/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.tests.junit; import junit.framework.*; import junit.textui.*; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; /** * Automated Test Suite for class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB * * @see org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB */ public class Test_org_eclipse_swt_graphics_RGB extends SwtTestCase { public Test_org_eclipse_swt_graphics_RGB(String name) { super(name); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestRunner.run(suite()); } public void test_ConstructorIII() { // Test RGB(int red, int green, int blue) new RGB(20,100,200); new RGB(0,0,0); try { new RGB(-1, 20, 50); fail("No exception thrown for red < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(256, 20, 50); fail("No exception thrown for red > 255"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(20, -1, 50); fail("No exception thrown for green < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(20, 256, 50); fail("No exception thrown for green > 255"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(20, 50, -1); fail("No exception thrown for blue < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(20, 50, 256); fail("No exception thrown for blue > 255"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } public void test_ConstructorFFF() { new RGB(0f,0f,0f); new RGB(0f,1f,0f); new RGB(0f,0f,1f); new RGB(0f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(1f,0f,1f); new RGB(1f,1f,1f); new RGB(1f,0f,1f); new RGB(1f,1f,0f); new RGB(1f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(59f,0f,1f); new RGB(59f,1f,1f); new RGB(59f,0f,1f); new RGB(59f,1f,0f); new RGB(59f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(60f,0f,1f); new RGB(60f,1f,1f); new RGB(60f,0f,1f); new RGB(60f,1f,0f); new RGB(60f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(61f,0f,1f); new RGB(61f,1f,1f); new RGB(61f,0f,1f); new RGB(61f,1f,0f); new RGB(61f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(119f,0f,1f); new RGB(119f,1f,1f); new RGB(119f,0f,1f); new RGB(119f,1f,0f); new RGB(119f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(120f,0f,1f); new RGB(120f,1f,1f); new RGB(120f,0f,1f); new RGB(120f,1f,0f); new RGB(120f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(121f,0f,1f); new RGB(121f,1f,1f); new RGB(121f,0f,1f); new RGB(121f,1f,0f); new RGB(121f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(179f,0f,1f); new RGB(179f,1f,1f); new RGB(179f,0f,1f); new RGB(179f,1f,0f); new RGB(179f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(180f,0f,1f); new RGB(180f,1f,1f); new RGB(180f,0f,1f); new RGB(180f,1f,0f); new RGB(180f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(181f,0f,1f); new RGB(181f,1f,1f); new RGB(181f,0f,1f); new RGB(181f,1f,0f); new RGB(181f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(239f,0f,1f); new RGB(239f,1f,1f); new RGB(239f,0f,1f); new RGB(239f,1f,0f); new RGB(239f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(240f,0f,1f); new RGB(240f,1f,1f); new RGB(240f,0f,1f); new RGB(240f,1f,0f); new RGB(240f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(241f,0f,1f); new RGB(241f,1f,1f); new RGB(241f,0f,1f); new RGB(241f,1f,0f); new RGB(241f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(299f,0f,1f); new RGB(299f,1f,1f); new RGB(299f,0f,1f); new RGB(299f,1f,0f); new RGB(299f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(300f,0f,1f); new RGB(300f,1f,1f); new RGB(300f,0f,1f); new RGB(300f,1f,0f); new RGB(300f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(301f,0f,1f); new RGB(301f,1f,1f); new RGB(301f,0f,1f); new RGB(301f,1f,0f); new RGB(301f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(359f,0f,1f); new RGB(359f,1f,1f); new RGB(359f,0f,1f); new RGB(359f,1f,0f); new RGB(359f,0.6f,0.4f); new RGB(360f,0f,1f); new RGB(360f,1f,1f); new RGB(360f,0f,1f); new RGB(360f,1f,0f); new RGB(360f,0.6f,0.4f); try { new RGB(400f, 0.5f, 0.5f); fail("No exception thrown for hue > 360"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(-5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); fail("No exception thrown for hue < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(200f, -0.5f, 0.5f); fail("No exception thrown for saturation < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(200f, 300f, 0.5f); fail("No exception thrown for saturation > 1"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(200f, 0.5f, -0.5f); fail("No exception thrown for brightness < 0"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { new RGB(200f, 0.5f, 400f); fail("No exception thrown for brightness > 1"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() { int r = 0, g = 127, b = 254; RGB rgb1 = new RGB(r, g, b); RGB rgb2; rgb2 = rgb1; if (!rgb1.equals(rgb2)) { fail("Two references to the same RGB instance not found equal"); } rgb2 = new RGB(r, g, b); if (!rgb1.equals(rgb2)) { fail("References to two different RGB instances with same R G B parameters not found equal"); } if (rgb1.equals(new RGB(r+1, g, b)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(r, g+1, b)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(r, g, b+1)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(r+1, g+1, b+1))) { fail("Comparing two RGB instances with different combination of R G B parameters found equal"); } float hue = 220f, sat = 0.6f, bright = 0.7f; rgb1 = new RGB(hue, sat, bright); rgb2 = rgb1; if (!rgb1.equals(rgb2)) { fail("Two references to the same RGB instance not found equal"); } rgb2 = new RGB(hue, sat, bright); if (!rgb1.equals(rgb2)) { fail("References to two different RGB instances with same H S B parameters not found equal"); } if (rgb1.equals(new RGB(hue+1, sat, bright)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(hue, sat+0.1f, bright)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(hue, sat, bright+0.1f)) || rgb1.equals(new RGB(hue+1, sat+0.1f, bright+0.1f))) { fail("Comparing two RGB instances with different combination of H S B parameters found equal"); } } public void test_getHSB() { float[] hsb = new float[] { 0f,0f,0f, 0f,1f,1f, 0f,1f,0f, 0f,0f,1f, 0f,0.6f,0.4f, 1f,0f,1f, 1f,1f,1f, 1f,0f,1f, 1f,1f,0f, 1f,0.6f,0.4f, 59f,0f,1f, 59f,1f,1f, 59f,0f,1f, 59f,1f,0f, 59f,0.6f,0.4f, 60f,0f,1f, 60f,1f,1f, 60f,0f,1f, 60f,1f,0f, 60f,0.6f,0.4f, 61f,0f,1f, 61f,1f,1f, 61f,0f,1f, 61f,1f,0f, 61f,0.6f,0.4f, 119f,0f,1f, 119f,1f,1f, 119f,0f,1f, 119f,1f,0f, 119f,0.6f,0.4f, 120f,0f,1f, 120f,1f,1f, 120f,0f,1f, 120f,1f,0f, 120f,0.6f,0.4f, 121f,0f,1f, 121f,1f,1f, 121f,0f,1f, 121f,1f,0f, 121f,0.6f,0.4f, 179f,0f,1f, 179f,1f,1f, 179f,0f,1f, 179f,1f,0f, 179f,0.6f,0.4f, 180f,0f,1f, 180f,1f,1f, 180f,0f,1f, 180f,1f,0f, 180f,0.6f,0.4f, 181f,0f,1f, 181f,1f,1f, 181f,0f,1f, 181f,1f,0f, 181f,0.6f,0.4f, 239f,0f,1f, 239f,1f,1f, 239f,0f,1f, 239f,1f,0f, 239f,0.6f,0.4f, 240f,0f,1f, 240f,1f,1f, 240f,0f,1f, 240f,1f,0f, 240f,0.6f,0.4f, 241f,0f,1f, 241f,1f,1f, 241f,0f,1f, 241f,1f,0f, 241f,0.6f,0.4f, 299f,0f,1f, 299f,1f,1f, 299f,0f,1f, 299f,1f,0f, 299f,0.6f,0.4f, 300f,0f,1f, 300f,1f,1f, 300f,0f,1f, 300f,1f,0f, 300f,0.6f,0.4f, 301f,0f,1f, 301f,1f,1f, 301f,0f,1f, 301f,1f,0f, 301f,0.6f,0.4f, 359f,0f,1f, 359f,1f,1f, 359f,0f,1f, 359f,1f,0f, 359f,0.6f,0.4f, 360f,0f,1f, 360f,1f,1f, 360f,0f,1f, 360f,1f,0f, 360f,0.6f,0.4f, 220f,0.6f,0.7f}; for (int i = 0; i < hsb.length; i+=3) { RGB rgb1 = new RGB(hsb[i], hsb[i+1], hsb[i+2]); float[] hsb2 = rgb1.getHSB(); RGB rgb2 = new RGB(hsb2[0], hsb2[1], hsb2[2]); if (!rgb1.equals(rgb2)) { fail("Two references to the same RGB using getHSB() function not found equal"); } } } public void test_hashCode() { int r = 255, g = 100, b = 0; RGB rgb1 = new RGB(r, g, b); RGB rgb2 = new RGB(r, g, b); int hash1 = rgb1.hashCode(); int hash2 = rgb2.hashCode(); if (hash1 != hash2) { fail("Two RGB instances with same R G B parameters returned different hash codes"); } if (rgb1.hashCode() == new RGB(g, b, r).hashCode() || rgb1.hashCode() == new RGB(b, r, g).hashCode()) { fail("Two RGB instances with different R G B parameters returned the same hash code"); } } public void test_toString() { RGB rgb = new RGB(0, 100, 200); String s = rgb.toString(); if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { fail("RGB.toString returns a null or empty String"); } } public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); java.util.Vector methodNames = methodNames(); java.util.Enumeration e = methodNames.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { suite.addTest(new Test_org_eclipse_swt_graphics_RGB((String)e.nextElement())); } return suite; } public static java.util.Vector methodNames() { java.util.Vector methodNames = new java.util.Vector(); methodNames.addElement("test_ConstructorIII"); methodNames.addElement("test_ConstructorFFF"); methodNames.addElement("test_equalsLjava_lang_Object"); methodNames.addElement("test_getHSB"); methodNames.addElement("test_hashCode"); methodNames.addElement("test_toString"); return methodNames; } protected void runTest() throws Throwable { if (getName().equals("test_ConstructorIII")) test_ConstructorIII(); else if (getName().equals("test_ConstructorFFF")) test_ConstructorFFF(); else if (getName().equals("test_equalsLjava_lang_Object")) test_equalsLjava_lang_Object(); else if (getName().equals("test_getHSB")) test_getHSB(); else if (getName().equals("test_hashCode")) test_hashCode(); else if (getName().equals("test_toString")) test_toString(); } }