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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1116 deletions
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index d693162c5..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# Author(s): Chris Lumens <>
-import xmlrpclib
-import socket
-class LoginError(Exception):
- """An error occurred while logging into the bug reporting system."""
- def __init__(self, bugUrl, username):
- self.bugUrl = bugUrl
- self.username = username
- def __str__(self):
- return "Could not login to %s with username %s" % (self.bugUrl, self.username)
-class CommunicationError(Exception):
- """Some miscellaneous error occurred while communicating with the
- bug reporting system. This could include XML-RPC errors, passing
- bad data, or network problems."""
- def __init__(self, msg):
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- return "Error communicating with bug system: %s" % self.msg
-# These classes don't do anything except say that automated bug filing are not
-# supported. They also define the interface that concrete classes should use,
-# as this is what will be expected by
-class AbstractFiler(object):
- """The base class for Filer objects. This is an abstract class.
- Within this class's help, Bug refers to a concrete AbstractBug subclass
- and Filer refers to a concrete AbstractFiler subclass.
- A Filer object communicates with a bug filing system - like bugzilla -
- that a distribution uses to track defects. Install classes specify
- what bug filing system they use by instantiating a subclass of
- AbstractFiler. The intention is that each subclass of AbstractFiler
- will make use of some system library to handle the actual communication
- with the bug filing system. For now, all systems will be assumed to act
- like bugzilla.
- Methods in this class should raise the following exceptions:
- CommunicationError -- For all problems communicating with the remote
- bug filing system.
- LoginError -- For invalid login information.
- ValueError -- For all other operations where the client
- supplied values are not correct.
- """
- def __init__(self, bugUrl=None, develVersion=None, defaultProduct=None):
- """Create a new AbstractFiler instance. This method need not be
- overridden by subclasses.
- bugUrl -- The URL of the bug filing system.
- develVersion -- What version of the product should be treated as
- the development version. This is used in case
- anaconda attempts to file bugs against invalid
- versions. It need not be set.
- defaultProduct -- The product bugs should be filed against, should
- anaconda get an invalid product name from the
- boot media. This must be set.
- """
- self.bugUrl = bugUrl
- self.develVersion = develVersion
- self.defaultProduct = defaultProduct
- def login(self, username, password):
- """Using the given username and password, attempt to login to the
- bug filing system. This method must be provided by all subclasses,
- and should raise LoginError if login is unsuccessful.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def createbug(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Create a new bug. The kwargs dictionary is all the arguments that
- should be used when creating the new bug and is entirely up to the
- subclass to handle. This method must be provided by all subclasses.
- On success, it should return a Bug instance.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getbug(self, id):
- """Search for a bug given by id and return it. This method must be
- provided by all subclasses. On success, it should return a Bug
- instance. On error, it should return an instance that is empty.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getbugs(self, idlist):
- """Search for all the bugs given by the IDs in idlist and return.
- This method must be provided by all subclasses. On success, it
- should return a list of Bug instances, or an empty instance for
- invalid IDs.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getproduct(self, prod):
- """Verify that prod is a valid product name. If it is, return that
- same product name. If not, return self.defaultProduct. This method
- queries the bug filing system for a list of valid products. It must
- be provided by all subclasses.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getversion(self, ver, prod):
- """Verify that ver is a valid version number for the product name prod.
- If it is, return that same version number. If not, return
- self.develVersion if it exists or the latest version number
- otherwise. This method queries the bug filing system for a list of
- valid versions numbers. It must be provided by all subclasses.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def query(self, query):
- """Perform the provided query and return a list of Bug instances that
- meet the query. What the query is depends on the exact bug filing
- system, though anaconda will treat it as a dictionary of bug
- attibutes since this is what bugzilla expects. Other filing systems
- will need to take extra work to munge this data into the expected
- format. This method must be provided by all subclasses.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def supportsFiling(self):
- """Does this class support filing bugs? All subclasses should override
- this method and return True, or automatic filing will not work. The
- base install class will use this method, so automatic filing will
- not be attempted by anaconda on unknown products.
- """
- return False
-class AbstractBug(object):
- """The base class for Bug objects. This is an abstract class.
- Within this class's help, Bug refers to a concrete AbstractBug subclass
- and Filer refers to a concrete AbstractFiler subclass.
