path: root/loader/mediacheck.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'loader/mediacheck.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/loader/mediacheck.c b/loader/mediacheck.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f82a5fd37..000000000
--- a/loader/mediacheck.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-/* simple program to check implanted md5sum in an iso 9660 image */
-/* Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. */
-/* Michael Fulbright */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <newt.h>
-#include "md5.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#define APPDATA_OFFSET 883
-#define SIZE_OFFSET 84
-#define MAX(x, y) ((x > y) ? x : y)
-#define MIN(x, y) ((x < y) ? x : y)
-typedef void (*checkCallback)(void *, long long offset);
-struct progressCBdata {
- newtComponent scale;
- newtComponent label;
-#ifdef TESTING
-#define _(x) (x)
-#include "lang.h"
-/* finds primary volume descriptor and returns info from it */
-/* mediasum must be a preallocated buffer at least 33 bytes long */
-int parsepvd(int isofd, char *mediasum, int *skipsectors, long long *isosize, int *isostatus) {
- unsigned char buf[2048];
- unsigned char buf2[512];
- unsigned char tmpbuf[512];
- int skipfnd, md5fnd, isostatusfnd;
- unsigned int loc;
- long long offset;
- unsigned char *p;
- if (lseek(isofd, (off_t)(16L * 2048L), SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return ((long long)-1);
- offset = (16L * 2048L);
- for (;1;) {
- if (read(isofd, buf, 2048) <= 0)
- return ((long long)-1);
- if (buf[0] == 1)
- /* found primary volume descriptor */
- break;
- else if (buf[0] == 255)
- /* hit end and didn't find primary volume descriptor */
- return ((long long)-1);
- offset += 2048L;
- }
- /* read out md5sum */
- memcpy(buf2, buf + APPDATA_OFFSET, 512);
- buf2[511] = '\0';
- *isostatus = 0;
- md5fnd = 0;
- skipfnd = 0;
- isostatusfnd = 0;
- loc = 0;
- while (loc < 512) {
- if (!strncmp(buf2 + loc, "ISO MD5SUM = ", 13)) {
- /* logMessage("Found ISO MD5SUM"); */
- /* make sure we dont walk off end */
- if ((loc + 32) > 511)
- return -1;
- memcpy(mediasum, buf2 + loc + 13, 32);
- mediasum[32] = '\0';
- md5fnd = 1;
- logMessage("MD5SUM -> %s", mediasum);
- loc += 45;
- for (p=buf2+loc; loc < 512 && *p != ';'; p++, loc++);
- } else if (!strncmp(buf2 + loc, "SKIPSECTORS = ", 14)) {
- char *errptr;
- /* make sure we dont walk off end */
- if ((loc + 14) > 511)
- return -1;
- /* logMessage("Found SKIPSECTORS"); */
- loc = loc + 14;
- for (p=tmpbuf; loc < 512 && buf2[loc] != ';'; p++, loc++)
- *p = buf2[loc];
- *p = '\0';
- /* logMessage("SKIPSECTORS -> |%s|", tmpbuf); */
- *skipsectors = strtol(tmpbuf, &errptr, 10);
- if (errptr && *errptr) {
- logMessage("Could not parse |%s|", errptr);
- return -1;
- } else {
- logMessage("skipsectors = %d", *skipsectors);
- skipfnd = 1;
- }
- for (p=buf2+loc; loc < 512 && *p != ';'; p++, loc++);
- } else if (!strncmp(buf2 + loc, "RHLISOSTATUS=1", 14)) {
- *isostatus = 1;
- isostatusfnd = 1;
- logMessage("isostatus = 1");
- } else if (!strncmp(buf2 + loc, "RHLISOSTATUS=0", 14)) {
- *isostatus = 0;
- isostatusfnd = 1;
- logMessage("isostatus = 0");
- } else {
- loc++;
- }
- if ((skipfnd & md5fnd) & isostatusfnd)
- break;
- }
- if (!(skipfnd & md5fnd))
- return -1;
- /* get isosize */
- *isosize = (buf[SIZE_OFFSET]*0x1000000+buf[SIZE_OFFSET+1]*0x10000 +
- buf[SIZE_OFFSET+2]*0x100 + buf[SIZE_OFFSET+3]) * 2048LL;
- return offset;
-/* returns -1 if no checksum encoded in media, 0 if no match, 1 if match */
-/* mediasum is the sum encoded in media, computedsum is one we compute */
-/* both strings must be pre-allocated at least 33 chars in length */
-int checkmd5sum(int isofd, char *mediasum, char *computedsum,
- checkCallback cb, void *cbdata) {
- int nread;
- int i;
- int appdata_start_offset, appdata_end_offset;
- int nattempt;
- int skipsectors;
- int isostatus;
- unsigned int bufsize = 32768;
- unsigned char md5sum[16];
- unsigned int len;
- unsigned char *buf;
- long long isosize, offset, pvd_offset, apoff;
- MD5_CTX md5ctx;
- isostatus = 0;
- if ((pvd_offset = parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, &isosize, &isostatus)) < 0)
- return -1;
- /* rewind, compute md5sum */
- lseek(isofd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- MD5_Init(&md5ctx);
- offset = 0;
- apoff = pvd_offset + APPDATA_OFFSET;
- buf = malloc(bufsize * sizeof(unsigned char));
- while (offset < isosize - skipsectors*2048) {
- nattempt = MIN(isosize - skipsectors*2048 - offset, bufsize);
- nread = read(isofd, buf, nattempt);
- if (nread <= 0)
- break;
- /* overwrite md5sum we implanted with original data */
- if (offset < apoff && offset+nread >= apoff) {
- appdata_start_offset = apoff - offset;
- appdata_end_offset = MIN(appdata_start_offset+MIN(nread, 512),
- offset + nread - apoff);
