# # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # import os import sys import pwd import time import fcntl import shutil import logging import errno import threading import subprocess import socket from subprocess import PIPE from threading import Lock, Thread as baseThread from errno import (EACCES, EAGAIN, EPIPE, ENOTCONN, ENOMEM, ECONNABORTED, EINTR, ENOENT, ESTALE, EBUSY, ENODATA, errorcode, EIO) from signal import signal, SIGTERM import select as oselect from os import waitpid as owaitpid import xml.etree.ElementTree as XET from select import error as SelectError try: from cPickle import PickleError except ImportError: from pickle import PickleError from conf import GLUSTERFS_LIBEXECDIR, UUID_FILE sys.path.insert(1, GLUSTERFS_LIBEXECDIR) EVENTS_ENABLED = True try: from gfevents.eventtypes import GEOREP_FAULTY as EVENT_GEOREP_FAULTY from gfevents.eventtypes import GEOREP_ACTIVE as EVENT_GEOREP_ACTIVE from gfevents.eventtypes import GEOREP_PASSIVE as EVENT_GEOREP_PASSIVE from gfevents.eventtypes import GEOREP_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETED \ as EVENT_GEOREP_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETED except ImportError: # Events APIs not installed, dummy eventtypes with None EVENTS_ENABLED = False EVENT_GEOREP_FAULTY = None EVENT_GEOREP_ACTIVE = None EVENT_GEOREP_PASSIVE = None EVENT_GEOREP_CHECKPOINT_COMPLETED = None import gsyncdconfig as gconf from rconf import rconf from hashlib import sha256 as sha256 ENOTSUP = getattr(errno, 'ENOTSUP', 'EOPNOTSUPP') # auxiliary gfid based access prefix _CL_AUX_GFID_PFX = ".gfid/" ROOT_GFID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" GF_OP_RETRIES = 10 GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN = 37 # canonical gfid len + '\0' NodeID = None rsync_version = None unshare_mnt_propagation = None slv_bricks = None SPACE_ESCAPE_CHAR = "%20" NEWLINE_ESCAPE_CHAR = "%0A" PERCENTAGE_ESCAPE_CHAR = "%25" final_lock = Lock() def sup(x, *a, **kw): """a rubyesque "super" for python ;) invoke caller method in parent class with given args. """ return getattr(super(type(x), x), sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name)(*a, **kw) def escape(s): """the chosen flavor of string escaping, used all over to turn whatever data to creatable representation""" return s.replace("/", "-").strip("-") def escape_space_newline(s): return s.replace("%", PERCENTAGE_ESCAPE_CHAR)\ .replace(" ", SPACE_ESCAPE_CHAR)\ .replace("\n", NEWLINE_ESCAPE_CHAR) def unescape_space_newline(s): return s.replace(SPACE_ESCAPE_CHAR, " ")\ .replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE_CHAR, "\n")\ .replace(PERCENTAGE_ESCAPE_CHAR, "%") # gf_mount_ready() returns 1 if all subvols are up, else 0 def gf_mount_ready(): ret = errno_wrap(Xattr.lgetxattr, ['.', 'dht.subvol.status', 16], [ENOENT, ENOTSUP, ENODATA], [ENOMEM]) if isinstance(ret, int): logging.error("failed to get the xattr value") return 1 ret = ret.rstrip('\x00') if ret == "1": return 1 return 0 def norm(s): if s: return s.replace('-', '_') def update_file(path, updater, merger=lambda f: True): """update a file in a transaction-like manner""" fr = fw = None try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) try: fr = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+b') except: os.close(fd) raise fcntl.lockf(fr, fcntl.LOCK_EX) if not merger(fr): return tmpp = path + '.tmp.' + str(os.getpid()) fd = os.open(tmpp, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY) try: fw = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0) except: os.close(fd) raise updater(fw) os.fsync(fd) os.rename(tmpp, path) finally: for fx in (fr, fw): if fx: fx.close() def create_manifest(fname, content): """ Create manifest file for SSH Control Path """ fd = None try: fd = os.open(fname, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) try: os.write(fd, content) except: os.close(fd) raise finally: if fd is not None: os.close(fd) def setup_ssh_ctl(ctld, remote_addr, resource_url): """ Setup GConf ssh control path parameters """ rconf.ssh_ctl_dir = ctld content = "SLAVE_HOST=%s\nSLAVE_RESOURCE_URL=%s" % (remote_addr, resource_url) encoded_content = content.encode() content_sha256 = sha256hex(encoded_content) """ The length of ctl_path for ssh connection should not be > 108. ssh fails with ctl_path too long if it is so. But when rsync is piped to ssh, it is not taking > 90. Hence using first 32 bytes of hash. Hash collision doesn't matter as only one sock file is created per directory. """ content_sha256 = content_sha256[:32] fname = os.path.join(rconf.ssh_ctl_dir, "%s.mft" % content_sha256) create_manifest(fname, encoded_content) ssh_ctl_path = os.path.join(rconf.ssh_ctl_dir, "%s.sock" % content_sha256) rconf.ssh_ctl_args = ["-oControlMaster=auto", "-S", ssh_ctl_path] def grabfile(fname, content=None): """open @fname + contest for its fcntl lock @content: if given, set the file content to it """ # damn those messy open() mode codes fd = os.open(fname, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+') try: fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] f.close() if isinstance(ex, IOError) and ex.errno in (EACCES, EAGAIN): # cannot grab, it's taken return raise if content: try: f.truncate() f.write(content) f.flush() except: f.close() raise rconf.permanent_handles.append(f) return f def grabpidfile(fname=None, setpid=True): """.grabfile customization for pid files""" if not fname: fname = gconf.get("pid-file") content = None if setpid: content = str(os.getpid()) + '\n' return grabfile(fname, content=content) def finalize(*args, **kwargs): """all those messy final steps we go trough upon termination Do away with pidfile, ssh control dir and logging. """ final_lock.acquire() if gconf.get('pid_file'): rm_pidf = rconf.pid_file_owned if rconf.cpid: # exit path from parent branch of daemonization rm_pidf = False while True: f = grabpidfile(setpid=False) if not f: # child has already taken over pidfile break if os.waitpid(rconf.cpid, os.WNOHANG)[0] == rconf.cpid: # child has terminated rm_pidf = True break time.sleep(0.1) if rm_pidf: try: os.unlink(rconf.pid_file) except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno == ENOENT: pass else: raise if rconf.ssh_ctl_dir and not rconf.cpid: def handle_rm_error(func, path, exc_info): if exc_info[1].errno == ENOENT: return raise exc_info[1] shutil.rmtree(rconf.ssh_ctl_dir, onerror=handle_rm_error) """ Unmount if not done """ if rconf.mount_point: if rconf.mountbroker: umount_cmd = rconf.mbr_umount_cmd + [rconf.mount_point, 'lazy'] else: umount_cmd = ['umount', '-l', rconf.mount_point] p0 = subprocess.Popen(umount_cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) _, errdata = p0.communicate() if p0.returncode == 0: try: os.rmdir(rconf.mount_point) except OSError: pass else: pass if rconf.log_exit: logging.info("exiting.") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() os._exit(kwargs.get('exval', 0)) def log_raise_exception(excont): """top-level exception handler Try to some fancy things to cover up we face with an error. Translate some weird sounding but well understood exceptions into human-friendly lingo """ is_filelog = False for h in logging.getLogger().handlers: fno = getattr(getattr(h, 'stream', None), 'fileno', None) if fno and not os.isatty(fno()): is_filelog = True exc = sys.exc_info()[1] if isinstance(exc, SystemExit): excont.exval = exc.code or 0 raise else: logtag = None if isinstance(exc, GsyncdError): if is_filelog: logging.error(exc.args[0]) sys.stderr.write('failure: ' + exc.args[0] + '\n') elif isinstance(exc, PickleError) or isinstance(exc, EOFError) or \ ((isinstance(exc, OSError) or isinstance(exc, IOError)) and exc.errno == EPIPE): logging.error('connection to peer is broken') if hasattr(rconf, 'transport'): rconf.transport.wait() if rconf.transport.returncode == 127: logging.error("getting \"No such file or directory\"" "errors is most likely due to " "MISCONFIGURATION, please