path: root/textw/
diff options
authorJeremy Katz <>2004-08-31 20:03:15 +0000
committerJeremy Katz <>2004-08-31 20:03:15 +0000
commit4984678dd293e81d1d9a74c8980bf56217f5e1f8 (patch)
tree4b00939a94cf4af424472e7bd2aed3023fce4ccc /textw/
parente60db42fb4190164936dc7e917ccae4acbf05560 (diff)
add support for basic editing/adding of LVs. checks to see if you have
a VG and then asks if you want to add a partition or a LV, then a similar dialog to everything else for setting up the LV itself
Diffstat (limited to 'textw/')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/textw/ b/textw/
index b44f1481f..aab6b880b 100644
--- a/textw/
+++ b/textw/
@@ -278,7 +278,38 @@ class PartitionWindow:
mount.set(_("<Not Applicable>"))
return (mount, mountgrid)
+ # make the entry for the lv name and it's label
+ def makeLVNameEntry(self, request):
+ lvnamegrid = Grid(2, 1)
+ lvnameLbl = Label(_("Logical Volume Name:"))
+ lvnamegrid.setField(lvnameLbl, 0, 0, (0,0,0,0), anchorLeft = 1)
+ lvn = request.logicalVolumeName
+ if lvn:
+ lvname = Entry(20, lvn)
+ else:
+ lvname = Entry(20, "")
+ lvnamegrid.setField(lvname, 1, 0, anchorRight = 1, growx = 1)
+ if request.preexist:
+ lvname.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET)
+ return (lvname, lvnamegrid)
+ # make the size entry for a logical volume
+ def makeLVSize(self, request):
+ grid = Grid(3, 1)
+ lbl = Label(_("Size (MB):"))
+ grid.setField(lbl, 0, 0, (0,0,0,0), anchorLeft = 1)
+ if request.size:
+ size = Entry(8, "%d" %(request.size,))
+ else:
+ size = Entry(8, "")
+ grid.setField(size, 1, 0, anchorRight = 1, growx = 1)
+# maxLbl = Label(_("(Max is %s MB") %(maxlv,))
+# grid.setField(maxLbl, 2, 0, anchorRight = 1)
+ if request.preexist:
+ return (size, grid)
# make the list of available filesystems and it's label
def makeFsList(self, request, usecallback=1, uselabel=1, usetypes=None,
@@ -439,6 +470,27 @@ class PartitionWindow:
return (cylopts, start, end, size, subgrid)
+ # make the list of VGs
+ def makeVGList(self, request):
+ subgrid = Grid(1, 2)
+ vgLbl = Label(_("Volume Group:"))
+ subgrid.setField(vgLbl, 0, 0)
+ vgs = self.partitions.getLVMVGRequests()
+ if len(vgs) > 3:
+ scroll = 1
+ else:
+ scroll = 0
+ vgBox = Listbox(height=3, scroll=scroll)
+ current = None
+ for vg in vgs:
+ vgBox.append(vg.volumeGroupName, vg)
+ if vg.uniqueID == request.volumeGroup:
+ current = vg
+ if request.volumeGroup is not None:
+ vgBox.setCurrent(current)
+ subgrid.setField(vgBox, 0, 1)
+ return (vgBox, subgrid)
# make the list of RAID levels
def makeRaidList(self, request):
@@ -1075,9 +1127,259 @@ class PartitionWindow:
+ # isNew implies that this request has never been successfully used before
+ def editLVRequest(self, lvrequest, isNew = 0):
+ preexist = lvrequest and lvrequest.preexist
+ if preexist:
+ tmpstr = _("Edit Logical Volume")
+ else:
+ tmpstr = _("Make Logical Volume")
+ self.drivelist = None
+ poplevel = GridFormHelp(self.screen, tmpstr, "makelv", 1, 8)
+ # mount point entry
+ row = 0
+ (self.mount, mountgrid) = self.makeMountEntry(lvrequest)
+ poplevel.add(mountgrid, 0, row)
+ row = row + 1
+ (self.lvname, lvgrid) = self.makeLVNameEntry(lvrequest)
+ poplevel.add(lvgrid, 0, row)
+ row = row + 1
+ (lvsize, lvsizegrid) = self.makeLVSize(lvrequest)
+ poplevel.add(lvsizegrid, 0, row)
+ row = row + 1
+ # initialize holder for temporary mount point value
+ self.oldMount = None
+ if preexist:
+ # set some defaults
+ format = lvrequest.format
+ migrate = lvrequest.migrate
+ newfstype = lvrequest.fstype
+ badblocks = lvrequest.badblocks
+ (subgrid, fsoptLbl, fstypeLbl) = self.fsOptionsGrid(lvrequest, newfstype)
+ poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0))
+ self.drivelist = None
+ else:
+ subgrid = Grid(2, 1)
+ (fstype, fsgrid) = self.makeFsList(lvrequest, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "PPC PReP Boot"])
+ subgrid.setField(fsgrid, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, anchorTop=1)
+ vgs = self.partitions.getLVMVGRequests()
+ if len(vgs) < 1:
+ ButtonChoiceWindow (self.screen, _("No Volume Groups"),
+ _("No volume groups to create a logical "
+ "volume in."), [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ])
+ return
+ (vgtype, vggrid) = self.makeVGList(lvrequest)
+ subgrid.setField(vggrid, 1, 0, (2,0,0,0), anchorRight=1, anchorTop=1)
+ poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0))
+ row = row + 1
+ miscgrid = Grid(1, 3)
+ if lvrequest.fstype and lvrequest.fstype.isFormattable():
+ format = Checkbox(_("Format partition?"))
