# Authors: # Petr Viktorin # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Host class for integration testing""" import os import socket import threading import subprocess import errno import paramiko from ipapython import ipautil from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import log_mgr class RemoteCommand(object): """A Popen-style object representing a remote command Unlike subprocess.Popen, this does not run the given command; instead it only starts a shell. The command must be written to stdin manually. The standard error and output are handled by this class. They're not available for file-like reading. They are logged by default. To make sure reading doesn't stall after one buffer fills up, they are read in parallel using threads. After calling wait(), stdout_text and stderr_text attributes will be strings containing the output, and returncode will contain the exit code. :param host: The Host on which the command is run :param argv: The command that will be run (for logging only) :param index: An identification number added to the logs :param log_stdout: If false, stdout will not be logged """ def __init__(self, host, argv, index, log_stdout=True): self.returncode = None self.host = host self.argv = argv self._stdout_lines = [] self._stderr_lines = [] self.running_threads = set() self.logger_name = '%s.cmd%s' % (self.host.logger_name, index) self.log = log_mgr.get_logger(self.logger_name) self.log.info('RUN %s', argv) self._ssh = host.transport.open_channel('session') self._ssh.invoke_shell() stdin = self.stdin = self._ssh.makefile('wb') stdout = self._ssh.makefile('rb') stderr = self._ssh.makefile_stderr('rb') self._start_pipe_thread(self._stdout_lines, stdout, 'out', log_stdout) self._start_pipe_thread(self._stderr_lines, stderr, 'err', True) self._done = False def wait(self, raiseonerr=True): """Wait for the remote process to exit Raises an excption if the exit code is not 0. """ if self._done: return self.returncode self._ssh.shutdown_write() while self.running_threads: self.running_threads.pop().join() self.stdout_text = ''.join(self._stdout_lines) self.stderr_text = ''.join(self._stderr_lines) self.returncode = self._ssh.recv_exit_status() self._ssh.close() self._done = True if raiseonerr and self.returncode: self.log.error('Exit code: %s', self.returncode) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(self.returncode, self.argv) else: self.log.debug('Exit code: %s', self.returncode) return self.returncode def _start_pipe_thread(self, result_list, stream, name, do_log=True): log = log_mgr.get_logger('%s.%s' % (self.logger_name, name)) def read_stream(): for line in stream: if do_log: log.debug(line.rstrip('\n')) result_list.append(line) thread = threading.Thread(target=read_stream) self.running_threads.add(thread) thread.start() return thread class Host(object): """Representation of a remote IPA host""" def __init__(self, domain, hostname, role, index, ip=None): self.domain = domain self.role = role self.index = index shortname, dot, ext_domain = hostname.partition('.') self.shortname = shortname self.hostname = shortname + '.' + self.domain.name self.external_hostname = hostname self.logger_name = '%s.%s.%s' % ( self.__module__, type(self).__name__, shortname) self.log = log_mgr.get_logger(self.logger_name) if ip: self.ip = ip else: if self.config.ipv6: # $(dig +short $M $rrtype|tail -1) stdout, stderr, returncode = ipautil.run( ['dig', '+short', self.external_hostname, 'AAAA']) self.ip = stdout.splitlines()[-1].strip() else: try: self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.external_hostname) except socket.gaierror: self.ip = None if not self.ip: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine IP address of %s' % self.external_hostname) self.root_password = self.config.root_password self.root_ssh_key_filename = self.config.root_ssh_key_filename self.host_key = None self.ssh_port = 22 self.env_sh_path = os.path.join(domain.config.test_dir, 'env.sh') self._command_index = 0 self.log_collectors = [] def __repr__(self): template = ('<{s.__module__}.{s.__class__.