remove all " "the public keys added by geo-replication " "from authorized_keys file in slave nodes " "and run Geo-replication create " "command again.") logging.error("If `gsec_create container` was used, then " "run `gluster volume geo-replication " " [@]::" " config remote-gsyncd " " (Example GSYNCD_PATH: " "`/usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd`)") rconf.transport.terminate_geterr() elif isinstance(exc, OSError) and exc.errno in (ENOTCONN, ECONNABORTED): logging.error(lf('Gluster Mount process exited', error=errorcode[exc.errno])) elif isinstance(exc, OSError) and exc.errno == EIO: logging.error("Getting \"Input/Output error\" " "is most likely due to " "a. Brick is down or " "b. Split brain issue.") logging.error("This is expected as per design to " "keep the consistency of the file system. " "Once the above issue is resolved " "geo-replication would automatically " "proceed further.") logtag = "FAIL" else: logtag = "FAIL" if not logtag and logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logtag = "FULL EXCEPTION TRACE" if logtag: logging.exception(logtag + ": ") sys.stderr.write("failed with %s: %s.\n" % (type(exc).__name__, exc)) excont.exval = 1 sys.exit(excont.exval) class FreeObject(object): """wildcard class for which any attribute can be set""" def __init__(self, **kw): for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) class Thread(baseThread): """thread class flavor for gsyncd - always a daemon thread - force exit for whole program if thread function coughs up an exception """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tf = kwargs.get('target') if tf: def twrap(*aargs): excont = FreeObject(exval=0) try: tf(*aargs) except: try: log_raise_exception(excont) finally: finalize(exval=excont.exval) kwargs['target'] = twrap baseThread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setDaemon(True) class GsyncdError(Exception): pass class _MetaXattr(object): """singleton class, a lazy wrapper around the libcxattr module libcxattr (a heavy import due to ctypes) is loaded only when when the single instance is tried to be used. This reduces runtime for those invocations which do not need filesystem manipulation (eg. for config, url parsing) """ def __getattr__(self, meth): from libcxattr import Xattr as LXattr xmeth = [m for m in dir(LXattr) if m[0] != '_'] if meth not in xmeth: return for m in xmeth: setattr(self, m, getattr(LXattr, m)) return getattr(self, meth) Xattr = _MetaXattr() def getusername(uid=None): if uid is None: uid = os.geteuid() return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name def privileged(): return os.geteuid() == 0 def boolify(s): """ Generic string to boolean converter return - Quick return if string 's' is of type bool - True if it's in true_list - False if it's in false_list - Warn if it's not present in either and return False """ true_list = ['true', 'yes', '1', 'on'] false_list = ['false', 'no', '0', 'off'] if isinstance(s, bool): return s rv = False lstr = s.lower() if lstr in true_list: rv = True elif lstr not in false_list: logging.warn(lf("Unknown string in \"string to boolean\" conversion, " "defaulting to False", str=s)) return rv def eintr_wrap(func, exc, *args): """ wrapper around syscalls resilient to interrupt caused by signals """ while True: try: return func(*args) except exc: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if not ex.args[0] == EINTR: raise def select(*args): return eintr_wrap(oselect.select, oselect.error, *args) def waitpid(*args): return eintr_wrap(owaitpid, OSError, *args) def term_handler_default_hook(signum, frame): finalize(signum, frame, exval=1) def set_term_handler(hook=term_handler_default_hook): signal(SIGTERM, hook) def get_node_uuid(): global NodeID if NodeID is not None: return NodeID NodeID = "" with open(UUID_FILE) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("UUID="): NodeID = line.strip().split("=")[-1] break if NodeID == "": raise GsyncdError("Failed to get Host UUID from %s" % UUID_FILE) return NodeID def is_host_local(host_id): return host_id == get_node_uuid() def funcode(f): fc = getattr(f, 'func_code', None) if not fc: # python 3 fc = f.__code__ return fc def memoize(f): fc = funcode(f) fn = fc.co_name def ff(self, *a, **kw): rv = getattr(self, '_' + fn, None) if rv is None: rv = f(self, *a, **kw) setattr(self, '_' + fn, rv) return rv return ff def umask(): return os.umask(0) def entry2pb(e): return e.rsplit('/', 1) def gauxpfx(): return _CL_AUX_GFID_PFX def sha256hex(s): return sha256(s).hexdigest() def selfkill(sig=SIGTERM): os.kill(os.getpid(), sig) def errno_wrap(call, arg=[], errnos=[], retry_errnos=[]): """ wrapper around calls resilient to errnos. """ nr_tries = 0 while True: try: return call(*arg) except OSError: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if ex.errno in errnos: return ex.errno if ex.errno not in retry_errnos: raise nr_tries += 1 if nr_tries == GF_OP_RETRIES: # probably a screwed state, cannot do much... logging.warn(lf('reached maximum retries', args=repr(arg), error=ex)) raise time.sleep(0.250) # retry the call def lstat(e): return errno_wrap(os.lstat, [e], [ENOENT], [ESTALE, EBUSY]) def get_gfid_from_mnt(gfidpath): return errno_wrap(Xattr.lgetxattr, [gfidpath, 'glusterfs.gfid.string', GX_GFID_CANONICAL_LEN], [ENOENT], [ESTALE]) def matching_disk_gfid(gfid, entry): disk_gfid = get_gfid_from_mnt(entry) if isinstance(disk_gfid, int): return False if not gfid == disk_gfid: return False return True class NoStimeAvailable(Exception): pass class PartialHistoryAvailable(Exception): pass class ChangelogHistoryNotAvailable(Exception): pass class ChangelogException(OSError): pass def gf_event(event_type, **kwargs): if EVENTS_ENABLED: from gfevents.gf_event import gf_event as gfevent gfevent(event_type, **kwargs) class GlusterLogLevel(object): NONE = 0 EMERG = 1 ALERT = 2 CRITICAL = 3 ERROR = 4 WARNING = 5 NOTICE = 6 INFO = 7 DEBUG = 8 TRACE = 9 def get_changelog_log_level(lvl): return getattr(GlusterLogLevel, lvl, GlusterLogLevel.INFO) def get_master_and_slave_data_from_args(args): master_name = None slave_data = None for arg in args: if arg.startswith(":"): master_name = arg.replace(":", "") if "::" in arg: slave_data = arg.replace("ssh://", "") return (master_name, slave_data) def unshare_propagation_supported(): global unshare_mnt_propagation if unshare_mnt_propagation is not None: return unshare_mnt_propagation unshare_mnt_propagation = False p = subprocess.Popen(["unshare", "--help"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: if "propagation" in out: unshare_mnt_propagation = True return unshare_mnt_propagation def get_rsync_version(rsync_cmd): global rsync_version if rsync_version is not None: return rsync_version rsync_version = "0" p = subprocess.Popen([rsync_cmd, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: rsync_version = out.split(" ", 4)[3] return rsync_version def get_slv_dir_path(slv_host, slv_volume, gfid): global slv_bricks dir_path = ENOENT pfx = gauxpfx() if not slv_bricks: slv_info = Volinfo(slv_volume, slv_host, master=False) slv_bricks = slv_info.bricks # Result of readlink would be of format as below. # readlink = "../../pgfid[0:2]/pgfid[2:4]/pgfid/basename" for brick in slv_bricks: dir_path = errno_wrap(os.path.join, [brick['dir'], ".glusterfs", gfid[0:2], gfid[2:4], gfid], [ENOENT], [ESTALE]) if dir_path != ENOENT: try: realpath = errno_wrap(os.readlink, [dir_path], [ENOENT], [ESTALE]) if not isinstance(realpath, int): realpath_parts = realpath.split('/') pargfid = realpath_parts[-2] basename = realpath_parts[-1] dir_entry = os.path.join(pfx, pargfid, basename) return dir_entry except OSError: # .gfid/GFID gfidpath = unescape_space_newline(os.path.join(pfx, gfid)) realpath = errno_wrap(Xattr.lgetxattr_buf, [gfidpath, 'glusterfs.gfid2path'], [ENOENT], [ESTALE]) if not isinstance(realpath, int): basename = os.path.basename(realpath).rstrip('\x00') dirpath = os.path.dirname(realpath) if