path: root/
diff options
authorJeremy Katz <>2002-02-13 19:31:23 +0000
committerJeremy Katz <>2002-02-13 19:31:23 +0000
commit76d7d2de6f08ca3dc889c1e460a6c0c2d0fd9a2a (patch)
treed69b340204c852ed2e7490f9d84bd5b0598de79f /
parent3cc5e61f10ba9bbe6539539cecedfadb795199e0 (diff)
even more fun... move Partitions object to and adjust accordingly.
move the Request object into and actually make it a nicer object with subclasses for the various types.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..229d7a483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+# partition object containing partitioning info
+# Matt Wilson <>
+# Jeremy Katz <>
+# Mike Fulbright <>
+# Harald Hoyer <>
+# Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+# library public license.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+"""Overarching partition object."""
+import parted
+import iutil
+import string
+import os, sys
+from constants import *
+import fsset
+import partedUtils
+import partRequests
+class Partitions:
+ """Defines all of the partition requests and delete requests."""
+ def __init__ (self, diskset = None):
+ """Initializes a Partitions object.
+ Can pass in the diskset if it already exists.
+ """
+ self.requests = []
+ """A list of RequestSpec objects for all partitions."""
+ self.deletes = []
+ """A list of DeleteSpec objects for partitions to be deleted."""
+ self.autoPartitionRequests = []
+ """A list of RequestSpec objects for autopartitioning.
+ These are setup by the installclass and folded into self.requests
+ by auto partitioning."""
+ self.autoClearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE
+ """What type of partitions should be cleared?"""
+ self.autoClearPartDrives = None
+ """Drives to clear partitions on (note that None is equiv to all)."""
+ self.nextUniqueID = 1
+ """Internal counter. Don't touch unless you're smarter than me."""
+ self.reinitializeDisks = 0
+ """Should the disk label be reset on all disks?"""
+ self.zeroMbr = 0
+ """Should the mbr be zero'd?"""
+ # partition method to be used. not to be touched externally
+ self.useAutopartitioning = 1
+ self.useFdisk = 0
+ # autopartitioning info becomes kickstart partition requests
+ # and its useful to be able to differentiate between the two
+ self.isKickstart = 0
+ if diskset:
+ self.setFromDisk(diskset)
+ def setFromDisk(self, diskset):
+ """Clear the delete list and set self.requests to reflect disk."""
+ self.deletes = []
+ self.requests = []
+ diskset.refreshDevices()
+ labels = diskset.getLabels()
+ drives = diskset.disks.keys()
+ drives.sort()
+ for drive in drives:
+ disk = diskset.disks[drive]
+ part = disk.next_partition()
+ while part:
+ if part.type & parted.PARTITION_METADATA:
+ part = disk.next_partition(part)
+ continue
+ format = None
+ if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
+ ptype = None
+ elif part.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
+ ptype = None
+ elif part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) == 1:
+ ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("software RAID")
+ elif part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM) == 1:
+ ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("physical volume (LVM)")
+ elif part.fs_type:
+ ptype = partedUtils.get_partition_file_system_type(part)
+ if == "linux-swap":
+ # XXX this is a hack
+ format = 1
+ else:
+ ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("foreign")
+ start = part.geom.start
+ end = part.geom.end
+ size = partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part)
+ drive = partedUtils.get_partition_drive(part)
+ spec = partRequests.PreexistingPartitionSpec(ptype,
+ size = size,
+ start = start,
+ end = end,
+ drive = drive,
+ format = format)
+ spec.device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(part).getDevice()
+ print spec.device, ptype
+ # set label if makes sense
+ if ptype and ptype.isMountable() and \
+ (ptype.getName() == "ext2" or ptype.getName() == "ext3"):
+ if spec.device in labels.keys():
+ if labels[spec.device] and len(labels[spec.device])>0:
+ spec.fslabel = labels[spec.device]
+ self.addRequest(spec)
+ part = disk.next_partition(part)
+ def addRequest (self, request):
+ """Add a new request to the list."""
+ if not request.uniqueID:
+ request.uniqueID = self.nextUniqueID
+ self.nextUniqueID = self.nextUniqueID + 1
+ self.requests.append(request)
+ self.requests.sort()
+ return request.uniqueID
+ def addDelete (self, delete):
+ """Add a new DeleteSpec to the list."""
+ self.deletes.append(delete)
+ self.deletes.sort()
+ def removeRequest (self, request):
+ """Remove a request from the list."""
+ self.requests.remove(request)
+ def getRequestByMountPoint(self, mount):
+ """Find and return the request with the given mountpoint."""
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.mountpoint == mount:
+ return request
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_LV and request.mountpoint == mount:
+ return request
+ return None
+ def getRequestByDeviceName(self, device):
+ """Find and return the request with the given device name."""
+ if device is None:
+ return None
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.device == device:
+ return request
+ return None
+ def getRequestByVolumeGroupName(self, volname):
+ """Find and return the request with the given volume group name."""
