#!/bin/bash # Script to run nosetests under multiple versions of Python versions="python2.4 python2.5 python2.6" versions="python2.5 python2.6" for name in $versions do executable="/usr/bin/$name" if [[ -f $executable ]]; then echo "[ $name: Starting tests... ]" ((runs += 1)) if $executable /usr/bin/nosetests -v --with-doctest then echo "[ $name: Tests OK ]" else echo "[ $name: Tests FAILED ]" ((failures += 1)) fi else echo "[ $name: Not found ]" fi echo "" done if [ $failures ]; then echo "[ Ran under $runs version(s); FAILED under $failures version(s) ]" exit $failures else echo "[ Ran under $runs version(s); all OK ]" fi