/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.widgets; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.*; import org.eclipse.swt.*; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; /** * Instances of this class represent input method editors. * These are typically in-line pre-edit text areas that allow * the user to compose characters from Far Eastern languages * such as Japanese, Chinese or Korean. * *

* IMPORTANT: This class is not intended to be subclassed. *

* * @see Sample code and further information * * @since 3.4 * @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients. */ public class IME extends Widget { Canvas parent; int caretOffset; int startOffset; int commitCount; String text; int [] ranges; TextStyle [] styles; static final int WM_MSIME_MOUSE = OS.RegisterWindowMessage (new TCHAR (0, "MSIMEMouseOperation", true)); //$NON-NLS-1$ static final byte [] IID_ITfInputProcessorProfiles = new byte [16]; static final byte [] IID_ITfDisplayAttributeProvider = new byte [16]; static final byte [] CLSID_TF_InputProcessorProfiles = new byte [16]; static final byte [] GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD = new byte [16]; static { OS.IIDFromString ("{1F02B6C5-7842-4EE6-8A0B-9A24183A95CA}\0".toCharArray (), IID_ITfInputProcessorProfiles); //$NON-NLS-1$ OS.IIDFromString ("{fee47777-163c-4769-996a-6e9c50ad8f54}\0".toCharArray (), IID_ITfDisplayAttributeProvider); //$NON-NLS-1$ OS.IIDFromString ("{33C53A50-F456-4884-B049-85FD643ECFED}\0".toCharArray (), CLSID_TF_InputProcessorProfiles); //$NON-NLS-1$ OS.IIDFromString ("{34745C63-B2F0-4784-8B67-5E12C8701A31}\0".toCharArray (), GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /* TextLayout has a copy of these constants */ static final int UNDERLINE_IME_DOT = 1 << 16; static final int UNDERLINE_IME_DASH = 2 << 16; static final int UNDERLINE_IME_THICK = 3 << 16; /** * Prevents uninitialized instances from being created outside the package. */ IME () { } /** * Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent * and a style value describing its behavior and appearance. *

* The style value is either one of the style constants defined in * class SWT which is applicable to instances of this * class, or must be built by bitwise OR'ing together * (that is, using the int "|" operator) two or more * of those SWT style constants. The class description * lists the style constants that are applicable to the class. * Style bits are also inherited from superclasses. *

