) if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_RAM: from snack import * screen = SnackScreen() ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('Fatal Error'), _('You do not have enough RAM to install Red Hat ' 'Linux on this machine.\n' '\n' 'Press to reboot your system.\n'), buttons = (_("OK"),)) screen.finish() sys.exit(0) # # handle class passed from loader # if customClass: import installclass classes = installclass.availableClasses(showHidden=1) for (className, objectClass, logo) in classes: if className == customClass: instClass = objectClass(flags.expert) if not instClass: sys.stderr.write("installation class %s not available\n" % customClass) sys.stderr.write("\navailable classes:\n") for (className, objectClass, logo) in classes: sys.stderr.write("\t%s\n" % className) sys.exit(1) # # if no instClass declared by user figure it out based on other cmdline args # if not instClass: from installclass import DefaultInstall instClass = DefaultInstall(flags.expert) # this lets install classes force text mode instlls if instClass.forceTextMode: display_mode = 't' # # find out what video hardware is available to run installer # mousehw = mouse.Mouse(skipProbe = 1) #if display_mode == 'g': # lets try always probing this stuff, probably ought to provide way to # skip probing if we have really sensitive hw that HAS to use text mode if 1: sys.stdout.write( _("Probing for video card: ")) videohw = videocard.VideoCardInfo() if videohw and videohw.primaryCard(): sys.stdout.write(videohw.primaryCard().shortDescription()+'\n') sys.stdout.write( _("Probing for monitor type: ")) monitorhw = monitor.MonitorInfo() sys.stdout.write(monitorhw.shortDescription()+'\n') # only probe if we're installing a real box or # we're running in a virtual console and need to startup X server if not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or flags.setupFilesystems: sys.stdout.write(_("Probing for mouse type: ")) mousehw.probe (frob = 1) sys.stdout.write(mousehw.shortDescription()+'\n') else: sys.stdout.write(_("Skipping mouse probe.\n")) # determine which mode reconfig should use if (progmode == 'reconfig'): if (iutil.getDefaultRunlevel() == '5' and os.access("/etc/X11/XF86Config", os.R_OK)): display_mode = 'g' else: display_mode = 't' if (method and ((len (method) >= 6 and method[:6] == "ftp://") or (len (method) >= 7 and method[:7] == "http://") or (len (method) >= 5 and method[:5] == "hd://"))): print _("Graphical installation not available for %s installs. " "Starting text mode.") % (string.split(method, ':')[0],) display_mode = 't' time.sleep(2) # # startup X server is we're not already running under an X session # startXServer = 0 if display_mode == 'g': import xf86config if not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY'): startXServer = 1 import xserver try: if os.access("/etc/X11/XF86Config", os.R_OK): xcfg = xserver.start_existing_X () else: xcfg = xserver.startX (runres, nofbmode, videohw, monitorhw, mousehw) except RuntimeError: print " X startup failed, falling back to text mode" display_mode = 't' time.sleep(2) else: xcfg = xf86config.XF86Config(videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, runres) else: import xf86config xcfg = xf86config.XF86Config(videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, runres) import configFileData configFile = configFileData.configFileData() configFileData = configFile.getConfigData() # # setup links required by graphical mode if installing and verify display mode # if (display_mode == 'g'): if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems: for i in ( "imrc", "im_palette.pal", "gtk" ): try: os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i) except: pass # display splash screen from splashscreen import splashScreenShow splashScreenShow(configFileData) if nofallback: from gui import InstallInterface else: try: from gui import InstallInterface except: # if we're not going to really go into GUI mode, we need to get # back to vc1 where the text install is going to pop up. if startXServer: isys.vtActivate (1) print "GUI installer startup failed, falling back to text mode." display_mode = 't' time.sleep(2) from text import InstallInterface if (display_mode == 't'): from text import InstallInterface from text import stepToClasses # we like to have a way to shoot text mode back at a display if xmode: os.environ["TERM"] = "xterm" from gtk import * from gnome.zvt import * def child_died (widget, *args): mainquit() win = GtkWindow () zvt = ZvtTerm (80, 24) zvt.connect ("child_died", child_died) zvt.set_del_key_swap(TRUE) win.add (zvt) win.show_all () child = zvt.forkpty() if child != 0: mainloop() try: pid, status = os.waitpid(child, 0) except OSError: pass sys.exit (0) if display_mode == "t": intf = InstallInterface () else: intf = InstallInterface (runres, nofbmode) # imports after setting up the path if method: if (method[0:8] == "cdrom://"): from image import CdromInstallMethod method = CdromInstallMethod(method[8:], intf.messageWindow, intf.progressWindow) elif (method[0:5] == "nfs:/"): from image import NfsInstallMethod method = NfsInstallMethod(method[5:]) elif (method[0:6] == "ftp://" or method[0:7] == "http://"): from urlinstall import UrlInstallMethod method = UrlInstallMethod(method) elif (method[0:5] == "hd://"): method = method[5:] i = string.index(method, ":") drive = method[0:i] method = method[i+1:] i = string.index(method, "/") type = method[0:i] dir = method[i+1:] from harddrive import HardDriveInstallMethod method = HardDriveInstallMethod(drive, type, dir, intf.messageWindow) elif (method[0:8] == "oldhd://"): method = method[8:] i = string.index(method, ":") drive = method[0:i] method = method[i+1:] i = string.index(method, "/") type = method[0:i] dir = method[i+1:] from harddrive import OldHardDriveInstallMethod method = OldHardDriveInstallMethod(drive, type, dir) else: print "unknown install method:", method sys.exit(1) floppyDevice = floppy.probeFloppyDevice() id = instClass.installDataClass(extraModules, floppyDevice, configFileData) #id = instClass.installDataClass(extraModules, floppyDevice) if mousehw: id.setMouse(mousehw) if videohw: id.setVideoCard(videohw) if monitorhw: id.setMonitor(monitorhw) if xcfg: id.setXconfig(xcfg) instClass.setInstallData(id) dispatch = dispatch.Dispatcher(intf, id, method, rootPath) if lang: dispatch.skipStep("language", permanent = 1) instClass.setLanguage(id, lang) if keymap: dispatch.skipStep("keyboard", permanent = 1) instClass.setKeyboard(id, keymap) instClass.setSteps(dispatch) # We shouldn't need this again # XXX #del id # # XXX This is surely broken # #if iutil.getArch() == "sparc": # import kudzu # mice = kudzu.probe (kudzu.CLASS_MOUSE, kudzu.BUS_UNSPEC, kudzu.PROBE_ONE); # if mice: # (mouseDev, driver, descr) = mice[0] # if mouseDev == 'sunmouse': # instClass.addToSkipList("mouse") # instClass.setMouseType("Sun - Mouse", "sunmouse") try: intf.run(id, dispatch, configFileData) except SystemExit, code: intf.shutdown() except: handleException(id, intf, sys.exc_info()) del intf