path: root/anaconda
diff options
authorChris Lumens <>2006-05-01 18:57:37 +0000
committerChris Lumens <>2006-05-01 18:57:37 +0000
commitce7d1074660cdb83ba6f2a5cb1de69e594bd6b27 (patch)
tree65defa45453fa06625fc041d779cca898c92d17f /anaconda
parenta72ec63a30b5d4f6804b3071afe3486837875916 (diff)
Refactor into functions. Hmm, I wonder what the next step is.
Diffstat (limited to 'anaconda')
1 files changed, 643 insertions, 626 deletions
diff --git a/anaconda b/anaconda
index e57390707..09178557c 100755
--- a/anaconda
+++ b/anaconda
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# Mike Fulbright <>
# Jakub Jelinek <>
# Jeremy Katz <>
+# Chris Lumens <>
+# Paul Nasrat <>
# Erik Troan <>
# Matt Wilson <>
@@ -167,280 +169,100 @@ def setupPythonUpdates():
"/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f))
-# For anaconda in test mode
-if (os.path.exists('isys')):
- sys.path.append('isys')
- sys.path.append('textw')
- sys.path.append('iw')
- sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda')
- sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/textw')
- sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/iw')
-if (os.path.exists('booty')):
- sys.path.append('booty')
- sys.path.append('booty/edd')
- sys.path.append('/usr/lib/booty')
- import updates_disk_hook
-except ImportError:
- pass
-# Set up logging as early as possible.
-import logging
-from anaconda_log import logger, logLevelMap
-log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
-# pull this in to get product name and versioning
-import product
-# this handles setting up RHupdates for pypackages to minimize the set needed
-import signal, traceback, string, isys, iutil, time
-from exception import handleException
-import dispatch
-import warnings
-import rhpl
-from flags import flags
-from rhpl.translate import _, textdomain, addPoPath
-if rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and os.access("/dev/tty3", os.W_OK):
- logger.addFileHandler ("/dev/tty3", log)
-warnings.showwarning = AnacondaShowWarning
-if os.path.isdir("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po"):
-"adding RHupdates/po")
- addPoPath("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po")
-if os.path.isdir("/tmp/updates/po"):
-"adding /tmp/updates/po")
- addPoPath("/tmp/updates/po")
-# reset python's default SIGINT handler
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, isys.handleSegv)
-# Silly GNOME stuff
-if os.environ.has_key('HOME') and not os.environ.has_key("XAUTHORITY"):
- os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority'
-os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp'
-os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C'
-os.environ["GCONF_GLOBAL_LOCKS"] = "1"
-# In theory, this gets rid of our LVM file descriptor warnings
-os.environ["LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS"] = "1"
-# we can't let the LD_PRELOAD hang around because it will leak into
-# rpm %post and the like. ick :/
-if os.environ.has_key("LD_PRELOAD"):
- del os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"]
-# we need to do this really early so we make sure its done before rpm
-# is imported
-extraModules = [] # XXX: this would be better as a callback
-runres_override = False
-graphical_failed = 0
-instClass = None # the install class to use
-# xcfg - xserver info (?)
-# mousehw - mouseinfo info
-# videohw - videocard info
-# monitorhw - monitor info
-xcfg = None
-monitorhw = None
-videohw = None
-mousehw = None
-kbd = None
-vncpassword = ""
-vncconnecthost = ""
-vncconnectport = ""
-def resolution_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
- global runres_override
- parser.values.runres = value
- runres_override = True
-def rootpath_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
- parser.values.rootPath = value
- flags.setupFilesystems = False
- flags.rootpath = True
-op = OptionParser()
-# Interface
-op.add_option("-C", "--cmdline", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="c")
-op.add_option("-G", "--graphical", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="g")
-op.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="t")
-# Method of operation
-op.add_option("--autostep", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--expert", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--kickstart", dest="ksfile")
-op.add_option("-m", "--method", default=None)
-op.add_option("--rescue", dest="progmode", action="store_const", const="rescue", default="install")
-op.add_option("-r", "--rootpath", action="callback", callback=rootpath_cb, dest="rootPath",
- default="/mnt/sysimage", nargs=1)
-op.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", default=False)
-# Display
-op.add_option("--headless", dest="isHeadless", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--lowres", dest="resolution", action="store_const", const="640x480")
-op.add_option("--resolution", action="callback", callback=resolution_cb, dest="runres",
- default="800x600", nargs=1)
-op.add_option("--serial", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--skipddc", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--usefbx", dest="useFBX", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--vesa", dest="forcevesa", action="store_true", default=False)
-op.add_option("--vnc", action="store_true", default=False)
-# Language
-# Obvious
-op.add_option("--noselinux", dest="selinux", action="store_false", default=True)
-op.add_option("--selinux", action="store_true")
-op.add_option("--nodmraid", dest="dmraid", action="store_false", default=True)
-op.add_option("--dmraid", action="store_true")
-op.add_option("--noiscsi", dest="iscsi", action="store_false", default=False)
-op.add_option("--iscsi", action="store_true")
-# Miscellaneous
-op.add_option("--module", action="append", default=[])
-op.add_option("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False)
-(opts, args) = op.parse_args()
-# Now that we've got arguments, do some extra processing.