dirpath is "/": pargfid = ROOT_GFID else: dirpath = dirpath.strip("/") pargfid = get_gfid_from_mnt(dirpath) if isinstance(pargfid, int): return None dir_entry = os.path.join(pfx, pargfid, basename) return dir_entry return None def lf(event, **kwargs): """ Log Format helper function, log messages can be easily modified to structured log format. lf("Config Change", sync_jobs=4, brick=/bricks/b1) will be converted as "Config Change [{brick=/bricks/b1}, {sync_jobs=4}]" """ msgparts = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): msgparts.append("{%s=%s}" % (k, v)) return "%s [%s]" % (event, ", ".join(msgparts)) class Popen(subprocess.Popen): """customized subclass of subprocess.Popen with a ring buffer for children error output""" @classmethod def init_errhandler(cls): """start the thread which handles children's error output""" cls.errstore = {} def tailer(): while True: errstore = cls.errstore.copy() try: poe, _, _ = select( [po.stderr for po in errstore], [], [], 1) except (ValueError, SelectError): # stderr is already closed wait for some time before # checking next error time.sleep(0.5) continue for po in errstore: if po.stderr not in poe: continue po.lock.acquire() try: if po.on_death_row: continue la = errstore[po] try: fd = po.stderr.fileno() except ValueError: # file is already closed time.sleep(0.5) continue try: l = os.read(fd, 1024) except OSError: time.sleep(0.5) continue if not l: continue tots = len(l) for lx in la: tots += len(lx) while tots > 1 << 20 and la: tots -= len(la.pop(0)) la.append(l) finally: po.lock.release() t = Thread(target=tailer) t.start() cls.errhandler = t @classmethod def fork(cls): """fork wrapper that restarts errhandler thread in child""" pid = os.fork() if not pid: cls.init_errhandler() return pid def __init__(self, args, *a, **kw): """customizations for subprocess.Popen instantiation - 'close_fds' is taken to be the default - if child's stderr is chosen to be managed, register it with the error handler thread """ self.args = args if 'close_fds' not in kw: kw['close_fds'] = True self.lock = threading.Lock() self.on_death_row = False self.elines = [] try: sup(self, args, *a, **kw) except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if not isinstance(ex, OSError): raise raise GsyncdError("""execution of "%s" failed with %s (%s)""" % (args[0], errno.errorcode[ex.errno], os.strerror(ex.errno))) if kw.get('stderr') == subprocess.PIPE: assert(getattr(self, 'errhandler', None)) self.errstore[self] = [] def errlog(self): """make a log about child's failure event""" logging.error(lf("command returned error", cmd=" ".join(self.args), error=self.returncode)) lp = '' def logerr(l): logging.error(self.args[0] + "> " + l) for l in self.elines: ls = l.split('\n') ls[0] = lp + ls[0] lp = ls.pop() for ll in ls: logerr(ll) if lp: logerr(lp) def errfail(self): """fail nicely if child did not terminate with success""" self.errlog() finalize(exval=1) def terminate_geterr(self, fail_on_err=True): """kill child, finalize stderr harvesting (unregister from errhandler, set up .elines), fail on error if asked for """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.on_death_row = True finally: self.lock.release() elines = self.errstore.pop(self) if self.poll() is None: self.terminate() if self.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) self.kill() self.wait() while True: if not select([self.stderr], [], [], 0.1)[0]: break b = os.read(self.stderr.fileno(), 1024) if b: elines.append(b.decode()) else: break self.stderr.close() self.elines = elines if fail_on_err and self.returncode != 0: self.errfail() class Volinfo(object): def __init__(self, vol, host='localhost', prelude=[], master=True): if master: gluster_cmd_dir = gconf.get("gluster-command-dir") else: gluster_cmd_dir = gconf.get("slave-gluster-command-dir") gluster_cmd = os.path.join(gluster_cmd_dir, 'gluster') po = Popen(prelude + [gluster_cmd, '--xml', '--remote-host=' + host, 'volume', 'info', vol], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) vix = po.stdout.read() po.wait() po.terminate_geterr() vi = XET.fromstring(vix) if vi.find('opRet').text != '0': if prelude: via = '(via %s) ' % prelude.join(' ') else: via = ' ' raise GsyncdError('getting volume info of %s%s ' 'failed with errorcode %s' % (vol, via, vi.find('opErrno').text)) self.tree = vi self.volume = vol self.host = host def get(self, elem): return self.tree.findall('.