---------------------------------------------------------- -- Test Scripts -- -- -- -- Provisorical NPC scripts currently included on map -- -- new_1-1.tmx for demonstrating and testing variouse -- -- features of the scripting engine. -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2008 The Mana World Development Team -- -- -- -- This file is part of The Mana World. -- -- -- -- The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "data/scripts/libs/npclib" atinit(function() create_npc("Test NPC", 200, 50 * TILESIZE + 16, 19 * TILESIZE + 16, npc1_talk, npclib.walkaround_small) create_npc("Teleporter", 201, 51 * TILESIZE + 16, 25 * TILESIZE + 16, npc4_talk, npclib.walkaround_wide) create_npc("Scorpion Tamer", 126, 45 * TILESIZE + 16, 25 * TILESIZE + 16, npc5_talk, nil) create_npc("Guard", 122, 58 * TILESIZE + 16, 15 * TILESIZE + 16, npc6_talk, npc6_update) create_npc("Fire Demon", 202, 58 * TILESIZE + 16, 35 * TILESIZE + 16, firedemon_talk, firedemon_update) create_npc("Post Box", 158, 45 * TILESIZE + 16, 22 * TILESIZE + 16, post_talk) create_npc("Fireworker", 158, 43 * TILESIZE, 23 * TILESIZE, fireworker_talk, npclib.walkaround_small) create_npc("Axe Trainer", 126, 65 * TILESIZE, 18 * TILESIZE, axetrainer_talk, nil) tmw.trigger_create(56 * TILESIZE, 32 * TILESIZE, 64, 64, "patrol_waypoint", 1, true) tmw.trigger_create(63 * TILESIZE, 32 * TILESIZE, 64, 64, "patrol_waypoint", 2, true) schedule_every(1 * HOURS + 30 * MINUTES, function() print("One and a half hour has passed on map 1-1") end) end) function patrol_waypoint(obj, id) if (id == 1) then tmw.chatmessage(obj, "you've reached patrol point 1") tmw.being_say(obj, "I have reached patrol point 1") end if (id == 2) then tmw.chatmessage(obj, "you've reached patrol point 2") tmw.being_say(obj, "I have reached patrol point 2") end end function npc1_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "Hello! I am the testing NPC.") do_message(npc, ch, "This message is just here for testing intertwined connections.") do_message(npc, ch, "What do you want?") local v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Guns! Lots of guns!", "A Christmas party!", "To buy.", "To sell.", "To make a donation.", "Slowly count from one to ten.") if v == 1 then do_message(npc, ch, "Sorry, this is a heroic-fantasy game, I do not have any gun.") elseif v == 2 then local n1, n2 = tmw.chr_inv_count(ch, 524, 511) if n1 == 0 or n2 ~= 0 then do_message(npc, ch, "Yeah right...") else do_message(npc, ch, "I can't help you with the party. But I see you have a fancy hat. I could change it into Santa's hat. Not much of a party, but it would get you going.") v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Please do.", "No way! Fancy hats are classier.") if v == 1 then tmw.chr_inv_change(ch, 524, -1, 511, 1) end end elseif v == 3 then tmw.npc_trade(npc, ch, false, { {533, 10, 20}, {535, 10, 30}, {537, 10, 50} }) elseif v == 4 then tmw.npc_trade(npc, ch, true, { {511, 10, 200}, {524, 10, 300}, {508, 10, 500}, {537, 10, 25} }) elseif v == 5 then if tmw.chr_money_change(ch, -100) then do_message(npc, ch, string.format("Thank you for you patronage! You are left with %d gil.", tmw.chr_money(ch))) local g = tonumber(get_quest_var(ch, "001_donation")) if not g then g = 0 end g = g + 100 tmw.chr_set_quest(ch, "001_donation", g) do_message(npc, ch, string.format("As of today, you have donated %d gil.", g)) else do_message(npc, ch, "I would feel bad taking money from someone that poor.") end elseif v == 6 then tmw.being_say(npc, "As you wish...") schedule_in(2, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "One") end) schedule_in(4, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Two") end) schedule_in(6, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Three") end) schedule_in(8, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Four") end) schedule_in(10, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Five") end) schedule_in(12, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Six") end) schedule_in(14, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Seven") end) schedule_in(16, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Eight") end) schedule_in(18, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Nine") end) schedule_in(20, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Ten") end) end