/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ #include "swt.h" #include "com_structs.h" /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CLSIDFromProgID * Signature: ([CLorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CLSIDFromProgID (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray lpszProgID, jobject pclsid) { LPCOLESTR lpszProgID1=NULL; GUID guid, *pclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CLSIDFromProgID\n"); #endif if (pclsid) { pclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (lpszProgID) lpszProgID1 = (LPCOLESTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lpszProgID, NULL); rc = (jint) CLSIDFromProgID(lpszProgID1, pclsid1); if (lpszProgID) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lpszProgID, (jchar *)lpszProgID1, 0); if (pclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CLSIDFromString * Signature: ([CLorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CLSIDFromString (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray lpsz, jobject pclsid) { LPOLESTR lpsz1=NULL; GUID guid, *pclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CLSIDFromString\n"); #endif if (pclsid) { pclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (lpsz) lpsz1 = (LPOLESTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lpsz, NULL); rc = CLSIDFromString(lpsz1, pclsid1); if (lpsz) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lpsz, lpsz1, 0); if (pclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoCreateInstance * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoCreateInstance (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rclsid, jint pUnkOuter, jint dwClsContext, jobject riid, jintArray ppv) { LPVOID *ppv1=NULL; GUID guid1, guid2, *riid1=NULL, *rclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoCreateInstance\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid2; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { riid1=&guid1; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } if (ppv) ppv1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppv, NULL); rc = (jint) CoCreateInstance(rclsid1, (LPUNKNOWN)pUnkOuter, dwClsContext, riid1, ppv1); if (ppv) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppv, (jint *)ppv1, 0); if (rclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { setGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoFreeUnusedLibraries * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoFreeUnusedLibraries (JNIEnv *env, jclass that) { CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoGetClassObject * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoGetClassObject (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rclsid, jint dwClsContext, jint pServerInfo, jobject riid, jintArray ppv) { LPVOID *ppv1=NULL; GUID guid1, *rclsid1=NULL; GUID guid2, *riid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoGetClassObject\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid1; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { riid1=&guid2; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } if (ppv) ppv1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppv, NULL); rc = (jint) CoGetClassObject(rclsid1, dwClsContext, (COSERVERINFO *)pServerInfo, riid1, ppv1); if (ppv) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppv, (jint *)ppv1, 0); if (rclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { setGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoLockObjectExternal * Signature: (IZZ)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoLockObjectExternal (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pUnk, jboolean fLock, jboolean fLastUnlockReleases) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoLockObjectExternal\n"); #endif return (jint) CoLockObjectExternal((IUnknown *)pUnk, (BOOL)fLock, (BOOL)fLastUnlockReleases); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoTaskMemAlloc * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoTaskMemAlloc (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint cb) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoTaskMemAlloc\n"); #endif return (jint) CoTaskMemAlloc((ULONG)cb); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoTaskMemFree * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoTaskMemFree (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoTaskMemFree\n"); #endif CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID)pv); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: DoDragDrop * Signature: (III[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_DoDragDrop (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pDataObject, jint pDropSource, jint dwOKEffect, jintArray pdwEffect) { jint *pdwEffect1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "DoDragDrop\n"); #endif if (pdwEffect) pdwEffect1 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, pdwEffect, NULL); rc = DoDragDrop((IDataObject *)pDataObject, (IDropSource *)pDropSource, dwOKEffect, pdwEffect1); if (pdwEffect) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, pdwEffect, pdwEffect1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: GetClassFile * Signature: ([CLorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_GetClassFile (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray szFileName, jobject clsid) { LPCWSTR szFileName1=NULL; GUID guid, *clsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "GetClassFile\n"); #endif if (clsid) { clsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, clsid, clsid1); } if (szFileName) szFileName1 = (LPCWSTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, szFileName, NULL); rc = GetClassFile(szFileName1, clsid1); if (szFileName) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, szFileName, (jchar *)szFileName1, 0); if (clsid) { setGUIDFields(env, clsid, clsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: IIDFromString * Signature: ([CLorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_IIDFromString (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray lpsz, jobject lpiid) { LPOLESTR lpsz1=NULL; GUID guid, *lpiid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "IIDFromString\n"); #endif if (lpsz) lpsz1 = (LPOLESTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lpsz, NULL); if (lpiid) { lpiid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, lpiid, lpiid1); } rc = (jint) IIDFromString(lpsz1, lpiid1); if (lpiid) { setGUIDFields(env, lpiid, lpiid1); } if (lpsz) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lpsz, (jchar *)lpsz1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: IsEqualGUID * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_IsEqualGUID (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rguid1, jobject rguid2) { GUID guid1, *rguid11=NULL; GUID guid2, *rguid21=NULL; jboolean rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "IsEqualGUID\n"); #endif if (rguid1) { rguid11=&guid1; getGUIDFields(env, rguid1, rguid11); } if (rguid2) { rguid21=&guid2; getGUIDFields(env, rguid2, rguid21); } rc = (jboolean) IsEqualGUID(rguid11, rguid21); if (rguid1) { setGUIDFields(env, rguid1, rguid11); } if (rguid2) { setGUIDFields(env, rguid2, rguid21); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint Destination, jobject Source, jint Length) { FORMATETC formatetc, *Source1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { Source1=&formatetc; getFORMATETCFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination, Source1, Length); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint DestinationPtr, jobject Source, jint Length) { GUID guid, *Source1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { