path: root/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/')
-rw-r--r--bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/Gdip.java1203
1 files changed, 1203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b7b44b10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gdip/
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.swt.internal.gdip;
+import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
+/** @jniclass flags=cpp */
+public class Gdip extends Platform {
+ static {
+ Library.loadLibrary ("swt-gdip"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ /** GdiPlus constants */
+ public static final float FlatnessDefault = 0.25f;
+ public static final int BrushTypeSolidColor = 0;
+ public static final int BrushTypeHatchFill = 1;
+ public static final int BrushTypeTextureFill = 2;
+ public static final int BrushTypePathGradient = 3;
+ public static final int BrushTypeLinearGradient = 4;
+ public static final int ColorAdjustTypeBitmap = 1;
+ public static final int ColorMatrixFlagsDefault = 0;
+ public static final int CombineModeReplace = 0;
+ public static final int CombineModeIntersect = 1;
+ public static final int CombineModeUnion = 2;
+ public static final int CombineModeXor = 3;
+ public static final int CombineModeExclude = 4;
+ public static final int CombineModeComplement = 5;
+ public static final int FillModeAlternate = 0;
+ public static final int FillModeWinding = 1;
+ public static final int DashCapFlat = 0;
+ public static final int DashCapRound = 2;
+ public static final int DashCapTriangle = 3;
+ public static final int DashStyleSolid = 0;
+ public static final int DashStyleDash = 1;
+ public static final int DashStyleDot = 2;
+ public static final int DashStyleDashDot = 3;
+ public static final int DashStyleDashDotDot = 4;
+ public static final int DashStyleCustom = 5;
+ public static final int DriverStringOptionsRealizedAdvance = 4;
+ public static final int FontStyleRegular = 0;
+ public static final int FontStyleBold = 1;
+ public static final int FontStyleItalic = 2;
+ public static final int FontStyleBoldItalic = 3;
+ public static final int FontStyleUnderline = 4;
+ public static final int FontStyleStrikeout = 8;
+ public static final int PaletteFlagsHasAlpha = 0x0001;
+ public static final int FlushIntentionFlush = 0;
+ public static final int FlushIntentionSync = 1;
+ public static final int HotkeyPrefixNone = 0;
+ public static final int HotkeyPrefixShow = 1;
+ public static final int HotkeyPrefixHide = 2;
+ public static final int LineJoinMiter = 0;
+ public static final int LineJoinBevel = 1;
+ public static final int LineJoinRound = 2;
+ public static final int LineCapFlat = 0;
+ public static final int LineCapSquare = 1;
+ public static final int LineCapRound = 2;
+ public static final int MatrixOrderPrepend = 0;
+ public static final int MatrixOrderAppend = 1;
+ public static final int QualityModeDefault = 0;
+ public static final int QualityModeLow = 1;
+ public static final int QualityModeHigh = 2;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeLowQuality = QualityModeLow;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeBilinear = QualityModeHigh + 1;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeBicubic = QualityModeHigh + 2;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor = QualityModeHigh + 3;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear = QualityModeHigh + 4;
+ public static final int InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic = QualityModeHigh + 5;
+ public static final int PathPointTypeStart = 0;
+ public static final int PathPointTypeLine = 1;
+ public static final int PathPointTypeBezier = 3;
+ public static final int PathPointTypePathTypeMask = 0x7;
+ public static final int PathPointTypePathDashMode = 0x10;
+ public static final int PathPointTypePathMarker = 0x20;
+ public static final int PathPointTypeCloseSubpath = 0x80;
+ public static final int PathPointTypeBezier3 = 3;
+ public static final int PixelFormatIndexed = 0x00010000;
+ public static final int PixelFormatGDI = 0x00020000;
+ public static final int PixelFormatAlpha = 0x00040000;
+ public static final int PixelFormatPAlpha = 0x00080000;
+ public static final int PixelFormatExtended = 0x00100000;
+ public static final int PixelFormatCanonical = 0x00200000;
+ public static final int PixelFormat1bppIndexed = (1 | ( 1 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat4bppIndexed = (2 | ( 4 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat8bppIndexed = (3 | ( 8 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat16bppGrayScale = (4 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended);
+ public static final int PixelFormat16bppRGB555 = (5 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat16bppRGB565 = (6 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat16bppARGB1555 = (7 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat24bppRGB = (8 | (24 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat32bppRGB = (9 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat32bppARGB = (10 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatGDI | PixelFormatCanonical);
+ public static final int PixelFormat32bppPARGB = (11 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatPAlpha | PixelFormatGDI);
+ public static final int PixelFormat48bppRGB = (12 | (48 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended);
+ public static final int PixelFormat64bppARGB = (13 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatCanonical | PixelFormatExtended);
+ public static final int PixelFormat64bppPARGB = (14 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatPAlpha | PixelFormatExtended);
+ public static final int PixelFormatMax = 15;
+ public static final int PixelOffsetModeNone = QualityModeHigh + 1;
