from turbogears import validators #the shiny validator part class WidgetSchemaFactory(object): """ The purpose of the class is to produce a validators.Schema object according to method arguments that are retrieved from minions """ def __init__(self,method_argument_dict): """ @param method_argument_dict : The dict that is from minion in format of {'arg':{'type':'string','options':[...]}} the format is defined in func/minion/ """ self.method_argument_dict = method_argument_dict self.validator_list = {} #the validator that will create final schema def _add_validators(self): """ Method is an entry point of factory iters over the all arguments and according to their types it sends the process to more specialized validator adders """ for argument_name,argument_values in self.method_argument_dict.iteritems(): #some lazy stuff :) #for ex : _add_int_validator(some_arg) getattr(self,"_add_%s_validator"%(argument_values['type']))(argument_name) def _add_int_validator(self,argument_name): """ Gets the options of the int type and adds a new validator to validator_list """ pass def _add_string_validator(self,argument_name): """ Gets the options of the string type and adds a new validator to validator_list """ string_data_set={} str_validator_list =[] if self.method_argument_dict[argument_name].has_key('optional'): if self.method_argument_dict[argument_name]['optional']: string_data_set['not_empty']=False else: string_data_set['not_empty']=True if self.method_argument_dict[argument_name].has_key('min_length'): string_data_set['min']=self.method_argument_dict[argument_name]['min_length'] if self.method_argument_dict[argument_name].has_key('max_length'): string_data_set['max']=self.method_argument_dict[argument_name]['max_length'] if self.method_argument_dict[argument_name].has_key('validator'): str_validator_list.append(getattr(validators,'Regex')(self.method_argument_dict[argument_name]['validator'])) #if we have set a string_data_set if string_data_set: str_validator_list.append(getattr(validators,'String')(**string_data_set)) #if true it should be a validator.All thing if len(str_validator_list)>1: self.validator_list[argument_name]=getattr(validators,'All')(*str_validator_list) elif str_validator_list: self.validator_list[argument_name]=str_validator_list[0] else: #if there is no option self.validator_list[argument_name]=getattr(validators,'String')() def _add_float_validator(self,argument_name): """ Gets the options of the float type and adds a new validator to validator_list """ pass def _add_list_validator(self,argument_name): """ Gets the options of the list type and adds a new validator to validator_list """ pass def _add_hash_validator(self,argument_name): """ Gets the options of the hash type and adds a new validator to validator_list """ pass def get_ready_schema(self): """ Get the final validator schema """ final_schema = validators.Schema() if not self.validator_list: self._add_validators() for vd_name,vd in self.validator_list.iteritems(): setattr(final_schema,vd_name,vd) return final_schema ######################################################################## class MinionIntValidator(validators.FancyValidator): """ Confirms that the input/output is of the proper type. Uses the parameters: subclass: The class or a tuple of classes; the item must be an instance of the class or a subclass. type: A type or tuple of types (or classes); the item must be of the exact class or type. Subclasses are not allowed. """ #automatically will be assigned min_int = None max_int = None def validate_python(self,value,state): """ The actual validator """ try: value = int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise validators.Invalid('The field should be integer',value,state) #firstly run the supers one if self.min_int and int(self.min_int): if value < int(self.min_int): raise validators.Invalid('The integer you entered should be bigger that %d'%(self.min_int),value,state) if self.max_int and int(self.max_int): if value > int(self.max_int): raise validators.Invalid('The integer you entered exceeds the %d'%(self.max_int),value,state) ################################################################## class MinionFloatValidator(validators.FancyValidator): pass class MinionListValidator(validators.FancyValidator): pass class MinionHashValidator(validators.FancyValidator): pass if __name__ == "__main__": pass