+ if volname is None:
+ return None
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if (request.type == REQUEST_VG and
+ request.volumeGroupName == volname):
+ return request
+ return None
+ def getRequestByLogicalVolumeName(self, lvname):
+ """Find and return the request with the given logical volume name."""
+ if lvname is None:
+ return None
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if (request.type == REQUEST_LV and
+ request.logicalVolumeName == lvname):
+ return request
+ return None
+ def getRequestByID(self, id):
+ """Find and return the request with the given unique ID.
+ Note that if id is a string, it will be converted to an int for you.
+ """
+ if type(id) == type("a string"):
+ id = int(id)
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.uniqueID == id:
+ return request
+ return None
+ def getRaidRequests(self):
+ """Find and return a list of all of the RAID requests."""
+ retval = []
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_RAID:
+ retval.append(request)
+ return retval
+ def isRaidMember(self, request):
+ """Return whether or not the request is being used in a RAID device."""
+ raiddev = self.getRaidRequests()
+ if not raiddev or not request.device:
+ return 0
+ for dev in raiddev:
+ if not dev.raidmembers:
+ continue
+ for member in dev.raidmembers:
+ if request.device == self.getRequestByID(member).device:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getLVMLVForVG(self, vgrequest):
+ """Find and return a list of all of the LVs in the VG."""
+ retval = []
+ vgid = vgrequest.uniqueID
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_LV:
+ if request.volumeGroup == vgid:
+ retval.append(request)
+ return retval
+ def getLVMRequests(self):
+ """Return a dictionary of all of the LVM bits.
+ The dictionary returned is of the form vgname: [ lvrequests ]
+ """
+ retval = {}
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_VG:
+ retval[request.volumeGroupName] = self.getLVMLVForVG(request)
+ return retval
+ def getLVMVGRequests(self):
+ """Find and return a list of all of the volume groups."""
+ retval = []
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_VG:
+ retval.append(request)
+ return retval
+ def getLVMLVRequests(self):
+ """Find and return a list of all of the logical volumes."""
+ retval = []
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if request.type == REQUEST_LV:
+ retval.append(request)
+ return retval
+ def isLVMVolumeGroupMember(self, request):
+ """Return whether or not the request is being used in an LVM device."""
+ volgroups = self.getLVMVGRequests()
+ if not volgroups:
+ return 0
+ # XXX is it nonsensical to check if this isn't a real partition?
+ for volgroup in volgroups:
+ if volgroup.physicalVolumes:
+ if request.uniqueID in volgroup.physicalVolumes:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getBootableRequest(self):
+ """Return the name of the current 'boot' mount point."""
+ bootreq = None
+ if iutil.getArch() == "ia64":
+ bootreq = self.getRequestByMountPoint("/boot/efi")
+ return bootreq
+ if not bootreq:
+ bootreq = self.getRequestByMountPoint("/boot")
+ if not bootreq:
+ bootreq = self.getRequestByMountPoint("/")
+ return bootreq
+ def isBootable(self, request):
+ """Returns if the request should be considered a 'bootable' request.
+ This basically means that it should be sorted to the beginning of
+ the drive to avoid cylinder problems in most cases.
+ """
+ bootreq = self.getBootableRequest()
+ if not bootreq:
+ return 0
+ if bootreq == request:
+ return 1
+ if bootreq.type == REQUEST_RAID and \
+ request.uniqueID in bootreq.raidmembers:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def sortRequests(self):
+ """Resort the requests into allocation order."""
+ n = 0
+ while n < len(self.requests):
+ for request in self.requests:
+ if (request.size and self.requests[n].size and
+ (request.size < self.requests[n].size)):
+ tmp = self.requests[n]
+ index = self.requests.index(request)
+ self.requests[n] = request
+ self.requests[index] = tmp
+ elif (request.start and self.requests[n].start and
+ ( == self.requests[n].drive) and
+ (request.type == self.requests[n].type) and
+ (request.start > self.requests[n].start)):
+ tmp = self.requests[n]
+ index = self.requests.index(request)
+ self.requests[n] = request
+ self.requests[index] = tmp
+ elif (request.size and self.requests[n].size and
+ (request.size == self.requests[n].size) and
+ (request.uniqueID < self.requests[n].uniqueID)):
+ tmp = self.requests[n]
+ index = self.requests.index(request)
+ self.requests[n] = request
+ self.requests[index] = tmp
+ n = n + 1
+ tmp = self.getBootableRequest()
+ # if raid, we want all of the contents of the bootable raid
+ if tmp and tmp.type == REQUEST_RAID:
+ boot = []
+ for member in tmp.raidmembers:
+ boot.append(self.getRequestByID(member))
+ elif tmp:
+ boot = [tmp]
+ else:
+ boot = []
+ # remove the bootables from the request
+ for bootable in boot:
+ self.requests.pop(self.requests.index(bootable))
+ # move to the front of the list
+ boot.extend(self.requests)
+ self.requests = boot
+ def copy (self):
+ """Deep copy the object."""