+ public static final int PixelOffsetModeHalf = QualityModeHigh + 2;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeDefault = QualityModeDefault;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeNone = 3;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x4 = 4;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeAntiAlias = SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x4;
+ public static final int SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x8 = 5;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft = 0x00000001;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical = 0x00000002;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox = 0x00000004;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl = 0x00000020;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback = 0x00000400;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces = 0x00000800;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsNoWrap = 0x00001000;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsLineLimit = 0x00002000;
+ public static final int StringFormatFlagsNoClip = 0x00004000;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintSystemDefault = 0;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 1;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel = 2;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit = 3;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintAntiAlias = 4;
+ public static final int TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit = 5;
+ public static final int UnitPixel = 2;
+ public static final int WrapModeTile = 0;
+ public static final int WrapModeTileFlipX = 1;
+ public static final int WrapModeTileFlipY = 2;
+ public static final int WrapModeTileFlipXY = 3;
+ public static final int WrapModeClamp = 4;
+/** 64 bit */
+public static final native int ColorPalette_sizeof();
+public static final native int GdiplusStartupInput_sizeof();
+/** GdiPlus natives */
+ * @param token cast=(ULONG_PTR *)
+ * @param input cast=(const GdiplusStartupInput *)
+ * @param output cast=(GdiplusStartupOutput *)
+ */
+public static final native int GdiplusStartup(int /*long*/[] token, GdiplusStartupInput input, int /*long*/ output);
+/** @param token cast=(ULONG_PTR) */
+public static final native void GdiplusShutdown(int /*long*/ token);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hbm cast=(HBITMAP)
+ * @param hpal cast=(HPALETTE)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Bitmap_new(int /*long*/ hbm, int /*long*/ hpal);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hicon cast=(HICON)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Bitmap_new(int /*long*/ hicon);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param format cast=(PixelFormat)
+ * @param scan0 cast=(BYTE *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Bitmap_new(int width, int height, int stride, int format, int /*long*/ scan0);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param filename cast=(WCHAR*)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Bitmap_new(char[] filename, boolean useIcm);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Bitmap_delete(int /*long*/ bitmap);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param bitmap cast=(Bitmap*)
+ * @param colorBackground cast=(Color*),flags=struct
+ * @param hbmReturn cast=(HBITMAP*)
+ */
+public static final native int Bitmap_GetHBITMAP(int /*long*/ bitmap, int /*long*/ colorBackground, int /*long*/[] hbmReturn);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param bitmap cast=(Bitmap*)
+ * @param hicon cast=(HICON*)
+ */
+public static final native int Bitmap_GetHICON(int /*long*/ bitmap, int /*long*/[] hicon);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ BitmapData_new();
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void BitmapData_delete(int /*long*/ bitmapData);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param bitmap cast=(Bitmap*)
+ * @param rect cast=(Rect*)
+ * @param pixelFormat cast=(PixelFormat)
+ * @param lockedBitmapData cast=(BitmapData*)
+ */
+public static final native int Bitmap_LockBits(int /*long*/ bitmap, int /*long*/ rect, int flags, int pixelFormat, int /*long*/ lockedBitmapData);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param bitmap cast=(Bitmap*)
+ * @param lockedBitmapData cast=(BitmapData*)
+ */
+public static final native int Bitmap_UnlockBits(int /*long*/ bitmap, int /*long*/ lockedBitmapData);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Brush_Clone(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ */
+public static final native int Brush_GetType(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param argb cast=(ARGB)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Color_new(int argb);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Color_delete(int /*long*/ color);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ PrivateFontCollection_new();
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void PrivateFontCollection_delete(int /*long*/ collection);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param collection cast=(PrivateFontCollection *)
+ * @param filename cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ */
+public static final native int PrivateFontCollection_AddFontFile(int /*long*/ collection, char[] filename);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hdc cast=(HDC)
+ * @param hfont cast=(HFONT)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Font_new(int /*long*/ hdc, int /*long*/ hfont);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param family cast=(const FontFamily *)
+ * @param emSize cast=(REAL)
+ * @param style cast=(INT)
+ * @param unit cast=(Unit)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Font_new(int /*long*/ family, float emSize, int style, int unit);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param familyName cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ * @param emSize cast=(REAL)
+ * @param style cast=(INT)
+ * @param unit cast=(Unit)
