INTRODUCTION ============ Autocluster is a script for building virtual clusters to test clustered Samba. It uses Vagrant (with the libvirt plugin) and Ansible to build and configure a cluster. CONTENTS ======== * SUPPORTED PLATFORMS * INSTALLING AUTOCLUSTER * HOST MACHINE SETUP * CREATING A CLUSTER * DESTROYING A CLUSTER * DEVELOPMENT HINTS SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS =================== Tested host platforms: * CentOS 7 Tested guest platforms: * CentOS 7 Tested cluster filesystems: * GPFS INSTALLING AUTOCLUSTER ====================== Before you start, make sure you have the latest version of autocluster. To download autocluster do this: git clone git:// You probably want to add the directory where autocluster is installed to your PATH, otherwise things may quickly become tedious. Packages can also be built and installed. HOST MACHINE SETUP ================== 1. Install Ansible 2. Run: autocluster host setup Currently the only supported is "centos7" This will * Install and configure several packages, including Vagrant * Assume you want to serve repositories to guests from /home/mediasets/. * Create a libvirt storage pool at /virtual/autocluster/ for VM images/files. * Create an SSH key for autocluster For speed, you may wish to mirror the guest distribution somewhere under /home/mediasets/ or on another nearby machine. Depending on how your host machine is setup, you may need to run autocluster commands as root. CREATING A CLUSTER ================== Configuration file ------------------ The configuration file is a YAML file. If your cluster is to be called "foo" then the configuration file must be "foo.yml" in the current directory. To see what options to set, try this: # autocluster cluster foo defaults This will show default the default configuration. This is the only cluster command that doesn't need a cluster configuration. It may also be worth looking at the file defaults.yml, which includes some useful comments. Add updated settings foo.yml. Try to set the minimum number of options to keep the configuration file small. See example.yml. Most items are fairly obvious. However, here are some details: * networks Default: There should be at least 2 networks. The first network is a private network, while the others can be used for CTDB public IP addresses. * firstip Default: 20 This is the final octet of the first IP address used on each network. * node_list Default: [nas, nas, nas, nas, test] Each node is offset from firstip by its position in the list. The above default will result in 5 nodes. - The first 4 will be Clustered Samba NAS nodes (running CTDB, Samba, NFS) with addresses on the first network from to (with similar static addresses on the other networks). - The 5th node will be a minimally installed/configured test node that can be used as a CTDB test client, with address Valid node types are: nas: Clustered Samba node with cluster filesystem, smbd, nfsd ad: Samba Active Directory Domain Controller node base: Base operaing system node build: Build node for CTDB packages cbuild: Build node for Samba, with cluster filesystem installed storage: Cluster filesystem node that doesn't directly provide NAS services test: CTDB test node, with CTDB packages installed Cluster creation ---------------- In theory this is easy: # autocluster cluster foo build This runs several internal steps: 1. `destroy` - Destroy any existing cluster of the same name 2. `generate` - Generate metadata (for Vagrant, Ansible, SSH) from the configuration 3. `create` - Create the cluster nodes (using Vagrant) 4. `ssh_config` - Configure SSH to allow direct access to nodes as root 5. `setup` - Setup each node according to its type (using Ansible) DESTROYING A CLUSTER ==================== # autocluster cluster foo destroy DEVELOPMENT HINTS ================= The Ansible playbook for nodes has been structured in a way that should make it easy to add new platforms and cluster filesystems. Try to follow the pattern and keep task names as generic as possible.