Test cases for testing the new virtio-console functionality that exposes multiple ports to guests for generic communication. Files: test-virtserial.c: Standalone test program that can be run in the guest. auto-virtserial.c: Runs automated tests. To be run on the host. auto-virtserial-guest.c: Runs automated tests, to be run on the guest. run-test.sh: Starts qemu and runs the automated tests Setup: In my guest (f11-auto.qcow2), I've put the auto-virtserial-guest program in /etc/init.d/ and put a line in /etc/rc.local to invoke it upon boot: : /etc/init.d/auto-virtserial-guest & When run-test.sh is invoked with such a guest, when the guest comes up, the tests start running automatically. Some settings in the run-test.sh script should be tweaked to match your environment (especially the guest image file, qemu location, etc.). To be able to run the virtio console port test successfully without selinux denying logins, you should do the following: : Add a line saying 'hvc0' : Copy tty1 to hvc0, replace all tty1 to hvc0 in the new file To be able to test the udev symlinking rule, mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug : create a new file 90-virtio-console.rules and add the following text: KERNEL=="vcon*", SYMLINK+="virtio-console/$ATTR{name}" For the file checksumming test, place a (big) file in /tmp/amit/big-file on the host. These programs are sensitive to some details, like the host program (auto-virtserial) has to be started before the guest invokes auto-virtserial-guest program. Also the parameters passed to the qemu invocation in run-test.sh are assumed to be in that order in auto-virtserial.c, like the ports which have caching enabled, throttling enabled, the byte limits and so on. More work is needed to make these programs fully ready; if you wish you contribute, send me an email at Amit