* Add PVR clients from "official" repo: https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc-pvr-addons Decided: we will make this a subpackage of the xbmc SRPM while things are in flux. The way upstream has organized things is that it's apparently then possible to untar the PVR add-on directory inside the main xbmc in a directory called "pvr-addons", then the configure script will "notice" it and it will build them as part of the main XBMC build process (although I haven't tested this myself yet). So we should create a tarball snapshot of the git repo and include that in the package. * Merge libdvdread libhomehdrun patches upstream. The patches must be rewritten to use the external, if found, and drop back to bundled versions if not before they would be allowed upstream. * Package the manpages in docs/manpages as per package guidelines. * Unbundle any other deps that can be easily unbundled. - tinyxml appears to be removed and it now default to external version See https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/1850 other candidates: - libapetag, libid3tag: once this pull request goes in: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/1450 - libdvdnav: should be reworked with the libdvdread above - libmad: seems to use external library (although for some reason I can't see libmad.so* as a Requires in the built package) , but source code should be removed from lib/libmad * EL6: Backport support for EPEL's taglib 1.6, so we can build Frodo on EL6.