-if opts.ksfile:
- from kickstart import Kickstart
- instClass = Kickstart(opts.ksfile, opts.serial)
-if opts.loglevel and logLevelMap.has_key(opts.loglevel):
- log.setHandlersLevel(logLevelMap[opts.loglevel])
-if opts.syslog:
- if opts.syslog.find(":") != -1:
- (host, port) = opts.syslog.split(":")
- logger.addSysLogHandler(log, host, port=int(port))
+def getMethod(opts, intf):
+ if opts.method.startswith('cdrom://'):
+ from image import CdromInstallMethod
+ return CdromInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
+ elif opts.method.startswith('nfs:/'):
+ from image import NfsInstallMethod
+ return NfsInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
+ elif opts.method.startswith('nfsiso:/'):
+ from image import NfsIsoInstallMethod
+ return NfsIsoInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
+ elif opts.method.startswith('ftp://') or opts.method.startswith('http://'):
+ from urlinstall import UrlInstallMethod
+ return UrlInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
+ elif opts.method.startswith('hd://'):
+ from harddrive import HardDriveInstallMethod
+ return HardDriveInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
- logger.addSysLogHandler(log, opts.syslog)
-if opts.method and opts.method[0] == '@':
- # ftp installs pass the password via a file in /tmp so
- # ps doesn't show it
- filename = opts.method[1:]
- opts.method = open(filename, "r").readline()
- opts.method = opts.method[:len(opts.method) - 1]
- os.unlink(filename)
-if opts.module:
- for mod in opts.module:
- (path, name) = string.split(mod, ":")
- extraModules.append((path, name))
-if opts.test:
- flags.test = 1
- flags.setupFilesystems = 0
-if opts.vnc:
- flags.usevnc = 1
- # see if there is a vnc password file
- try:
- pfile = open("/tmp/vncpassword.dat", "r")
- vncpassword=pfile.readline().strip()
- pfile.close()
- os.unlink("/tmp/vncpassword.dat")
- except:
- vncpassword=""
- pass
- # check length of vnc password
- if vncpassword != "" and len(vncpassword) < 6:
- from snack import *
- screen = SnackScreen()
- ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('VNC Password Error'),
- _('You need to specify a vnc password of at least 6 characters long.\n\n'
- 'Press <return> to reboot your system.\n'),
- buttons = (_("OK"),))
- screen.finish()
- sys.exit(0)
-if opts.vncconnect:
- cargs = string.split(opts.vncconnect, ":")
- vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
- if len(cargs) > 1:
- if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
- vncconnectport = cargs[1]
-# probing for hardware on an s390 seems silly...
-if rhpl.getArch() == "s390":
- opts.isHeadless = True
-# setup links required for all install types
-for i in ( "services", "protocol", "nsswitch.conf", "joe", "selinux", "libuser.conf"):
- try:
- if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/" + i):
- os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i)
- except:
- pass
-# must specify install, rescue mode
-if opts.progmode == "rescue":
- if not opts.method:
- sys.stderr.write('--method required for rescue mode\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- import rescue, instdata
- id = instdata.InstallData([], "fd0", opts.method, opts.display_mode)
- rescue.runRescue(opts.rootPath, not opts.rescue_nomount, id)
- # shouldn't get back here
- sys.exit(1)
- if not opts.method:
- sys.stderr.write('no install method specified\n')
- sys.exit(1)
-# Here we have a hook to pull in second half of kickstart file via https
-# if desired.
