* Add PVR clients. Decided: we will make this a subpackage of the xbmc SRPM while things are in flux. Once it settles down, we can evaluate moving this to its own package. * Merge libdvdread and libhomehdrun patches upstream. The patches must be rewritten to use the external, if found, and drop back to bundled versions if not before they would be allowed upstream. * Package the manpages in docs/manpages as per package guidelines. * Unbundle any other deps that can be easily unbundled. - tinyxml appears to be removed and it now default to external version See https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/1850 other candidates: - libapetag, libid3tag: once this pull request goes in: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/1450 - libdvdnav: should be reworked with the libdvdread above - libmad: seems to use external library (although for some reason I can't see libmad.so* as a Requires in the built package) , but source code should be removed from lib/libmad * EL6: Backport support for EPEL's taglib 1.6, so we can build Frodo on EL6.