+ new = Partitions()
+ for request in self.requests:
+ new.addRequest(request)
+ for delete in self.deletes:
+ new.addDelete(delete)
+ new.autoPartitionRequests = self.autoPartitionRequests
+ new.autoClearPartType = self.autoClearPartType
+ new.autoClearPartDrives = self.autoClearPartDrives
+ new.nextUniqueID = self.nextUniqueID
+ new.useAutopartitioning = self.useAutopartitioning
+ new.useFdisk = self.useFdisk
+ new.reinitializeDisks = self.reinitializeDisks
+ return new
+ def getClearPart(self):
+ """Get the kickstart directive related to the clearpart being used."""
+ clearpartargs = []
+ if self.autoClearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX:
+ clearpartargs.append('--linux')
+ elif self.autoClearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL:
+ clearpartargs.append('--all')
+ else:
+ return None
+ if self.reinitializeDisks:
+ clearpartargs.append('--initlabel')
+ if self.autoClearPartDrives:
+ drives = string.join(self.autoClearPartDrives, ',')
+ clearpartargs.append('--drives=%s' % (drives))
+ return "#clearpart %s\n" %(string.join(clearpartargs))
+ def writeKS(self, f):
+ """Write out the partitioning information in kickstart format."""
+ f.write("# The following is the partition information you requested\n")
+ f.write("# Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed\n")
+ f.write("# here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is\n")
+ f.write("# not guaranteed to work\n")
+ clearpart = self.getClearPart()
+ if clearpart:
+ f.write(clearpart)
+ # two passes here, once to write out parts, once to write out raids
+ # XXX what do we do with deleted partitions?
+ for request in self.requests:
+ args = []
+ if request.type == REQUEST_RAID:
+ continue
+ # no fstype, no deal (same with foreigns)
+ if not request.fstype or request.fstype.getName() == "foreign":
+ continue
+ # first argument is mountpoint, which can also be swap or
+ # the unique RAID identifier. I hate kickstart partitioning
+ # syntax. a lot. too many special cases
+ if request.fstype.getName() == "swap":
+ args.append("swap")
+ elif request.fstype.getName() == "software RAID":
+ # since we guarantee that uniqueIDs are ints now...
+ args.append("raid.%s" % (request.uniqueID))
+ elif request.mountpoint:
+ args.append(request.mountpoint)
+ args.append("--fstype")
+ args.append(request.fstype.getName())
+ else:
+ continue
+ # generic options
+ if not request.format:
+ args.append("--noformat")
+ if request.badblocks:
+ args.append("--badblocks")
+ # preexisting only
+ if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST and request.device:
+ args.append("--onpart")
+ args.append(request.device)
+ # we have a billion ways to specify new partitions
+ elif request.type == REQUEST_NEW:
+ if request.size:
+ args.append("--size=%s" % (request.size))
+ if request.grow:
+ args.append("--grow")
+ if request.start:
+ args.append("--start=%s" % (request.start))
+ if request.end:
+ args.append("--end=%s" % (request.end))
+ if request.maxSizeMB:
+ args.append("--maxsize=%s" % (request.maxSizeMB))
+ if
+ args.append("--ondisk=%s" % ([0]))
+ if request.primary:
+ args.append("--asprimary")
+ else: # how the hell did we get this?
+ continue
+ f.write("#part %s\n" % (string.join(args)))
+ for request in self.requests:
+ args = []
+ if request.type != REQUEST_RAID:
+ continue
+ # no fstype, no deal (same with foreigns)
+ if not request.fstype or request.fstype.getName() == "foreign":
+ continue
+ # also require a raidlevel and raidmembers for raid
+ if (request.raidlevel == None) or not request.raidmembers:
+ continue
+ # first argument is mountpoint, which can also be swap
+ if request.fstype.getName() == "swap":
+ args.append("swap")
+ elif request.mountpoint:
+ args.append(request.mountpoint)
+ else:
+ continue
+ # generic options
+ if not request.format:
+ args.append("--noformat")
+ if request.fstype:
+ args.append("--fstype")
+ args.append(request.fstype.getName())
+ if request.badblocks:
+ args.append("--badblocks")
+ args.append("--level=%s" % (request.raidlevel))
+ if request.raidspares:
+ args.append("--spares=%s" % (request.raidspares))
+ # silly raid member syntax
+ raidmems = []
+ for member in request.raidmembers:
+ if (type(member) != type("")) or (member[0:5] != "raid."):
+ raidmems.append("raid.%s" % (member))
+ else:
+ raidmems.append(member)
+ args.append("%s" % (string.join(raidmems)))
+ f.write("#raid %s\n" % (string.join(args)))