-if opts.ksfile:
+ return None
+def parseOptions():
+ def resolution_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ global runres_override
+ parser.values.runres = value
+ runres_override = True
+ def rootpath_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ parser.values.rootPath = value
+ flags.setupFilesystems = False
+ flags.rootpath = True
+ op = OptionParser()
+ # Interface
+ op.add_option("-C", "--cmdline", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="c")
+ op.add_option("-G", "--graphical", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="g")
+ op.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="t")
+ # Method of operation
+ op.add_option("--autostep", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--expert", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--kickstart", dest="ksfile")
+ op.add_option("-m", "--method", default=None)
+ op.add_option("--rescue", dest="progmode", action="store_const", const="rescue", default="install")
+ op.add_option("-r", "--rootpath", action="callback", callback=rootpath_cb, dest="rootPath",
+ default="/mnt/sysimage", nargs=1)
+ op.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", default=False)
+ # Display
+ op.add_option("--headless", dest="isHeadless", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--lowres", dest="resolution", action="store_const", const="640x480")
+ op.add_option("--nofb")
+ op.add_option("--resolution", action="callback", callback=resolution_cb, dest="runres",
+ default="800x600", nargs=1)
+ op.add_option("--serial", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--skipddc", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--usefbx", dest="useFBX", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--vesa", dest="forcevesa", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--virtpconsole")
+ op.add_option("--vnc", action="store_true", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--vncconnect")
+ # Language
+ op.add_option("--keymap")
+ op.add_option("--kbdtype")
+ op.add_option("--lang")
+ # Obvious
+ op.add_option("--loglevel")
+ op.add_option("--syslog")
+ op.add_option("--noselinux", dest="selinux", action="store_false", default=True)
+ op.add_option("--selinux", action="store_true")
+ op.add_option("--nodmraid", dest="dmraid", action="store_false", default=True)
+ op.add_option("--dmraid", action="store_true")
+ op.add_option("--noiscsi", dest="iscsi", action="store_false", default=False)
+ op.add_option("--iscsi", action="store_true")
+ # Miscellaneous
+ op.add_option("--module", action="append", default=[])
+ op.add_option("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False)
+ return op.parse_args()
+def setVNCFromKickstart(opts):
from kickstart import pullRemainingKickstartConfig, KickstartError
from kickstart import VNCHandlers
from import KickstartData
from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
+ global vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport
rc = pullRemainingKickstartConfig(opts.ksfile)
except KickstartError, msg:
@@ -455,19 +277,17 @@ if opts.ksfile:
# now see if they enabled vnc via the kickstart file. Note that command
# line options for password, connect host and port override values in
# kickstart file
- ksdata = KickstartData()
- ksparser = KickstartParser(ksdata, VNCHandlers(ksdata),
+ vncksdata = KickstartData()
+ ksparser = KickstartParser(vncksdata, VNCHandlers(vncksdata),
- ksusevnc = ksdata.vnc["enabled"]
- if ksusevnc:
+ if vncksdata.vnc["enabled"]:
flags.usevnc = 1
- ksvncpasswd = ksdata.vnc["password"]
- ksvnchost = ksdata.vnc["host"]
- ksvncport = ksdata.vnc["port"]
+ ksvncpasswd = vncksdata.vnc["password"]
+ ksvnchost = vncksdata.vnc["host"]
+ ksvncport = vncksdata.vnc["port"]
if vncpassword == "":
vncpassword = ksvncpasswd
@@ -478,213 +298,95 @@ if opts.ksfile:
if vncconnectport == "":
vncconnectport = ksvncport
-# Determine install method - GUI or TUI
-# use GUI by default except for install methods that were traditionally
-# text based due to the requirement of a small stage 2
-# if display_mode wasnt set by command line parameters then set default
+ return vncksdata.vnc
-if not opts.display_mode:
- if (opts.method and
- opts.method.startswith('ftp://') or
- opts.method.startswith('http://')):
- opts.display_mode = 't'
+def setupPythonPath():
+ # For anaconda in test mode
+ if (os.path.exists('isys')):
+ sys.path.append('isys')
+ sys.path.append('textw')
+ sys.path.append('iw')
- opts.display_mode = 'g'
-if opts.debug:
- import pdb
- pdb.set_trace()
-import isys
-import instdata
-import floppy
-import vnc
-if not opts.isHeadless:
- try:
- import xsetup
- import rhpxl.xhwstate as xhwstate
- import rhpxl.monitor
- except ImportError:
- opts.isHeadless = 1
-import rhpl.keyboard as keyboard
-"Display mode = %s", opts.display_mode)"Method = %s", opts.method)
-# override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X
-if (not flags.test):
- if (iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM):
- stdoutLog.warning(_("You do not have enough RAM to use the graphical "
- "installer. Starting text mode."))
- opts.display_mode = 't'
- time.sleep(2)
-if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_RAM:
- from snack import *
- screen = SnackScreen()
- ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('Fatal Error'),
- _('You do not have enough RAM to install %s '
- 'on this machine.\n'
- '\n'
- 'Press <return> to reboot your system.\n')
- %(product.productName,),
- buttons = (_("OK"),))
- screen.finish()
- sys.exit(0)
-# create character device nodes if we're not running in test mode - have
-# to do this early sine it's used for Synaptics, etc.
-if not flags.test:
- iutil.makeCharDeviceNodes()
-# if no instClass declared by user figure it out based on other cmdline args
-if not instClass:
- from installclass import DefaultInstall, availableClasses
- instClass = DefaultInstall(
- allavail = availableClasses(showHidden = 1)
- avail = availableClasses(showHidden = 0)
- if len(avail) == 1:
- (cname, cobject, clogo) = avail[0]
-"%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,))
- instClass = cobject(
- elif len(allavail) == 1:
- (cname, cobject, clogo) = allavail[0]
-"%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,))
- instClass = cobject(
-# this lets install classes force text mode instlls
-if instClass.forceTextMode:
-"Install class forcing text mode installation"))
- opts.display_mode = 't'
-# find out what video hardware is available to run installer
-# XXX kind of hacky - need to remember if we're running on an existing
-# X display later to avoid some initilization steps
-if os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and opts.display_mode == 'g':
- x_already_set = 1
- x_already_set = 0
+ sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda')
+ sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/textw')
+ sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/iw')
-if not opts.isHeadless:
- #
- # Probe what is available for X and setup a hardware state
- #
- # try to probe interesting hw
- import rhpxl.xserver as xserver
- skipddcprobe = (opts.skipddc or (x_already_set and flags.test))
- skipmouseprobe = not (not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or flags.setupFilesystems)
- (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw) = xserver.probeHW(skipDDCProbe=skipddcprobe,
- skipMouseProbe=skipmouseprobe,
- forceVesa=opts.forcevesa)
- # if the len(videocards) is zero, then let's assume we're isHeadless
- if len(videohw.videocards) == 0:
- (_("No video hardware found, assuming headless"))
- videohw = None
- monitorhw = None
- mousehw = None
- opts.isHeadless = 1
+ if (os.path.exists('booty')):
+ sys.path.append('booty')
+ sys.path.append('booty/edd')
- # setup a X hw state for use later with configuration.
