================ News / Changelog ================ 0.1.5 ===== (2013-05-18) Here are the significant changes since 0.1.4: * Merge and compress static files (CSS and Javascript) * Django 1.5 compatibility * Fixed REST API * Improved RPM packaging * Auto-subscribe the user to the list when they reply online * New login providers: generic OpenID and Fedora * Improved page loading on long threads: the replies are loaded asynchronously * Replies are dynamically inserted in the thread view 0.1.4 ===== (2013-02-19) Here are the significant changes: * Beginning of RPM packaging * Improved documentation * Voting and favoriting is more dynamic (no page reload) * Better emails display (text is wrapped) * Replies are sorted by thread * New logo * DB schema migration with South * General style update (Boostream, fluid layout) 0.1 (alpha) =========== (2012-11-22) Initial release of HyperKitty. * login using django user account / browserid / google openid / yahoo openid * use Twitter Bootstrap for stylesheets * show basic list info and metrics * show basic user profile * Add tags to message threads