/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa; public class NSDocumentController extends NSObject { public NSDocumentController() { super(); } public NSDocumentController(int id) { super(id); } public NSArray URLsFromRunningOpenPanel() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_URLsFromRunningOpenPanel); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public void addDocument(NSDocument document) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_addDocument_1, document != null ? document.id : 0); } public double autosavingDelay() { return OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id, OS.sel_autosavingDelay); } public void clearRecentDocuments(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_clearRecentDocuments_1, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate(id delegate, int didCloseAllSelector, int contextInfo) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate_1didCloseAllSelector_1contextInfo_1, delegate != null ? delegate.id : 0, didCloseAllSelector, contextInfo); } public NSString currentDirectory() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_currentDirectory); return result != 0 ? new NSString(result) : null; } public id currentDocument() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_currentDocument); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public NSString defaultType() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_defaultType); return result != 0 ? new NSString(result) : null; } public NSString displayNameForType(NSString typeName) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_displayNameForType_1, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new NSString(result) : null; } public int documentClassForType(NSString typeName) { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documentClassForType_1, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0); } public NSArray documentClassNames() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documentClassNames); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public id documentForFileName(NSString fileName) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documentForFileName_1, fileName != null ? fileName.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id documentForURL(NSURL absoluteURL) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documentForURL_1, absoluteURL != null ? absoluteURL.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id documentForWindow(NSWindow window) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documentForWindow_1, window != null ? window.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public NSArray documents() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_documents); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public NSArray fileExtensionsFromType(NSString typeName) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_fileExtensionsFromType_1, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public NSArray fileNamesFromRunningOpenPanel() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_fileNamesFromRunningOpenPanel); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public boolean hasEditedDocuments() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_hasEditedDocuments) != 0; } public id makeDocumentForURL(NSURL absoluteDocumentURL, NSURL absoluteDocumentContentsURL, NSString typeName, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeDocumentForURL_1withContentsOfURL_1ofType_1error_1, absoluteDocumentURL != null ? absoluteDocumentURL.id : 0, absoluteDocumentContentsURL != null ? absoluteDocumentContentsURL.id : 0, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0, outError); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id makeDocumentWithContentsOfFile(NSString fileName, NSString type) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeDocumentWithContentsOfFile_1ofType_1, fileName != null ? fileName.id : 0, type != null ? type.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL_ofType_(NSURL url, NSString type) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL_1ofType_1, url != null ? url.id : 0, type != null ? type.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL_ofType_error_(NSURL absoluteURL, NSString typeName, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL_1ofType_1error_1, absoluteURL != null ? absoluteURL.id : 0, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0, outError); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id makeUntitledDocumentOfType_(NSString type) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeUntitledDocumentOfType_1, type != null ? type.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id makeUntitledDocumentOfType_error_(NSString typeName, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_makeUntitledDocumentOfType_1error_1, typeName != null ? typeName.id : 0, outError); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public int maximumRecentDocumentCount() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_maximumRecentDocumentCount); } public void newDocument(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_newDocument_1, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void noteNewRecentDocument(NSDocument document) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_noteNewRecentDocument_1, document != null ? document.id : 0); } public void noteNewRecentDocumentURL(NSURL absoluteURL) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_noteNewRecentDocumentURL_1, absoluteURL != null ? absoluteURL.id : 0); } public void openDocument(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openDocument_1, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public id openDocumentWithContentsOfFile(NSString fileName, boolean display) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openDocumentWithContentsOfFile_1display_1, fileName != null ? fileName.id : 0, display); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id openDocumentWithContentsOfURL_display_(NSURL url, boolean display) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openDocumentWithContentsOfURL_1display_1, url != null ? url.id : 0, display); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id openDocumentWithContentsOfURL_display_error_(NSURL absoluteURL, boolean displayDocument, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openDocumentWithContentsOfURL_1display_1error_1, absoluteURL != null ? absoluteURL.id : 0, displayDocument, outError); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay(boolean displayDocument, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay_1error_1, displayDocument, outError); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public id openUntitledDocumentOfType(NSString type, boolean display) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_openUntitledDocumentOfType_1display_1, type != null ? type.id : 0, display); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public boolean presentError_(NSError error) { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_presentError_1, error != null ? error.id : 0) != 0; } public void presentError_modalForWindow_delegate_didPresentSelector_contextInfo_(NSError error, NSWindow window, id delegate, int didPresentSelector, int contextInfo) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_presentError_1modalForWindow_1delegate_1didPresentSelector_1contextInfo_1, error != null ? error.id : 0, window != null ? window.id : 0, delegate != null ? delegate.id : 0, didPresentSelector, contextInfo); } public NSArray recentDocumentURLs() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_recentDocumentURLs); return result != 0 ? new NSArray(result) : null; } public void removeDocument(NSDocument document) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_removeDocument_1, document != null ? document.id : 0); } public boolean reopenDocumentForURL(NSURL absoluteDocumentURL, NSURL absoluteDocumentContentsURL, int outError) { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_reopenDocumentForURL_1withContentsOfURL_1error_1, absoluteDocumentURL != null ? absoluteDocumentURL.id : 0, absoluteDocumentContentsURL != null ? absoluteDocumentContentsURL.id : 0, outError) != 0; } public void reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle(NSString title, boolean cancellable, id delegate, int didReviewAllSelector, int contextInfo) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_reviewUnsavedDocumentsWithAlertTitle_1cancellable_1delegate_1didReviewAllSelector_1contextInfo_1, title != null ? title.id : 0, cancellable, delegate != null ? delegate.id : 0, didReviewAllSelector, contextInfo); } public int runModalOpenPanel(NSOpenPanel openPanel, NSArray types) { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_runModalOpenPanel_1forTypes_1, openPanel != null ? openPanel.id : 0, types != null ? types.id : 0); } public void saveAllDocuments(id sender) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_saveAllDocuments_1, sender != null ? sender.id : 0); } public void setAutosavingDelay(double autosavingDelay) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setAutosavingDelay_1, autosavingDelay); } public void setShouldCreateUI(boolean flag) { OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_setShouldCreateUI_1, flag); } public static id sharedDocumentController() { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSDocumentController, OS.sel_sharedDocumentController); return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null; } public boolean shouldCreateUI() { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_shouldCreateUI) != 0; } public NSString typeForContentsOfURL(NSURL inAbsoluteURL, int outError) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_typeForContentsOfURL_1error_1, inAbsoluteURL != null ? inAbsoluteURL.id : 0, outError); return result != 0 ? new NSString(result) : null; } public NSString typeFromFileExtension(NSString fileNameExtensionOrHFSFileType) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_typeFromFileExtension_1, fileNameExtensionOrHFSFileType != null ? fileNameExtensionOrHFSFileType.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new NSString(result) : null; } public boolean validateUserInterfaceItem(id anItem) { return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_validateUserInterfaceItem_1, anItem != null ? anItem.id : 0) != 0; } public NSError willPresentError(NSError error) { int result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id, OS.sel_willPresentError_1, error != null ? error.id : 0); return result != 0 ? new NSError(result) : null; } }