//' + elem) def is_tier(self): return (self.get('typeStr')[0].text == 'Tier') def is_hot(self, brickpath): logging.debug('brickpath: ' + repr(brickpath)) return brickpath in self.hot_bricks @property @memoize def bricks(self): def bparse(b): host, dirp = b.find("name").text.split(':', 2) return {'host': host, 'dir': dirp, 'uuid': b.find("hostUuid").text} return [bparse(b) for b in self.get('brick')] @property @memoize def uuid(self): ids = self.get('id') if len(ids) != 1: raise GsyncdError("volume info of %s obtained from %s: " "ambiguous uuid" % (self.volume, self.host)) return ids[0].text def replica_count(self, tier, hot): if (tier and hot): return int(self.get('hotBricks/hotreplicaCount')[0].text) elif (tier and not hot): return int(self.get('coldBricks/coldreplicaCount')[0].text) else: return int(self.get('replicaCount')[0].text) def disperse_count(self, tier, hot): if (tier and hot): # Tiering doesn't support disperse volume as hot brick, # hence no xml output, so returning 0. In case, if it's # supported later, we should change here. return 0 elif (tier and not hot): return int(self.get('coldBricks/colddisperseCount')[0].text) else: return int(self.get('disperseCount')[0].text) def distribution_count(self, tier, hot): if (tier and hot): return int(self.get('hotBricks/hotdistCount')[0].text) elif (tier and not hot): return int(self.get('coldBricks/colddistCount')[0].text) else: return int(self.get('distCount')[0].text) @property @memoize def hot_bricks(self): return [b.text for b in self.get('hotBricks/brick')] def get_hot_bricks_count(self, tier): if (tier): return int(self.get('hotBricks/hotbrickCount')[0].text) else: return 0 class VolinfoFromGconf(object): # Glusterd will generate following config items before Geo-rep start # So that Geo-rep need not run gluster commands from inside # Volinfo object API/interface kept as is so that caller need not # change anything except calling this instead of Volinfo() # # master-bricks= # master-bricks=NODEID:HOSTNAME:PATH,.. # slave-bricks=NODEID:HOSTNAME,.. # master-volume-id= # slave-volume-id= # master-replica-count= # master-disperse_count= def __init__(self, vol, host='localhost', master=True): self.volume = vol self.host = host self.master = master def is_tier(self): return False def is_hot(self, brickpath): return False @property @memoize def bricks(self): pfx = "master-" if self.master else "slave-" bricks_data = gconf.get(pfx + "bricks") if bricks_data is None: return [] bricks_data = bricks_data.split(",") bricks_data = [b.strip() for b in bricks_data] out = [] for b in bricks_data: parts = b.split(":") bpath = parts[2] if len(parts) == 3 else "" out.append({"host": parts[1], "dir": bpath, "uuid": parts[0]}) return out @property @memoize def uuid(self): if self.master: return gconf.get("master-volume-id") else: return gconf.get("slave-volume-id") def replica_count(self, tier, hot): return gconf.get("master-replica-count") def disperse_count(self, tier, hot): return gconf.get("master-disperse-count") def distribution_count(self, tier, hot): return gconf.get("master-distribution-count") @property @memoize def hot_bricks(self): return [] def get_hot_bricks_count(self, tier): return 0 def can_ssh(host, port=22): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((host, port)) flag = True except socket.error: flag = False s.close() return flag def get_up_nodes(hosts, port): # List of hosts with Hostname/IP and UUID up_nodes = [] for h in hosts: if can_ssh(h[0], port): up_nodes.append(h) return up_nodes