- A Bug object represents one single bug within a Filer. This is where
- most of the interesting stuff happens - attaching files, adding comments
- and email addresses, and modifying whiteboards. Subclasses of this
- class are returned by most operations within a Filer subclass. For now,
- all bugs will be assumed to act like bugzilla's bugs.
- Bug objects wrap objects in the underlying module that communicates with
- the bug filing system. For example, the bugzilla filer uses the
- python-bugzilla module to communicate. This module has its own Bug
- object. So, BugzillaBug wraps that object. Therefore, Bugs may be
- created out of existing BugzillaBugs or may create their own if
- necessary.
- Methods in this class should raise the following exceptions:
- CommunicationError -- For all problems communicating with the remote
- bug filing system.
- ValueError -- For all other operations where the client
- supplied values are not correct (invalid
- resolution, status, whiteboard, etc.).
- """
- def __init__(self, filer, bug=None, *args, **kwargs):
- """Create a new Bug instance. It is recommended that subclasses
- override this method to add extra attributes.
- filer -- A reference to a Filer object used when performing
- certain operations. This may be None if it is not
- required by the Filer or Bug objects.
- bug -- If None, the filer-specific code should create a new
- bug object. Otherwise, the filer-specific code
- should use the provided object as needed.
- args, kwargs -- If provided, these arguments should be passed as-is
- when creating a new underlying bug object. This
- only makes sense if bug is not None.
- """
- self.filer = filer
- def __str__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def __repr__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def addCC(self, address):
- """Add the provided email address to this bug. This method must be
- provided by all subclasses, and return some non-None value on
- success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def addcomment(self, comment):
- """Add the provided comment to this bug. This method must be provided
- by all subclasses, and return some non-None value on success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def attachfile(self, file, description, **kwargs):
- """Attach the filename given by file, with the given description, to
- this bug. If provided, the given kwargs will be passed along to
- the Filer when attaching the file. These args may be useful for
- doing things like setting the MIME type of the file. This method
- must be provided by all subclasses and return some non-None value
- on success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def close(self, resolution, dupeid=0, comment=''):
- """Close this bug with the given resolution, optionally closing it
- as a duplicate of the provided dupeid and with the optional comment.
- resolution must be a value accepted by the Filer. This method must
- be provided by all subclasses and return some non-None value on
- success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def id(self):
- """Return this bug's ID number. This method must be provided by all
- subclasses.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def setstatus(self, status, comment=''):
- """Set this bug's status and optionally add a comment. status must be
- a value accepted by the Filer. This method must be provided by all
- subclasses and return some non-None value on success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def setassignee(self, assigned_to='', reporter='', comment=''):
- """Assign this bug to the person given by assigned_to, optionally
- changing the reporter and attaching a comment. assigned_to must be
- a valid account in the Filer. This method must be provided by all
- subclasses and return some non-None value on success.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getwhiteboard(self, which=''):
- """Get the given whiteboard from this bug and return it. Not all bug
- filing systems support the concept of whiteboards, so this method
- is optional. Currently, anaconda does not call it.
- """
- return ""
- def appendwhiteboard(self, text, which=''):
- """Append the given text to the given whiteboard. Not all bug filing
- systems support the concept of whiteboards, so this method is
- optional. If provided, it should return some non-None value on
- success. Currently, anaconda does not call this method.
- """
- return True
- def prependwhiteboard(self, text, which=''):
- """Put the given text at the front of the given whiteboard. Not all
- bug filing systems support the concept of whiteboards, so this
- method is optional. If provided, it should return some non-None
- value on success. Currently, anaconda does not call this method.
- """
- return True
- def setwhiteboard(self, text, which=''):
- """Set the given whiteboard to be the given text. Not all bug filing
- systems support the concept of whiteboards, so this method is
- optional. If provided, it should return some non-None value on
- success. Currently, anaconda does not call this method.
- """
- return True
-# Concrete classes for automatically filing bugs against Bugzilla instances.
-# This requires the python-bugzilla module to do almost all of the real work.
-# We basically just make some really thin wrappers around it here since we
-# expect all bug filing systems to act similar to bugzilla.