Source1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)DestinationPtr, Source1, Length); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint DestinationPtr, jobject Source, jint Length) { OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO oleinplaceframeinfo, *Source1=&oleinplaceframeinfo; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { getOLEINPLACEFRAMEINFOFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)DestinationPtr, Source1, Length); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STATSTG;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint Destination, jobject Source, jint Length) { STATSTG statstg, *Source1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { Source1=&statstg; getSTATSTGFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination, Source1, Length); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STGMEDIUM;I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint Destination, jobject Source, jint Length) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium, *Source1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { Source1=&stgmedium; getSTGMEDIUMFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination, Source1, Length); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STGMEDIUM;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint SourcePtr, jint Length) { STGMEDIUM stgmedium, *Destination1=&stgmedium; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)SourcePtr, Length); if (Destination) { setSTGMEDIUMFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/DISPPARAMS;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DISPPARAMS_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint SourcePtr, jint Length) { DISPPARAMS dispparams, *Destination1=&dispparams; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DISPPARAMS_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)SourcePtr, Length); if (Destination) { setDISPPARAMSFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { FORMATETC formatetc, *Destination1=&formatetc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { setFORMATETCFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint SourcePtr, jint Length) { GUID guid, *Destination1=&guid; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)SourcePtr, Length); if (Destination) { setGUIDFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STATSTG;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { STATSTG statstg, *Destination1=&statstg; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { setSTATSTGFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/TYPEATTR;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_TYPEATTR_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint SourcePtr, jint Length) { TYPEATTR typeattr, *Destination1=&typeattr; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_TYPEATTR_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination1, (CONST VOID *)SourcePtr, Length); if (Destination) { setTYPEATTRFields(env, Destination, Destination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { RECT rect, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&rect, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = ▭ setRECTFields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FUNCDESC1;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FUNCDESC1_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { FUNCDESC funcdesc, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FUNCDESC1_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&funcdesc, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = &funcdesc; setFUNCDESC1Fields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FUNCDESC2;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FUNCDESC2_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { FUNCDESC funcdesc, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FUNCDESC2_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&funcdesc, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = &funcdesc; setFUNCDESC2Fields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/VARDESC1;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_VARDESC1_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { VARDESC vardesc, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_VARDESC1_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&vardesc, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = &vardesc; setVARDESC1Fields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/VARDESC2;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_VARDESC2_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { VARDESC vardesc, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_VARDESC2_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&vardesc, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = &vardesc; setVARDESC2Fields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleCreate * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;II[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleCreate (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rclsid, jobject riid, jint renderopt, jobject pFormatEtc, jint pClientSite, jint pStg, jintArray ppvObject) { LPVOID *ppvObject1=NULL; GUID guid1, *rclsid1=NULL; GUID guid2, *riid1=NULL; FORMATETC formatec, *pFormatEtc1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleCreate\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid1; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { riid1=&guid2; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } if (pFormatEtc) { pFormatEtc1 = &formatec; getFORMATETCFields(env, pFormatEtc, pFormatEtc1); } if (ppvObject) ppvObject1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppvObject, NULL); rc = (jint) OleCreate(rclsid1, riid1, renderopt, pFormatEtc1, (IOleClientSite * )pClientSite, (IStorage * )pStg, ppvObject1); if (ppvObject) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppvObject, (jint *)ppvObject1, 0); /* all of these objects are inputs so we don't not need to set the fields back */ return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleCreateFromFile * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[CLorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;II[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleCreateFromFile (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rclsid, jcharArray lpszFileName, jobject riid, jint renderopt, jobject pFormatEtc, jint pClientSite, jint pStg, jintArray ppvObj) { LPVOID *ppvObj1=NULL; LPCOLESTR lpszFileName1=NULL; GUID guid1, *rclsid1=NULL; GUID guid2, *riid1=NULL; FORMATETC formatec, *pFormatEtc1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleCreateFromFile\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid1; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (riid) { riid1=&guid2; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } if (pFormatEtc) { pFormatEtc1 = &formatec; getFORMATETCFields(env, pFormatEtc, pFormatEtc1); } if (lpszFileName) lpszFileName1 = (LPCOLESTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lpszFileName, NULL); if (ppvObj) ppvObj1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppvObj, NULL); rc = (jint) OleCreateFromFile(rclsid1, lpszFileName1, riid1, renderopt, pFormatEtc1, (LPOLECLIENTSITE)pClientSite, (LPSTORAGE)pStg, ppvObj1); if (ppvObj) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppvObj, (jint *)ppvObj1, 0); if (lpszFileName) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lpszFileName, (jchar *)lpszFileName1, 0); /* all of these objects are inputs so we don't not need to set the fields back */ return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleCreatePropertyFrame * Signature: (III[CI[IIIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleCreatePropertyFrame (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hwndOwner, jint x, jint y, jcharArray lpszCaption, jint cObjects, jintArray lplpUnk, jint cPages, jint lpPageClsID, jint lcid, jint dwReserved, jint lpvReserved) { LPCOLESTR lpszCaption1=NULL; jint *lplpUnk1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleCreatePropertyFrame\n"); #endif if (lpszCaption) lpszCaption1 = (LPCOLESTR)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lpszCaption, NULL); if (lplpUnk) lplpUnk1 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, lplpUnk, NULL); rc = (jint) OleCreatePropertyFrame((HWND)hwndOwner, x, y, lpszCaption1, cObjects, (LPUNKNOWN FAR*)lplpUnk1, cPages, (LPCLSID)lpPageClsID, (LCID)lcid, dwReserved, (LPVOID)lpvReserved); if (lplpUnk) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, lplpUnk, (jint *)lplpUnk1, 0); if (lpszCaption) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lpszCaption, (jchar *)lpszCaption1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleIsRunning * Signature: (I)Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleIsRunning (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pObject) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleIsRunning\n"); #endif return (jboolean) OleIsRunning((LPOLEOBJECT)pObject); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleLoad * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;I[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleLoad (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pStg, jobject riid, jint pClientSite, jintArray ppvObj) { LPVOID *ppvObj1=NULL; GUID guid, *riid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleLoad\n"); #endif if (riid) { riid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } if (ppvObj) ppvObj1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppvObj, NULL); rc = (jint) OleLoad((IStorage *)pStg, riid1, (IOleClientSite *)pClientSite, ppvObj1); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (ppvObj) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppvObj, (jint *)ppvObj1, 0); if (riid) { setGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleRun * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleRun (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pUnknown) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleRun\n"); #endif return (jint) OleRun((LPUNKNOWN)pUnknown); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleSave * Signature: (IIZ)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleSave (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pPS, jint pStg, jboolean fSameAsLoad) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleSave\n"); #endif return (jint) OleSave((IPersistStorage *)pPS, (IStorage *)pStg, fSameAsLoad); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleSetContainedObject * Signature: (IZ)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleSetContainedObject (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pUnk, jboolean fContained) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleSetContainedObject\n"); #endif return (jint) OleSetContainedObject((LPUNKNOWN)pUnk, fContained); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleSetMenuDescriptor * Signature: (IIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleSetMenuDescriptor (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint holemenu, jint hwndFrame, jint hwndActiveObject, jint lpFrame, jint lpActiveObj) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleSetMenuDescriptor\n"); #endif return (jint) OleSetMenuDescriptor((HOLEMENU)holemenu, (HWND)hwndFrame, (HWND)hwndActiveObject, (LPOLEINPLACEFRAME)lpFrame, (LPOLEINPLACEACTIVEOBJECT)lpActiveObj); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleTranslateColor * Signature: (II[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleTranslateColor (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint clr, jint hpal, jintArray pcolorref) { jint *pcolorref1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleTranslateColor\n"); #endif if (pcolorref) pcolorref1 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, pcolorref, NULL); rc = (jint) OleTranslateColor((OLE_COLOR)clr, (HPALETTE)hpal, (COLORREF *)pcolorref1); if (pcolorref) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, pcolorref, pcolorref1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: RegisterDragDrop * Signature: (II)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_RegisterDragDrop (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hwnd, jint pDropTarget) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "RegisterDragDrop\n"); #endif return (jint) RegisterDragDrop((HWND)hwnd, (IDropTarget *)pDropTarget); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: RevokeDragDrop * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_RevokeDragDrop (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hwnd) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "RevokeDragDrop\n"); #endif return (jint) RevokeDragDrop((HWND)hwnd); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: StgCreateDocfile * Signature: ([CII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_StgCreateDocfile (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray pwcsName, jint grfMode, jint reserved, jintArray ppstgOpen) { jchar *pwcsName1=NULL; IStorage **ppstgOpen1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "StgCreateDocfile\n"); #endif if (pwcsName) pwcsName1 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, NULL); if (ppstgOpen) ppstgOpen1 = (IStorage **)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppstgOpen, NULL); rc = (jint) StgCreateDocfile(pwcsName1, grfMode, reserved, ppstgOpen1); if (ppstgOpen) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppstgOpen, (jint *)ppstgOpen1, 0); if (pwcsName) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, pwcsName1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: StgIsStorageFile * Signature: ([C)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_StgIsStorageFile (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray pwcsName) { const WCHAR *pwcsName1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "StgIsStorageFile\n"); #endif if (pwcsName) pwcsName1 = (const WCHAR *)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, NULL); rc = (jint)StgIsStorageFile(pwcsName1); if (pwcsName) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, (jchar *)pwcsName1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: StgOpenStorage * Signature: ([CIIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_StgOpenStorage (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray pwcsName, jint pstgPriority, jint grfMode, jint snbExclude, jint reserved, jintArray ppstgOpen) { const WCHAR *pwcsName1=NULL; IStorage **ppstgOpen1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "StgOpenStorage\n"); #endif if (pwcsName) pwcsName1 = (const WCHAR *)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, NULL); if (ppstgOpen) ppstgOpen1 = (IStorage **)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppstgOpen, NULL); rc = (jint) StgOpenStorage(pwcsName1, (IStorage *)pstgPriority, grfMode, (SNB)snbExclude, reserved, ppstgOpen1); if (ppstgOpen) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppstgOpen, (jint *)ppstgOpen1, 0); if (pwcsName) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, pwcsName, (jchar *)pwcsName1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: StringFromCLSID * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_StringFromCLSID (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject rclsid, jintArray ppsz) { LPOLESTR *ppsz1=NULL; GUID guid, *rclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_StringFromCLSID\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } if (ppsz) ppsz1 = (LPOLESTR *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppsz, NULL); rc = (jint) StringFromCLSID(rclsid1, ppsz1); if (ppsz) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppsz, (jint *)ppsz1, 0); if (rclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: SysAllocString * Signature: ([C)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_SysAllocString (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jcharArray sz0) { jchar *sz01=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "SysAllocString\n"); #endif if (sz0) sz01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, sz0, NULL); rc = (jint) SysAllocString( (OLECHAR *) sz01); if (sz0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, sz0, sz01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: SysFreeString * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_SysFreeString (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint bstr) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "SysFreeString\n"); #endif SysFreeString((BSTR)bstr); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: SysStringByteLen * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_SysStringByteLen (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint bstr) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "SysStringByteLen\n"); #endif return (jint) SysStringByteLen((BSTR)bstr); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VariantChangeType * Signature: (IISS)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VariantChangeType (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pvargDest, jint pvarSrc, jshort wFlags, jshort vt) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VariantChangeType\n"); #endif return (jint) VariantChangeType((VARIANTARG FAR* )pvargDest, (VARIANTARG FAR* )pvarSrc, wFlags, (VARTYPE) vt); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VariantClear * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VariantClear (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pvarg) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VariantClear\n"); #endif return (jint) VariantClear((VARIANTARG FAR* ) pvarg); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VariantInit * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VariantInit (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pvarg) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VariantInit\n"); #endif VariantInit((VARIANTARG FAR*)pvarg); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl) { P_OLE_FN_1 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_1)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[C)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3C (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0) { P_OLE_FN_2 fn; jchar *arg01=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3C\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[C[C)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3C_3C (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0, jcharArray arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jchar *arg01=NULL, *arg11=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3C_3C\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); if (arg1) arg11 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, (jint)arg11); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg1, arg11, 0); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[CI)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3CI (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0, jint arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jchar *arg01=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3CI\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[CIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3CIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jintArray arg4) { P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jchar *arg01=NULL; jint *arg41=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3CIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); if (arg4) arg41 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, arg2, arg3, (jint)arg41); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg4, arg41, 0); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[CIIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3CIIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4, jintArray arg5) { P_OLE_FN_7 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jchar *arg01=NULL; jint *arg51=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3CIIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_7)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); if (arg5) arg51 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg5, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, (jint)arg51); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg5) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg5, arg51, 0); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jintArray arg0) { P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint *arg01=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (III)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__III (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0) { P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__III\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (III[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__III_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jintArray arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; jint *arg11=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__III_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*((jint **)ppVtbl))[fnNumber]; if (arg1) arg11 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11); if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg1, arg11, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jintArray arg2) { P_OLE_FN_4 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint *arg21=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, (jint)arg21); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2) { P_OLE_FN_4 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2);; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jintArray arg3) { P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint *arg31=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VtblCall__IIIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg3) arg31 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg3, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, (jint)arg31); if (arg3) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg3, arg31, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jintArray arg4) { P_OLE_FN_6 fn; jint *arg41=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3CIIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg4) arg41 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, (jint)arg41); if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg4, arg41, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIIII[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIIII_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4, jintArray arg5) { P_OLE_FN_7 fn; jint *arg51=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIIIII_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_7)(*((jint **)ppVtbl))[fnNumber]; if (arg5) arg51 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg5, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, (jint)arg51); if (arg5) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg5, arg51, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/DVTARGETDEVICE;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/SIZE;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DVTARGETDEVICE_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jobject arg2, jobject arg3) { DVTARGETDEVICE dvtargetdevice, *arg21=NULL; SIZE size, *arg31=NULL; P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DVTARGETDEVICE_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg2) { arg21=&dvtargetdevice; getDVTARGETDEVICEFields(env, arg2, arg21); } if (arg3) { arg31=&size; getSIZEFields(env, arg3, arg31); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, (jint)arg21, (jint)arg31); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg2) { setDVTARGETDEVICEFields(env, arg2, arg21); } if (arg3) { setSIZEFields(env, arg3, arg31); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;I[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2I_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jobject arg2, jint arg3, jintArray arg4) { jint *arg41=NULL; GUID guid, *arg21=NULL; P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2I_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg2) { arg21=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg2, arg21); } if (arg4) arg41 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, (jint)arg21, arg3, (jint)arg41); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg4, arg41, 0); if (arg2) { setGUIDFields(env, arg2, arg21); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jintArray arg2) { P_OLE_FN_4 fn; FORMATETC formatetc, *arg11=NULL; jint *arg21=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11 = &formatetc; getFORMATETCFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, (jint)arg21); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); if (arg1) { setFORMATETCFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1) { GUID guid, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11); /* cast it to an COM function returning int */ if (arg1) { setGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;II)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3) { GUID guid, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2II\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, arg2, arg3); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) { setGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/DISPPARAMS;ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/EXCEPINFO;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DISPPARAMS_2ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_EXCEPINFO_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jobject arg4, jint arg5, jobject arg6, jintArray arg7) { jint *arg71=NULL; GUID guid, *arg11=NULL; EXCEPINFO excepinfo, *arg61=NULL; DISPPARAMS dispparams, *arg41=NULL; P_OLE_FN_9 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_DISPPARAMS_2ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_EXCEPINFO_2_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_9)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg4) { arg41=&dispparams; getDISPPARAMSFields(env, arg4, arg41); } if (arg6) { arg61=&excepinfo; getEXCEPINFOFields(env, arg6, arg61); } if (arg7) arg71 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg7, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, arg2, arg3, (jint)arg41, arg5, (jint)arg61, (jint)arg71); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg7) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg7, arg71, 0); if (arg6) { setEXCEPINFOFields(env, arg6, arg61); } if (arg4) { setDISPPARAMSFields(env, arg4, arg41); } if (arg1) { setGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STATSTG;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jintArray arg2) { jint *arg21=NULL; STATSTG statstg, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_4 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STATSTG_2_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&statstg; getSTATSTGFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, (jint)arg21); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); if (arg1) { setSTATSTGFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_MSG_2IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4, jobject arg5) { MSG msg, *arg11=NULL; RECT rect, *arg51=NULL; P_OLE_FN_7 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_MSG_2IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_7)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&msg; getMSGFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg5) { arg51=▭ getRECTFields(env, arg5, arg51); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, arg2, arg3, arg4, (jint)arg51); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) { setMSGFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg5) { setRECTFields(env, arg5, arg51); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_MSG_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { MSG msg, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_MSG_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&msg; getMSGFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setMSGFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/SIZE;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1) { SIZE size, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&size; getSIZEFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11); /* cast it to an COM function returning int */ if (arg1) { setSIZEFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIZ)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIZ (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jboolean arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIZ\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/CAUUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_CAUUID_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ CAUUID cauuid, *arg01=&cauuid; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3C\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { getCAUUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setCAUUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/CONTROLINFO;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_CONTROLINFO_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { CONTROLINFO controlinfo, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_CONTROLINFO_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&controlinfo; getCONTROLINFOFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setCONTROLINFOFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { P_OLE_FN_2 fn; FORMATETC formatetc, *arg01=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01 = &formatetc; getFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); if (arg0) { setFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STGMEDIUM;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jobject arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; FORMATETC formatetc, *arg01=NULL; STGMEDIUM stgmedium, *arg11=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01 = &formatetc; getFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) { arg11 = &stgmedium; getSTGMEDIUMFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, (jint)arg11); if (arg0) { setFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) { setSTGMEDIUMFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/FORMATETC;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/STGMEDIUM;Z)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2Z (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jobject arg1, jboolean arg2) { P_OLE_FN_4 fn; FORMATETC formatetc, *arg01=NULL; STGMEDIUM