path: root/textw/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'textw/')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/textw/ b/textw/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1671fc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textw/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+import gettext
+import iutil
+import os
+from snack import *
+from textw.constants import *
+from newtpyfsedit import fsedit
+cat = gettext.Catalog ("anaconda", "/usr/share/locale")
+_ = cat.gettext
+class PartitionMethod:
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ if not or todo.instClass.partitions:
+ todo.skipFdisk = 1
+ rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Disk Setup"),
+ _("Disk Druid is a tool for partitioning and setting up mount "
+ "points. It is designed to be easier to use than Linux's "
+ "traditional disk partitioning sofware, fdisk, as well "
+ "as more powerful. However, there are some cases where fdisk "
+ "may be preferred.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Which tool would you like to use?"),
+ [ (_("Disk Druid"), "dd") , (_("fdisk"), "fd"),
+ (_("Back"), "back") ], width = 50)
+ if rc == "back":
+ elif rc == "dd":
+ todo.skipFdisk = 1
+ else:
+ todo.skipFdisk = 0
+ return INSTALL_OK
+class ManualPartitionWindow:
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ if todo.skipFdisk: return INSTALL_NOOP
+ drives = todo.drives.available ()
+ driveNames = drives.keys()
+ driveNames.sort ()
+ choices = []
+ for device in driveNames:
+ descrip = drives[device]
+ if descrip:
+ choices.append("/dev/%s - %s" % (device, descrip))
+ else:
+ choices.append("/dev/%s" % (device,))
+ button = None
+ while button != "done" and button != "back":
+ (button, choice) = \
+ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Disk Setup"),
+ _("To install Red Hat Linux, you must have at least one "
+ "partition of 150 MB dedicated to Linux. We suggest "
+ "placing that partition on one of the first two hard "
+ "drives in your system so you can boot into Linux "
+ "with LILO."), choices,
+ [ (_("Done"), "done") , (_("Edit"), "edit"),
+ (_("Back"), "back") ], width = 50)
+ if button != "done" and button != "back":
+ device = driveNames[choice]
+ screen.suspend ()
+ if os.access("/sbin/fdisk", os.X_OK):
+ path = "/sbin/fdisk"
+ else:
+ path = "/usr/sbin/fdisk"
+ iutil.execWithRedirect (path, [ "/dev/" + device ])
+ screen.resume ()
+ if button == "back":
+ return INSTALL_OK
+class AutoPartitionWindow:
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ fstab = []
+ for mntpoint, (dev, fstype, reformat) in todo.mounts.items ():
+ fstab.append ((dev, mntpoint))
+ if not todo.ddruid:
+ drives = todo.drives.available ().keys ()
+ drives.sort ()
+ todo.ddruid = fsedit(0, drives, fstab, todo.zeroMbr)
+ todo.instClass.finishPartitioning(todo.ddruid)
+ if not todo.getPartitionWarningText():
+ (rc, choice) = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Automatic Partitioning"),
+ _("%s\n\nIf you don't want to do this, you can continue with "
+ "this install by partitioning manually, or you can go back "
+ "and perform a fully customized installation.") %
+ (todo.getPartitionWarningText(), ),
+ [_("Continue"), _("Manually partition")],
+ buttons = basicButtons, default = _("Continue"))
+ if (rc == "back"): return INSTALL_BACK
+ if (choice == 1):
+ todo.ddruid = fsedit(0, drives, fstab)
+ todo.manuallyPartition()
+class PartitionWindow:
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ if not todo.getSkipPartitioning():
+ dir = todo.ddruid.edit ()
+ for partition, mount, fstype, size in todo.ddruid.getFstab ():
+ todo.addMount(partition, mount, fstype)
+ return dir
+class TurnOnSwapWindow:
+ beenTurnedOn = 0
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ if self.beenTurnedOn or (iutil.memInstalled() > 30000):
+ rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Low Memory"),
+ _("As you don't have much memory in this machine, we "
+ "need to turn on swap space immediately. To do this "
+ "we'll have to write your new partition table to the "
+ "disk immediately. Is that okay?"),
+ [ (_("Yes"), "yes"), (_("No"), "back") ], width = 50)
+ if (rc == "back"):
+ ()
+ todo.makeFilesystems (createFs = 0)
+ todo.ddruidAlreadySaved = 1
+ self.beenTurnedOn = 1
+ return INSTALL_OK
+class FormatWindow:
+ def __call__(self, screen, todo):
+ tb = TextboxReflowed (55,
+ _("What partitions would you like to "
+ "format? We strongly suggest formatting "
+ "all of the system partitions, including "
+ "/, /usr, and /var. There is no need to "
+ "format /home or /usr/local if they have "
+ "already been configured during a "
+ "previous install."))
+ height = min (screen.height - 12, len (todo.mounts.items()))
+ ct = CheckboxTree(height = height)
+ mounts = todo.mounts.keys ()
+ mounts.sort ()
+ for mount in mounts:
+ (dev, fstype, format) = todo.mounts[mount]
+ if fstype == "ext2":
+ ct.append("/dev/%s %s" % (dev, mount), mount, format)
+ cb = Checkbox (_("Check for bad blocks during format"))
+ bb = ButtonBar (screen, ((_("OK"), "ok"), (_("Back"), "back")))
+ g = GridForm (screen, _("Choose Partitions to Format"), 1, 4)
+ g.add (tb, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1))
+ g.add (ct, 0, 1)
+ g.add (cb, 0, 2, (0, 0, 0, 1))
+ g.add (bb, 0, 3, growx = 1)
+ result = g.runOnce()
+ for mount in todo.mounts.keys ():
+ (dev, fstype, format) = todo.mounts[mount]
+ if fstype == "ext2":
+ todo.mounts[mount] = (dev, fstype, 0)
+ for mount in ct.getSelection():
+ (dev, fstype, format) = todo.mounts[mount]
+ todo.mounts[mount] = (dev, fstype, 1)
+ todo.badBlockCheck = cb.selected ()
+ rc = bb.buttonPressed (result)
+ if rc == "back":
+ return INSTALL_OK