- try:
- xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState(defcard=videohw,
- defmon=monitorhw)
- except Exception, e:
- stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object."))
- xcfg = None
- videohw = None
- monitorhw = None
- mousehw = None
- xcfg = None
-# keyboard
-kbd = keyboard.Keyboard()
-if opts.keymap:
- kbd.set(opts.keymap)
-# delay to let use see status of attempt to probe hw
-# now determine if we're going to run in GUI or TUI mode
-# if no X server, we have to use text mode
-if not (flags.test or flags.rootpath) and (rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and not os.access("/mnt/runtime/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK)):
- stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation not available... "
- "Starting text mode."))
- time.sleep(2)
- opts.display_mode = 't'
-if opts.isHeadless: # s390/iSeries checks
- if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not (os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or
- flags.usevnc):
- stdoutLog.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode!"))
- opts.display_mode = 't'
- graphical_failed = 1
- time.sleep(2)
-# if DISPLAY not set either vnc server failed to start or we're not
-# running on a redirected X display, so start local X server
-if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and not flags.usevnc:
- modes = rhpxl.monitor.Modes()
- if iutil.getPPCMachine() == "PMac":
- opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres,
- modes, runres_override, onPMac=True)
+ sys.path.append('/usr/lib/booty')
+ sys.path.append('/usr/share/system-config-keyboard')
+ sys.path.append('/usr/share/system-config-date')
+def setupTranslations():
+ if os.path.isdir("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po"):
+"adding RHupdates/po")
+ addPoPath("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po")
+ if os.path.isdir("/tmp/updates/po"):
+"adding /tmp/updates/po")
+ addPoPath("/tmp/updates/po")
+ textdomain("anaconda")
+def setupEnvironment():
+ # Silly GNOME stuff
+ if os.environ.has_key('HOME') and not os.environ.has_key("XAUTHORITY"):
+ os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority'
+ os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp'
+ os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C'
+ os.environ["GCONF_GLOBAL_LOCKS"] = "1"
+ # In theory, this gets rid of our LVM file descriptor warnings
+ os.environ["LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS"] = "1"
+ # we can't let the LD_PRELOAD hang around because it will leak into
+ # rpm %post and the like. ick :/
+ if os.environ.has_key("LD_PRELOAD"):
+ del os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"]
+def setupLoggingFromOpts(opts):
+ if opts.loglevel and logLevelMap.has_key(opts.loglevel):
+ log.setHandlersLevel(logLevelMap[opts.loglevel])
+ if opts.syslog:
+ if opts.syslog.find(":") != -1:
+ (host, port) = opts.syslog.split(":")
+ logger.addSysLogHandler(log, host, port=int(port))
+ else:
+ logger.addSysLogHandler(log, opts.syslog)
+def getInstClass(opts):
+ # if we're not doing a kickstart install, figure out instClass from args
+ if opts.ksfile:
+ from kickstart import Kickstart
+ return Kickstart(opts.ksfile, opts.serial)
- opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres,
- modes, runres_override)
- # make sure we can write log to ramfs
- if os.access("/tmp/ramfs", os.W_OK):
- xlogfile = "/tmp/ramfs/X.log"
- else:
- xlogfile = None
- xsetup_failed = False
- try:
- xcfg = xserver.startX(opts.runres, videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, kbd,
- logfile = xlogfile,
- xStartedCB = doStartupX11Actions,
- xQuitCB = doShutdownX11Actions, useFB = opts.useFBX)
- except RuntimeError:
- xsetup_failed = True
- if xsetup_failed:
- stdoutLog.warning(" X startup failed, falling back to text mode")
- opts.display_mode = 't'
- graphical_failed = 1
- time.sleep(2)
-if opts.display_mode == 't' and graphical_failed and not opts.ksfile:
- ret = vnc.askVncWindow()
- if ret != -1:
- opts.display_mode = 'g'
- flags.usevnc = 1
- if ret is not None:
- vncpassword = ret
+ from installclass import DefaultInstall, availableClasses
+ retval = DefaultInstall(
+ allavail = availableClasses(showHidden = 1)
+ avail = availableClasses(showHidden = 0)
+ if len(avail) == 1:
+ (cname, cobject, clogo) = avail[0]
+"%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,))
+ retval = cobject(
+ elif len(allavail) == 1:
+ (cname, cobject, clogo) = allavail[0]
+"%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,))
+ retval = cobject(
+ return retval
+# ftp installs pass the password via a file in /tmp so
+# ps doesn't show it
+def expandFTPMethod(opts):
+ filename = opts.method[1:]
+ opts.method = open(filename, "r").readline()
+ opts.method = opts.method[:len(opts.method) - 1]