- len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
- memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
- } else if (offset >= apoff && offset+nread < apoff + 512) {
- appdata_start_offset = 0;
- appdata_end_offset = nread;
- len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
- memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
- } else if (offset < apoff + 512 && offset+nread >= apoff + 512) {
- appdata_start_offset = 0;
- appdata_end_offset = apoff + 512 - offset;
- len = appdata_end_offset - appdata_start_offset;
- memset(buf+appdata_start_offset, ' ', len);
- }
- MD5_Update(&md5ctx, buf, nread);
- offset = offset + nread;
- if (cb)
- cb(cbdata, offset);
- }
- if (cb)
- cb(cbdata, isosize);
- sleep(1);
- free(buf);
- MD5_Final(md5sum, &md5ctx);
- *computedsum = '\0';
- for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
- char tmpstr[4];
- snprintf (tmpstr, 4, "%02x", md5sum[i]);
- strcat(computedsum, tmpstr);
- }
- if (strcmp(mediasum, computedsum))
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
-static void readCB(void *co, long long pos) {
- struct progressCBdata *data = co;
- static int tick = 0;
- char tickmark[2] = "-";
- char * ticks = "-\\|/";
- newtScaleSet(data->scale, pos);
- tick++;
- if (tick > 399) tick = 0;
- *tickmark = ticks[tick / 100];
- newtLabelSetText(data->label, tickmark);
- newtRefresh();
-int doMediaCheck(int isofd, char *descr, char *mediasum, char *computedsum, long long *isosize, int *isostatus) {
- struct progressCBdata data;
- newtComponent t, f, scale, label;
- int rc;
- int dlen;
- int llen;
- int skipsectors;
- char tmpstr[1024];
- if (parsepvd(isofd, mediasum, &skipsectors, isosize, isostatus) < 0) {
- newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"),
- _("Unable to read the disc checksum from the "
- "primary volume descriptor. This probably "
- "means the disc was created without adding the "
- "checksum."));
- return -1;
- }
- if (descr)
- snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), _("Checking \"%s\"..."), descr);
- else
- snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), _("Checking media now..."));
- dlen = strlen(tmpstr);
- if (dlen > 65)
- dlen = 65;
- newtCenteredWindow(dlen+8, 6, _("Media Check"));
- t = newtTextbox(1, 1, dlen+4, 3, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP);
- newtTextboxSetText(t, tmpstr);
- llen = strlen(tmpstr);
- label = newtLabel(llen+1, 1, "-");
- f = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
- newtFormAddComponent(f, t);
- scale = newtScale(3, 3, dlen, *isosize);
- newtFormAddComponent(f, scale);
- newtDrawForm(f);
- newtRefresh();
- data.scale = scale;
- data.label = label;
- rc = checkmd5sum(isofd, mediasum, computedsum, readCB, &data);
- newtFormDestroy(f);
- newtPopWindow();
- return rc;
-int mediaCheckFile(char *file, char *descr) {
- int isofd;
- int rc;
- int isostatus;
- char *result;
- unsigned char mediasum[33], computedsum[33];
- char tmpstr[256];
- char descrstr[256];
- long long isosize;
- newtComponent t, f;
- isofd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
- if (isofd < 0) {
- newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("Unable to find install image "
- "%s"), file);
- return -1;
- }
- isostatus = 0;
- rc = doMediaCheck(isofd, descr, mediasum, computedsum, &isosize, &isostatus);
- close(isofd);
- if (rc == 0) {
- result = _("FAIL.\n\nIt is not recommended to use this media.");
- logMessage("mediacheck: %s (%s) FAILED", file, descr);
- logMessage("value of isostatus iso flag is %d", isostatus);
- } else if (rc > 0) {
- result = _("PASS.\n\nIt is OK to install from this media.");
- logMessage("mediacheck: %s (%s) PASSED", file, descr);
- logMessage("value of isostatus iso flag is %d", isostatus);
- } else {
- result = _("NA.\n\nNo checksum information available, unable to verify media.");
- logMessage("mediacheck: %s (%s) has no checksum info", file, descr);
- }
- newtCenteredWindow(60, 13, _("Media Check Result"));
- t = newtTextbox(4, 1, 52, 8, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP);
- if (descr)
- snprintf(descrstr, sizeof(descrstr),
- _("of the image:\n\n%s\n\n"), descr);
- else
- descrstr[0] = '\0';
- snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), _("The media check %sis complete, and "
- "the result is: %s\n"), descrstr, result);
- newtTextboxSetText(t, tmpstr);
- f = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
- newtFormAddComponent(f, t);
- newtFormAddComponent(f, newtButton(26, 9, _("OK")));
- newtRunForm(f);
- newtFormDestroy(f);
- newtPopWindow();
- return rc;
-#ifdef TESTING
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- int rc;
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage: checkisomd5 <isofilename>\n\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- newtInit();
- newtCls();
- rc = mediaCheckFile(argv[1]);
- newtFinished();