-class BugzillaFiler(AbstractFiler):
- def __withBugzillaDo(self, fn):
- try:
- retval = fn(self._bz)
- return retval
- except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
- raise ValueError(str(e))
- except socket.error, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- def __init__(self, bugUrl=None, develVersion=None, defaultProduct=None):
- AbstractFiler.__init__(self, bugUrl=bugUrl, develVersion=develVersion,
- defaultProduct=defaultProduct)
- self._bz = None
- def login(self, username, password):
- import bugzilla
- try:
- self._bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url=self.bugUrl)
- retval = self._bz.login(username, password)
- except socket.error, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- if not retval:
- raise LoginError(self.bugUrl, username)
- return retval
- def createbug(self, *args, **kwargs):
- whiteboards = []
- for (key, val) in kwargs.items():
- if key.endswith("_whiteboard"):
- wb = key.split("_")[0]
- whiteboards.append((wb, val))
- kwargs.pop(key)
- if key == "platform":
- platformLst = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b._proxy.Bug.legal_values({'field': 'platform'}))
- if not val in platformLst['values']:
- kwargs[key] = platformLst['values'][0]
- bug = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b.createbug(**kwargs))
- for (wb, val) in whiteboards:
- bug.setwhiteboard(val, which=wb)
- return BugzillaBug(self, bug=bug)
- def getbug(self, id):
- return BugzillaBug(self, bug=self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b.getbug(id)))
- def getbugs(self, idlist):
- lst = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b.getbugs(idlist))
- return map(lambda b: BugzillaBug(self, bug=b), lst)
- def getproduct(self, prod):
- details = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b.getproducts())
- for d in details:
- if d['name'] == prod:
- return prod
- if self.defaultProduct:
- return self.defaultProduct
- else:
- raise ValueError, "The product %s is not valid and no defaultProduct is set." % prod
- def getversion(self, ver, prod):
- details = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b._proxy.bugzilla.getProductDetails(prod))
- bugzillaVers = details[1]
- bugzillaVers.sort()
- if ver not in bugzillaVers:
- if self.develVersion:
- return self.develVersion
- else:
- return bugzillaVers[-1]
- else:
- return ver
- def query(self, query):
- lst = self.__withBugzillaDo(lambda b: b.query(query))
- return map(lambda b: BugzillaBug(self, bug=b), lst)
- def supportsFiling(self):
- return True
-class BugzillaBug(AbstractBug):
- def __withBugDo(self, fn):
- try:
- retval = fn(self._bug)
- return retval
- except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
- raise ValueError(str(e))
- except socket.error, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- def __init__(self, filer, bug=None, *args, **kwargs):
- import bugzilla
- self.filer = filer
- if not bug:
- self._bug = bugzilla.Bug(self.filer, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- self._bug = bug
- def __str__(self):
- return self._bug.__str__()
- def __repr__(self):
- return self._bug.__repr__()
- def addCC(self, address):
- try:
- return self.filer._bz._updatecc(self._bug.bug_id, [address], 'add')
- except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
- raise ValueError(str(e))
- except socket.error, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- def addcomment(self, comment):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.addcomment(comment))
- def attachfile(self, file, description, **kwargs):
- try:
- return self.filer._bz.attachfile(self._bug.bug_id, file, description, **kwargs)
- except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
- raise ValueError(str(e))
- except socket.error, e:
- raise CommunicationError(str(e))
- def id(self):
- return self._bug.bug_id
- def close(self, resolution, dupeid=0, comment=''):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.close(resolution, dupeid=dupeid,
- comment=comment))
- def setstatus(self, status, comment=''):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.setstatus(status, comment=comment))
- def setassignee(self, assigned_to='', reporter='', comment=''):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.setassignee(assigned_to=assigned_to,
- reporter=reporter,
- comment=comment))
- def getwhiteboard(self, which='status'):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.getwhiteboard(which=which))
- def appendwhiteboard(self, text, which='status'):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.appendwhiteboard(text, which=which))
- def prependwhiteboard(self, text, which='status'):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.prependwhiteboard(text, which=which))
- def setwhiteboard(self, text, which='status'):
- return self.__withBugDo(lambda b: b.setwhiteboard(text, which=which))
diff --git a/ui/ b/ui/
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index ca9106ac0..000000000
--- a/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
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