+ os.unlink(filename)
-# if they want us to use VNC do that now
-if opts.display_mode == 'g' and flags.usevnc:
+def runVNC(vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport, vncStartedCB=None):
pidfile = "/tmp/"
def addpid(pidnum):
@@ -706,11 +408,11 @@ if opts.display_mode == 'g' and flags.usevnc:
# dont run vncpassword if in test mode
if flags.test:
vncpassword = ""
- vncStartedCB=doStartupX11Actions)
+ vncStartedCB=vncStartedCB)
child = os.fork()
if child == 0:
@@ -743,170 +445,485 @@ if opts.display_mode == 'g' and flags.usevnc:
os.kill(child, signal.SIGCONT)
+def checkMemory(opts):
+ if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_RAM:
+ from snack import SnackScreen, ButtonChoiceWindow
-# setup links required by graphical mode if installing and verify display mode
-if (opts.display_mode == 'g'):
- (_("Starting graphical installation..."))
- if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems:
- for i in ( "imrc", "im_palette.pal", "gtk-2.0", "pango", "fonts",
- "fb.modes"):
- try:
- if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/%s" %(i,)):
- os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i)
- except:
- pass
+ screen = SnackScreen()
+ ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('Fatal Error'),
+ _('You do not have enough RAM to install %s '
+ 'on this machine.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'Press <return> to reboot your system.\n')
+ %(product.productName,),
+ buttons = (_("OK"),))
+ screen.finish()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X
+ if not flags.test:
+ if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM:
+ stdoutLog.warning(_("You do not have enough RAM to use the graphical "
+ "installer. Starting text mode."))
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ time.sleep(2)
+def probeHW(opts, x_already_set):
+ videohw = None
+ monitorhw = None
+ mousehw = None
+ xcfg = None
+ if not opts.isHeadless:
+ #
+ # Probe what is available for X and setup a hardware state
+ #
+ # try to probe interesting hw
+ skipddcprobe = (opts.skipddc or (x_already_set and flags.test))
+ skipmouseprobe = not (not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or flags.setupFilesystems)
+ (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw) = xserver.probeHW(skipDDCProbe=skipddcprobe,
+ skipMouseProbe=skipmouseprobe,
+ forceVesa=opts.forcevesa)
+ # if the len(videocards) is zero, then let's assume we're isHeadless
+ if len(videohw.videocards) == 0:
+ (_("No video hardware found, assuming headless"))
+ videohw = None
+ monitorhw = None
+ mousehw = None
+ opts.isHeadless = 1
+ else:
+ # setup a X hw state for use later with configuration.
+ try:
+ xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState(defcard=videohw,
+ defmon=monitorhw)
+ except Exception, e:
+ stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object."))
+ xcfg = None
+ # keyboard
+ kbd = keyboard.Keyboard()
+ if opts.keymap:
+ kbd.set(opts.keymap)
+ # floppy
+ floppyDevice = floppy.probeFloppyDevice()
+ return (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, xcfg, kbd, floppyDevice)
+def setupGraphicalLinks():
+ for i in ( "imrc", "im_palette.pal", "gtk-2.0", "pango", "fonts",
+ "fb.modes"):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/%s" %(i,)):
+ os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i)
+ except:
+ pass
+def getInstallInterface(opts):
+ # setup links required by graphical mode if installing and verify display mode
+ if (opts.display_mode == 'g'):
+ (_("Starting graphical installation..."))
+ if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems:
+ setupGraphicalLinks()
+ try:
+ from gui import InstallInterface
+ except Exception, e:
+ stdoutLog.error("Exception starting GUI installer: %s" %(e,))
+ if flags.test:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # if we're not going to really go into GUI mode, we need to get
+ # back to vc1 where the text install is going to pop up.
+ if not x_already_set:
+ isys.vtActivate (1)
+ stdoutLog.warning("GUI installer startup failed, falling back to text mode.")
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ.keys():
+ del os.environ['DISPLAY']
+ time.sleep(2)
+ if (opts.display_mode == 't'):
+ from text import InstallInterface
+ if not os.environ.has_key("LANG"):
+ os.environ["LANG"] = "en_US.UTF-8"
+ if (opts.display_mode == 'c'):
+ from cmdline import InstallInterface
+ return InstallInterface ()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ setupPythonPath()
+ # Allow a file to be loaded as early as possible
- from gui import InstallInterface
- except Exception, e:
- stdoutLog.error("Exception starting GUI installer: %s" %(e,))
- if flags.test:
+ import updates_disk_hook
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ # Set up logging as early as possible.