* * @param parent a canvas control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null) * @param style the style of control to construct * * @exception IllegalArgumentException * @exception SWTException * * @see Widget#checkSubclass * @see Widget#getStyle */ public IME (Canvas parent, int style) { super (parent, style); this.parent = parent; createWidget (); } void createWidget () { text = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ startOffset = -1; if (parent.getIME () == null) { parent.setIME (this); } } /** * Returns the offset of the caret from the start of the document. * The caret is within the current composition. * * @return the caret offset * * @exception SWTException */ public int getCaretOffset () { checkWidget (); return startOffset + caretOffset; } /** * Returns the commit count of the composition. This is the * number of characters that have been composed. When the * commit count is equal to the length of the composition * text, then the in-line edit operation is complete. * * @return the commit count * * @exception SWTException * * @see IME#getText */ public int getCommitCount () { checkWidget (); return commitCount; } /** * Returns the offset of the composition from the start of the document. * This is the start offset of the composition within the document and * in not changed by the input method editor itself during the in-line edit * session. * * @return the offset of the composition * * @exception SWTException */ public int getCompositionOffset () { checkWidget (); return startOffset; } TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE getDisplayAttribute (short langid, int attInfo) { int /*long*/ [] pProfiles = new int /*long*/ [1]; int hr = OS.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_TF_InputProcessorProfiles, 0, OS.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfInputProcessorProfiles, pProfiles); TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE pda = null; if (hr == OS.S_OK) { byte [] pclsid = new byte [16]; byte [] pguidProfile = new byte [16]; /* pProfiles.GetDefaultLanguageProfile () */ hr = OS.VtblCall (8, pProfiles [0], langid, GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD, pclsid, pguidProfile); if (hr == OS.S_OK) { int /*long*/ [] pProvider = new int /*long*/ [1]; hr = OS.CoCreateInstance (pclsid, 0, OS.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfDisplayAttributeProvider, pProvider); if (hr == OS.S_OK) { int /*long*/ [] pEnum = new int /*long*/ [1]; /* pProvider.EnumDisplayAttributeInfo () */ hr = OS.VtblCall (3, pProvider [0], pEnum); if (hr == OS.S_OK) { int /*long*/ [] pDispInfo = new int /*long*/ [1]; TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE tempPda = new TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE (); /* pEnum.Next () */ while ((hr = OS.VtblCall (4, pEnum [0], 1, pDispInfo, (int[])null)) == OS.S_OK) { /* pDispInfo.GetAttributeInfo(); */ OS.VtblCall (5, pDispInfo [0], tempPda); /* pDispInfo.Release () */ OS.VtblCall (2, pDispInfo [0]); if (tempPda.bAttr == attInfo) { pda = tempPda; break; } } /* pEnum.Release () */ hr = OS.VtblCall (2, pEnum [0]); } /* pProvider.Release () */ hr = OS.VtblCall (2, pProvider [0]); } } /* pProfiles.Release () */ hr = OS.VtblCall (2, pProfiles [0]); } if (pda == null) { pda = new TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE (); switch (attInfo) { case OS.TF_ATTR_INPUT: pda.lsStyle = OS.TF_LS_SQUIGGLE; break; case OS.TF_ATTR_CONVERTED: case OS.TF_ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED: pda.lsStyle = OS.TF_LS_SOLID; pda.fBoldLine = attInfo == OS.TF_ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED; break; } } return pda; } /** * Returns the ranges for the style that should be applied during the * in-line edit session. *

* The ranges array contains start and end pairs. Each pair refers to * the corresponding style in the styles array. For example, the pair * that starts at ranges[n] and ends at ranges[n+1] uses the style * at styles[n/2] returned by getStyles(). *

* @return the ranges for the styles * * @exception SWTException * * @see IME#getStyles */ public int [] getRanges () { checkWidget (); if (ranges == null) return new int [0]; int [] result = new int [ranges.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result [i] = ranges [i] + startOffset; } return result; } /** * Returns the styles for the ranges. *

* The ranges array contains start and end pairs. Each pair refers to * the corresponding style in the styles array. For example, the pair * that starts at ranges[n] and ends at ranges[n+1] uses the style * at styles[n/2]. *

* * @return the ranges for the styles * * @exception SWTException * * @see IME#getRanges */ public TextStyle [] getStyles () { checkWidget (); if (styles == null) return new TextStyle [0]; TextStyle [] result = new TextStyle [styles.length]; System.arraycopy (styles, 0, result, 0, styles.length); return result; } /** * Returns the composition text. *

* The text for an IME is the characters in the widget that * are in the current composition. When the commit count is * equal to the length of the composition text, then the * in-line edit operation is complete. *