+ * @param fontCollection cast=(const FontCollection *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Font_new(char[] familyName, float emSize, int style, int unit, int /*long*/ fontCollection);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Font_delete(int /*long*/ font);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ * @param family cast=(FontFamily *)
+ */
+public static final native int Font_GetFamily(int /*long*/ font, int /*long*/ family);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ */
+public static final native float Font_GetSize(int /*long*/ font);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ */
+public static final native int Font_GetStyle(int /*long*/ font);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ * @param g cast=(const Graphics *)
+ * @param logfontW cast=(LOGFONTW *)
+ */
+public static final native int Font_GetLogFontW (int /*long*/ font, int /*long*/ g, int /*long*/ logfontW);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean Font_IsAvailable(int /*long*/ font);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ FontFamily_new();
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param name cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ * @param fontCollection cast=(const FontCollection *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ FontFamily_new(char[] name, int /*long*/ fontCollection);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void FontFamily_delete(int /*long*/ family);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param family cast=(FontFamily *)
+ * @param name cast=(WCHAR *)
+ * @param language cast=(WCHAR)
+ */
+public static final native int FontFamily_GetFamilyName(int /*long*/ family, char[] name, char language);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param family cast=(FontFamily *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean FontFamily_IsAvailable(int /*long*/ family);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hdc cast=(HDC)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Graphics_new(int /*long*/ hdc);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Graphics_delete(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawArc(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int x, int y, int width, int height, float startAngle, float sweepAngle);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param text cast=(const UINT16 *)
+ * @param font cast=(const Font *)
+ * @param brush cast=(const Brush *)
+ * @param positions cast=(const PointF *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(const Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawDriverString(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ text, int length, int /*long*/ font, int /*long*/ brush, PointF /*long*/ positions, int flags, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param text cast=(const UINT16 *)
+ * @param font cast=(const Font *)
+ * @param brush cast=(const Brush *)
+ * @param positions cast=(const PointF *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(const Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawDriverString(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ text, int length, int /*long*/ font, int /*long*/ brush, float[] positions, int flags, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawEllipse(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param image cast=(Image *)
+ * @param x cast=(INT)
+ * @param y cast=(INT)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawImage(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ image, int x, int y);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param image cast=(Image *)
+ * @param destRect cast=(const Rect *),flags=struct
+ * @param srcx cast=(INT)
+ * @param srcy cast=(INT)
+ * @param srcwidth cast=(INT)
+ * @param srcheight cast=(INT)
+ * @param srcUnit cast=(Unit)
+ * @param imageAttributes cast=(ImageAttributes *)
+ * @param callback cast=(DrawImageAbort)
+ * @param callbackData cast=(VOID *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawImage(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ image, Rect destRect, int srcx, int srcy, int srcwidth, int srcheight, int srcUnit, int /*long*/ imageAttributes, int /*long*/ callback, int /*long*/ callbackData);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawLine(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param count cast=(INT)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawLines(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int[] points, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawPath(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param count cast=(INT)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawPolygon(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int[] points, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawRectangle(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ pen, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param string cast=(WCHAR *)
+ * @param length cast=(int)
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ * @param origin flags=struct
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawString(int /*long*/ graphics, char[] string, int length, int /*long*/ font, PointF origin, int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param string cast=(WCHAR *)
+ * @param length cast=(int)
+ * @param font cast=(Font *)
+ * @param origin flags=struct
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_DrawString(int /*long*/ graphics, char[] string, int length, int /*long*/ font, PointF origin, int /*long*/ format, int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param x cast=(INT)
+ * @param y cast=(INT)
+ * @param width cast=(INT)
+ * @param height cast=(INT)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_FillEllipse(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ brush, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_FillPath(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param intention cast=(FlushIntention)
+ */
