/* * Copyright 2008 Red Hat, Inc. * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this Program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DIRSRV_SLAPI_PLUGIN_H #include #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include "disp-nis.h" #include "map.h" #include "nis.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "portmap.h" struct entry { char *id, *key, *value; }; struct map { char *map; struct entry *entries; }; struct domain { char *domain; struct map *maps; }; struct entry devel_passwd_byname[] = { {"a", "user1", "user1:*:1:1:User Number 1:/home/devel/user1:/bin/tcsh"}, {"b", "user2", "user2:*:2:2:User Number 2:/home/devel/user2:/bin/tcsh"}, {"c", "user3", "user3:*:3:3:User Number 3:/home/devel/user3:/bin/tcsh"}, {"d", "user4", "user4:*:4:4:User Number 4:/home/devel/user4:/bin/tcsh"}, {"e", "user5", "user5:*:5:5:User Number 5:/home/devel/user5:/bin/tcsh"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; struct entry devel_passwd_bynumber[] = { {"a", "1", "user1:*:1:1:User Number 1:/home/devel/user1:/bin/tcsh"}, {"b", "2", "user2:*:2:2:User Number 2:/home/devel/user2:/bin/tcsh"}, {"c", "3", "user3:*:3:3:User Number 3:/home/devel/user3:/bin/tcsh"}, {"d", "4", "user4:*:4:4:User Number 4:/home/devel/user4:/bin/tcsh"}, {"e", "5", "user5:*:5:5:User Number 5:/home/devel/user5:/bin/tcsh"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; struct map devel_maps[] = { {"passwd.byname", devel_passwd_byname}, {"passwd.bynumber", devel_passwd_byname}, {NULL, NULL}, }; struct domain domains[] = { {"devel.example.com", devel_maps}, {NULL, NULL}, }; int map_startup(struct plugin_state *state) { return 0; } int map_init(struct slapi_pblock *pb, struct plugin_state *state) { return 0; } int map_master_name(struct plugin_state *state, const char **master) { *master = "me, right here"; return 0; } bool_t map_supports_domain(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, bool_t *supported) { int i; if (supported != NULL) { *supported = FALSE; for (i = 0; domains[i].domain != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(domains[i].domain, domain) == 0) { *supported = TRUE; break; } } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, state->plugin_desc->spd_id, "map_supports_domain \"%s\": %s\n", domain, *supported ? "YES" : "NO"); } return TRUE; } bool_t map_supports_map(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *supported, bool_t *secure) { int i, j; *supported = FALSE; for (i = 0; domains[i].domain != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(domains[i].domain, domain) == 0) { break; } } if (domains[i].domain != NULL) { for (j = 0; domains[i].maps[j].map != NULL; j++) { if (strcmp(domains[i].maps[j].map, map) == 0) { if (supported != NULL) { *supported = TRUE; } break; } } } if (secure != NULL) { *secure = FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool_t map_order(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, unsigned int *order) { *order = 1; *secure = FALSE; return TRUE; } static struct entry * map_find_entries(const char *domain, const char *map) { int i, j; for (i = 0; domains[i].domain != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(domains[i].domain, domain) == 0) { break; } } if (domains[i].domain == NULL) { return NULL; } for (j = 0; domains[i].maps[j].map != NULL; j++) { if (strcmp(domains[i].maps[j].map, map) == 0) { break; } } if (domains[i].maps[j].map == NULL) { return NULL; } return domains[i].maps[j].entries; } bool_t map_match(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, unsigned int key_len, char *key, unsigned int *value_len, char **value, const char **id) { struct entry *entries; int i; if ((entries = map_find_entries(domain, map)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; entries[i].key != NULL; i++) { if ((strlen(entries[i].key) == key_len) && (memcmp(entries[i].key, key, key_len) == 0)) { break; } } if (entries[i].key == NULL) { return FALSE; } *secure = FALSE; *value = entries[i].value; *value_len = strlen(entries[i].value); *id = entries[i].key; return TRUE; } bool_t map_match_id(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, const char *in_id, unsigned int in_index, unsigned int *key_len, char **key, unsigned int *value_len, char **value, const char **id) { struct entry *entries; int i; if (in_index != 0) { return FALSE; } if ((entries = map_find_entries(domain, map)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; entries[i].id != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(entries[i].id, in_id) == 0) { break; } } if (entries[i].id == NULL) { return FALSE; } *secure = FALSE; *key = entries[i].key; *key_len = strlen(entries[i].key); *value = entries[i].value; *value_len = strlen(entries[i].value); *id = entries[i].id; return TRUE; } bool_t map_first(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, unsigned int *first_key_len, char **first_key, unsigned int *first_value_len, char **first_value, const char **first_id, int *first_id_index) { struct entry *entries; if ((entries = map_find_entries(domain, map)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (entries[0].key == NULL) { return FALSE; } *secure = FALSE; *first_key = entries[0].key; *first_key_len = strlen(entries[0].key); *first_value = entries[0].value; *first_value_len = strlen(entries[0].value); *first_id = entries[0].id; *first_id_index = 0; return TRUE; } bool_t map_next(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, unsigned int prev_len, const char *prev, unsigned int *next_key_len, char **next_key, unsigned int *next_value_len, char **next_value) { struct entry *entries; int i; if ((entries = map_find_entries(domain, map)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; entries[i].key != NULL; i++) { if ((strlen(entries[i].key) == prev_len) && (memcmp(entries[i].key, prev, prev_len) == 0)) { break; } } if (entries[i].key == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (entries[i + 1].key == NULL) { return FALSE; } *secure = FALSE; *next_key = entries[i + 1].key; *next_key_len = strlen(entries[i + 1].key); *next_value = entries[i + 1].value; *next_value_len = strlen(entries[i + 1].value); return TRUE; } bool_t map_next_id(struct plugin_state *state, const char *domain, const char *map, bool_t *secure, const char *prev_id, int prev_id_index, unsigned int *next_key_len, char **next_key, unsigned int *next_value_len, char **next_value, const char **next_id, int *next_id_index) { struct entry *entries; int i; if ((entries = map_find_entries(domain, map)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; entries[i].id != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(entries[i].id, prev_id) == 0) { break; } } if (entries[i].id == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (entries[i + 1].id == NULL) { return FALSE; } *secure = FALSE; *next_key = entries[i + 1].key; *next_key_len = strlen(entries[i + 1].key); *next_value = entries[i + 1].value; *next_value_len = strlen(entries[i + 1].value); *next_id = entries[i + 1].id; *next_id_index = 0; return TRUE; }