+ import logging
+ from anaconda_log import logger, logLevelMap
+ log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
+ stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
+ # pull this in to get product name and versioning
+ import product
+ # this handles setting up RHupdates for pypackages to minimize the set needed
+ setupPythonUpdates()
+ import signal, traceback, string, isys, iutil, time
+ from exception import handleException
+ import dispatch
+ import warnings
+ import rhpl
+ import vnc
+ from flags import flags
+ from rhpl.translate import _, textdomain, addPoPath
+ if rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and os.access("/dev/tty3", os.W_OK):
+ logger.addFileHandler ("/dev/tty3", log)
+ warnings.showwarning = AnacondaShowWarning
+ setupTranslations()
+ # reset python's default SIGINT handler
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, isys.handleSegv)
+ setupEnvironment()
+ # we need to do this really early so we make sure its done before rpm
+ # is imported
+ iutil.writeRpmPlatform()
+ extraModules = [] # XXX: this would be better as a callback
+ runres_override = False
+ graphical_failed = 0
+ instClass = None # the install class to use
+ #
+ # xcfg - xserver info (?)
+ # mousehw - mouseinfo info
+ # videohw - videocard info
+ # monitorhw - monitor info
+ #
+ xcfg = None
+ monitorhw = None
+ videohw = None
+ mousehw = None
+ kbd = None
+ vncpassword = ""
+ vncconnecthost = ""
+ vncconnectport = ""
+ (opts, args) = parseOptions()
+ # Now that we've got arguments, do some extra processing.
+ instClass = getInstClass(opts)
+ setupLoggingFromOpts(opts)
+ if opts.method and opts.method[0] == '@':
+ expandFTPMethod(opts)
+ if opts.module:
+ for mod in opts.module:
+ (path, name) = string.split(mod, ":")
+ extraModules.append((path, name))
+ if opts.test:
+ flags.test = 1
+ flags.setupFilesystems = 0
+ if opts.vnc:
+ flags.usevnc = 1
+ vncpassword = vnc.getVNCPassword()
+ if opts.vncconnect:
+ cargs = string.split(opts.vncconnect, ":")
+ vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
+ if len(cargs) > 1:
+ if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
+ vncconnectport = cargs[1]
+ # probing for hardware on an s390 seems silly...
+ if rhpl.getArch() == "s390":
+ opts.isHeadless = True
+ # setup links required for all install types
+ for i in ( "services", "protocol", "nsswitch.conf", "joe", "selinux", "libuser.conf"):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/" + i):
+ os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i)
+ except:
+ pass
+ #
+ # must specify install, rescue mode
+ #
+ if opts.progmode == "rescue":
+ if not opts.method:
+ sys.stderr.write('--method required for rescue mode\n')
- # if we're not going to really go into GUI mode, we need to get
- # back to vc1 where the text install is going to pop up.
- if not x_already_set:
- isys.vtActivate (1)
- stdoutLog.warning("GUI installer startup failed, falling back to text mode.")
- opts.display_mode = 't'
- if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ.keys():
- del os.environ['DISPLAY']
- time.sleep(2)
-if (opts.display_mode == 't'):
- from text import InstallInterface
+ import rescue, instdata
-if (opts.display_mode == 'c'):
- from cmdline import InstallInterface
+ id = instdata.InstallData([], "fd0", opts.method, opts.display_mode)
+ rescue.runRescue(opts.rootPath, not opts.rescue_nomount, id)
-if opts.display_mode == "t":
- if not os.environ.has_key("LANG"):
- os.environ["LANG"] = "en_US.UTF-8"
+ # shouldn't get back here
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if not opts.method:
+ sys.stderr.write('no install method specified\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
-# go ahead and set up the interface
-intf = InstallInterface ()
+ #
+ # Here we have a hook to pull in second half of kickstart file via https
+ # if desired.
+ #
+ if opts.ksfile:
+ vncksdata = setVNCFromKickstart(opts)
-# imports after setting up the path
-if opts.method:
- if opts.method.startswith('cdrom://'):
- from image import CdromInstallMethod
- methodobj = CdromInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
- elif opts.method.startswith('nfs:/'):
- from image import NfsInstallMethod
- methodobj = NfsInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
- elif opts.method.startswith('nfsiso:/'):
- from image import NfsIsoInstallMethod
- methodobj = NfsIsoInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
- elif opts.method.startswith('ftp://') or opts.method.startswith('http://'):
- from urlinstall import UrlInstallMethod
- methodobj = UrlInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
- elif opts.method.startswith('hd://'):
- from harddrive import HardDriveInstallMethod
- methodobj = HardDriveInstallMethod(opts.method, opts.rootPath, intf)
+ #
+ # Determine install method - GUI or TUI
+ #
+ # use GUI by default except for install methods that were traditionally
+ # text based due to the requirement of a small stage 2
+ #
+ # if display_mode wasnt set by command line parameters then set default
+ #
+ if not opts.display_mode:
+ if (opts.method and
+ opts.method.startswith('ftp://') or
+ opts.method.startswith('http://')):
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ else:
+ opts.display_mode = 'g'
+ if opts.debug:
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ import instdata
+ import floppy
+ if not opts.isHeadless:
+ try:
+ import xsetup
+ import rhpxl.xhwstate as xhwstate
+ import rhpxl.xserver as xserver
+ import rhpxl.monitor
+ except ImportError:
+ opts.isHeadless = 1
+ import rhpl.keyboard as keyboard
+"Display mode = %s", opts.display_mode)
+"Method = %s", opts.method)
+ checkMemory(opts)
+ # create character device nodes if we're not running in test mode - have
+ # to do this early sine it's used for Synaptics, etc.