end function npc4_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "Where do you want to go?") local v = do_choice(npc, ch, "Map 1", "Map 3") if v >= 1 and v <= 2 then do_message(npc, ch, "Are you really sure?") local w = do_choice(npc, ch, "Yes, I am.", "I still have a few things to do around here.") if w == 1 then if v == 1 then tmw.chr_warp(ch, nil, 60 * TILESIZE, 50 * TILESIZE) else tmw.chr_warp(ch, 3, 25 * TILESIZE, 25 * TILESIZE) end end end end function npc5_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "I am the scorpion tamer. Do you want me to spawn some scorpions?") local answer = do_choice(npc, ch, "Yes", "No"); if answer == 1 then local x = tmw.posX(npc) local y = tmw.posY(npc) m1 = tmw.monster_create(1, x + TILESIZE, y + TILESIZE) m2 = tmw.monster_create(1, x - TILESIZE, y + TILESIZE) m3 = tmw.monster_create(1, x + TILESIZE, y - TILESIZE) m4 = tmw.monster_create(1, x - TILESIZE, y - TILESIZE) on_death(m1, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "NOOO!") end) on_death(m2, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Please stop this violence!") end) on_death(m3, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Stop slaughtering my scorpions!") end) on_death(m4, function() tmw.being_say(npc, "Leave my scorpions alone!") end) on_death(m4, function() tmw.being_say(m4, "AAARGH!") end) end end local guard_position = 1 function npc6_talk(npc, ch) if guard_position == 1 then tmw.being_walk(npc, 61 * TILESIZE + 16, 15 * TILESIZE + 16, 400) guard_position = 2 else tmw.being_walk(npc, 55 * TILESIZE + 16, 15 * TILESIZE + 16, 400) guard_position = 1 end end function npc6_update(npc) local r = math.random(0, 100) if (r == 0) then tmw.being_say(npc, "*humhumhum*") end if (r == 1) then tmw.being_say(npc, "guarding the city gate is so much fun *sigh*") end if (r == 2) then tmw.being_say(npc, "can't someone order me to walk to the other side of the gate?") end end function firedemon_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "Burn, puny mortals! BURN! BUUUURN!!!") end local firedemon_timer = 0; function firedemon_update(npc) firedemon_timer = firedemon_timer + 1 if (firedemon_timer == 5) then firedemon_timer = 0 local victims = tmw.get_beings_in_circle(tmw.posX(npc), tmw.posY(npc), 64) local i = 1; while (victims[i]) do tmw.being_damage(victims[i], 20, 10, 32000, DAMAGE_MAGICAL, ELEMENT_FIRE) i = i + 1 end end npclib.walkaround_map(npc) end function post_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "Hello " .. tmw.being_get_name(ch)) local strength = tmw.being_get_attribute(ch, ATTR_STRENGTH) do_message(npc, ch, "You have " .. tostring(strength) .. " strength") do_message(npc, ch, "Would you like to see your mail?") local answer = do_choice(npc, ch, "Yes", "No") if answer == 1 then local sender, post = getpost(ch) if sender == "" then do_message(npc, ch, "No Post right now, sorry") else do_message(npc, ch, tostring(sender) .. " sent you " .. tostring(post)) end end end function fireworker_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "Do you want some fireworks?") local answer = do_choice(npc, ch, "Wheee! Fireworks", "Nah, thanks.") if answer == 1 then local x = tmw.posX(npc) local y = tmw.posY(npc) for c = 0, 25 do schedule_in (c, function() tmw.effect_create(c, x + math.random(-200, 200), y + math.random(-200, 200)) end) end end end function axetrainer_talk(npc, ch) do_message(npc, ch, "I am the axe trainer. Do you want to get better at using axes?") local answer = do_choice(npc, ch, "Please train me, master.", "I am good enough with axes.") if answer == 1 then local newexp = tmw.chr_get_exp(ch, SKILL_WEAPON_AXE) + 100 local nextlevel = tmw.exp_for_level(tmw.being_get_attribute(ch, SKILL_WEAPON_AXE) + 1) tmw.chr_give_exp(ch, SKILL_WEAPON_AXE, 100) local message = "I gave you 100 axe exp." if newexp > nextlevel then message = message.." This should be enough to reach the next level." else message = message.." You will still need "..tostring(nextlevel - newexp).." exp to reach the next level." end message = message.." I should really stop doing this when the server goes live." do_message(npc, ch, message); end end