---------------------------------------------------------- -- Template script for the Desert map -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2011 The Mana Development Team -- -- -- -- This file is part of Manasource Project. -- -- -- -- Manasource is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- From scripts/ require "scripts/lua/npclib" -- From example/serverdata/scripts require "scripts/npcs/banker" require "scripts/npcs/barber" require "scripts/npcs/merchant" require "scripts/npcs/shaker" atinit(function() -- Barber examples create_npc("Barber Twin", 1, 14 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 9 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, Barber, nil) create_npc("Barber Twin", 1, 20 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 11 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, npclib.talk(Barber, {14, 15, 16}, {}), nil) -- A simple banker create_npc("Banker", 8, 35 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 24 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, Banker, nil) -- A simple merchant. merchant_buy_table = { {"Candy", 10, 20}, {"Regenerative trinket", 10, 30}, {"Minor health potion", 10, 50}, {11, 10, 60}, {12, 10, 40} } merchant_sell_table = { {"Candy", 10, 19}, {"Sword", 10, 30}, {"Bow", 10, 200}, {"Leather shirt", 10, 300} } create_npc("Merchant", 3, 4 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 16 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, npclib.talk(Merchant, merchant_buy_table, merchant_sell_table), nil) -- Another Merchant, selling some equipment, and buying everything... smith_buy_table = { {"Sword", 10, 50}, {7, 10, 70}, {10, 10, 20} } create_npc("Smith", 5, 15 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 16 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, npclib.talk(Merchant, smith_buy_table), nil) -- The most simple NPC - Welcoming new ones around. create_npc("Harmony", 11, 4 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 25 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, npclib.talk(Harmony, "Welcome in the template world!\nI hope you'll find here whatever you were searching for.", "Do look around to find some interesting things coming along!"), Harmony_update) -- Creates a Monster an let it talk for testing purpose. create_npc("Tamer", 9, 28 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, 21 * TILESIZE + TILESIZE / 2, Tamer, nil) end) -- Global variable used to know whether Harmony talked to someone. harmony_have_talked_to_someone = false function Harmony(npc, ch, list) -- Say all the messages in the messages list. for i = 1, #list do do_message(npc, ch, list[i]) end --- Give the player 100 units of money the first time. if harmony_have_talked_to_someone == false then do_message(npc, ch, "Here is some money for you to find some toys to play with.\nEh Eh!") mana.chr_money_change(ch, 100) do_message(npc, ch, string.format("You now have %d shiny coins!", mana.chr_money(ch))) harmony_have_talked_to_someone = true do_message(npc, ch, string.format("Try to come back with a better level than %i.", mana.chr_get_level(ch))) end do_message(npc, ch, "Have fun!") mana.effect_create(EMOTE_HAPPY, npc) do_npc_close(npc, ch) -- Make Harmony disappear for a while... with a small earthquake effect! local shakeX = mana.posX(npc) local shakeY = mana.posY(npc) mana.npc_disable(npc) tremor(shakeX, shakeY, 300) -- 20 seconds later, Harmony comes back schedule_in(20, function() mana.npc_enable(npc) end) schedule_in(20, function() tremor(shakeX, shakeY, 300) end) end -- Global variable used to control Harmony's updates. -- One tick equals to 100ms, so 100 below equals to 10000ms or 10 seconds harmony_tick_count = 0 function Harmony_update(npc) if harmony_have_talked_to_someone == false then harmony_tick_count = harmony_tick_count + 1 if harmony_tick_count > 100 then harmony_tick_count = 0 mana.being_say(npc, "Hey! You're new! Come here...") end end end function Tamer(npc, ch, list) mana.being_say(npc, string.format("You have %s Swords.", mana.chr_inv_count(ch, "Sword"))) mana.being_say(npc, string.format("You are %s pixel away.", mana.get_distance(npc, ch))) mana.being_say(npc, "I will now spawn a monster for your training session.") -- Remove monsters in the area for i, b in ipairs(mana.get_beings_in_rectangle(mana.posX(npc) - 3 * TILESIZE, mana.posY(npc) - 3 * TILESIZE, 6 * TILESIZE, 6 * TILESIZE)) do if mana.being_type(b) == TYPE_MONSTER then mana.monster_remove(b) end end local m1 = mana.monster_create("Maggot", mana.posX(ch), mana.posY(ch)) mana.monster_change_anger(m1, ch, 100) -- (The following is not safe, since the being might have been removed by -- the time this function gets executed (especially with the above code)) -- --schedule_in(0.5, function() -- mana.being_say(m1, "Roaaarrrr!!!") -- mana.monster_change_anger(m1, ch, 100) -- end) end