* * @return the widget text * * @exception SWTException */ public String getText () { checkWidget (); return text; } /** * Returns true if the caret should be wide, and * false otherwise. In some languages, for example * Korean, the caret is typically widened to the width of the * current character in the in-line edit session. * * @return the wide caret state * * @exception SWTException */ public boolean getWideCaret() { checkWidget (); int /*long*/ layout = OS.GetKeyboardLayout (0); short langID = (short)OS.LOWORD (layout); return OS.PRIMARYLANGID (langID) == OS.LANG_KOREAN; } boolean isInlineEnabled () { if (OS.IsWinCE || OS.WIN32_VERSION < OS.VERSION (5, 1)) return false; return OS.IsDBLocale && hooks (SWT.ImeComposition); } void releaseParent () { super.releaseParent (); if (this == parent.getIME ()) parent.setIME (null); } void releaseWidget () { super.releaseWidget (); parent = null; text = null; styles = null; ranges = null; } /** * Sets the offset of the composition from the start of the document. * This is the start offset of the composition within the document and * in not changed by the input method editor itself during the in-line edit * session but may need to be changed by clients of the IME. For example, * if during an in-line edit operation, a text editor inserts characters * above the IME, then the IME must be informed that the composition * offset has changed. * * @param offset the offset of the composition * * @exception SWTException */ public void setCompositionOffset (int offset) { checkWidget (); if (offset < 0) return; if (startOffset != -1) { startOffset = offset; } } LRESULT WM_IME_COMPOSITION (int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { if (!isInlineEnabled ()) return null; ranges = null; styles = null; caretOffset = commitCount = 0; int /*long*/ hwnd = parent.handle; int /*long*/ hIMC = OS.ImmGetContext (hwnd); int codePage = parent.getCodePage (); if (hIMC != 0) { TCHAR buffer = null; if ((lParam & OS.GCS_RESULTSTR) != 0) { int length = OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_RESULTSTR, (TCHAR)null, 0); if (length > 0) { buffer = new TCHAR (codePage, length / TCHAR.sizeof); OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_RESULTSTR, buffer, length); if (startOffset == -1) { Event event = new Event (); event.detail = SWT.COMPOSITION_SELECTION; sendEvent (SWT.ImeComposition, event); startOffset = event.start; } Event event = new Event (); event.detail = SWT.COMPOSITION_CHANGED; event.start = startOffset; event.end = startOffset + text.length(); event.text = text = buffer != null ? buffer.toString () : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ commitCount = text.length (); sendEvent (SWT.ImeComposition, event); String chars = text; text = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ startOffset = -1; commitCount = 0; if (event.doit) { Display display = this.display; display.lastKey = 0; display.lastVirtual = display.lastNull = display.lastDead = false; length = chars.length (); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = chars.charAt (i); display.lastAscii = c; event = new Event (); event.character = c; parent.sendEvent (SWT.KeyDown, event); } } } if ((lParam & OS.GCS_COMPSTR) == 0) return LRESULT.ONE; } buffer = null; if ((lParam & OS.GCS_COMPSTR) != 0) { int length = OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPSTR, (TCHAR)null, 0); if (length > 0) { buffer = new TCHAR (codePage, length / TCHAR.sizeof); OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPSTR, buffer, length); if ((lParam & OS.GCS_CURSORPOS) != 0) { caretOffset = OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_CURSORPOS, (TCHAR) null, 0); } int [] clauses = null; if ((lParam & OS.GCS_COMPCLAUSE) != 0) { length = OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPCLAUSE, (int [])null, 0); if (length > 0) { clauses = new int [length / 4]; OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPCLAUSE, clauses, length); } } if ((lParam & OS.GCS_COMPATTR) != 0 && clauses != null) { length = OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPATTR, (byte [])null, 0); if (length > 0) { byte [] attrs = new byte [length]; OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPATTR, attrs, length); length = clauses.length - 1; ranges = new int [length * 2]; styles = new TextStyle [length]; int /*long*/ layout = OS.GetKeyboardLayout (0); short langID = (short)OS.LOWORD (layout); TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE attr = null; TextStyle style = null; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ranges [i * 2] = clauses [i]; ranges [i * 2 + 1] = clauses [i + 1] - 1; styles [i] = style = new TextStyle (); attr = getDisplayAttribute (langID, attrs [clauses [i]]); if (attr != null) { switch (attr.crText.type) { case OS.TF_CT_COLORREF: style.foreground = Color.win32_new (display, attr.crText.cr); break; case OS.TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: int colorRef = OS.GetSysColor (attr.crText.cr); style.foreground = Color.win32_new (display, colorRef); break; } switch (attr.crBk.type) { case OS.TF_CT_COLORREF: style.background = Color.win32_new (display, attr.crBk.cr); break; case OS.TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: int colorRef = OS.GetSysColor (attr.crBk.cr); style.background = Color.win32_new (display, colorRef); break; } switch (attr.crLine.type) { case OS.TF_CT_COLORREF: style.underlineColor = Color.win32_new (display, attr.crLine.cr); break; case OS.TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: int colorRef = OS.GetSysColor (attr.crLine.cr); style.underlineColor = Color.win32_new (display, colorRef); break; } style.underline = attr.lsStyle != OS.TF_LS_NONE; switch (attr.lsStyle) { case OS.TF_LS_SQUIGGLE: style.underlineStyle = SWT.UNDERLINE_SQUIGGLE; break; case OS.TF_LS_DASH: style.underlineStyle = UNDERLINE_IME_DASH; break; case OS.TF_LS_DOT: style.underlineStyle = UNDERLINE_IME_DOT; break; case OS.TF_LS_SOLID: style.underlineStyle = attr.fBoldLine ? UNDERLINE_IME_THICK : SWT.UNDERLINE_SINGLE; break; } } } } } } OS.ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, hIMC); } int end = startOffset + text.length(); if (startOffset == -1) { Event event = new Event (); event.detail = SWT.COMPOSITION_SELECTION; sendEvent (SWT.ImeComposition, event); startOffset = event.start; end = event.end; } Event event = new Event (); event.detail = SWT.COMPOSITION_CHANGED; event.start = startOffset; event.end = end; event.text = text = buffer != null ? buffer.toString () : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ sendEvent (SWT.ImeComposition, event); if (text.length() == 0) { startOffset = -1; ranges = null; styles = null; } } return LRESULT.ONE; } LRESULT WM_IME_COMPOSITION_START (int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { return isInlineEnabled () ? LRESULT.ONE : null; } LRESULT WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION (int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { return isInlineEnabled () ? LRESULT.ONE : null; } LRESULT WM_KILLFOCUS (int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { if (!isInlineEnabled ()) return null; int /*long*/ hwnd = parent.handle; int /*long*/ hIMC = OS.ImmGetContext (hwnd); if (hIMC != 0) { if (OS.ImmGetOpenStatus (hIMC)) { OS.ImmNotifyIME (hIMC, OS.NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, OS.CPS_COMPLETE, 0); } OS.ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, hIMC); } return null; } LRESULT WM_LBUTTONDOWN (int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { if (!isInlineEnabled ()) return null; int /*long*/ hwnd = parent.handle; int /*long*/ hIMC = OS.ImmGetContext (hwnd); if (hIMC != 0) { if (OS.ImmGetOpenStatus (hIMC)) { if (OS.ImmGetCompositionString (hIMC, OS.GCS_COMPSTR, (TCHAR)null, 0) > 0) { Event event = new Event (); event.detail = SWT.COMPOSITION_OFFSET; event.x = OS.GET_X_LPARAM (lParam); event.y = OS.GET_Y_LPARAM (lParam); sendEvent (SWT.ImeComposition, event); int offset = event.index; int length = text.length(); if (offset != -1 && startOffset != -1 && startOffset <= offset && offset < startOffset + length) { int /*long*/ imeWnd = OS.ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd (hwnd); offset = event.index + event.count - startOffset; int trailing = event.count > 0 ? 1 : 2; int /*long*/ param = OS.MAKEWPARAM (OS.MAKEWORD (OS.IMEMOUSE_LDOWN, trailing), offset); OS.SendMessage (imeWnd, WM_MSIME_MOUSE, param, hIMC); } else { OS.ImmNotifyIME (hIMC, OS.NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, OS.CPS_COMPLETE, 0); } } } OS.ImmReleaseContext (hwnd, hIMC); } return null; } }