stgmedium, *arg11=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_FORMATETC_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_STGMEDIUM_2Z\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01 = &formatetc; getFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) { arg11 = &stgmedium; getSTGMEDIUMFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, (jint)arg11, (jint)arg2); if (arg0) { setFORMATETCFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) { setSTGMEDIUMFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { GUID guid, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jintArray arg1) { jint *arg11=NULL; GUID guid, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) arg11 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, (jint)arg11); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg1, arg11, 0); if (arg0) { setGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;III[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2III_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jintArray arg4) { jint *arg41=NULL; GUID guid, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2III_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg4) arg41 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, arg2, arg3, (jint)arg41); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg4, arg41, 0); if (arg0) { setGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;IIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2IIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4) { GUID guid, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2IIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); if (arg0) { setGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/OLECMD;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/OLECMDTEXT;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLECMD_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLECMDTEXT_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jint arg1, jobject arg2, jobject arg3) { GUID guid, *arg01=NULL; OLECMD olecmd, *arg21=NULL; OLECMDTEXT olecmdtext, *arg31=NULL; P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLECMD_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_OLECMDTEXT_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg2) { arg21=&olecmd; getOLECMDFields(env, arg2, arg21); } if (arg3) { arg31=&olecmdtext; getOLECMDTEXTFields(env, arg3, arg31); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, (jint)arg21, (jint)arg31); if (arg0) { setGUIDFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg2) { setOLECMDFields(env, arg2, arg21); } if (arg3) { setOLECMDTEXTFields(env, arg3, arg31); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/LICINFO;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_LICINFO_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { LICINFO licinfo, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_LICINFO_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&licinfo; getLICINFOFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setLICINFOFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;IZ)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2IZ (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jint arg1, jboolean arg2) { RECT rect, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_4 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2IZ\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=▭ getRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, arg2); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0, jobject arg1) { RECT rect0, *arg01=NULL; RECT rect1, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_3 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&rect0; getRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } if (arg1) { arg11=&rect1; getRECTFields(env, arg1, arg11); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, (jint)arg11); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) { setRECTFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg0) { setRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/RECT;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { RECT rect0, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_RECT_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&rect0; getRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg0) { setRECTFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (III[I[I[I[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__III_3I_3I_3I_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jintArray arg1, jintArray arg2, jintArray arg3, jintArray arg4) { jint *arg11=NULL; jint *arg21=NULL; jint *arg31=NULL; jint *arg41=NULL; P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__III_3I_3I_3I_31\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) arg11 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg3) arg31 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg3, NULL); if (arg4) arg41 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, (jint)arg21, (jint)arg31, (jint)arg41); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg1, arg11, 0); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); if (arg3) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg3, arg31, 0); if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg4, arg41, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (III[II[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__III_3II_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jintArray arg1, jint arg2, jintArray arg3) { jint *arg11=NULL; jint *arg31=NULL; P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__III_3II_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) arg11 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); if (arg3) arg31 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg3, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, arg2, (jint)arg31); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg1, arg11, 0); if (arg3) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg3, arg31, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: WriteClassStg * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_WriteClassStg (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pStg, jobject rclsid) { GUID guid, *rclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "WriteClassStg\n"); #endif if (rclsid) { rclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } rc = (jint) WriteClassStg((IStorage *)pStg, rclsid1); if (rclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, rclsid, rclsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleGetClipboard * Signature: ([I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleGetClipboard (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jintArray ppDataObj) { IDataObject **ppDataObj1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleGetClipboard\n"); #endif if (ppDataObj) ppDataObj1 = (IDataObject **)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppDataObj, NULL); rc = (jint) OleGetClipboard(ppDataObj1); if (ppDataObj) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppDataObj, (jint *)ppDataObj1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleIsCurrentClipboard * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleIsCurrentClipboard (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pDataObj) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleIsCurrentClipboard\n"); #endif return (jint) OleIsCurrentClipboard((IDataObject *)pDataObj); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleSetClipboard * Signature: (I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleSetClipboard (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pDataObj) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleSetClipboard\n"); #endif