+public static final native void Graphics_Flush(int /*long*/ graphics, int intention);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param x cast=(INT)
+ * @param y cast=(INT)
+ * @param width cast=(INT)
+ * @param height cast=(INT)
+ * @param startAngle cast=(REAL)
+ * @param sweepAngle cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_FillPie(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ brush, int x, int y, int width, int height, float startAngle, float sweepAngle);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param points cast=(Point *)
+ * @param count cast=(INT)
+ * @param fillMode cast=(FillMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_FillPolygon(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ brush, int[] points, int count, int fillMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param x cast=(INT)
+ * @param y cast=(INT)
+ * @param width cast=(INT)
+ * @param height cast=(INT)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_FillRectangle(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ brush, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetClipBounds(int /*long*/ graphics, RectF rect);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetClipBounds(int /*long*/ graphics, Rect rect);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param region cast=(Region *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetClip(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ region);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Graphics_GetHDC(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param hdc cast=(HDC)
+ */
+public static final native void Graphics_ReleaseHDC(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ hdc);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetInterpolationMode(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetSmoothingMode(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetTextRenderingHint(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetTransform(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_GetVisibleClipBounds(int /*long*/ graphics, Rect rect);
+/** @method flags=no_gen */
+public static final native int Graphics_MeasureDriverString(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ text, int length, int /*long*/ font, float[] positions, int flags, int /*long*/ matrix, RectF boundingBox);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param string cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ * @param length cast=(INT)
+ * @param font cast=(const Font *)
+ * @param origin cast=(const PointF *),flags=struct
+ * @param boundingBox cast=(RectF *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_MeasureString(int /*long*/ graphics, char[] string, int length, int /*long*/ font, PointF origin, RectF boundingBox);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param string cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ * @param length cast=(INT)
+ * @param font cast=(const Font *)
+ * @param origin cast=(const PointF *),flags=struct
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_MeasureString(int /*long*/ graphics, char[] string, int length, int /*long*/ font, PointF origin, int /*long*/ format, RectF boundingBox);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_ResetClip(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param gstate cast=(GraphicsState)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_Restore(int /*long*/ graphics, int gstate);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_Save(int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_ScaleTransform(int /*long*/ graphics, float sx, float sy, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param hrgn cast=(Region *)
+ * @param combineMode cast=(CombineMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetClip(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ hrgn, int combineMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param rect cast=(Rect *),flags=struct
+ * @param combineMode cast=(CombineMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetClip(int /*long*/ graphics, Rect rect, int combineMode);
+ * @method accessor=SetClip,flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetClipPath(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method accessor=SetClip,flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param combineMode cast=(CombineMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetClipPath(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ path, int combineMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param compositingQuality cast=(CompositingQuality)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetCompositingQuality(int /*long*/ graphics, int compositingQuality);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param unit cast=(Unit)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetPageUnit(int /*long*/ graphics, int unit);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param pixelOffsetMode cast=(PixelOffsetMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetPixelOffsetMode(int /*long*/ graphics, int pixelOffsetMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param smoothingMode cast=(SmoothingMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetSmoothingMode(int /*long*/ graphics, int smoothingMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetTransform(int /*long*/ graphics, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param mode cast=(InterpolationMode)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetInterpolationMode(int /*long*/ graphics, int mode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param mode cast=(TextRenderingHint)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_SetTextRenderingHint(int /*long*/ graphics, int mode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Graphics_TranslateTransform(int /*long*/ graphics, float dx, float dy, int order);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param fillMode cast=(FillMode)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ GraphicsPath_new(int fillMode);
