# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Test the `ipalib.rpc` module. """ import threading from xmlrpclib import Binary, Fault, dumps, loads from tests.util import raises, assert_equal, PluginTester, DummyClass from tests.data import binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str from ipalib.frontend import Command from ipalib.request import context from ipalib import rpc, errors2 std_compound = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str) def dump_n_load(value): (param, method) = loads( dumps((value,), allow_none=True) ) return param[0] def round_trip(value): return rpc.xml_unwrap( dump_n_load(rpc.xml_wrap(value)) ) def test_round_trip(): """ Test `ipalib.rpc.xml_wrap` and `ipalib.rpc.xml_unwrap`. This tests the two functions together with ``xmlrpclib.dumps()`` and ``xmlrpclib.loads()`` in a full wrap/dumps/loads/unwrap round trip. """ # We first test that our assumptions about xmlrpclib module in the Python # standard library are correct: assert_equal(dump_n_load(utf8_bytes), unicode_str) assert_equal(dump_n_load(unicode_str), unicode_str) assert_equal(dump_n_load(Binary(binary_bytes)).data, binary_bytes) assert isinstance(dump_n_load(Binary(binary_bytes)), Binary) assert type(dump_n_load('hello')) is str assert type(dump_n_load(u'hello')) is str assert_equal(dump_n_load(''), '') assert_equal(dump_n_load(u''), '') assert dump_n_load(None) is None # Now we test our wrap and unwrap methods in combination with dumps, loads: # All str should come back str (because they get wrapped in # xmlrpclib.Binary(). All unicode should come back unicode because str # explicity get decoded by rpc.xml_unwrap() if they weren't already # decoded by xmlrpclib.loads(). assert_equal(round_trip(utf8_bytes), utf8_bytes) assert_equal(round_trip(unicode_str), unicode_str) assert_equal(round_trip(binary_bytes), binary_bytes) assert type(round_trip('hello')) is str assert type(round_trip(u'hello')) is unicode assert_equal(round_trip(''), '') assert_equal(round_trip(u''), u'') assert round_trip(None) is None compound = [utf8_bytes, None, binary_bytes, (None, unicode_str), dict(utf8=utf8_bytes, chars=unicode_str, data=binary_bytes) ] assert round_trip(compound) == tuple(compound) def test_xml_wrap(): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_wrap` function. """ f = rpc.xml_wrap assert f([]) == tuple() assert f({}) == dict() b = f('hello') assert isinstance(b, Binary) assert b.data == 'hello' u = f(u'hello') assert type(u) is unicode assert u == u'hello' value = f([dict(one=False, two=u'hello'), None, 'hello']) def test_xml_unwrap(): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_unwrap` function. """ f = rpc.xml_unwrap assert f([]) == tuple() assert f({}) == dict() value = f(Binary(utf8_bytes)) assert type(value) is str assert value == utf8_bytes assert f(utf8_bytes) == unicode_str assert f(unicode_str) == unicode_str value = f([True, Binary('hello'), dict(one=1, two=utf8_bytes, three=None)]) assert value == (True, 'hello', dict(one=1, two=unicode_str, three=None)) assert type(value[1]) is str assert type(value[2]['two']) is unicode def test_xml_dumps(): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_dumps` function. """ f = rpc.xml_dumps params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None) # Test serializing an RPC request: data = f(params, 'the_method') (p, m) = loads(data) assert_equal(m, u'the_method') assert type(p) is tuple assert rpc.xml_unwrap(p) == params # Test serializing an RPC response: data = f((params,), methodresponse=True) (tup, m) = loads(data) assert m is None assert len(tup) == 1 assert type(tup) is tuple assert rpc.xml_unwrap(tup[0]) == params # Test serializing an RPC response containing a Fault: fault = Fault(69, unicode_str) data = f(fault, methodresponse=True) e = raises(Fault, loads, data) assert e.faultCode == 69 assert_equal(e.faultString, unicode_str) def test_xml_loads(): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_loads` function. """ f = rpc.xml_loads params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None) wrapped = rpc.xml_wrap(params) # Test un-serializing an RPC request: data = dumps(wrapped, 'the_method', allow_none=True) (p, m) = f(data) assert_equal(m, u'the_method') assert_equal(p, params) # Test un-serializing an RPC response: data = dumps((wrapped,), methodresponse=True, allow_none=True) (tup, m) = f(data) assert m is None assert len(tup) == 1 assert type(tup) is tuple assert_equal(tup[0], params) # Test un-serializing an RPC response containing a Fault: fault = Fault(69, unicode_str) data = dumps(fault, methodresponse=True, allow_none=True) e = raises(Fault, f, data) assert e.faultCode == 69 assert_equal(e.faultString, unicode_str) class test_xmlclient(PluginTester): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xmlclient` plugin. """ _plugin = rpc.xmlclient def test_forward(self): """ Test the `ipalib.rpc.xmlclient.forward` method. """ class user_add(Command): pass # Test that ValueError is raised when forwarding a command that is not # in api.Command: (o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', in_server=False) e = raises(ValueError, o.forward, 'user_add') assert str(e) == '%s.forward(): %r not in api.Command' % ( 'xmlclient', 'user_add' ) # Test that StandardError is raised when context.xmlconn does not exist: (o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', user_add, in_server=False) e = raises(StandardError, o.forward, 'user_add') assert str(e) == '%s.forward(%r): need context.xmlconn in thread %r' % ( 'xmlclient', 'user_add', threading.currentThread().getName() ) args = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str) kw = dict(one=binary_bytes, two=utf8_bytes, three=unicode_str) params = args + (kw,) result = (unicode_str, binary_bytes, utf8_bytes) context.xmlconn = DummyClass( ( 'user_add', (rpc.xml_wrap(params),), {}, rpc.xml_wrap(result), ), ( 'user_add', (rpc.xml_wrap(params),), {}, Fault(3005, u"'four' is required"), # RequirementError ), ( 'user_add', (rpc.xml_wrap(params),), {}, Fault(700, u'no such error'), # There is no error 700 ), ) # Test with a successful return value: assert o.forward('user_add', *args, **kw) == result # Test with an errno the client knows: e = raises(errors2.RequirementError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw) assert_equal(e.message, u"'four' is required") # Test with an errno the client doesn't know e = raises(errors2.UnknownError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw) assert_equal(e.code, 700) assert_equal(e.error, u'no such error') assert context.xmlconn._calledall() is True del context.xmlconn