=========== Development =========== Communication channels ====================== Hang out on IRC and ask questions on ``#mailman`` or join the mailing list ``hyperkitty-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org``. Setting up Hyperkitty for development ===================================== The recommanded way to develop on HyperKitty is to use VirtualEnv. It will create an isolated Python environment where you can add HyperKitty and its dependencies without messing up your system Python install. First, create the virtualenv and activate it:: virtualenv venv_hk source venv_hk/bin/activate Then download the components of HyperKitty:: git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/kittystore.git cd kittystore python setup.py develop cd .. git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/hyperkitty.git cd hyperkitty python setup.py develop cd .. git clone https://github.com/hyperkitty/hyperkitty_standalone.git Configuration ============= For a development setup, you should create a ``hyperkitty_standalone/settings_local.py`` file with at least the following content:: DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG ASSETS_DEBUG = DEBUG ASSETS_AUTO_BUILD = DEBUG USE_SSL = False It's also recommanded to change the database access paths in the ``DATABASES``, ``KITTYSTORE_URL`` and ``KITTYSTORE_SEARCH_INDEX`` variables. If you ever want to turn the ``DEBUG`` variable to ``False`` (by removing it from ``settings_local.py``), you'll have to run two additional commands at first and each time you change the static files:: python hyperkitty_standalone/manage.py collectstatic python hyperkitty_standalone/manage.py assets build --parse-templates But for development purposes, it's better to keep ``DEBUG = True``. .. Setting up the databases .. include:: database.rst Running HyperKitty ================== If you're coding on HyperKitty, you can use Django's integrated web server. It can be run with the following command:: cd hyperkitty_standalone python manage.py runserver .. warning:: You should use the development server only locally. While it's possible to make your site publicly available using the dev server, you should never do that in a production environment. Testing ======= Use the following command:: python hyperkitty_standalone/manage.py test hyperkitty All test modules reside in the ``hyperkitty/tests`` directory and this is where you should put your own tests, too. To make the django test runner find your tests, make sure to add them to the folder's ``__init__.py``: