--[[ Special action script file This file allows you to implement your special action system. The system can for example implement magic, physical attack or also such mundane things as showing emoticons over the characters heads. --]] local specialCost = {} specialCost[1] = 50 specialCost[2] = 250 specialCost[3] = 1000 function use_special(ch, id) -- perform whatever the special with the ID does if id == 1 then mana.being_say(ch, "Kaaame...Haaame... HAAAAAA!") end if id == 2 then mana.being_say(ch, "HAA-DOKEN!") end if id == 3 then mana.being_say(ch, "Sonic BOOM") end end function get_special_recharge_cost(id) -- return the recharge cost for the special with the ID return specialCost[id] end