+ miscgrid.setField(format, 0, 1)
+ else:
+ format = None
+ if lvrequest.format == 1 or lvrequest.format == None:
+ format.setValue("*")
+ poplevel.add(miscgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0))
+ row = row + 1
+ if preexist:
+ popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON,
+ (_("File System Options"), "fsopts"),
+ else:
+ popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON,TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON))
+ poplevel.add(popbb, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx = 1)
+ while 1:
+ res =
+ if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'cancel':
+ self.screen.popWindow()
+ return
+ if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'fsopts':
+ (format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks) = self.fsOptionsDialog(lvrequest, format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks, showbadblocks=0)
+ self.fstypeSet((newfstype, self.mount))
+ fstypeLbl.setText(newfstype.getName())
+ if fsoptLbl:
+ if format:
+ fsoptLbl.setText(_("Format as %s") % (newfstype.getName()))
+ elif migrate:
+ fsoptLbl.setText(_("Migrate to %s") %(newfstype.getName()))
+ else:
+ fsoptLbl.setText(_("Leave unchanged"))
+ continue
+ request = copy.copy(lvrequest)
+ if not preexist:
+ request.fstype = fstype.current()
+ else:
+ request.fstype = newfstype
+ if request.fstype.isMountable():
+ request.mountpoint = self.mount.value()
+ else:
+ request.mountpoint = None
+ if not preexist:
+ if format:
+ request.format = format.selected()
+ else:
+ request.format = 0
+ # set the vg
+ vgreq = vgtype.current()
+ request.volumeGroup = vgreq.uniqueID
+ if vgreq is None:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Somehow ended up with a None volume group!"
+ # get the lv name, check for a "valid" name
+ lvn = self.lvname.value().strip()
+ err = sanityCheckLogicalVolumeName(lvn)
+ if err:
+ self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal Logical Volume Name"), err, custom_icon="error")
+ continue
+ # make sure we don't have an LV in this volume group by
+ # this name already
+ used = 0
+ origlvname = lvrequest.logicalVolumeName
+ for lv in self.partitions.getLVMLVRequests():
+ if origlvname and lvn == origlvname:
+ break
+ if ((lv.logicalVolumeName == lvn) and
+ (lv.volumeGroup == vgreq.uniqueID)):
+ used = 1
+ break
+ if used:
+ self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal logical volume name"),
+ _("The logical volume name \"%s\" "
+ "is already in use. Please "
+ "pick another.") % (lvname,),
+ custom_icon="error")
+ continue
+ request.logicalVolumeName = lvn
+ size = int(lvsize.value().strip())
+ pesize = vgreq.pesize
+ size = lvm.clampLVSizeRequest(size, pesize, roundup=1)
+ maxlv = lvm.getMaxLVSize(pesize)
+ if size > lvm.getMaxLVSize(pesize):
+ self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"),
+ _("The current requested size "
+ "(%10.2f MB) is larger than "
+ "maximum logical volume "
+ "size (%10.2f MB). ") % (size,
+ maxlv),
+ custom_icon="error")
+ continue
+ vgsize = vgreq.getActualSize(self.partitions, self.diskset)
+ avail = vgsize
+ for req in self.partitions.requests:
+ if ((req.type == REQUEST_LV) and
+ (req.volumeGroup == vgreq.uniqueID)):
+ avail -= req.size
+ if lvrequest.size:
+ avail += lvrequest.size
+ if size > avail:
+ self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"),
+ _("The current requested size "
+ "(%10.2f MB) is larger than "
+ "the available size in "
+ "the volume group "
+ "(%10.2f MB).") %(size, avail),
+ custom_icon="error")
+ continue
+ request.size = size
+ request.grow = 0
+ = None
+ else:
+ request.format = format
+ request.migrate = migrate
+ request.fstype = newfstype
+ request.badblocks = badblocks
+ err = request.sanityCheckRequest(self.partitions)
+ if err:
+ self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error With Request"),
+ "%s" % (err))
+ continue
+ if not isNew:
+ self.partitions.removeRequest(lvrequest)
+ self.partitions.addRequest(request)
+ if self.refresh():
+ # how can this fail? well, if it does, do the remove new,
+ # add old back in dance
+ self.partitions.removeRequest(request)
+ if not isNew:
+ self.partitions.addRequest(lvrequest)
+ if self.refresh():
+ raise RuntimeError, "Returning partitions to state prior to RAID edit failed"
+ else:
+ break
+ break
+ # clean up
+ self.shutdownUI()
+ self.screen.popWindow()
def newCb(self):
- request = NewPartitionSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault(), 1)
- self.editPartitionRequest(request, isNew = 1)
+ hasvg = 0
+ dolv = 0
+ for request in self.partitions.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_VG:
+ hasvg = 1
+ break
+ if hasvg:
+ rc = ListboxChoiceWindow(self.screen,
+ _("New Partition or Logical Volume?"),
+ _("Would you like to create a new "
+ "partition or a new logical volume?"),
+ [ _("partition"), _("logical volume") ],
+ width = 30, scroll = 0, height = 2)
+ (button, choice) = rc
+ if button == TEXT_CANCEL_CHECK:
+ return
+ if choice == 1:
+ dolv = 1
+ if not dolv:
+ request = NewPartitionSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault(), 1)
+ self.editPartitionRequest(request, isNew = 1)
+ else:
+ request = LogicalVolumeRequestSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault(),
+ size=1)
+ self.editLVRequest(request, isNew = 1)
def makeraidCb(self):
request = RaidRequestSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault())
@@ -1089,6 +1391,8 @@ class PartitionWindow:
if request:
if type == "RAID":
+ elif type == "LVMLV":
+ self.editLVRequest(request)
elif type == "NEW":
self.editPartitionRequest(request, isNew = 1)