__name__} ' '{s.hostname} ({s.role})>') return template.format(s=self) def add_log_collector(self, collector): """Register a log collector for this host""" self.log_collectors.append(collector) def remove_log_collector(self, collector): """Unregister a log collector""" self.log_collectors.remove(collector) @classmethod def from_env(cls, env, domain, hostname, role, index): ip = env.get('BEAKER%s%s_IP_env%s' % (role.upper(), index, domain.index), None) self = cls(domain, hostname, role, index, ip) return self @property def config(self): return self.domain.config def to_env(self, **kwargs): """Return environment variables specific to this host""" env = self.domain.to_env(**kwargs) role = self.role.upper() if self.role != 'master': role += str(self.index) env['MYHOSTNAME'] = self.hostname env['MYBEAKERHOSTNAME'] = self.external_hostname env['MYIP'] = self.ip env['MYROLE'] = '%s%s' % (role, self.domain._env) env['MYENV'] = str(self.domain.index) return env def run_command(self, argv, set_env=True, stdin_text=None, log_stdout=True, raiseonerr=True, cwd=None): """Run the given command on this host Returns a RemoteCommand instance. The command will have already run when this method returns, so its stdout_text, stderr_text, and returncode attributes will be available. :param argv: Command to run, as either a Popen-style list, or a string containing a shell script :param set_env: If true, env.sh exporting configuration variables will be sourced before running the command. :param stdin_text: If given, will be written to the command's stdin :param log_stdout: If false, standard output will not be logged (but will still be available as cmd.stdout_text) :param raiseonerr: If true, an exception will be raised if the command does not exit with return code 0 """ command = RemoteCommand(self, argv, index=self._command_index, log_stdout=log_stdout) self._command_index += 1 if cwd is None: cwd = self.config.test_dir command.stdin.write('cd %s\n' % ipautil.shell_quote(cwd)) if set_env: command.stdin.write('. %s\n' % ipautil.shell_quote(self.env_sh_path)) command.stdin.write('set -e\n') if isinstance(argv, basestring): command.stdin.write('(') command.stdin.write(argv) command.stdin.write(')') else: for arg in argv: command.stdin.write(ipautil.shell_quote(arg)) command.stdin.write(' ') command.stdin.write(';exit\n') if stdin_text: command.stdin.write(stdin_text) command.stdin.flush() command.wait(raiseonerr=raiseonerr) return command @property def transport(self): """Paramiko Transport connected to this host""" try: return self._transport except AttributeError: sock = socket.create_connection((self.external_hostname, self.ssh_port)) self._transport = transport = paramiko.Transport(sock) transport.connect(hostkey=self.host_key) if self.root_ssh_key_filename: self.log.debug('Authenticating with private RSA key') filename = os.path.expanduser(self.root_ssh_key_filename) key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(filename) transport.auth_publickey(username='root', key=key) elif self.root_password: self.log.debug('Authenticating with password') transport.auth_password(username='root', password=self.root_password) else: self.log.critical('No SSH credentials configured') raise RuntimeError('No SSH credentials configured') return transport @property def sftp(self): """Paramiko SFTPClient connected to this host""" try: return self._sftp except AttributeError: transport = self.transport self._sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) return self._sftp def mkdir_recursive(self, path): """`mkdir -p` on the remote host""" try: self.sftp.chdir(path or '/') except IOError as e: if not path or path == '/': raise self.mkdir_recursive(os.path.dirname(path)) self.sftp.mkdir(path) self.sftp.chdir(path) def get_file_contents(self, filename): """Read the named remote file and return the contents as a string""" self.log.debug('READ %s', filename) with self.sftp.open(filename) as f: return f.read() def put_file_contents(self, filename, contents): """Write the given string to the named remote file""" self.log.info('WRITE %s', filename) with self.sftp.open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) def file_exists(self, filename): """Return true if the named remote file exists""" self.log.debug('STAT %s', filename) try: self.sftp.stat(filename) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False else: raise return True def get_file(self, remotepath, localpath): self.log.debug('GET %s', remotepath) self.sftp.get(remotepath, localpath) def put_file(self, localpath, remotepath): self.log.info('PUT %s', remotepath) self.sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) def collect_log(self, filename): for collector in self.log_collectors: collector(self, filename)