# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Common utility functions and classes for unit tests. """ import inspect import os from os import path import tempfile import shutil import ipalib class TempDir(object): def __init__(self): self.__path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ipa.tests.') assert self.path == self.__path def __get_path(self): assert path.abspath(self.__path) == self.__path assert self.__path.startswith('/tmp/ipa.tests.') assert path.isdir(self.__path) and not path.islink(self.__path) return self.__path path = property(__get_path) def rmtree(self): if self.__path is not None: shutil.rmtree(self.path) self.__path = None def makedirs(self, *parts): d = self.join(*parts) if not path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) assert path.isdir(d) and not path.islink(d) return d def touch(self, *parts): d = self.makedirs(*parts[:-1]) f = path.join(d, parts[-1]) assert not path.exists(f) open(f, 'w').close() assert path.isfile(f) and not path.islink(f) return f def write(self, content, *parts): d = self.makedirs(*parts[:-1]) f = path.join(d, parts[-1]) assert not path.exists(f) open(f, 'w').write(content) assert path.isfile(f) and not path.islink(f) return f def join(self, *parts): return path.join(self.path, *parts) def __del__(self): self.rmtree() class TempHome(TempDir): def __init__(self): super(TempHome, self).__init__() self.__home = os.environ['HOME'] os.environ['HOME'] = self.path def rmtree(self): os.environ['HOME'] = self.__home super(TempHome, self).rmtree() class ExceptionNotRaised(Exception): """ Exception raised when an *expected* exception is *not* raised during a unit test. """ msg = 'expected %s' def __init__(self, expected): self.expected = expected def __str__(self): return self.msg % self.expected.__name__ def raises(exception, callback, *args, **kw): """ Tests that the expected exception is raised; raises ExceptionNotRaised if test fails. """ raised = False try: callback(*args, **kw) except exception, e: raised = True if not raised: raise ExceptionNotRaised(exception) return e def getitem(obj, key): """ Works like getattr but for dictionary interface. Use this in combination with raises() to test that, for example, KeyError is raised. """ return obj[key] def setitem(obj, key, value): """ Works like setattr but for dictionary interface. Use this in combination with raises() to test that, for example, TypeError is raised. """ obj[key] = value def delitem(obj, key): """ Works like delattr but for dictionary interface. Use this in combination with raises() to test that, for example, TypeError is raised. """ del obj[key] def no_set(obj, name, value='some_new_obj'): """ Tests that attribute cannot be set. """ raises(AttributeError, setattr, obj, name, value) def no_del(obj, name): """ Tests that attribute cannot be deleted. """ raises(AttributeError, delattr, obj, name) def read_only(obj, name, value='some_new_obj'): """ Tests that attribute is read-only. Returns attribute. """ # Test that it cannot be set: no_set(obj, name, value) # Test that it cannot be deleted: no_del(obj, name) # Return the attribute return getattr(obj, name) def is_prop(prop): return type(prop) is property class ClassChecker(object): __cls = None __subcls = None def __get_cls(self): if self.__cls is None: self.__cls = self._cls assert inspect.isclass(self.__cls) return self.__cls cls = property(__get_cls) def __get_subcls(self): if self.__subcls is None: self.__subcls = self.get_subcls() assert inspect.isclass(self.__subcls) return self.__subcls subcls = property(__get_subcls) def get_subcls(self): raise NotImplementedError( self.__class__.__name__, 'get_subcls()' ) def check_TypeError(value, type_, name, callback, *args, **kw): """ Tests a standard TypeError raised with `errors.raise_TypeError`. """ e = raises(TypeError, callback, *args, **kw) assert e.value is value assert e.type is type_ assert e.name == name assert type(e.name) is str assert str(e) == ipalib.errors.TYPE_FORMAT % (name, type_, value) return e def get_api(**kw): """ Returns (api, home) tuple. This function returns a tuple containing an `ipalib.plugable.API` instance and a `TempHome` instance. """ home = TempHome() api = ipalib.get_standard_api() api.env.mode = 'unit_test' api.env.in_tree = True for (key, value) in kw.iteritems(): api.env[key] = value return (api, home)