# # Makefile # # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # include Makefile.inc VERSION := $(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' anaconda.spec) RELEASE := $(shell awk '/Release:/ { print $$2 }' anaconda.spec) CVSROOT ?= ${CVSROOT:-$(shell cat CVS/Root 2>/dev/null)} SUBDIRS = isys loader po booty \ textw utils scripts bootdisk installclasses \ iw pixmaps command-stubs ui docs # fonts aren't on s390/s390x ifeq (,$(filter s390 s390x, $(ARCH))) SUBDIRS += fonts endif ifneq (,$(filter ppc ppc64 i386 x86_64,$(ARCH))) # we only do the liveinst bits on i386/x86_64 for now SUBDIRS += liveinst endif ifneq (,$(filter i386 x86_64,$(ARCH))) # gptsync only on x86 for mactels right now SUBDIRS += gptsync endif PYCHECKERPATH=isys:textw:iw:installclasses:/usr/share/system-config-date PYCHECKEROPTS=-F pycheckrc-for-anaconda CATALOGS = po/anaconda.pot PYFILES = $(wildcard *.py) all: subdirs mini-wm xutils.so $(CATALOGS) lang-table lang-names lang-names: lang-table subdirs PYTHONPATH="." $(PYTHON) scripts/getlangnames.py > lang-names mini-wm: mini-wm.c gcc -o mini-wm mini-wm.c `pkg-config gtk+-x11-2.0 --cflags --libs` $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) xutils.so: xutils.c gcc -ggdb -Wall -o xutils.o -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -I/usr/X11R6/include -I$(PYTHONINCLUDE) -I $(PYTHONINCLUDE) -c xutils.c $(CFLAGS) `pkg-config --cflags gdk-2.0` gcc -o xutils.so -shared xutils.o -ggdb -L/usr/X11R6/$(LIBDIR) -lX11 `pkg-config --libs gdk-2.0` $(LDFLAGS) depend: rm -f *.o *.so *.pyc for d in $(SUBDIRS); do make -C $$d depend; done clean: rm -f *.o *.so *.pyc lang-names mini-wm ChangeLog netinst.iso outiso *.tar.bz2 for d in $(SUBDIRS); do make -C $$d clean; done subdirs: for d in $(SUBDIRS); do make -C $$d; [ $$? = 0 ] || exit 1; done testiso: install @if [ "$(REPO)" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Need a repo to pull packages from!" ; exit 1 ; fi @pushd scripts ; sudo ./buildinstall --version $(VERSION) --product anaconda --release $(ANACONDA)-$(VERSION) --output $(shell pwd)/outiso --updates $(DESTDIR) $(REPO) ; popd ; cp outiso/images/boot.iso ./boot.iso ; sudo rm -rf outiso @echo @echo "Test iso is located at ./boot.iso" install: @if [ "$(DESTDIR)" = "" ]; then \ echo " "; \ echo "ERROR: A destdir is required"; \ exit 1; \ fi mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/rc.d/init.d mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(RUNTIMEDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(ANACONDADATADIR) install -m 755 anaconda $(DESTDIR)/usr/sbin/anaconda install -m 755 mini-wm $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/mini-wm cp -var $(PYFILES) $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) cp -a lang-table $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) cp -a lang-names $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) ./py-compile --basedir $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) $(PYFILES) cp -a *.so $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR) strip $(DESTDIR)/$(PYTHONLIBDIR)/*.so for d in $(SUBDIRS); do make DESTDIR=`cd $(DESTDIR); pwd` -C $$d install; [ $$? = 0 ] || exit 1; done tag: @git tag -s -a -m "Tag as anaconda-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" anaconda-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) @echo "Tagged as anaconda-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" ChangeLog: (GIT_DIR=.git git log > .changelog.tmp && mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog; rm -f .changelog.tmp) || (touch ChangeLog; echo 'git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2) ARCHIVE_TAG := anaconda-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) archive-no-tag: @rm -f ChangeLog docs/kickstart-docs.txt docs/command-line.txt @make ChangeLog @make -C docs kickstart-docs.txt command-line.txt @git archive --format=tar --prefix=anaconda-$(VERSION)/ $(ARCHIVE_TAG) > anaconda-$(VERSION).tar @mkdir -p anaconda-$(VERSION)/docs/ @cp docs/kickstart-docs.txt docs/command-line.txt anaconda-$(VERSION)/docs/ @cp ChangeLog anaconda-$(VERSION)/ @tar --append -f anaconda-$(VERSION).tar anaconda-$(VERSION) @bzip2 -f anaconda-$(VERSION).tar @rm -rf anaconda-$(VERSION) scratch: $(MAKE) ARCHIVE_TAG=master archive-no-tag archive: @make tag @make archive-no-tag src: archive @rpmbuild -ts --nodeps anaconda-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 || exit 1 @rm -f anaconda-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 pycheck: PYTHONPATH=$(PYCHECKERPATH) pychecker $(PYCHECKEROPTS) *.py textw/*.py iw/*.py installclasses/*.py storage/*.py | grep -v "__init__() not called" pycheck-file: PYTHONPATH=.:$(PYCHECKERPATH) pychecker $(PYCHECKEROPTS) $(CHECK) | grep -v "__init__() not called" api: doxygen docs/api.cfg rpmlog: @git log --pretty="format:- %s (%ae)" anaconda-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).. | sed -e 's/@.*)/)/' | sed -e 's/%/%%/g' @echo bumpver: @NEWSUBVER=$$((`echo $(VERSION) |cut -d . -f 4` + 1)) ; \ NEWVERSION=`echo $(VERSION).$$NEWSUBVER |cut -d . -f 1-3,5` ; \ DATELINE="* `date "+%a %b %d %Y"` `git config user.name` <`git config user.email`> - $$NEWVERSION-1" ; \ cl=`grep -n %changelog anaconda.spec |cut -d : -f 1` ; \ tail --lines=+$$(($$cl + 1)) anaconda.spec > speclog ; \ make --quiet rpmlog 2>/dev/null | fold -s -w 77 | while read line ; do \ if [ ! "$$(echo $$line | cut -c-2)" = "- " ]; then \ echo " $$line" ; \ else \ echo "$$line" ; \ fi ; \ done > newspeclog ; \ (head -n $$cl anaconda.spec ; echo "$$DATELINE" ; cat newspeclog ; echo ""; cat speclog) > anaconda.spec.new ; \ mv anaconda.spec.new anaconda.spec ; rm -f speclog ; rm -f newspeclog ; \ sed -i "s/Version: $(VERSION)/Version: $$NEWVERSION/" anaconda.spec install-buildrequires: yum install $$(grep BuildRequires: anaconda.spec | cut -d ' ' -f 2)