The following instructions are for fresh install of Fedora 33. I will be running all the commands as a non-privileged user part of groups libvirt - to allow user to create virtual machines using libvirtd and wheel - to allow sudo access. Modify the steps accordingly for your setup. Ensure the following packages are installed > $ sudo dnf install qemu-kvm qemu-img git vagrant vagrant-libvirt ansible make libvirt-client Download and cache vagrant centos7 image. ``` $ vagrant box add "" --provider "libvirt" ``` For Fedora 33, we have to enable the use_session variable for vagrant libvirt vms to run properly. To do this, create a file ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile with the following content ``` Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt| libvirt.qemu_use_session = false end end ``` Git clone the samba-integration git repository. ``` $ git clone ``` Build the test environment with the following command ``` $ cd samba-integration/ $ make ``` To run the CentOS8 version of test vms ``` $ cd samba-integration/ $ EXTRA_VARS="use_distro=centos8" make ``` If you encounter failures bringing up the vagrant vms, you can check for more details by switching into the vagrant directory and manually bring up the machine. ``` $ cd samba-integration/vagrant $ vagrant up ``` Clean up with a 'vagrant destroy -f' command when done. The most common fault seen is because of the location of the default storage pool which could lead to permission issues. In this case, edit the default storage pool and switch to a directory which can be accessed by your user. Before you can reinstall the cluster setup, you will want to clear up the existing machines. To do this, we will need to use the vagrant command to destroy the created vms. ``` $ cd samba-integration/vagrant $ vagrant destroy -f ``` This clears up all the vms created by the tool and the system is ready for a rebuild