+ if not flags.test:
+ iutil.makeCharDeviceNodes()
+ # this lets install classes force text mode instlls
+ if instClass.forceTextMode:
+"Install class forcing text mode installation"))
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ #
+ # find out what video hardware is available to run installer
+ #
+ # XXX kind of hacky - need to remember if we're running on an existing
+ # X display later to avoid some initilization steps
+ if os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and opts.display_mode == 'g':
+ x_already_set = 1
- intf.messageWindow(_("Unknown install method"),
- _("You have specified an install method "
- "which isn't supported by anaconda."))
- log.critical (_("unknown install method: %s"), opts.method)
- sys.exit(1)
+ x_already_set = 0
-from yuminstall import YumBackend
-backend = YumBackend(methodobj, opts.rootPath)
-floppyDevice = floppy.probeFloppyDevice()
+ (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, xcfg, kbd, floppyDevice) = probeHW(opts, x_already_set)
-# create device nodes for detected devices if we're not running in test mode
-if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems:
- iutil.makeDriveDeviceNodes()
+ #
+ # delay to let use see status of attempt to probe hw
+ #
+ time.sleep(3)
-id = instClass.installDataClass(extraModules, floppyDevice, opts.method, opts.display_mode, backend)
+ #
+ # now determine if we're going to run in GUI or TUI mode
+ #
+ # if no X server, we have to use text mode
+ if not (flags.test or flags.rootpath) and (rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and not os.access("/mnt/runtime/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK)):
+ stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation not available... "
+ "Starting text mode."))
+ time.sleep(2)
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ if opts.isHeadless: # s390/iSeries checks
+ if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not (os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or
+ flags.usevnc):
+ stdoutLog.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode!"))
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ graphical_failed = 1
+ time.sleep(2)
+ # if DISPLAY not set either vnc server failed to start or we're not
+ # running on a redirected X display, so start local X server
+ if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and not flags.usevnc:
+ modes = rhpxl.monitor.Modes()
+ if iutil.getPPCMachine() == "PMac":
+ opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres,
+ modes, runres_override, onPMac=True)
+ else:
+ opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres,
+ modes, runres_override)
+ # make sure we can write log to ramfs
+ if os.access("/tmp/ramfs", os.W_OK):
+ xlogfile = "/tmp/ramfs/X.log"
+ else:
+ xlogfile = None
+ try:
+ xcfg = xserver.startX(opts.runres, videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, kbd,
+ logfile = xlogfile,
+ xStartedCB = doStartupX11Actions,
+ xQuitCB = doShutdownX11Actions, useFB = opts.useFBX)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ stdoutLog.warning(" X startup failed, falling back to text mode")
+ opts.display_mode = 't'
+ graphical_failed = 1
+ time.sleep(2)
+ if opts.display_mode == 't' and graphical_failed and not opts.ksfile:
+ ret = vnc.askVncWindow()
+ if ret != -1:
+ opts.display_mode = 'g'
+ flags.usevnc = 1
+ if ret is not None:
+ vncpassword = ret
+ # if they want us to use VNC do that now
+ if opts.display_mode == 'g' and flags.usevnc:
+ runVNC(vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport, doStartupX11Actions)
+ # go ahead and set up the interface
+ intf = getInstallInterface(opts)
+ # imports after setting up the path
+ if opts.method:
+ methodobj = getMethod(opts, intf)
+ if not methodobj:
+ intf.messageWindow(_("Unknown install method"),
+ _("You have specified an install method "
+ "which isn't supported by anaconda."))
