NIS itself consists of approximately a dozen RPC functions.  In RPC parlance, the yppasswd protocol, which provides a means of remotely changing passwords and GECOS information, is a wholly different protocol, and no attempt has been made to implement any part of it in this plugin.  The rationale for this is that browser-based self-service solutions for this problem are assumed to be plentiful, and as the yppasswd protocol doesn't encrypt passwords when they're sent over the network, it's best avoided if possible. Getting back to NIS, the protocol consists of several remote procedure call interfaces which a server is expected to provide, and compatibility can most simply be described by noting differences between this implementation and typical NIS server implementations. YPPROC_NULL   This function doesn't actually do anything.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_DOMAIN YPPROC_DOMAIN_NONACK   These functions are used by a client's ypbind daemon to verify that a particular server contains maps for a given domain.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_MATCH   This function searches for one entry in a map, and is typically what the "ypmatch" command-line utility uses.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_FIRST   This function retrieves the first entry in a map.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_NEXT   This function retrieves the entry in a map which immediately follows another, specified, entry in the map.  The combination of YPPROC_FIRST and YPPROC_NEXT provides one mechanism for clients to walk the entire set of entries in a map. While typical NIS servers have a defined order for entries in maps (that order usually being the same as the ordering used in the files which were used to generate the maps), a directory server does not define such an order, so while this function can still be used to retrieve all of the entries in a map, no guarantee can be made with respect to the order in which those entries will be found. YPPROC_ALL   This function retrieves all of the entries in a map, and is typically what the "ypcat" command-line utility uses.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_MASTER   This function retrieves the name of the NIS server which is the master (in replication scenarios) for a specified map.  Because replication of data is handled at the directory server level, this function is a no-op. YPPROC_CLEAR  This function typically instructs a NIS server to close and reopen the file from which it is reading the contents of a map. Because the plugin updates its maps at the same time the data on which those maps depend is modified, this function is a no-op. YPPROC_XFR   This function typically instructs a NIS server to re-fetch a map from the server which is the master for the map. Because replication of data is handled at the directory server level, this function is a no-op. YPPROC_ORDER   This function retrieves the time that a specified map was last modified, typically used by a replica NIS server to determine when it needs to fetch an updated set of map entries.  Fully implemented. YPPROC_MAPLIST   This function retrieves the list of maps defined for the specified domain.  While there is no typical command-line utility which fetches this information, the source tree includes a python script which calls this function and prints its results.  Fully implemented.