return (jint) OleSetClipboard((IDataObject *)pDataObj); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleFlushClipboard * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleFlushClipboard (JNIEnv *env, jclass that) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleFlushClipboard\n"); #endif return (jint) OleFlushClipboard(); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: OleDraw * Signature: (IIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_OleDraw (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pUnk, jint dwAspect, jint hdcDraw, jint lprcBounds) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "OleDraw\n"); #endif return (jint) OleDraw((LPUNKNOWN)pUnk, (DWORD)dwAspect, (HDC)hdcDraw, (LPRECT)lprcBounds); } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: ReleaseStgMedium * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_ReleaseStgMedium (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pmedium) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "ReleaseStgMedium\n"); #endif ReleaseStgMedium((STGMEDIUM *)pmedium); } /* ------------- obsolete OLE calls ------------- */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: DispGetParam * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/DISPPARAMS;III[I)I */ /*JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_DispGetParam (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject pdispparams, jint position, jint vtTarg, jint pvarResult, jintArray puArgErr) { unsigned int FAR *puArgErr1=NULL; DISPPARAMS dispparams, *pdispparams1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "DispGetParam\n"); #endif if (pdispparams) { pdispparams1=&dispparams; cacheDispparamsFids(env, pdispparams, &DispparamsFc); getDISPPARAMSFields(env, pdispparams, pdispparams1, &DispparamsFc); } if (puArgErr) puArgErr1 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, puArgErr, NULL); rc = (jint) DispGetParam(pdispparams1, position, (VARTYPE)vtTarg, (VARIANT FAR *)pvarResult, puArgErr1); if (puArgErr) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, puArgErr, puArgErr1, 0); if (pdispparams) { setDISPPARAMSFields(env, pdispparams, pdispparams1, &DispparamsFc); } return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/SIZE;I)V */ /*JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint DestinationPtr, jobject Source, jint Length) { SIZE size, *Source1=&size; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_SIZE_2I\n"); #endif if (Source) { getSIZEFields(env, Source, Source1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)DestinationPtr, Source1, Length); } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (II[CI[CI)I */ /*JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__II_3CI_3CI (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jcharArray arg0, jint arg1, jcharArray arg2, jint arg3) { P_OLE_FN_5 fn; jchar *arg01=NULL, *arg21=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__II_3CI_3CI\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) arg01 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01, arg1, (jint)arg21, arg3); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg0, arg01, 0); return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ /*JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jobject arg1, jintArray arg2) { jint *arg21=NULL; GUID guid, *arg11=NULL; P_OLE_FN_4 fn; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2I_3I\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_4)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg1) { arg11=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } if (arg2) arg21 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, (jint)arg11, (jint)arg21); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, arg21, 0); if (arg1) { setGUIDFields(env, arg1, arg11); } return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIII)I */ /*JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1) { P_OLE_FN_3 fn; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_3)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; rc = fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1); return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_MSG_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { MSG msg, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_MSG_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&msg; getMSGFields(env, arg0, arg01); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); if (arg0) { setMSGFields(env, arg0, arg01); } return rc; } */ /* ------------- end obsolote OLE calls ------------- */ /* ------------- deleted OLE calls ------------- */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/TYPEATTR;)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_TYPEATTR_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jobject arg0) { TYPEATTR typeattr, *arg01=NULL; P_OLE_FN_2 fn; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_TYPEATTR_2\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_2)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; if (arg0) { arg01=&typeattr; cacheTypeattrFids(env, arg0, &TypeattrFc); getTypeattrFields(env, arg0, arg01, &TypeattrFc); } rc = fn(ppVtbl, (jint)arg01); if (arg0) { setTYPEATTRFields(env, arg0, arg01, &TypeattrFc); } return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (ILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/EXCEPINFO;I)V */ /* JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_EXCEPINFO_2I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint Destination, jobject SourcePtr, jint Length) { EXCEPINFO excepinfo, *SourcePtr1=&excepinfo; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_MoveMemory__ILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_EXCEPINFO_2I\n"); #endif if (SourcePtr) { getEXCEPINFOFields(env, SourcePtr, SourcePtr1); } MoveMemory((PVOID)Destination, SourcePtr1, Length); } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: ProgIDFromCLSID * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[C)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_ProgIDFromCLSID__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3C (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject pclsid, jcharArray lplpszProgID) { LPOLESTR *lplpszProgID1=NULL; GUID guid, *pclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_ProgIDFromCLSID__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3C\n"); #endif if (pclsid) { pclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (lplpszProgID) lplpszProgID1 = (LPOLESTR *)(*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, lplpszProgID, NULL); rc = (jint) ProgIDFromCLSID(pclsid1, lplpszProgID1); if (lplpszProgID) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, lplpszProgID, (jchar *)lplpszProgID1, 0); if (pclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: ProgIDFromCLSID * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_ProgIDFromCLSID__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject pclsid, jintArray lplpszProgID) { LPOLESTR *lplpszProgID1=NULL; GUID guid, *pclsid1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_ProgIDFromCLSID__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I\n"); #endif if (pclsid) { pclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (lplpszProgID) lplpszProgID1 = (LPOLESTR *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, lplpszProgID, NULL); rc = (jint) ProgIDFromCLSID(pclsid1, lplpszProgID1); if (lplpszProgID) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, lplpszProgID, (jint *)lplpszProgID1, 0); if (pclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VariantCopyInd * Signature: (II)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VariantCopyInd (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint pvarDest, jint pvarSrc) { #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "VariantCopyInd\n"); #endif return (jint) VariantCopyInd((VARIANT FAR*)pvarDest, (VARIANTARG FAR*)pvarSrc); } */ /* MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_NMHEADER_2II removed after OS version 0.80 */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS * Method: MoveMemory * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/NMHEADER;II)V */ /* JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_NMHEADER_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject Destination, jint Source, jint Length) { NMHEADER nmheader, *lpDestination1=NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_NMHEADER_2II\n"); #endif MoveMemory((PVOID)&nmheader, (CONST VOID *)Source, Length); if (Destination) { lpDestination1 = &nmheader; setNmheaderFields(env, Destination, lpDestination1); } } */ /* SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDITEM_2 removed after OS version 0.80 */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS * Method: SendMessage * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/HDITEM;)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS_SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDITEM_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hWnd, jint Msg, jint wParam, jobject lParam) { HDITEM hditem, *lpParam1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDITEM_2\n"); #endif if (lParam) { lpParam1 = &hditem; getHditemFields(env, lParam, lpParam1); } rc = (jint) SendMessage((HWND)hWnd, Msg, wParam, (LPARAM)lpParam1); if (lParam) { setHditemFields(env, lParam, lpParam1); } return rc; } */ /* SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDLAYOUT_2 removed after OS version 0.80 */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS * Method: SendMessage * Signature: (IIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/HDLAYOUT;)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS_SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDLAYOUT_2 (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hWnd, jint Msg, jint wParam, jobject lParam) { HDLAYOUT hdlayout, *lpParam1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "SendMessage__IIILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_HDLAYOUT_2\n"); #endif if (lParam) { lpParam1 = &hdlayout; getHdlayoutFields(env, lParam, lpParam1); } rc = (jint) SendMessage((HWND)hWnd, Msg, wParam, (LPARAM)lpParam1); if (lParam) { setHdlayoutFields(env, lParam, lpParam1); } return rc; } */ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CoGetInstanceFromIStorage * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/COSERVERINFO;Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;IIIILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/MULTI_QI;)I */ /* JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CoGetInstanceFromIStorage (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject pServerInfo, jobject pclsid, jint punkOuter, jint dwClsCtx, jint pstg, jint cmq, jobject rgmqResults) { GUID guid, *pclsid1=NULL; COSERVERINFO coserverinfo, *pServerInfo1=NULL; MULTI_QI multi_qi, *rgmqResults1=NULL; jint rc; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CoGetInstanceFromIStorage\n"); #endif if (pclsid) { pclsid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (pServerInfo) { pServerInfo1=&coserverinfo; getCoserverinfoFields(env, pServerInfo, pServerInfo1); } if (rgmqResults) { rgmqResults1=&multi_qi; getMulti_qiFields(env, rgmqResults, rgmqResults1); } rc = CoGetInstanceFromIStorage(pServerInfo1, pclsid1, (IUnknown *)punkOuter, dwClsCtx, (IStorage *)pstg, cmq, rgmqResults1); if (pclsid) { setGUIDFields(env, pclsid, pclsid1); } if (pServerInfo) { setCoserverinfoFields(env, pServerInfo, pServerInfo1); } if (rgmqResults) { setMulti_qiFields(env, rgmqResults, rgmqResults1); } return rc; } */ /****************** ACCESSIBILITY ****************/ /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: CreateStdAccessibleObject * Signature: (IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_CreateStdAccessibleObject (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint hwnd, jint idObject, jobject riidInterface, jintArray ppvObject) { LPVOID *ppvObject1=NULL; GUID guid, *riidInterface1=NULL; jint rc = E_NOTIMPL; HMODULE hm; FARPROC fp; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "CreateStdAccessibleObject\n"); #endif if (riidInterface) { riidInterface1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, riidInterface, riidInterface1); } if (ppvObject) ppvObject1 = (LPVOID *)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, ppvObject, NULL); /* * CreateStdAccessibleObject is an oleacc specific call. * If you link it into swt.dll, a system modal entry point not found dialog will * appear as soon as swt.dll is loaded. Here we check for the entry point and * only do the call if it exists. */ if (!(hm = GetModuleHandle("oleacc.dll"))) hm = LoadLibrary("oleacc.dll"); if (hm && (fp = GetProcAddress(hm, "CreateStdAccessibleObject"))) { rc = (jint)fp((HWND)hwnd, idObject, riidInterface1, ppvObject1); } if (riidInterface) { setGUIDFields(env, riidInterface, riidInterface1); } if (ppvObject) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, ppvObject, (jint *)ppvObject1, 0); return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: LresultFromObject * Signature: (Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;II)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_LresultFromObject (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject riid, jint wParam, jint pAcc) { GUID guid, *riid1=NULL; jint rc = E_NOTIMPL; HMODULE hm; FARPROC fp; #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "LresultFromObject\n"); #endif if (riid) { riid1=&guid; getGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } /* * LresultFromObject is an oleacc specific call. * If you link it into swt.dll, a system modal entry point not found dialog will * appear as soon as swt.dll is loaded. Here we check for the entry point and * only do the call if it exists. */ if (!(hm = GetModuleHandle("oleacc.dll"))) hm = LoadLibrary("oleacc.dll"); if (hm && (fp = GetProcAddress(hm, "LresultFromObject"))) { rc = (jint)fp(riid1, wParam, (LPUNKNOWN)pAcc); } if (riid) { setGUIDFields(env, riid, riid1); } return rc; } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3) { P_OLE_FN_5 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_5)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4) { P_OLE_FN_6 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIIIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_6)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIIIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4, jint arg5) { P_OLE_FN_7 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIIIIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_7)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ } /* * Class: org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM * Method: VtblCall * Signature: (IIIIIIIIII)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IIIIIIIIII (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint fnNumber, jint ppVtbl, jint arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2, jint arg3, jint arg4, jint arg5, jint arg6, jint arg7) { P_OLE_FN_9 fn; /* this is a function that returns int */ #ifdef DEBUG_CALL_PRINTS fprintf(stderr, "COM_VtblCall__IIIIIIIIII\n"); #endif fn = (P_OLE_FN_9)(*(int **)ppVtbl)[fnNumber]; return fn(ppVtbl, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); /* cast it to an OLE function returning int */ }