+ log.critical (_("unknown install method: %s"), opts.method)
+ sys.exit(1)
-id.x_already_set = x_already_set
+ from yuminstall import YumBackend
+ backend = YumBackend(methodobj, opts.rootPath)
-if mousehw:
- id.setMouse(mousehw)
+ # create device nodes for detected devices if we're not running in test mode
+ if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems:
+ iutil.makeDriveDeviceNodes()
-if videohw:
- id.setVideoCard(videohw)
+ id = instClass.installDataClass(extraModules, floppyDevice, opts.method, opts.display_mode, backend)
-if monitorhw:
- id.setMonitor(monitorhw)
+ id.x_already_set = x_already_set
+ if mousehw:
+ id.setMouse(mousehw)
+ if videohw:
+ id.setVideoCard(videohw)
+ if monitorhw:
+ id.setMonitor(monitorhw)
+ #
+ # not sure what to do here - somehow we didnt detect anything
+ #
+ if xcfg is None and not opts.isHeadless:
+ try:
+ xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState()
+ except Exception, e:
+ stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object."))
+ xcfg = None
+ if xcfg is not None:
+ xsetup = xsetup.XSetup(xcfg)
+ # HACK - if user overrides resolution then use it and disable
+ # choosing a sane default for them
+ if runres_override:
+ xsetup.imposed_sane_default = 1
+ id.setXSetup(xsetup)
+ if kbd:
+ id.setKeyboard(kbd)
+ id.setDisplayMode(opts.display_mode)
+ instClass.setInstallData(id, intf)
+ # We need to copy the VNC-related kickstart stuff into the new ksdata
+ if opts.ksfile is not None:
+ instClass.ksdata.vnc = vncksdata
+ dispatch = dispatch.Dispatcher(intf, id, methodobj, opts.rootPath, backend)
+ if opts.lang:
+ dispatch.skipStep("language", permanent = 1)
+ instClass.setLanguage(id, opts.lang)
+ instClass.setLanguageDefault(id, opts.lang)
+ if opts.keymap:
+ dispatch.skipStep("keyboard", permanent = 1)
+ instClass.setKeyboard(id, opts.keymap)
+ # Skip the disk options in rootpath mode
+ if flags.rootpath:
+ dispatch.skipStep("partitionobjinit", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("parttype", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("partition", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("partitiondone", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("bootloadersetup", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("bootloaderadvanced", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("upgbootloader", permanent = 1)
+ dispatch.skipStep("instbootloader", permanent = 1)
+ # set up the headless case
+ if opts.isHeadless == 1:
+ id.setHeadless(opts.isHeadless)
+ instClass.setAsHeadless(dispatch, opts.isHeadless)
+ instClass.setSteps(dispatch)
+ # comment out the next line to make exceptions non-fatal
+ sys.excepthook = lambda type, value, tb, dispatch=dispatch, intf=intf: handleException(dispatch, intf, (type, value, tb))
-# not sure what to do here - somehow we didnt detect anything
-if xcfg is None and not opts.isHeadless:
- xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState()
- except Exception, e:
- stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object."))
- xcfg = None
-if xcfg is not None:
- xsetup = xsetup.XSetup(xcfg)
- # HACK - if user overrides resolution then use it and disable
- # choosing a sane default for them
- if runres_override:
- xsetup.imposed_sane_default = 1
- id.setXSetup(xsetup)
-if kbd:
- id.setKeyboard(kbd)
-instClass.setInstallData(id, intf)
-# We need to copy the VNC-related kickstart stuff into the new ksdata
-if opts.ksfile is not None:
- instClass.ksdata.vnc = ksdata.vnc
-dispatch = dispatch.Dispatcher(intf, id, methodobj, opts.rootPath, backend)
-if opts.lang:
- dispatch.skipStep("language", permanent = 1)
- instClass.setLanguage(id, opts.lang)
- instClass.setLanguageDefault(id, opts.lang)
-if opts.keymap:
- dispatch.skipStep("keyboard", permanent = 1)
- instClass.setKeyboard(id, opts.keymap)
-# Skip the disk options in rootpath mode
-if flags.rootpath:
- dispatch.skipStep("partitionobjinit", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("parttype", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("partition", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("partitiondone", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("bootloadersetup", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("bootloaderadvanced", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("upgbootloader", permanent = 1)
- dispatch.skipStep("instbootloader", permanent = 1)
-# set up the headless case
-if opts.isHeadless == 1:
- id.setHeadless(opts.isHeadless)
- instClass.setAsHeadless(dispatch, opts.isHeadless)
-# comment out the next line to make exceptions non-fatal
-sys.excepthook = lambda type, value, tb, dispatch=dispatch, intf=intf: handleException(dispatch, intf, (type, value, tb))
-, dispatch)
-except SystemExit, code:
- intf.shutdown()
- handleException(dispatch, intf, sys.exc_info())
-if opts.ksfile is not None and instClass.ksdata.reboot["eject"] == True:
- isys.flushDriveDict()
- for drive in isys.cdromList():
-"attempting to eject %s" % drive)
- isys.ejectCdrom(drive)
-del intf
+, dispatch)
+ except SystemExit, code:
+ intf.shutdown()
+ except:
+ handleException(dispatch, intf, sys.exc_info())
+ if opts.ksfile is not None and instClass.ksdata.reboot["eject"]:
+ isys.flushDriveDict()
+ for drive in isys.cdromList():
+"attempting to eject %s" % drive)
+ isys.ejectCdrom(drive)
+ del intf