There are two classes of configuration information which the plugin uses: configuration for the plugin as a whole, and configuration for individual maps. Configuration for the plugin as a whole is stored in the same entry which instructs the server to load the plugin. These attributes are recognized: * nis-max-dgram-size This sets the maximum size of a response that the server will attempt to send to clients which issued a query over UDP. The default value is 1024 bytes. * nis-max-value-size This sets the maximum size of a value that the server will attempt to send to clients which issued a query over TCP. This primarily comes into play when the client attempts to enumerate the contents of a map using the yp_all() function. While the server attempts to respond in chunks of roughly 4 kB at a time, exceptions are made up to a point. The default value is 262144 (256 kB). * nis-tcp-wrappers-name This sets the name the server will use when evaluating hosts.allow and hosts.deny files to determine if the client should be allowed access. The default is "nis-plugin". * nis-securenet This multi-valued attribute provides information about which networks are allowed to access the service. If no values are present (this is the default), all clients are allowed access. Any values which are present are interpreted as a netmask and a network block address. The value "" is one valid example. * nsslapd-pluginarg0 This sets the port on which the server should listen for client request. By default, the server will use an arbitrariliy-chosen privileged port, but this option is provided to allow administrators to run the service on systems which have firewalls configured. In combination with the settings the directory server itself needs in order to be able to load a postoperation plugin, an example entry might look like this: dn: cn=NIS Server, cn=plugins, cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject cn: NIS Server nsslapd-pluginpath: /usr/lib/dirsrv/plugins/ nsslapd-plugininitfunc: nis_plugin_init nsslapd-plugintype: postoperation nsslapd-pluginenabled: on nsslapd-pluginid: nis-server nsslapd-version: 0.0 nsslapd-pluginvendor: nsslapd-plugindescription: NIS Server Plugin nsslapd-pluginarg0: 876 nis-tcp-wrappers-name: nis-server nis-max-dgram-size: 2048 nis-max-value-size: 1048576 Configuration for individual maps should be stored in entries directly beneath the plugin's entry. These attributes are recognized: * nis-domain The NIS domain in which this map appears. The server will claim to support any domain for which it has at least one map configured. There is no default value, and a single map will appear in multiple domains if this attribute has multiple values. * nis-map The name of this map in the domain. There is no default value, and a single map will appear with multiple names if this attribute has multiple values. * nis-base The entry under which directory server entries which should be converted into NIS map entries can be found. There is no default setting. If this attribute has more than one value, the resulting NIS map will include every entry which can be found by searching under all of the specified entries. * nis-secure Indicates that the contents of this map should only be visible to clients whose queries originated from port numbers below 1024. The default setting for all maps is "no". * nis-filter The filter which is used to select entries for conversion, given as an LDAP search filter. A default value, which varies based on the name of the map, is used if none is specified. * nis-key-format A format specifier which the plugin will use to convert the contents of the directory server entry into a key for the NIS map. If the expression fails to evaluate, or evaluates to more than one value, the entry will be ignored. This can be used to ensure a 1-to-1 mapping between entries in the directory server and a NIS map. The syntax of format specifiers is described in "format-specifiers.txt". * nis-keys-format A format specifier which the plugin will use to convert the contents of the directory server entry into a set of keys for the NIS map. The resulting NIS map will include a key for each value to which the expression evaluates. This can be used to allow for an arbitrary number of NIS map entries to be created for a given directory server entry. The syntax of format specifiers is described in "format-specifiers.txt". * nis-value-format A format specifier which the plugin will use to convert the contents of the directory server entry into a NIS map entry's value. If the entry will have multiple keys, each key will use the same value. The syntax of format specifiers is described in "format-specifiers.txt". * nis-values-format A format specifier which the plugin will use to convert the contents of the directory server entry into values for NIS map entries. Typically this will be used in combination with a "nis-keys-format" setting to generate a set of key/value pairs for a single directory server entry. If there are fewer values than keys, the values will be reused. The syntax of format specifiers is described in "format-specifiers.txt". * nis-disallowed-chars A list of characters which, if found in an attribute value, will cause that attribute value to be ignored when evaluating keys and values. The nis-filter, nis-key-format, nis-keys-format, nis-value-format, and nis-values-format settings all have defaults which vary based on the name of the NIS map, but the defaults can always be overridden. An example map definition might look like this: dn:,cn=NIS Server,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject nis-domain: nis-map: email.byname nis-base: cn=Users, cn=Accounts, dc=example, dc=com nis-filter: (&(mail=*)(uid=*)) nis-key-format: %{uid} nis-value-format: %{uid}:%{mail} nis-disallowed-chars: : nis-secure: no In this example, a filter, key-format, and value-format needed to be specified because the module has no built-in defaults for a map named "email.byname". Default filter and format settings are built into the module for the maps listed in "nis-known-maps.txt".