path: root/docs/manaserv.xml.example
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/manaserv.xml.example')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/manaserv.xml.example b/docs/manaserv.xml.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41b298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/manaserv.xml.example
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ An example configuration file.
+ Documentation:
+ Developers: If you add any new parameters read from this configuration file
+ don't forget to update the wiki documentation!
+<!-- Database configuration ***************************************************
+ Uncomment one of the following parts according to the database backend you
+ would like to use.
+ SQLite specific configuration.
+ sqlite_database: name and path to the sqlite database file
+ optional, default="mana.db"
+<!-- <option name="sqlite_database" value="mana.db"/> -->
+ mySQL specific configuration.
+ mysql_hostname: ip or hostname of the database server
+ optional, default="localhost"
+ mysql_port: the port where the mysql server listens to
+ optional, default=3306
+ mysql_database: name of the installed database
+ optional, default="mana"
+ mysql_username: name of the user to connect to the database server
+ optional, default="mana"
+ mysql_password: password to use whith the mysql_username
+ optional, default="mana"
+<option name="mysql_hostname" value="localhost"/>
+<option name="mysql_port" value="3306"/>
+<option name="mysql_database" value="mana"/>
+<option name="mysql_username" value="mana"/>
+<option name="mysql_password" value="mana"/>
+ PostgreSQL specific configuration.
+<!-- end of database configuration *************************************** -->
+ <!--
+ Log levels configuration.
+ Available values are:
+ 0. Fatal Errors only.
+ 1. All Errors.
+ 2. Plus warnings.
+ 3. Plus standard information.
+ 4. Plus debugging information.
+ -->
+ <option name="log_gameServerLogLevel" value="2"/>
+ <option name="log_accountServerLogLevel" value="2"/>
+ <!--
+ New player starting location. The map should be defined in data/maps.xml.
+ -->
+ <option name="char_startMap" value="1"/>
+ <option name="char_startX" value="720"/>
+ <option name="char_startY" value="840"/>
+ <!--
+ The game server uses this address to connect to the account server. Clients
+ will also need to be able to connect to the account server.
+ -->
+ <option name="net_accountServerAddress" value="localhost"/>
+ <option name="net_accountServerPort" value="9601"/>
+ <!--
+ The clients use this address to connect to a game server on this machine.
+ -->
+ <option name="net_gameServerAddress" value="localhost"/>
+ <option name="net_gameServerPort" value="9604"/>
+ <!-- Paths to data files -->
+ <option name="serverPath" value="." />
+ <option name="clientDataPath" value="example/clientdata" />
+ <option name="serverDataPath" value="example/serverdata" />
+ <!-- Gameplay-related config option -->
+ <option name="visualRange" value="448"/>
+ <option name="respawnMap" value="4"/>
+ <option name="respawnX" value="1000"/>
+ <option name="respawnY" value="1000"/>
+ <option name="defaultPvp" value="free" />
+ <option name="floorItemDecayTime" value="10" />
+ <option name="hpRegenBreakAfterHit" value="50" />
+ <!-- Network-related config options -->
+ <option name="net_maxClients" value="1000"/>
+ <!-- Account-creation-related config options -->
+ <option name="account_allowRegister" value="1" />
+ <option name="account_denyRegisterReason" value="The server administrator has disabled automatic registration!" />
+ <option name="account_minEmailLength" value="7" />
+ <option name="account_maxEmailLength" value="128" />
+ <option name="account_minNameLength" value="4" />
+ <option name="account_maxNameLength" value="16" />
+ <option name="account_minPasswordLength" value="6" />
+ <option name="account_maxPasswordLength" value="25" />
+ <!-- Character-creation-related config options -->
+ <option name="char_numHairStyles" value="17" />
+ <option name="char_numHairColors" value="9" />
+ <option name="char_numGenders" value="2" />
+ <option name="char_minNameLength" value="4" />
+ <option name="char_maxNameLength" value="25" />
+ <option name="char_maxCharacters" value="3" />
+ <option name="char_startingPoints" value="60" />
+ <!-- Chat-related config options -->
+ <option name="chat_maxChannelNameLength" value="15" />
+ <!-- I noticed the following configuration-like enumeration values which are never checked:
+ //chat-related
+ -->
+ <!-- Mail-system related-->
+ <option name="mail_maxAttachments" value="3" />
+ <option name="mail_maxLetters" value="10" />