+ * @method flags=no_gen new
+ * @param points cast=(FillMode)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ GraphicsPath_new(int[] points, byte[] types, int count, int fillMode);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void GraphicsPath_delete(int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param x cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y cast=(REAL)
+ * @param width cast=(REAL)
+ * @param height cast=(REAL)
+ * @param startAngle cast=(REAL)
+ * @param sweepAngle cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddArc(int /*long*/ path, float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float sweepAngle);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param x1 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y1 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param x2 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y2 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param x3 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y3 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param x4 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y4 cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddBezier(int /*long*/ path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param x1 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y1 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param x2 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param y2 cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddLine(int /*long*/ path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param addingPath cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param connect cast=(BOOL)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddPath(int /*long*/ path, int /*long*/ addingPath, boolean connect);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param rect flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddRectangle(int /*long*/ path, RectF rect);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param string cast=(const WCHAR *)
+ * @param length cast=(INT)
+ * @param family cast=(const FontFamily *)
+ * @param style cast=(INT)
+ * @param emSize cast=(REAL)
+ * @param origin cast=(const PointF *),flags=struct
+ * @param format cast=(const StringFormat *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_AddString(int /*long*/ path, char[] string, int length, int /*long*/ family, int style, float emSize, PointF origin, int /*long*/ format);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_CloseFigure(int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ GraphicsPath_Clone(int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_Flatten(int /*long*/ path, int /*long*/ matrix, float flatness);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_GetBounds(int /*long*/ path, RectF bounds, int /*long*/ matrix, int /*long*/ pen);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param lastPoint cast=(PointF *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_GetLastPoint(int /*long*/ path, PointF lastPoint);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param points cast=(PointF *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_GetPathPoints(int /*long*/ path, float[] points, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param types cast=(BYTE *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_GetPathTypes(int /*long*/ path, byte[] types, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_GetPointCount(int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param pen cast=(const Pen *)
+ * @param g cast=(const Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean GraphicsPath_IsOutlineVisible(int /*long*/ path, float x, float y, int /*long*/ pen, int /*long*/ g);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param g cast=(const Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean GraphicsPath_IsVisible(int /*long*/ path, float x, float y, int /*long*/ g);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param fillmode cast=(FillMode)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_SetFillMode(int /*long*/ path, int fillmode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_StartFigure(int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int GraphicsPath_Transform(int /*long*/ path, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hatchStyle cast=(HatchStyle)
+ * @param foreColor cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ * @param backColor cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ HatchBrush_new(int hatchStyle, int /*long*/ foreColor, int /*long*/ backColor);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image*)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetLastStatus(int /*long*/ image);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image*)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetPixelFormat(int /*long*/ image);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image *)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetWidth(int /*long*/ image);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image *)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetHeight(int /*long*/ image);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image*)
+ * @param palette cast=(ColorPalette*)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetPalette(int /*long*/ image, int /*long*/ palette, int size);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param image cast=(Image*)
+ */
+public static final native int Image_GetPaletteSize(int /*long*/ image);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ ImageAttributes_new();
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void ImageAttributes_delete(int /*long*/ attrib);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param attrib cast=(ImageAttributes *)
+ * @param wrap cast=(WrapMode)
+ */
