# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # This file is part of GlusterFS. # # This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser # General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or # later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all # cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. # try: from configparser import ConfigParser as ConfigParser, NoSectionError except ImportError: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError import os from string import Template from datetime import datetime # Global object which can be used in other modules # once load_config is called _gconf = {} class GconfNotConfigurable(Exception): pass class GconfInvalidValue(Exception): pass class Gconf(object): def __init__(self, default_conf_file, custom_conf_file=None, args={}, extra_tmpl_args={}, override_from_args=False): self.default_conf_file = default_conf_file self.custom_conf_file = custom_conf_file self.tmp_conf_file = None self.gconf = {} self.gconfdata = {} self.gconf_typecast = {} self.template_conf = [] self.non_configurable_configs = [] self.prev_mtime = 0 if custom_conf_file is not None: self.tmp_conf_file = custom_conf_file + ".tmp" self.session_conf_items = [] self.args = args self.extra_tmpl_args = extra_tmpl_args self.override_from_args = override_from_args # Store default values only if overwritten, Only for JSON/CLI output self.default_values = {} self._load() def _tmpl_substitute(self): tmpl_values = {} for k, v in self.gconf.items(): tmpl_values[k.replace("-", "_")] = v # override the config file values with the one user passed for k, v in self.args.items(): # override the existing value only if set by user if v is not None: tmpl_values[k] = v for k, v in self.extra_tmpl_args.items(): tmpl_values[k] = v for k, v in self.gconf.items(): if k in self.template_conf and \ (isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, unicode)): self.gconf[k] = Template(v).safe_substitute(tmpl_values) def _do_typecast(self): for k, v in self.gconf.items(): cast_func = globals().get( "to_" + self.gconf_typecast.get(k, "string"), None) if cast_func is not None: self.gconf[k] = cast_func(v) if self.default_values.get(k, None) is not None: self.default_values[k] = cast_func(v) def reset(self, name): # If custom conf file is not set then it is only read only configs if self.custom_conf_file is None: raise GconfNotConfigurable() # If a config can not be modified if name != "all" and not self._is_configurable(name): raise GconfNotConfigurable() cnf = ConfigParser() with open(self.custom_conf_file) as f: cnf.readfp(f) # Nothing to Reset, Not configured if name != "all": if not cnf.has_option("vars", name): return True # Remove option from custom conf file cnf.remove_option("vars", name) else: # Remove and add empty section, do not disturb if config file # already has any other section try: cnf.remove_section("vars") except NoSectionError: pass cnf.add_section("vars") with open(self.tmp_conf_file, "w") as fw: cnf.write(fw) os.rename(self.tmp_conf_file, self.custom_conf_file) self.reload() return True def set(self, name, value): if self.custom_conf_file is None: raise GconfNotConfigurable() if not self._is_configurable(name): raise GconfNotConfigurable() if not self._is_valid_value(name, value): raise GconfInvalidValue() curr_val = self.gconf.get(name, None) if curr_val == value: return True cnf = ConfigParser() with open(self.custom_conf_file) as f: cnf.readfp(f) if not cnf.has_section("vars"): cnf.add_section("vars") cnf.set("vars", name, value) with open(self.tmp_conf_file, "w") as fw: cnf.write(fw) os.rename(self.tmp_conf_file, self.custom_conf_file) self.reload() return True def check(self, name, value=None, with_conffile=True): if with_conffile and self.custom_conf_file is None: raise GconfNotConfigurable() if not self._is_configurable(name): raise GconfNotConfigurable() if value is not None and not self._is_valid_value(name, value): raise GconfInvalidValue() def _load(self): self.gconf = {} self.template_conf = [] self.gconf_typecast = {} self.non_configurable_configs = [] self.session_conf_items = [] self.default_values = {} conf = ConfigParser() # Default Template config file with open(self.default_conf_file) as f: conf.readfp(f) # Custom Config file if self.custom_conf_file is not None: with open(self.custom_conf_file) as f: conf.readfp(f) # Get version from default conf file self.version = conf.get("__meta__", "version") # Populate default values for sect in conf.sections(): if sect in ["__meta__", "vars"]: continue # Collect list of available options with help details self.gconfdata[sect] = {} for k, v in conf.items(sect): self.gconfdata[sect][k] = v.strip() # Collect the Type cast information if