The plugin's configuration is entirely devoted to sets of entries or groups of those sets. As a result, the entry contains the standard attributes for plugins and nothing more. An example plugin entry might look like this: dn: cn=Schema Compatibility, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject cn: Schema Compatibility nsslapd-pluginpath: /usr/lib/dirsrv/plugins/ nsslapd-plugininitfunc: schema_compat_plugin_init nsslapd-plugintype: object nsslapd-pluginenabled: on nsslapd-pluginid: schema-compat nsslapd-version: 0.0 nsslapd-pluginvendor: nsslapd-plugindescription: Schema Compatibility Plugin Configuration for individual sets should be stored in entries directly beneath the plugin's entry. These attributes are recognized: * schema-compat-container-group (required) The top-level container DN under which this container's entry appears. This level of grouping is primarily useful when using the ''referred'' function. * schema-compat-container-rdn (optional) The RDN of this particular container. If it's omitted, generated entries will show up directly in the container group. * schema-compat-search-base (required, multivalued) One or more locations in the directory where candidate entries can be found. * schema-compat-search-filter (required) A filter used to select which candidate entries should have new entries created for them in this container. * schema-compat-entry-rdn (required) The RDN to give to generated entries, which will be stored as children of this container. * schema-compat-entry-attribute (optional, multivalued) Additional attributes to add to each entry in this container. * schema-compat-ignore-subtree (optional, multivalued) An optional set of subtrees under which the plugin will ignore all content and updates. By default, this is set to "cn=tasks,cn=config". * schema-compat-restrict-subtree (optional, multivalued) An optional set of subtrees from under which the plugin will only consider content and updates. If you have a large DIT and many maps, using this setting may reduce the amount of work the plugin has to do, by short-circuiting possibly-expensive checks to see if an entry being modified affects the contents of various maps. An pair of example definitions might look like this: dn: ou=People,cn=Schema Compatibility, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject schema-compat-container-group: cn=compat,cn=Accounts,dc=example,dc=com schema-compat-container-rdn: ou=People schema-compat-search-base: cn=Users,cn=Accounts,dc=example,dc=com schema-compat-search-filter: (objectClass=posixAccount) schema-compat-entry-rdn: uid=%{uid} schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectClass=account schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectClass=posixAccount schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectClass=inetOrgPerson schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectClass=kerberosPrincipalAux schema-compat-entry-attribute: homeDirectory=%{homeDirectory} schema-compat-entry-attribute: uidNumber=%{uidNumber} schema-compat-entry-attribute: gidNumber=%{gidNumber} schema-compat-entry-attribute: loginShell=%{loginShell} schema-compat-entry-attribute: userPassword=* schema-compat-entry-attribute: mail=%{uid} schema-compat-entry-attribute: krbPrincipalName=%{uid}@EXAMPLE.COM dn: ou=Group,cn=Schema Compatibility, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject schema-compat-container-group: cn=compat,cn=Accounts,dc=example,dc=com schema-compat-container-rdn: ou=Group schema-compat-search-base: cn=Groups,cn=Accounts,dc=example,dc=com schema-compat-search-filter: (objectClass=posixGroup) schema-compat-entry-rdn: cn=%{cn} schema-compat-entry-attribute: objectClass=posixGroup schema-compat-entry-attribute: gidNumber=%{gidNumber} schema-compat-entry-attribute: userPassword=* schema-compat-entry-attribute: memberUid=%{memberUid} schema-compat-entry-attribute: memberUid=%deref("member","uid") schema-compat-entry-attribute: memberUid=%referred("ou=People","memberOf","uid")