+public static final native int ImageAttributes_SetWrapMode(int /*long*/ attrib, int wrap);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param attrib cast=(ImageAttributes *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(ColorMatrix *)
+ * @param mode cast=(ColorMatrixFlags)
+ * @param type cast=(ColorAdjustType)
+ */
+public static final native int ImageAttributes_SetColorMatrix(int /*long*/ attrib, float[] matrix, int mode, int type);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void HatchBrush_delete(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param point1 flags=struct
+ * @param point2 flags=struct
+ * @param color1 cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ * @param color2 cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ LinearGradientBrush_new(PointF point1, PointF point2, int /*long*/ color1, int /*long*/ color2);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void LinearGradientBrush_delete(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=no_gen cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(LinearGradientBrush *)
+ * @param presetColors cast=(const Color *)
+ * @param blendPositions cast=(const REAL *)
+ */
+public static final native int LinearGradientBrush_SetInterpolationColors(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/[] presetColors, float[] blendPositions, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(LinearGradientBrush *)
+ * @param wrapMode cast=(WrapMode)
+ */
+public static final native int LinearGradientBrush_SetWrapMode(int /*long*/ brush, int wrapMode);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(LinearGradientBrush *)
+ */
+public static final native int LinearGradientBrush_ResetTransform(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(LinearGradientBrush *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int LinearGradientBrush_ScaleTransform(int /*long*/ brush, float sx, float sy, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(LinearGradientBrush *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int LinearGradientBrush_TranslateTransform(int /*long*/ brush, float dx, float dy, int order);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param m11 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m12 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m21 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m22 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param dx cast=(REAL)
+ * @param dy cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Matrix_new(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Matrix_delete(int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param m cast=(REAL *)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_GetElements(int /*long*/ matrix, float[] m);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Invert(int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean Matrix_IsIdentity(int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param matrix1 cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Multiply(int /*long*/ matrix, int /*long*/ matrix1, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param angle cast=(REAL)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Rotate(int /*long*/ matrix, float angle, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param scaleX cast=(REAL)
+ * @param scaleY cast=(REAL)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Scale(int /*long*/ matrix, float scaleX, float scaleY, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param shearX cast=(REAL)
+ * @param shearY cast=(REAL)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Shear(int /*long*/ matrix, float shearX, float shearY, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_TransformPoints(int /*long*/ matrix, PointF pts, int count);
+/** @method flags=no_gen */
+public static final native int Matrix_TransformPoints(int /*long*/ matrix, float[] pts, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_TransformVectors(int /*long*/ matrix, PointF pts, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param offsetX cast=(REAL)
+ * @param offsetY cast=(REAL)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_Translate(int /*long*/ matrix, float offsetX, float offsetY, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ * @param m11 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m12 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m21 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param m22 cast=(REAL)
+ * @param dx cast=(REAL)
+ * @param dy cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int Matrix_SetElements(int /*long*/ matrix, float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy);
+ * @param Destination cast=(PVOID)
+ * @param SourcePtr cast=(CONST VOID*)
+ */
+public static final native void MoveMemory(ColorPalette Destination, int /*long*/ SourcePtr, int Length);
+ * @param Destination cast=(PVOID)
+ * @param SourcePtr cast=(CONST VOID*)
+ */
+public static final native void MoveMemory(BitmapData Destination, int /*long*/ SourcePtr);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ PathGradientBrush_new(int /*long*/ path);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void PathGradientBrush_delete(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param color cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetCenterColor(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/ color);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param pt flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetCenterPoint(int /*long*/ brush, PointF pt);
+ * @method flags=no_gen
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param presetColors cast=(const Color *)
+ * @param blendPositions cast=(const REAL *)
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetInterpolationColors(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/[] presetColors, float[] blendPositions, int count);
+ * @method flags=no_gen
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param colors cast=(Color *)