conf.has_option(sect, "type"): self.gconf_typecast[sect] = conf.get(sect, "type") # Prepare list of configurable conf if conf.has_option(sect, "configurable"): if conf.get(sect, "configurable").lower() == "false": self.non_configurable_configs.append(sect) # if it is a template conf value which needs to be substituted if conf.has_option(sect, "template"): if conf.get(sect, "template").lower().strip() == "true": self.template_conf.append(sect) # Set default values if conf.has_option(sect, "value"): self.gconf[sect] = conf.get(sect, "value").strip() # Load the custom conf elements and overwrite if conf.has_section("vars"): for k, v in conf.items("vars"): self.session_conf_items.append(k) self.default_values[k] = self.gconf.get(k, "") self.gconf[k] = v.strip() # Overwrite the Slave configurations which are sent as # arguments to gsyncd slave if self.override_from_args: for k, v in self.args.items(): k = k.replace("_", "-") if k.startswith("slave-") and k in self.gconf: self.gconf[k] = v self._tmpl_substitute() self._do_typecast() def reload(self): if self._is_config_changed(): self._load() def get(self, name, default_value=None): return self.gconf.get(name, default_value) def getall(self, show_defaults=False, show_non_configurable=False): cnf = {} if not show_defaults: for k in self.session_conf_items: if k not in self.non_configurable_configs: dv = self.default_values.get(k, "") cnf[k] = { "value": self.get(k), "default": dv, "configurable": True, "modified": False if dv == "" else True } return cnf # Show all configs including defaults for k, v in self.gconf.items(): configurable = False if k in self.non_configurable_configs \ else True dv = self.default_values.get(k, "") modified = False if dv == "" else True if show_non_configurable: cnf[k] = { "value": v, "default": dv, "configurable": configurable, "modified": modified } else: if k not in self.non_configurable_configs: cnf[k] = { "value": v, "default": dv, "configurable": configurable, "modified": modified } return cnf def getr(self, name, default_value=None): self.reload() return self.get(name, default_value) def get_help(self, name=None): pass def _is_configurable(self, name): item = self.gconfdata.get(name, None) if item is None: return False return item.get("configurable", True) def _is_valid_value(self, name, value): item = self.gconfdata.get(name, None) if item is None: return False # If validation func not defined if item.get("validation", None) is None: return True # minmax validation if item["validation"] == "minmax": return validate_minmax(value, item["min"], item["max"]) if item["validation"] == "choice": return validate_choice(value, item["allowed_values"]) if item["validation"] == "bool": return validate_bool(value) if item["validation"] == "execpath": return validate_execpath(value) if item["validation"] == "unixtime": return validate_unixtime(value) return False def _is_config_changed(self): if self.custom_conf_file is not None and \ os.path.exists(self.custom_conf_file): st = os.lstat(self.custom_conf_file) if st.st_mtime > self.prev_mtime: self.prev_mtime = st.st_mtime return True return False def validate_unixtime(value): try: y = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value)).strftime("%Y") if y == "1970": return False return True except ValueError: return False def validate_minmax(value, minval, maxval): value = int(value) minval = int(minval) maxval = int(maxval) return value >= minval and value <= maxval def validate_choice(value, allowed_values): allowed_values = allowed_values.split(",") allowed_values = [v.strip() for v in allowed_values] return value in allowed_values def validate_bool(value): return value in ["true", "false"] def validate_execpath(value): return os.path.isfile(value) and os.access(value, os.X_OK) def validate_filepath(value): return os.path.isfile(value) def validate_path(value): return os.path.exists(value) def to_int(value): return int(value) def to_float(value): return float(value) def to_bool(value): if isinstance(value, bool): return value return True if value in ["true", "True"] else False def get(name, default_value=None): return _gconf.get(name, default_value) def getall(show_defaults=False, show_non_configurable=False): return _gconf.getall(show_defaults=show_defaults, show_non_configurable=show_non_configurable) def getr(name, default_value=None): return _gconf.getr(name, default_value) def load(default_conf, custom_conf=None, args={}, extra_tmpl_args={}, override_from_args=False): global _gconf _gconf = Gconf(default_conf, custom_conf, args, extra_tmpl_args, override_from_args) def setconfig(name, value): global _gconf _gconf.set(name, value) def resetconfig(name): global _gconf _gconf.reset(name) def check(name, value=None, with_conffile=True): global _gconf _gconf.check(name, value=value, with_conffile=with_conffile)