+ * @param count cast=(INT *)
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetSurroundColors(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/[] colors, int[] count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath *)
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetGraphicsPath(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/ path);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(PathGradientBrush *)
+ * @param wrapMode cast=(WrapMode)
+ */
+public static final native int PathGradientBrush_SetWrapMode(int /*long*/ brush, int wrapMode);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ * @param width cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Pen_new(int /*long*/ brush, float width);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Pen_delete(int /*long*/ pen);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Pen_GetBrush(int /*long*/ pen);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param brush cast=(Brush *)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetBrush(int /*long*/ pen, int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetDashOffset(int /*long*/ pen, float dashOffset);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param dashArray cast=(REAL *)
+ * @param count cast=(int)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetDashPattern(int /*long*/ pen, float[] dashArray, int count);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param dashStyle cast=(DashStyle)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetDashStyle(int /*long*/ pen, int dashStyle);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param startCap cast=(LineCap)
+ * @param endCap cast=(LineCap)
+ * @param dashCap cast=(DashCap)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetLineCap(int /*long*/ pen, int startCap, int endCap, int dashCap);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param lineJoin cast=(LineJoin)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetLineJoin(int /*long*/ pen, int lineJoin);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetMiterLimit(int /*long*/ pen, float miterLimit);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param pen cast=(Pen *)
+ * @param width cast=(REAL)
+ */
+public static final native int Pen_SetWidth(int /*long*/ pen, float width);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Point_new(int x, int y);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Point_delete(int /*long*/ point);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param hRgn cast=(HRGN)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Region_new(int /*long*/ hRgn);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param path cast=(GraphicsPath*)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Region_newGraphicsPath(int /*long*/ path);
+/** @method flags=new */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Region_new();
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void Region_delete(int /*long*/ region);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param region cast=(Region *)
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ Region_GetHRGN(int /*long*/ region, int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param region cast=(Region *)
+ * @param graphics cast=(Graphics *)
+ */
+public static final native boolean Region_IsInfinite(int /*long*/ region, int /*long*/ graphics);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param color cast=(Color *),flags=struct
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ SolidBrush_new(int /*long*/ color);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void SolidBrush_delete(int /*long*/ brush);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void StringFormat_delete(int /*long*/ format);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ StringFormat_Clone(int /*long*/ format);
+/** @method accessor=StringFormat::GenericDefault */
+public static final native int /*long*/ StringFormat_GenericDefault();
+/** @method accessor=StringFormat::GenericTypographic */
+public static final native int /*long*/ StringFormat_GenericTypographic();
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ */
+public static final native int StringFormat_GetFormatFlags(int /*long*/ format);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ * @param hotkeyPrefix cast=(HotkeyPrefix)
+ */
+public static final native int StringFormat_SetHotkeyPrefix(int /*long*/ format, int hotkeyPrefix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ * @param flags cast=(StringFormatFlags)
+ */
+public static final native int StringFormat_SetFormatFlags(int /*long*/ format, int flags);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param format cast=(StringFormat *)
+ */
+public static final native int StringFormat_SetTabStops(int /*long*/ format, float firstTabOffset, int count, float[] tabStops);
+ * @method flags=new
+ * @param image cast=(Image *)
+ * @param wrapMode cast=(WrapMode)
+ */
+public static final native int /*long*/ TextureBrush_new(int /*long*/ image, int wrapMode, float dstX, float dstY, float dstWidth, float dstHeight);
+/** @method flags=delete */
+public static final native void TextureBrush_delete(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(TextureBrush *)
+ * @param matrix cast=(Matrix *)
+ */
+public static final native int TextureBrush_SetTransform(int /*long*/ brush, int /*long*/ matrix);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(TextureBrush *)
+ */
+public static final native int TextureBrush_ResetTransform(int /*long*/ brush);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(TextureBrush *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int TextureBrush_ScaleTransform(int /*long*/ brush, float sx, float sy, int order);
+ * @method flags=cpp
+ * @param brush cast=(TextureBrush *)
+ * @param order cast=(MatrixOrder)
+ */
+public static final native int TextureBrush_TranslateTransform(int /*long*/ brush, float dx, float dy, int order);